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Status Updates posted by Jomei

  1. Was gonna do it solo.. but whats the fun with that. Anyone want to do Let There Be Light? 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. silvermistshadow


      Which is why if he does go up to higher floors at this point, it'll be as team mascot- other people fight, he looks cute.

    3. Opal


      ^That was my job for awhile. Boobs and eye candy. 

    4. XWuZHeAR


      Hahahaha so whose doing what RP wise? Let's go ahead and get this started

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  2. Does anyone want to do anything? Had a sucky night at work and could use some friends

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jomei


      I wouldnt mind doing a different quest with you when you get back on though! Just let me know. ^_^

    3. Skylar


      You could make it. I may be heading to bed soon. XD

      (It's the blood in the sand quest)

    4. Jomei


      Okay. Ill start it up then.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  3. Worked sucked. Not a happy camper.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jomei


      Mkay. Let me see if i can get through a couple of replies, then maybe ill come up with something. any preferences for floor? or combat/ social?

      And I agree.. Kiru <3

    3. Calrex


      ^ Kiru you are awesome as usual XD

    4. Kiru


      Yey, blink 182 is always appropriate

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  4. I hope you guys are enjoying the festival rp that I myself have not even had the time to reply to much xD

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    2. Opal


      Nu Joisy! 

    3. Zandra


      OoC: Thinks its realy good and ejoying the rp :)

      IC: Realy, realy enjoying the festival, alot :)

    4. Hakai


      It's really great Jomei, awesome job. :)

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  5. Anyone posting/ wanting to post in the Festival, I have made the transition from night to day in my post, as well as created an extension of the fun that goes just outside of the town ( @Ssendom @Teayre *nudge nudge* )

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sinful




    3. Teayre


      SP! *comes and joins*

    4. Teayre


      I'll reply tonight when I'm back from my cello lesson :)

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  6. Looking to tackle Falling of Tagas and Lich's Calling. So I'll need a team for each. Anyone interested? I'd prefer to have at least 2 other people for each (If not the same for both)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Grave


      Well... Targas has that nasty phase AOE, and I do NOT want to get hit by that >3> As long as I don't get hit by that, I'd bring my tank build in.

      As for Lich, if we get another tank on board, I'll go with my A/E build... if not, the tank build will be whipped out.

    3. Baldur


      I still need both of those quests, but I'm 3 SP shy of 25 *shakes fist*

    4. Lawfer


      i know this is late... but im in, I have FA, so we can do either fully corrupt or go the healing route, Let me know what you want.... 

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  7. No replies tonight guys.. Im.. Enjoying being 22 xD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jomei


      And tha k you piera cal and kiru :)

    3. Ssendom


      Happy birthday. And we finished the topic for your present of SP and Col.

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  8. Anyone want to set something up? :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Koumori


      Okay so do you have any preferences on theme/floor

    3. Jomei


      @Koumori Nah, all up to you.

      @Mack Hm.. Definitely an idea. I do have to familiarize myself with how it works there, plus make my introduction into the world of fairies 

    4. Koumori


      Dude I'm gonna make a kick butt introduction for ALO. It's gonna involve this really cool adventure where Koumori goes to his local game shop, but he realizes she doesn't have enough money for the game so he ends up working at a store in the mall for a day. Once he's done working though his mom calls him up to tell him he has to get groceries. So he goes to the store to buy what she asked for and when he leaves realizes that he spent almost all his money. That night he goes home and tells his mother his situation and she agrees to loan him the money. The next day he goes back to the store and buys the game and starts playing in his NerveGear. 

      Now wouldn't that be epic and nail biting. Oh god what am I even doing?

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  9. Looking to meet some new players. Any newbies want to do some quests?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Teayre


      Me! Me! Pick Me! I know Nothing!

    3. Sinful


      Yo, I'd like to do Earning A Living to become a tailor.

    4. Helios


      is a newbie

      wants quest

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  10. *throws OP at any new friends that are interested*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grave


      *cough cough*


    3. Dazia


      *Slowly emerges from the shadows to join in*

      I'm interested.

