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Posts posted by Dustin

  1. Dustin’s sword begins to glow blue. This is taking quite a while, I need to try to speed this up. “I guess I’ll try an AoE.” He slashes in a Square, letting the slashes move out. The Merfolk however, easily understood this attack and moved out of the way. Damn that attack is too much work to be worth anything. He quickly moves out of the way, trying to avoid the Merfolk and the players, ending up behind everyone. I’m not doing very good here, I shouldn’t be here. This guild could be so much more without a stupid idiot in their ranks. His eyes dart around at the players in this field. They could go places, earn their livings, make a difference without me holding them back. This guild would be the strongest guild I know of. The boy points his blade at the fish boys.

    ID: 110122

    BD: 2

    ID: 110123

    BD: 3


    [9/9] Jinx (Level 15) - 299/300 HP - 3/30 EN - 2 Para - 1 Bleed - 47 MIT - 2 Thorns - 1 Regen - 1 DMG

    [0/4] Arabelle (Level 7) - 140/140HP - 4/14 EN - 6 DMG - 2 ACC - 9 MIT - 3 EVA - 2 Para - 3 Prosperity [-3 EN]

    [0/0] Saphira (Level 12) - 240/240 HP - 23/24 EN - 27 MIT - 1 EVA - 6 DMG - 1 Regen - 1 Bleed

    [0/2] Dustin (Level 12) - 240/240 HP - 19/24 EN - 6 DMG - 32 MIT - 1 EVA - 1 Para - 9 Thorns - 2 BH

    [0/4] @Gryas (Level 9) - 180/180 HP - 17/18 EN - 40 MIT - 2 Thorns - 1 Taunt - 3 ACC - 1 DMG


    Merfolk 1 - 132/150 HP 45 DMG
    Merfolk 2 - 42/150 HP 45 DMG [-24 HP] [Paralyzed]


  2. Dustin thinks for a second. “I’m not sure, I’m not exactly good with women.” He turns red, looking at kirbs and remembering that she doesn’t know Enna is a male as he walks over to the player he cares about so deeply and hugs them. “But I love my Enna-Chan.” He says nervously. Phew... saved it. That was close, I almost just revealed Enna’s secret. Good thing I’m better at secrets when I’m not distracted. He looks at the player he just hugged and over to kirbs. “As far as I know, Kirbs hates men. Understandably too, men are stupid.” He chuckles, booping his love on the nose and sitting down. He smiles and pulls out a cake taking a bite and smiling. “Have fun sweetie, I’m eating this cake.” He smiles stuffing his face with cake.

    @Ennakai @Kirbs

  3. “Peanut butter sandwich? Coming right up. White bread, wheat bread, rye bread?” He asks, pulling out all three. “Actually, you can have all three.” He puts his hands in his pockets after handing all three to the woman. I can’t wait til this quest is over. He  pats the short girl on the head and walks away. “Let’s head back to town, I know a few good watering holes to drink at.” He slaps a tree looking towards town.

    The boy spins, looking to the girl, and smiles. “Or, we could hunt some monsters. Make this a little more fun. Also, you know you could’ve just tried again. But I’m not a fan of just staying outside and looking for a pet for my friend. Sorry, this quest makes me a bit bitter.” He punches a tree, the purple “immortal object” window popping up behind his hand. This quest is such a drag, I guess I’ll just do it myself first chance I get.


  4. Dustin yawns. “Come on little miss redcoat. I’m getting tired. Just get the last material and let’s get out of here.” He turns and begins to walk away, but remembers when he was left in the field alone and how much that sucked. I can’t do that to kirbs, though I don’t think I’m doing anything good here just sitting around. He looks at her. Plus it’s not like she likes me the way I liked her. His smile fades as he thinks about that day at the waterfall. I’m glad I left her there. She did nothing but treat me like crap, she deserved to die. But that’s not who I am. I can’t just let someone die. Even if she is a total b*tch. “Hey, you never answered, I asked you if you wanted a snack.” He slides his hands into his pockets and pulls out a cupcake taking a bite. He liked cookies, but cupcakes were nice too.


