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Status Updates posted by Oikawa

  1. Patch Notes HAVE BEEN UPDATED take a look!

    1. Macradon


      Just a question regarding the Two handed weapons passive +2 Damage, it's just +2 Damage initially when you rank the skill, right? It doesn't stack for each rank you put into the skill, meaning that a Rank 5 Two handed weapon give +7 Damage?

    2. Oikawa


      Correct, its just +2 on the initial Rank in it.

    3. Macradon


      Alright, thanks.

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  2. Regret is strong, all my fave peeps are coming back to site.....

    1. Kotori
    2. Kiru


      @me, jk please come to the AB party 

    3. Jomei


      *gasps* Im a favorite peeppost-35714-andy-dwyer-happy-reaction-gif

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  3. If y'all ever get the inkling read this thread and realize just how close we were to getting the entire community board wiped and instead we had to literally bring in cheat codes to not eff this up:



    1. Sterling


      And yet the cheat code rolled a 1! XD

    2. Crozeph


      so it was almost the Thanos of SAO, only Rohk tried to kill all

    3. Oikawa


      Precisely XD @Crozeph

      The cheat codes are error code 404 rn @Sterling

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  4. I know you can only have 6 items on hand, does this include armory?

    1. Rolland


      6 items in total, meaning equipment like weapons armor, jewelry, and potions like items.,

    2. Oikawa


      Or Equipment rather.Like If i have 6 potions can I not carry around my Breastplate of Ragnarok(made up...)?

    3. Oikawa


      @Rolland Ohhh okay, thanks for clearing that up.. disregard my second comment.

  5. Soooo is ALO obsolete orrr? It doesnt seem to have any active posts for the last month now...

    1. Atma


      Ok, so right now people are focused on SAO because it is the precursor of ALO. Or at least that's how I see it.

    2. Oikawa


      Makes enough sense... was just curious. I applied for ggo to. I suppose ill wait till i get quite a bit through SAO before i start on that character.

    3. Kiru


      Most people want to complete their SAO account travels before ALO. What happens if your character dies in SAO? How would you have an ALO when your dead?

  6. I swear I have the worst luck against boars. 4 rolls in a row under 6. like really?

    1. Oikawa
    2. Life


      Was the opposite for me. I got 3 tens and 2 9s xD

    3. Oikawa


      give me your perma roller lol

  7. Anybody wanna help me with some ideas for new armor/weapons? any recommendations? i have 1 rare i need to finish and i still have 2 more crafts :p

    1. Raeyliff


      I can buy a battle-axe from you, or a chestplate.

    2. Oikawa


      1 rare battle-axe coming up. any prefernece to enhancements?

    3. Kiru


      I shall help you


  8. Ahh the wait is real....

    1. Oikawa


      pm me the specs ill hop on it in 1 hr 30 min. then ill have to wiat until its approved(still waiting on my last 4 to be approved) before i can sell it to ya

    2. Oikawa
    3. Tyger


      You haven't come into my shop and told me what you want yet

  9. So did defeating floor bosses not become a thing of significance till floor 7?

    1. ___


      In a time long, long ago... The forums were not what they came to be.

      I'm assuming it's similar to my old site. Sometimes, things get lost to time, especially with site migrations and overhauls.

    2. Oikawa


      ahhh i see. i wanted to read the other floor fights aswell, but i guess ill have to settle for 7-9

  10. WOOT WOOT rolled a 19 on my familiar!

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Imma start reading to see what familiar you finally picked

    2. Oikawa


      Hmm what trait should I give him?

    3. ___


      I'm having a hard time figuring that out myself. s:

  11. If I don't make it to Floor 11, it's because Kosan killed me...

    1. Mari


      If Kosan Kills you Mari will kill him, :P How about that~?

      Then Zel will probably try to kill Mari


    2. Oikawa


      So needless to say Kosan don't kill me over it XD

    3. Kiru


      I will kill Kosan if he kills you :3

  12. Ponders if the increase in personnel is due to a sudden alt craze or are there actually new players joining the site

    1. Rebekah


      Two weeks ago, this number at this hour felt extremely high...

    2. Oikawa


      ikr! now it seems to be the norm, although i swear all i see people is sit at the home screen status watching lol. (i do it to sumtimes) ALSO start up the quest Beks

    3. Skylar


      I am actually new here. I RP'ed on a different site and was referred here.

