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Status Updates posted by Calrex

  1. See if anyone recognizes this new song, "Back in Black, Time to Dust Yourself Off..."

    1. Oikawa


      not a clue, but hey im not dead and 3 day weekend! no work!

    2. Calrex


      I gotta get paid, that's the way it is,

      Look inside you and see what your soul is

    3. Calrex


      Dagnabit XD! But yay! Btw you're up buddy!

  2. Whoa, did the server just got down for a while? SAO and RWBY were both down

    1. Reusririasuir
    2. Sapphire


      Yeah I was in the middle of the post and totally raged x3

    3. Calrex
  3. Awake and ready to RP! XD

    1. Teayre
    2. Teayre


      D: *Hugs* Soon you'll be approved my young apprentice soon!

  4. Sooo, if anyone was curious what I was up to today take a peek at the Real Life Picture Thread XD

    1. Kotori


      .... You must be The Chosen One. Question is.. the red pill or the blue pill?

    2. Reusririasuir


      You belong in a movie Calrex!

    3. Calrex


      XD why not both?

  5. Sorry guys won't be able to reply until later tonight. I'm still currently being held hostage by my folks XD

    1. Teayre


      Hehe have fun, and say hi from me... Dunno why you should but just do it xD

    2. Takneil


      *builds escape pyre for Calrex to appease the escape gods*

    3. Calrex


      I'm almost out of here! It's working! XD

  6. *starts building dice god worship pyres* My rolls need a boost pleeease!

    1. Calrex


      But...but...I need them XD *builds dice pyres for Meokka*

  7. *so overjoyed that he begins building worship pyres like crazy*

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      should build a house instead.

    2. Azrael
    3. Calrex


      Oh right *turns into a blur as he makes a house a good distance away from the pyres*

  8. Wow, just gotta say the raiders for the 11th floor are wrecking at the moment *applauds*

    1. Raeyliff


      So we have unlocked the 11th floor, I've jumped up to level 16, and there seems to be a ton of new players coming in. I need to get active ASAP or else I'll miss out on a lot...

    2. Kotori


      No, we're still on floor 10. They are just clearing the boss so we can get to floor 11

    3. Calrex


      LOL well if you need to play catchup feel free to let me know. I'm on practically every day

  9. Happily fed and ready to RP some more! Bring it! XD

    1. Kotori


      JOIN the op.. plis?

    2. Calrex


      *sees the op* ...Hm...yeah...I'm not pulling the pin on that hand grenade unless I need to XD

    3. Kotori


      Please? You did say you wanted a turn with X...

  10. Back from lunch. Full belly, let's RP!

    1. Vaan-The Berserker

      Vaan-The Berserker

      That was about an hour and thirty minute lunch buffet I guessing?

    2. Calrex


      Nah it was actually 30 minutes, but I took my time updating XD

    3. Lowenthal


      HarHar Classis Cal

  11. Alrighty time for lunch guys! See you in a half hour!

    1. Leon010


      Bring me something back please

    2. Jomei


      Oh yeah food... that would be important.. *runs to kitchen*

    3. Calrex


      *gives Leon some pork loin*

  12. Alrighty guys heading for the bus in about ten minutes. I'll see you all on my phone!

    1. Teayre



    2. Calrex


      Yay! *sticks in pocket*

    3. Kiru
  13. Alrighty guys gotta knock out. I'll catch you all tomorrow!

    1. Calrex


      Well today technically O_O

    2. Oikawa
    3. Vaan-The Berserker

      Vaan-The Berserker

      So do you want me to just.sit here in the air for.you to wake up so can catch me?

  14. It's lunchtime! XD

    1. Piera


      *just woke up* Mmmm brunch!

    2. Kiru


      what did you eat.

    3. Helios


      I had a great lunch. I ate ice cream well waiting for my last exam xD

  15. Hey guys, sorry for the sudden absence, but I'll need to be offline for possible a few days. Some important stuff is happening at work in terms of our employment, so I'd best give it my full attention. Will be back on during the weekend XP

    1. Teayre


      *Hugs* hope it all goes okay for you :)

    2. Clarence
    3. Calrex


      ^ YAY! XD Thanks guys. It's nothing too bad, just there's some transition stuff going on, so depending on what offers our team gets we might be doing the same stuff but under a different company. Vendor stuff XP

  16. Hell hath frozen over...AZIDE IS ON!

    1. Azide


      Sorry guys, Hell is now closed.

    2. Iolite


      I was too hot for Hell anyways. Guess we're back to "Square One"!

      Get it? ;3 See wat I did there?

    3. Calrex


      XD the legendary guild 

  17. Gonna be on and off today guys. Going to my review class for my Japanese final, then immediately heading to a Nerf war afterwards XD

    1. Azide


      The nerfs are real!

    2. Teayre


      No excuses Mr! I want you to slaughter everything in that nerf war... Even if it's not part of the Nerf war!

    3. Mack


      Also, your turn in our scouting thread. We just need to get that sucker to a page long so we can get our SP since there's no need to scout the floor anymore :)

  18. Well my signature just blew up when I tried fixing it XD. Should have waited until tomorrow.

    1. Azide




    2. Calrex


      Not that kind of "blow up!" XD Since there was a bunch of spoiler tags in it, one full of text seemed to have been wonky after the patch. Tried fixing it and the spoiler tags stopped working.

      It looks like quote has a similar function to spoiler now, so I might give that a try.

      Not that kind of "blow up!" XD Since there was a bunch of spoiler tags in it, one full of text seemed to have been wonky after the patch. Tried fixing it and the spoiler tags stopped working.

      It looks like quote has a similar function to spoiler now, so I might give that a try.

    3. Koumori




  19. Hey guys, just a heads up I'm likely gonna be replying less/inactive during the next few days. Got my Intermediate 4 Japanese final Wednesday, so I want to be sure I've got everything down pat. Apologies if anyone gets held up on threads with me during this time -_-U

    1. Nixon


      Good luck on the test!

    2. Zandra


      What?! Calrex not replying? Whats next, politicans starts to tell the truth?

      Nah, jokes aside, I wish you best of luck :)

    3. Baldur


      Good luck my kouhei

  20. Woohoo flying back tomorrow from visiting home! Got a few more days before coding bootcamp starts up again XD

    Also who's the currently active blacksmiths? I might need an upgrade to my current equipment fairly soon @_@

    1. Zandra


      Im your blacksmith number one!!



    2. Calrex


      Don't you lie to me! XD

    3. Zandra


      What!? I would neeever lie to you. Just, maybe not tell the truth.


  21. Hm...where to go for lunch...P8

    1. Kiru
    2. Calrex


      But...it's empty Q_Q

  22. Sorry guys, replies are likely gonna be slow for today and possibly the next few days. My friend is in town and staying over at my place, so I'll be likely out and about hanging with him XD.

    1. Teayre


      *pokes* Get him an account on here dangit and you both can stay on this site forever!

    2. Helios


      If it's cool with you, i'll be staying with you guys too.

  23. O_O...Wholly Cow there's a lot of people online today :)

    1. Teayre


      I know, I was just thinking that.

    2. Calrex


      Lol I think this is the most people I've seen at once since joining.

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