  5. Dustin smiles at the girl and walks over to her. “Should start looking for your pet. Be ready for anything.” He smiles patting her on the head and walking back to giant tree leanin against it. He puts his hands in his pockets and looks up, and smiling. “This world is a beauty. Kayaba did something right with this.” I even like the whole permadeath thing. I’m glad I came here, even if I had to go back, I’d do it the same way. I’d say that this world is earned it’s right to be considered a world of its own. He pulls his hands out and takes a bite of a cookie. He thinks about offering her one but remembers she refused or ignored him every other time so he decides against the embarrassment. “So, do you not like cookies or do you not like me?” He asks, staring at the ground and smiling.


  6. Dustin watches the girl. “I don’t doubt that. One day you might even be stronger than the frontliners. But when that day comes, and we duke it out, don’t you dare hold back.” He smiles, standing and pointing his blade at the girl. Heh, so I earned me another rival eh? That’s good, I need those to push myself higher than I can on my own. Also why I joined a guild. He gives her a smirk and sheathes his blade, sitting back down and smiling off into space. “You know, I don’t hate this world at all. I love it in this game. This game makes me happy, and I don’t regret coming here, ya know?” He looks at the ground. “That being said, I would like to get out of here one day. Maybe live my life, join the military, fight on the frontlines in the real world. That would be awesome.” He pulls out a chocolate bar and takes a bite, pulling out another and offering it to the girl. “Do you want my accuracy enhancement or no?” He asks, trying to get this drag of a quest over with.


  7. Dustin’s eyes widen. “What was I thinking? Am I a monster?” He says to himself. He pulls his chin up and smiles. “I’m sorry, I got a bit sad there, didn’t mean to bum anyone out if I did. Hello rival, you made it to level 10 yet?” He asks, hooping Mace on the nose. “Hestia, I want to join the force. Sorry Stryder, but I’ll take any chance I can get to bring Justice down on those who wrong the players. Whether it be the monsters or other players. We’re here in this world together, so we should help eachother to get out of it. We can’t do that with murderers running around. I’m joining the force on one condition, when it comes to Pinball, I don’t get left out.” He smiles, looking at the players around him. “As long as that is okay, I’m in. If not, I’m out of here.” He nods, knowing that even if he were to leave, nothing would change. He wasn’t important in the world of Aincrad like that.

    @Hestia @Stryder @Mace

  8. “I could kill a kirbs in one or two hits. If you want, I can prove it. If you want me to, I’ll duel you.” He sheathes his sword and pushes the boar pup towards the girl. “You have fun. I’ll sit here with my crepe.” He takes another bite. The wind sailed through the grass, cutting across the players’ faces and carrying their conversation between them. This crepe is delicious, I can’t believe Kayaba coded this flavor in. He got the texture, the firmness, the fluff. He takes a bite and the whipped cream, and strawberry syrup spills out a little. “Aww damn, I wanted the whole thing.” He frowns, looking at the slimy red spots on the ground. His eyes move up to kirbs, and he maintains his frown. “You want a snack? Cause I have a lot?” He smiles.


  9. “Dustin Aoki. Has a nice ring to it.” He pulls in the player with purple hair, giving them a quick peck. “Enna Salyer doesn’t really sound right to me anyways.” He hugs the player resting his head on theirs. “This is why I live on, to see my beautiful woman’s face.” He pulls back, patting them on the head. One day, I promise. We will have the same last name, whether it be Aoki or Salyer. He puts his hands in his pockets and pulls out a crepe, taking a bite, pulling out another and holding it up to Enna. “It’s super sweet, like my sweet.” He says, struggling to keep himself from laughing. “Sorry that was too cheesy. I could barely keep myself from laughing. I’m cheesy, but not that cheesy. Seriously, Take a bite.” He holds it to the player. He pulls his gaze over to Kirbs. “I think we should wrap this up, but hey Enna, I’ll take you on a date here soon. And I’ll have a surprise for you by then.” He winks, looking at the area around him and reading some signs around. “Meet up at your shop? Though I may have trouble finding it from here.” He moves his crepe up and takes another bite.