  13. Finally reached double digits.

    1. Calrex
    2. Crozeph


      told ya...use the zone again to reach double even digits

    3. Azide
  14. sleep beckons.Goals: 1.Complete crafting post tomorrow. 2, Reply to whatever else afterwards. 3. Go play basketball. 4. Sleep

    1. Locke


      Sleep is love.

    2. Calrex


      Sleep is life...

      Get some good rest and a good game dude!

    3. Crozeph


      let's play bball!!!

    1. Lowenthal


      So has Oink died in SAO? Or has he gone to be a Hermit?

    2. Oikawa


      Hermit, tis more majestic

    3. Macradon


      mfw I notice that Oink is saying bye

  15. Guys bad news im going out of town this weekend and will be away from my laptop. if im in threads with you guys skip me and all orders will be on hold till monday. sorry for the inconvenience and hypocrisy.

    1. Azide


      Have fun Oikawa! Take care!

    2. Calrex


      No worries dude enjoy!

    3. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      hope you get to spend the 4 Sp points before, the Avalanche quest got locked:D

  16. Wait what happened to life steal ? Dangit noooo, my alt is so screwed lol. his build, his weapons and armor, everything has to be re done. Now he will not be the vampiric bad*ss of SAO XD

    1. Draterion
    2. Oske


      Life steal is not canon.

    3. Oikawa


      I think I will refrain from any quests untill all the changes are made. Every time i finalize a new set up, something else changes and boom I have to rework it again. My characters are not the same as they were intended to be and that saddens me a little but I know these changes were made with the best interests of the site and for that i respect and follow them.

  17. Level 14 is but a few posts away, My goal is level 20 by May 1st.

    1. Calrex


      Haha so close! If you need someone to RP with feel free to let me know!

    2. Crozeph


      I guess I better get my lazy hands back to RPing

    3. Crozeph


      I guess I better get my lazy hands back to RPing

  18. Anyone need a perfect weapon? I rolled a 12 on my craft and i'd rather it not go to waste. shoot me a pm. Cost is 1100 Col or 5 mats. I do discounts for S1 and Ariel or if I'm feeling generous! (Which I'm always feeling generous haha)

    1. Vashtor


      Congrats to you!

    2. Calrex


      Hm..maaaybe? XD We'll see. It might not be time IC for a new weapon yet O_o

    3. Rebekah


      If not, just make something, and someone will use a voucher to change it :P

  19. These morning shifts are a drag. See you peeps tomorrow! *Wishes he had more free time*

    1. Kotori


      Good night and see you tomorrow! :D <3

    2. Oikawa
    3. Calrex


      No worries dude good luck!

  20. Basketball calls, they want their player back. see you all in a few hours

    1. Calrex


      Good luck dude!

    2. Ahti


      Win, You have the touch! You have the power!

    3. Lowenthal


      Boost up your social link with the Strength Arcana!

  21. Are there any active merchants?

    1. Reusririasuir


      Crozeph is a good bet.

    2. Oikawa


      Ahh haven't spoken to Cro since the disbandment. I wonder what he's been up to aside from the Floor Boss Battle.

    3. Calrex


      Hikoru and Claire seem to be the only more active merchants at the moment.

  22. I need some LD Dice God temples, shrines, monasteries and more built stat! Cal forget pyres. We're building the big boi stuff now!

    1. XWuZHeAR


      Psst Oikawa use my black market, charms. That are totally not made of the bricks I totally didn't steal from calrex.

    2. Oikawa


      *throws brick at X* Not the time X! I'm having an LD crisis *falls into pile of stolen bricks*

    3. Vaan-The Berserker

      Vaan-The Berserker

      Goes to LD God's. LD God says: This town ain't big enough for the two of us. * Builds bigger temples* Vaan:What about now. LD God: This *Builds even bigger* Vaan: What about now? Of god: Yeah now it's big enough.

  23. Just a friendly reminder, all rolls need to be linked to your post and not the thread in general. If you need assistance doing this, pm or any PST/GM. Also the perma roller are the only rolls we count, the in thread roller is null and void. *rant over*

    1. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      Concurring the OP.

    2. Calrex


      Will do! *kinda guilty about neglecting to do that* XD

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