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Everything posted by NIGHT

  1. [19/4/20] Time to burn some materials again.
  2. Even when NIGHT was awake, she still couldn't believe her eyes. "Seriously? Again...?!" She tossed her head backwards, letting out a groan, her liveliness showing through. This sucked. Like, she could put up with a shortage for one of her more preferred items altogether, as long as there was some sort of alternative. But this? This was unprecedented. On both accounts. The player hadn't expected herself to switch back to using double-accuracy foods, having gotten comfortable with single enhancement items. But then Dracbane came along, and its uses were more than perfect to compli
  3. With the ringing of the bell, NIGHT's eyes went to the door. A visitor? She'd been noticing an uptick in them as of late. Fair enough, she concluded, thankful that she'd paid the Stygian a visit at all. Rising, she'd been prepared to take on a custom order as per usual; however, this time her customer wanted nothing more than some of her hand-me-downs she'd returned to display. It'd be a lie to say that NIGHT didn't feel just a little bit proud. "They've been some of my personal effects," she explained, picking them up from the shelves. As she strode over to the counter, she'd accep
  4. Item Name: Greed Necklace Profession: Artisan Rank: 7 Roll ID: 141339 Roll Result: 12 (11, +1) Item Type: Jewelry Tier: 1 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: +3 Prosperity Description: A simple silver necklace. Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r7-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=602823 Item Name: Silver Ring Profession: Artisan Rank: 7 Roll ID: 141342 Roll Result: 13 (12, +1) Item Type: Trinket Tier: 1 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: +3 Prosperity Description: A small, plain silver ring. For some reason, this it
  5. [14/4/20] With the doldrums of her daily life now starting to see a change for the unusual, it shouldn't have come as a surprise for NIGHT to see that, out of all things, a player with an orange indicator had managed to snake their way into her store. It shocked her anyway. She hadn't a phantom of an idea of how he'd managed to, especially given the size and notoriety of the Town of Beginnings. Was the player foolhardy, or should she note down his presence in the city at all impressive? "It's no issue," NIGHT lied, moreso focused on her ability to craft as of recent. Her works h
  6. "Ah. ...They're sold out." NIGHT stood in the middle of the diner, shambling in as though she'd just been sleepwalking. Her gaze had fallen instantly to the spot where the Crazy Lucky Hot Dogs had been, but alas -- they were missing. Though her conscious was still hazy, she'd managed to catch a glimpse of the Ultra Lucky Hot Dogs. For a moment she wondered what the difference between them were, before gesturing over to her order. Her haul had consisted more than just those dogs alone -- a few more different variants from the display, and NIGHT found herself on her way out.
  7. NIGHT seemed less distant on the day of the pickup. It was mostly due to her insistence of pushing herself back to reality, airing up the fog left stuck in her mind. Plus, a few days had passed since she went on that venting spree; the weight of her brooding should've started to lift from her shoulders by now. As she stepped through the door, she was welcomed by the shop keeper. Was that anxiety? The player took notice of the store owner's lip-chewing, as she approached the counter, trying to refocus on the present yet again, worried to hear the worst. Her eyes rested on the vial that wa
  8. House Name: NIGHT's Residency Location: Floor 1, Town of Beginnings Description: Somewhere along the East wing of the Town of Beginnings stands this minor estate, attempting to blend in with the city’s architecture. A contemporary building, it is one of the few elements of the game under NIGHT’s possession that acts as a reminder of home, and the life outside her virtual prison. While the house’s front appears unassuming at first glance, when approaching the back, the home opens up in space, making room for a large yard. Plot Size: Estate Room(s): Living Room, Storage Closet, Bedroom,
  9. Return she did. NIGHT stepped through the door, sack half-filled in hand. In her shambling haze she'd forgotten to announce her presence, stepping up to the counter and setting her items down unceremoniously. It'd taken her a moment before she realized she had to speak, and she blinked, trying to bring herself back to the present. "Uh." A pause. "... Identification for these." She rested a hand upon the sack, trying to focus on its texture to help. "Might... take a few days. If they're not uniques, you can sell them. 'Save the consumables. There's a note inside for them... I think."
  10. NIGHT would take time to recover. Setting her focus on the current event might help. Too bad when she'd check her stores, she could only fit so much into her pockets at any one time. Time to pay a merchant a visit. Not that one, though. Instead, there was a quaint little shop somewhere else in town that she'd only managed to pay a visit to twice. On her third, she came in with a request for a Dimensional Backpack, and a large sack of items she'd managed to gather from her past attempts at crafting. "Messy," she stated. "I know. ...Sorry. Please take your time, though." With
  11. [9/4/20] Can't hurt to give crafting another shot.
  12. Item Name: Empress' Kanzashi Profession: Artisan Rank: 7 Roll ID: 138131 Roll Result: 13 (12, +1) Item Type: Jewelry Tier: 2 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: +3 ACC Description: A simple hair ornament adorned with a pale violet ribbon that keeps the user's hair up. Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r7-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=599610
  13. [19/3/20] And... done. NIGHT leaned back in her chair, exhaling in a huff. The woman's lips were pursed as she examined the item over, carefully ensuring its detail and quality. Her hands and luck had not been with her for most of her recent crafts, and so it became a relief to see a finished perfect piece now moreso than ever. As she slowly regathered her nerves to take action, she grabbed a piece of packaging paper from its stack, folding the jewelry piece up into it before sending her friend a message. @Cordelia
  14. [14/3/20] ...? Doesn't look like things are going well in the workshop today.
  15. [26/2/20] "Better get some practice in, then. While I'm burning candlelight."
  16. Name: Mythril Needle Profession: Artisan Rank: 7 Roll ID: 136339 Roll Result: 12 (11, +1) Item Type: Trinket Tier: 1 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: Ambition Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r7-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=597507 Description: A silver-ish, blue-hued metal needle, with a small eyelet adorning the head for thread to be weaved through. The point is razor sharp -- sharp enough that if it were tossed, it would pierce through tough surfaces and stick into them. Little wonder then that it seems to be easy to wo
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