    @Kirbs @Ennakai

  10. “Kirbs, you’re awesome. Yes, it would not be a bit hard to get used to, but trust me. This game has a special way of breaking people. I think if there were more players like you, We’d be way further. You’re a strong player with a strong spirit. They need you on the frontlines.” He looks up at the sky, as the clouds drift by. The color in this world seems to be drifting away, like the boring has finally set in on this world. He watches the world drift by in a way that seemed like he wasn’t in his right mind. “Kirbs, if I ever die, make sure I’m forgotten. This world would’ve been so much better without a screw up like me. Also, this is gonna be weird, but I want you to take my sword in my shop, the one with the black blade, and throw it off the edge of Aincrad.” At least there it’ll do more than just sit in a case. I miss you fury’s hand. You were the best blade a boy could ask for. But I’m a man now, that’s why I have DawnBringer. His gaze shifts to the ground. I guess this is my blade now. I’ll fight and die with this sword. I’ll use it until I need a new one. And even then, I’ll make sure it stays in someone’s hand. Someone worthy of its power. He shakes his head, throwing on a fake smile and pushing himself off of the tree. “Any how, the Necklace is yours, I don’t need the enhancement. Though it is shaped after the sword of my dead brother, so I wouldn’t blame you for getting rid of it. If you do however, sell it to Stryder, he’s a pal of mine. Runs a merchant shop. Or you could give it back to my sweet Ennakai.” He sits down, pulling out a piece of beef jerky and tearing a bite off.


  11. Dustin pulls his sword up. The golden blade glowing blue as the lightning continues to swirl around it. “This game is why I smile. This world is my reason for being. My friends I have are becaue of this world, and I’m glad I’m in it. I don’t regret putting on that nerve gear. I don’t regret saying those words. I’d do it all again, hell, I’d shout them at the top of my lungs. I love this world, I won’t let you take it from me.” He rockets in, and the blue light on his sword burns bright, then disappears in a slash at the demon before him. The blade moves like a bullet, slicing through the air like a warm knife through a stick of butter. Damn, I missed, I haven’t been of much use to the team here, so why keep fighting? It makes the game so much more difficult, but it sure as hell is fun. “Kayaba, I’m gonna kill you one day. I’m gonna get to the real world and I’m gonna our a gun to your head and pull the trigger.” He frowns, backing away from the demon who had wreaked so much havoc.


    ID: 109876

    BD: 2 + 3 = 5

    Vertical Arc misses


    Party One
    [H:6]  Domarus:  459/840 HP // 28/84 EN // 21 DMG | 92 MIT | 5 ACC | 0 EVA | 4 REC | 1 TAUNT | [Event Item] 
    [H:7]  Hazado : 34/360 HP // 28/36 EN // DMG 7 | MIT 45 | ACC 1 | TAUNT 1 | Thorn -18 | 
    [H:0] Sunova:  0/240 HP //  21/24 EN // DMG 3 | ACC 2 | EVA 0 | MIT 12
    [H:4] Tricolor Mina : 5/240 HP // 23/24 EN // 8 DMG | 15 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | 3 BH | 1 BLD [Event Item]  
    [H:4] Aereth: 542/980 HP // 60/98 EN // 18 DMG | 42 MIT | 2 ACC | 3 EVA | Thorn - 10 
    [H:3] Dazia: 31/240 HP // 9/24 EN // 9 DMG | 38 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | [Event Item]  

