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Status Updates posted by Zandra

  1. Far from all floors in SAO are shown in the anime, how you found the environment description somewhere or have the gms made it up? How do you know how the floors/mobs on each floor looks like?

    1. Kalesh


      They made it up and you kinda just make up your own monsters :)

  2. Following three animes and one manga, but I cant decide which one to watch/read :/

    1. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      I'd say Negima manga so you can then progress to the guys next manga UQ Holder which is a sequel

    2. Zelrius


      I actually enjoyed Negima xD

    3. Zandra


      Actually, negima manga 2nd time since I liked it so much. Have all pockets :). UQ holder Im at 5. Waiting 6 to be released :)

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  3. Gonna watch some anime, good night everyone and see ya tomorrow :)

    1. Kalesh


      Enjoy the animu :D

  4. Good morning all, time for answering RP:s

    1. Lowenthal


      Good morning o3o

  5. Good morning all. Time to copy paste in my word-document written on the bus to school:)

  6. Good night all, wont be posting anymore until the weekend. Happy RP:ing!! :)

    1. Oikawa


      Happy Birthday and Night!

    2. Calrex


      No worries have a good night! We'll see you when you get back!


    1. Zandra



    2. Macradon



    3. Jomei
    4. Show next comments  18 more
  8. Have been busy with stuffs, but now Im back :D Also congratulations Azazel :D

  9. Have I joined to many RP's at the same time if Ive writing constantly in about 3-4 hours with one half hour break for dinner?

    1. Zandra
    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ah It makes sense:D I live in Spain, while not being spanish....the plot thickens

    3. Teayre


      *joins in with the sleepy stuffs*

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  10. I apologize to everyone that Im in an RP with. This weekend Ive been working as a volounteer to sort things that will be sent to the refugees. Ive been to tired to post anything at all. I will try to catch up now.

    1. Lowenthal


      Take your time. It's better to post with a fresh mind and body, then forcing something out. We'd want you to be at your best. ^-^

    2. Macradon


      I too have been helping refugees and alike, so I think that's acceptable.

  11. I must be the worst alchemist, 14 EXP after 10 crafting attempts :/

    1. Mari


      the worst part is waiting the 24 hours till you can craft again after your crafting attempts are up boo bo

    2. The Black-White Human

      The Black-White Human

      Oh yeah.. I just remembered I'm an alchemist :b

    3. Skylar


      I am lucky the dice gods like me! ;-;

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  12. If I already have a proffession and helps another player do earning on a living, do I get extra materials like Ive repeated it?

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      nope the player doing the quest gets them.

    2. Zandra


      Do I get half of the Col for page completed and/or Col earned in the thread, SP?

  13. If I end a thread with totaly 12 posts, do I still get 1 SP?

    1. Galilea


      Nope, needs to have 21 posts (a full page or two pages as the Staff puts it) or more iirc.

    2. Calrex


      Yeah, that would be the safe number to have for a thread. That way it prevents people abusing it by making really short threads and racking up a lot of SP

    3. Mari


      No SP or col for a thread under one page

  14. If I have a +2 LD (cap) trinket and a treasure hunter familiar, do I get +3 LD?

    1. Ssendom


      Yes, Item cap is 3.


    2. Nemesis


      I have a +2Ld trinket in my shop if you need one. 

  15. If I have two +1 damage potions and drnks both(in sperate posts of course) do I get +2 damage or is it the effect of the last one?

    1. Lowenthal


      No. Damage buff do not stack.

      However, if you drink a +1 dmg buff, then a +2 damage buff. The stronger buff takes effect, and does not stack.

    2. Takao


      If you're trying to stack the alchemist's buff with the alchemist's buff, then yes, the stronger of the two buffs will take effect. You can however stack the alchemist's damage buff with the fisherman or cook's damage buff, since they're the only two consumables that stack across professions.

  16. If I helped someone in a quest that does not count to benchmark, but I didnt got any rewards, does it count for the benchmark for me?

    1. Zandra


      Well thats true, I just count it as not BM :) Thanx for your input :)

    2. Kalesh


      I'd PM a GM or maybe see if anyone has asked that question in the support tickets just in case. I have been wildly wrong before and I shall be again!

    3. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      To be clear, benchmark only applies to fighting the floor boss on floor 10/20 etc. to stop you walking to your own death and does not limit floor movement.

      If a quest says it does not count towards benchmark, that's all there is to it.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  17. Im awake and can do some RP's until 16:00 (GMT +2) if anyone want to. :)

    1. Zelrius


      Depends on what you're up for

    2. Zandra


      Anything except too high level-quest,dungeons etc

    3. The Black-White Human

      The Black-White Human

      I would love to join some rp's as well ze!

  18. Im back from a loong break. So I was planing to have a returning party-RP. Anyone interested in paticipating?

    1. Zelrius


      Okay, have fun. I don't normally do Threads with lots of people, so I will not be participating. 

    2. Macradon


      Soo ... when is the thread up?

    3. Zandra
    4. Show next comments  18 more
  19. Im done for today, gnight to you all :)

  20. Im jealous at those that can draw in photoshop. Im doin'g it with pen and paper, but never turns out even close to yours :( 

    1. Jomei


      Microsoft Paint all the way~

    2. Koumori


      Jomei knows where it's at. Everyone bow down

    3. Macradon


      Inb4 someone uses .cmd to draw pixelart

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  21. Im just a little curious. If its not to personal but, where are you from (Since some post like two-three in the morning? I myself am from Sweden :)

    1. Opal


      Im in the states as well, Central time zone. I do most of my RPing from the hours of Midnight to 4/5 Am. XP
      And am on all day long on my days off. :D

    2. Zelrius


      United States, Mountain Time, So about 2 Am for me right now

    3. Jomei


      United States, Eastern Time

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  22. Im not gonna be at home this weeked, and that means only acces to phone. So Im not gonna write anything before monday, sorry in advance for those that gonna need to wait for a reply.

  23. Im shocked, the world feels so twisted right now T.T 

    1. Macradon



      Humor aside. It's like all these people up here in the north suddenly just snaps and goes around killing people. The world is twisted and there is nothing we can do about it. We can choose to stay in reality and hate it, or we can hide away in our fictional world, but still has to take responsibility of us not being in the real world.

    2. Zandra


      Well, I will stay in reality, except when going to SAO-rpg, where I can be whoever I want for awhile

    3. Koumori


      I really can't wrap my head around why people would do things like that. It's an interesting world we live in. 

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  24. In feeding the enemy, does all LD bonuses apply or only the song?

    1. Ssendom


      For the post regarding the pet. All LD bonuses apply. If it's not for the pet, the song does not apply.

    2. Zandra


      Shouldnt the song give higher bonus then? Since its a perfect item, and only for that songle purpose. Maybe re roll or reducing in posts between each try. 

    3. Ssendom


      The reason it is the way it is, is because the buff may stack with other LD improving temporary buff items.

      That is why it's a low bonus but at the same time is still a perfect.

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  25. Is anyone wanna do feeding the enemy with me?

    1. Kalesh


      I'd be willing to come. If you need a familiar call crystal or a +2 LD food item you can have mine. I'm conflicted on what I want for a familiar so I never actually used mine :P

    2. Zandra


      That would be awesome. Im gonna put it up right away :)

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