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Status Replies posted by Calrex

  1. I made my final goodbye to Dom. Hope it was somewhere near decent. Enjoy the site people. Ans make sure to keep an eye on Opal, never trust the woman. :P

  2. Massive props to @Zelrius for giving his character a proper send off.
    It says a lot when your final post is a thoughtful one, as at that point, the only remaining motivations are a love for your character and a love for writing.
    No mats, no col, no SP or uniques- just writing. 
    Thanks for the show.

  3. Was fun kids, I had a good two years, Peace Peace

  4. Wow, it's the end of an era! I guess we now have real antagonists though. Who was it that said we needed more PKers? @.@ I did not see that coming.

  5. Announcement:

    As a result of me being promoted to a PST, I will be withdrawing my election from the player representative polls.

    Thanks to the staff for seeing me as a suitable candidate, and with my new position please still feel free to contact me should you guys ever have an questions, concerns, and the like. I hope that I can work with the elected player reps to help improve this forum and community!

  6. Announcement:

    As a result of me being promoted to a PST, I will be withdrawing my election from the player representative polls.

    Thanks to the staff for seeing me as a suitable candidate, and with my new position please still feel free to contact me should you guys ever have an questions, concerns, and the like. I hope that I can work with the elected player reps to help improve this forum and community!

  7. Announcement:

    As a result of me being promoted to a PST, I will be withdrawing my election from the player representative polls.

    Thanks to the staff for seeing me as a suitable candidate, and with my new position please still feel free to contact me should you guys ever have an questions, concerns, and the like. I hope that I can work with the elected player reps to help improve this forum and community!

  8. From today onwards will be taking a break from staff duties for some personal time for about a month or less, please direct concerns to other staff.

  9. *yawn* Soooo how is Aincrad today?

  10. And with the tread done, I think that I can finally let myself start RolePlaying again without ruining my train of thought.

  11. Might seem a little weird to have waited until now, all things considered, but I'm officially retiring from SAO-RPG.
    After three extended hiatuses, it's nice to be able to go out this time with full control over the circumstances.
    If for some reason you need to contact me, just ask around and I'm sure I'll get word of it.

    To everyone that's worked towards making this community something unique and amazing: take care.

  12. Im preparing for the Rohks second stage, where it resurrects with full health again and 7 ACC and EVA. 

  13. Hunger Games; Frontlines!

    Here's the roster!


  14. @Ssendom just cause i'm curious, what's your record for most col/material in a single thread?

  15. @Ssendom just cause i'm curious, what's your record for most col/material in a single thread?

  16. Hey guys, just a heads up that I will be taking an extended hiatus starting next week. Got a lot of stuff to take care of IRL, so I'll be needing my time for RPing to be put towards that. This means:

    1. I'll be trying to finish any threads I currently have going with people, whether that be by completing the thread or making my exit so that they can continue
    2. I will not be starting any new threads.
    3. I will not be taking any new requests for signatures and if I have any outstanding ones that need creation / updating I will finish those and send them to the individuals (Note: If you need yours updated during my hiatus be sure to let me know and I can send you the Photoshop file so that one of the numerous skilled designers on the site can help you out).

    Sorry of this inconveniences anyone, but of course real life comes first :)

    - Calrex, The Ultramarine Knight

  17. @Opal @Calrex Looks like its really up to us three if we want to kill this thing before another rotation, unless you want to focus on healing some peeps Opal.

  18. @Calrex and @Ariel - The Crowned Lionmy PM function on the site is being wonky right now... probably because I'm overtaxing the home network at the moment.

    Anyway, you want to blast through Iron Guardian with me real quick... in the next 60-90 min. Should be a cinch, I want the banner. Could solo it if you're not in.

  19. One final post to go.

  20. I am your new, friendly neighborhood PST. Let me know how I can be of assistance.

  21. Dom is dead. Tis official. Been fun peeps, have a good one.

  22. Guess who's a <<Griffin Tamer>>?  *points thumbs at self* This gal!
    Now just gotta finish the thread, choose my buff an get it approved! ^3^

  23. Guess who's a <<Griffin Tamer>>?  *points thumbs at self* This gal!
    Now just gotta finish the thread, choose my buff an get it approved! ^3^

  24. Guess who's a <<Griffin Tamer>>?  *points thumbs at self* This gal!
    Now just gotta finish the thread, choose my buff an get it approved! ^3^

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