     Party Two
    [H:1] Cosi : 302/360 HP //  36/36 EN // DMG: 4  | MIT: 66 | THN: 18 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | RGN: 5 | [Event Item] 
    [H:7] @Black 331/450 HP // 40/40 EN // DMG: 1| MIT:54 | THN: 18 | EVA: 2 | ACC : 5 |PARA : 2  | REC 1 | Taunt 1 
    [H:0] Krysta:  145/360 HP // 34/36 EN // 7 DMG | 28 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | [Event Item] 
    [H:2] @Kyot0 : 79/320 HP // 32/32 EN // 9 DMG | 26 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | 3 Keen [Event Item]
    [H:7] Vigilon: 236/540 HP //50/64 EN // 18 DMG | 48 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 3 REC | 9-10 Para | 1 BLD | 1 Taunt [Event Item] 
    [H:0] Dustin: 84/240 HP // 24/24 EN // 8 DMG | 41 MIT | 4 EVA | 3 ACC | 1 PARA | 1 Savvy | 9 Thorns | BH: 2 

    Party Three
    [H:4] Kairi: 258/640 HP // 41/64 EN // 20 DMG | 90 MIT | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 8-10 Para | 1 TNT 
    [H:2] Hidden: 530/720 HP // 50/70 EN // 18 DMG | 58 MIT | 5 ACC | 3 EVA | 8 Holy DMG| 1 HIDE [Event Item]
    [H:3] Stryder :  638/700 HP // 14/70 EN // 17 DMG | 86 Mit | ACC  7 | EVA  6 
    [H:7] Mars: 579/855 HP // 18/72 EN // MIT:11 |  DMG: 19 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5  |  Savvy: 1|  10 REG | 
    [H:4] Neapolitan: 338/560 HP // 24/56 ENG // 17 DMG | 70 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 2 BLD | 2 Para | 1 REC [Half Burn Damage] [Event Item]  
    [H:1] Kimi: 439/660 HP // 48/66 EN // 18 DMG | 25 MIT | 4 ACC | 5 EVA |


  12. I’m Dustin, having been so bored before, finally feels a fire under his ass again. This is gonna be outrageous. I’ll bash this rock and I’ll get the reward. He runs towards the rock and slams his hand into it, the wraps not letting his wrist buckle, and his conviction keeping him going. “Hell yeah, it should almost be broken.” He looks up and watches it drag closer to nothingness but stopping one pixel short. Son of a b*tch. That would’ve been so cool. He backs up, turning to see his friends helping him on this quest. This world is awesome, I made new friends, I’m getting a reward soon. I’m gonna save this world. He pulls up his hood and tightens his wraps. “Hey Hei, thanks for the wraps, they are so awesome.” He smiles, turning back to the rock and nodding. Let’s get this b*tch of a quest done, I have stuff to do later. He smiles once again.

    ID: 109872

    BD: 4 + 3 = 7

    3 - 2 = 1

    Boulder: 1/50 HP | -2 EVA

  13. What the hell Dustin. Used to be if you liked someone you were loyal. Now you’re talking about hunting the boy like a dirty animal. But he deserves it. He’s a monster now and he knows it. He made his choice and it was to become a murderer. Pinball is a murderer. He’s a lying b*stard. He’s a criminal and deserves to be treated as such.” He says to himself trying to convince himself that what he was doing is right. You hunt him down and your no better than he is. All I wanted was a fair fight, why’d he have to hold back? Does he think I’m a lesser being than him? Does he fancy himself above everyone else? Maybe his is a monster, and monster must be killed. Dustin looks to Hestia. “I’m hunting Pinball. But I’m not waiting for you to set up a jail. Nor am I waiting for you to put him on trial. He threw all of that away when he killed someone and attacked kirbs. I’m not asking for help, I’m not asking for permission, I’m telling you two what is going to happen.” He adds, switching his focus between his guild leader and the woman who saved his life. “If I die, nothing will change. I don’t have a guild to run, I don’t have bosses to fight, I don’t have family to get back to. I can’t do anything except for hunt the man I cared so deeply for. I’m a swordsman without a Sword. I’m useless.” He keeps talking. It’s not like the guardians need me. It’s not like the players in this game like me. It’s not like my mother will forgive me. I have no place, no home. No family. No reason to fight. So why do I? Why do I keep on fighting? To survive? What good is my survival? I’m not important. I’m not of any value. I’m worthless. His gaze fall to the ground, obviously broken.

  14. Dustin makes his way through the crowd, noticing the commotion caused by his guild leader. He reaches the player who had helped him so many times, saved him from his enemies and even himself. "I'm helping you hunt Pinball." He says with a stern look on his face. "I've made up my mind, and there's no changing it." He says, turning to Stryder. "I should probably stay out of this, but Pinball needs to be stopped, and I'm gonna be the one to stop him." He claims. I have no place in this world or the real one, I'd be better off dead. That's why I need this, I need to find a place in this world. The boy looks at the ground. All I have left is Ennakai, I'm gonna leave Pinball with less. He slides his hands into his pockets, pulling out a cookie. His first bite is taken, then he pulls out two more, offering them to the tank and his guild leader. "They're super good, I bought them from Neopolitan's shop." He nods, taking yet another bite from his cookie, and turning to the other players and offering them cookies as well.

    @Stryder @Hestia @Mace @Jun

  15. Dustin frowns, heartbroken by the screech of the beast he was so infatuated with. What a waste. A beautiful creature used as sport for us. “I’m sorry, but I have to do this.” He says, his voice filled with sadness as he slowly walks towards the monster. When he is in range for the attack, he launches under the queen of monsters and slashes her belly. I wish I didn’t have to do that to such a wonderful monster. Make it quick, she doesn’t need to suffer. She’s a beautiful creature and we’re making it brutal.” He frowns. I refuse to make it any harder on her, she’s suffered enough. He stands next to the monster, reaching out and gently petting its leg. “I’m sorry it had to be like this. You don’t deserve such a cruel punishment.” He frowns, continuing to pet the monster. “I’d give you lemonade, but I don’t know where to get it.” He glares at Hazado. “She’s a wonderful creature. And of course she’s willing to kill us, we saw her and instantly attacked her. Now appologize.” He says, walking back over to Hazado.

    ID: 109788

    BD: 8

    Sword attack 1 on Karka Queen

    10 DMG

  16. Roger moves into the back of the tavern, pulling out a cake, “Let me tell you all why Dustin came here in the first place.” The cake was huge, and vibrant. It was almost obvious it was the boy’s birthday and this was his cake. “He doesn’t tell anyone when it happens. It just reminds him of his brother. I brought cake this year though, so eat up.” He sets the cake on the counter and looks worriedly over to the boy in the corner.

    Dustin stands up and walks over to Roger. “What’s the cake for?” He asks. “Why it’s for you tiny.” He pats the boy on the head. He turns and moves back behind the bar and starts to clean more cups, putting them back on the shelves. “Remember, all the drinks are free today, so drink up.” He smiles at the brown haired boy with a boring brown cloak covering most of his body.

    Dustin moves back to the bar and grabs a cup. “Your finest scotch.” He says, like he was a rich fellow with the money to pay for it on any other day. Dustin smiles at his old friend, “You were so awesome back in the day, swinging your mighty axe, kicking butt and taking names. Why’d you give it up?” He tilts his head. The borderline giant spins and smiles at the boy. “I got me a lady. Also, you weren’t so bad yourself, you just need to work on keeping yourself in check.” He chuckles loudly.

  17. Dustin smiles. A police force. I can get behind that. “Hey, Hestia, you got room in that force for a useless piece of junk?” He asks? She’s not gonna be happy having to watch me all the time. Though it would be easier than her spying on me all the time. “I’ll keep under control, I swear. And as for spreading the word, I have a contact, her name is Ennakai, she’s my sweet.” He grins, growing a bit red. He looks at the tank. “Also, I wasn’t expecting an apology.” He pats the lady on the back, standing up and moving over to the brunette. “Anyways I gotta jet, shoot me a message when you start up the police force, I’ll have to talk to Stryder and the gang.” Dustin slips his hands into his pockets and begins to walk away. He stops turning and leaning against a tree, pulling out a cigar and lighting it. This world needs a police force, plus I can take care of the p.o.s. who killed Kadin. And if it comes to it, I’ll just go “awol.” He chuckles releasing a little smoke. “I’m serious about helping you out. If you ever need it or want it, I’ll help you out. It’s all I’m good for.” He nods, hiding the pain behind his voice.

    @Hestia @Kirbs

  18. Dustin charges his sword art. As his sword glows blue, he runs into the cave, releasing a burst of light. A slash in every direction, exploding on one of the bats. That's the one I'm killing first. Maybe I can focus that one while the others take on their own bats. Then we'll all take care of the last one. He looks around in the dark cave. "I think I got one. I'll try to focus that one." He attempts to keep his distance from the monster, but isn't entirely sure how far he is from the monsters. This is gonna be awesome. Though it would be better if I could see what I'm fighting, but either way, no fun unless there's fear. He smiles, looking around through the darkness. I have to find that little girl, I made a promise to that woman. And I plan to keep my promises. He tightens his grip around his favorite sword.


    ID: 109729

    BD: 3 (Miss)

    ID: 109730

    BD: 8 (Hit)

    5 * 4 (Vertical Square) = 20 DMG

    50 - 20 = 30 HP

    ID: 109731

    BD: 5 (Miss)

    ID: 109732

    BD: 5 (Miss)

    [H: 0/1/0/0] Dustin: 180/180 HP | 10/16 EN | 5 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 EVA

    [H: 1/0/1/0] Katagawa: 160/160 HP | 10/16 EN (-6 sword art) | 7 DMG | 18 THN | 17 MIT | 1 ACC | 9-10 PARA

    [H: 0/0/0/0] @Cosi: ???

    Flying Bat A: 36/50 HP | 20 DMG

    Flying Bat B: 30/50 HP | 20 DMG

    Flying Bat C: 36/50 HP | 20 DMG

    Flying Bat D: 50/50 HP | 20 DMG



  19. As the woman’s rapier pieces his chest, one thought courses through the boy’s mind. Well sh*t. This isn’t gonna be easy. He tries to move, but can’t. So she has Paralyze. His eyes dart to his health bar. Oh boy, she has bleed too. This is just delightful. He looks at her, his body still not moving. “I was not expecting that. Holy crap, you’re awesome.” He struggles to say through the paralysis and constant tingling to simulate pain. The red pixels falling from his wound on his chest as he looks at his arms. Come on Dustin, you can’t lose to a tank. All they ever do is stand around. This is just gonna be annoying. He struggles, trying to move, but alas the paralysis was thorough. Wow Kayaba, you’re a prick. “Holy crap, that was rough.” He chuckles. “Whatever happens, don’t hold back.” He blinks. Holding back is the most offensive action you can take. It means you think less of them, so I refuse to let someone hold back when fighting me. He smiles.

    Dustin: HP- 251/280 | EN- 22/28 | DMG- 6 | MIT- 23 | ACC- 1 | EVA- 1 | THRN- 9 | BH- 1%  Paralyzed. Bleed

    Jinx: HP 300/300 | EN 30/30 | 47 MIT | 2 THRNS <18dmg> | 1 RGN <5Hp> | 2 Para <8-10> | 1 BLD <9-10, 12DMG>


  20. Dustin sighs, watching the two players take off. There’s a reason I hang out with you two. This is it. Y’all know how to have fun. He starts to walk, following the direction and heading back towards the safe zone. I can try to stay alive my sweet, but no promises. He smiles, lightly jogging in the path they had followed to the battle grounds. Damnit Enna, why’d you have to leave so quickly? He jogs, catching up to the two. “Hey, what the hell dear?” He pats Ennakai on the head. “You can’t just ditch me like that. Also, don’t scare miss redcoat, she’s just a child.” He hugs the player with purple hair. “Also, hey Kirbs. The naming the firstborn child after you, I promise, it’ll have a K in there.” He leans against the nearest object. His smile reveals the joking nature in his voice. He looks over to Enna. “I’ll definitely send you a message when I’m going to do a dangerous thing, but that doesn’t mean I want you to show up.” He slips his hands into his pockets. “Hey Kirbs, that was pretty impressive back there.” He looks at his health bar which had reached full capacity in the traveling.

    @Kirbs @Ennakai

  21. Dustin flies through the air and holds his blade up high. Oh, this is it, he’s dead. Suddenly an axe slams into the boy, his blade catches the axe, doing no damage. The force of the blow launches him back next to Hestia. “Don’t worry about it Hestia. You can’t die. And once I get to the frontlines, I’ll make sure to not die. Until then though... no promises.” He stands up, looking over to the girl. So, it’s gonna be one of those days. He pulls his sword up to the ready and slams rests it on his shield. The point of the sword in line with the monster. His eyes move to the tank who had saved him on several occasions. “Hey Hestia, wanna help me with this one? I’ll try to make it worth your while.” He runs back towards the Minotaur. “Unless you don’t wanna, in which case, I’ll still try to make this whole thing worth while.” His legs drop as he slides under the monster, locking his eyes on the enemy. 

    ID: 109649

    BD: 2

    MD: 6 - 2 = 4

    Dustin: 260/260 HP | 24/26 EN | 5 DMG | 32 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | 1 SVY | 1 PARA | 9 Thorns | BH: 2 (H: 0)

    Minotaur: 45/45 HP | 30 DMG


  22. Dustin eyes down the woman he saw as an opponent. Not that he hated her. Actually the opposite. He respects her, so he wants to prove he can do more than just attack like a dog. But that’s all I’m good for, so why not try to branch out? Dueling her is as good a place to start as any. His sword begins to glow green. Woah, it’s not blue this time, I guess that means I’m getting stronger. His legs move in as he attempts to attack, landing all five jabs perfectly. The difficult part was he lightning fast transition to the uppercut. After doing that, he launches backwards in a hop, not too far, but just enough to be out of her reach. Damn, Pinball jumps further. Guess I’ll have to work on that too. He stoops low and stands at the ready once more. I have to get faster, to avenge Kadin. I have to make sure I can catch that sorry S.O.B. His eyes dart up to his health bar, noticing his health had dropped way further than hers. She has thorns, she’s smart. He squints, a small grin appearing on his face.

    ID: 109628

    BD: 8

    6 * 6 = 36 DMG

    36 - 47 = 1 DMG

    150 - 1 = 149 HP @Jinx

    140 - 18 = 122 HP @Dustin

    Dustin: HP- 122/140 | EN- 22/28 | DMG- 6 | MIT- 23 | ACC- 1 | EVA- 1 | THRN- 9 | BH- 1%

  23. Dustin looks up to Hestia. “Are we talking all the way back, like why we fought? Or are you saying like what caused the fight here?” He asks. Of course the nature of the question would change the answer. “In short, I almost dated Pinball, then I saw he had an orange cursor, and I lost control. During the fight, I had no control, but I could tell Pinball wanted to do everything he did. And then he removed my arm.” He looks over at Kirbs. “Actually, Kirbs over there saved my life, had she’s not shouted and brought me back to my senses, It would’ve been my head you had to regenerate for me.” He smiles to the girl who had stood on the sidelines the whole time. “But that doesn’t make me any more happy that you stayed. I told you to run, you should’ve listened to me.” He shouts at her. Then he turns to Hestia. “And you, I’m not happy you pinned me down, but thanks, I would’ve fought til I died.” I’m still going after him, he stole my sword. “Also Pinball stoke my sword.” He adds on the end.


  24. Dustin watches as the girl finally gets the piece for her quest. “You sure did.” He sighs, taking another bite of his crepe. “You know, I have something to help you hit that s.o.b. if you want to use it.” He remarks, pulling out a pocket watch and dangling it. This watch has helped me so many times. I’ll let her use it if she needs it, if not, I’ll just play with it. He draws his blade too. “Plus I’ve got this baby, she’ll take care of me when big brave Kirbs can’t.” He says, trying to keep everyone cheery. This world has broken so many people, I hope it doesn’t break her. He slips his hand in his pocket, taking yet another bite of his crepe. He watches the boars round the field, and looks back at the girl with the dagger. She has heart, I hope she keeps it up. This world is rough, just don’t let it break you miss redcoat. He tosses her a crepe.


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