    4. Zandra


      Guess I hv to break this stream of interests.

      *not interested*


    5. Show next comments  3 more
  11. Gah! I want to finish my Earn A living Quest!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jomei


      Lmao! Im not actually calling you out Skylar! Trust me, I've had a busy day too :)

      I just love rping on here and get overly excited about them xD

    3. Jomei


      Im going to be going to bed now anyway, have had too many late nights. Ill have my laptop again all day tomorrow though

    4. Skylar


      If you finish before you go to bed. You could be ready for a profession by morning.

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  12. Feel like a cool person now that I have one of Calrex's signatures :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jomei


      Yeah I laughed when I first saw you put it on your sig, and then you leveled up almost immediately after

    3. Lowenthal


      I likd mine. I can update it at anytime. ^-^

    4. Zandra


      If you only lvl up and have the SAO-fonts, just go into paint, pipet a color close to the letters, cover leters that color, write white letters where they was

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  13. Just can't seem to get happy. Gonna be a tough week.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Calrex


      *gives a bro hug* Hang in there buddy!

    3. Piera


      Take it at your own pace, we'll be here if you wana talk.

    4. Jomei


      Thank you Cal and Piera

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  14. Im gone for 12 hours and I come back to 20+ notifications xD

    I guess I feel loved?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Beoreson


      Nope. Beoreson chooses not to feel mushy feeling.

    3. Kalesh


      Does Beoreson feel mushy at the sight of puppies and/or kittens?

    4. Beoreson


      Beoreson answer would be no... But, yes he does. Only for his familiar though as he doesn't have a connection with any other ones.

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  15. Thought I had more replies to get to.. but I'm already finished by 2nd Period.. *sigh*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Calrex


      Too late I already replied. Now we can bug Dom :P

    3. Teayre


      *throws you my replies to do*

    4. Jomei


      *attacked by Teayre's replies* ._.;;

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  16. This day is going soo slooowly

  17. Anyone care to do Feeding the Enemy with me? I know its simple, I'm just bored of SPs

    1. Zelrius


      Do you Kek tho?

    2. Jomei



    3. Jomei


      Oh and Helios okay xD ill make it later

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  18. Decided to make an op. 4 spots open if anyone would like.

    1. Calrex


      Haha never! :P, can't even say that since this is only the second topic I've seen you IC XD

    2. Jomei


      xD true. Ill reply tomorrow in the morning, maybe give some time to see if anyone else would like to join in before posting again.

    3. Calrex


      Sounds good XD. I'm about to head to bed anyway

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  19. Sorry guys im away this weekend, so i may not reply to everything until tomorrow afternoon

    1. Jomei


      Even though Kayaba needs to reply first xD

    2. Kiru


      tru tru, oh welll

    3. Helios


      All good bro

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  20. Scratch that. Still don't have the muse. *shrugs*

    1. Lessa


      I'm in the same exact boat.

    2. Jomei


      Yeah. But you actually owe me a reply :P 

      Im excited to see where these lights guide us.

    3. Lessa


      I owe a lot of people posts. :(

      But I'm looking forward to it too!

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  21. @Opal @Calrex Looks like its really up to us three if we want to kill this thing before another rotation, unless you want to focus on healing some peeps Opal.

    1. Calrex


      I'll try to hit it if I can XD

    2. Jomei


      I mean, landing a hit wise, I have a decent chance since I have 4 ACC, so I cancel out its EVA.. But we have all been so unlucky in hitting it. Hopefully you guys can hit it as well, since i cant take out all of its HP with its MIT.

    3. Mack


      I would try to help... but @Rohk set my appearance to "Stunning" so now all the female players are gonna want me.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  22. *applauds for Seul and others* Okay.. I am HIGHLY enjoying GGO right now. 

    1. Jomei


      The way market works is a combination of shops and evaluations in one thread. Under the AmmuNation thread, you make a thread called, "Lye's Purchases" for example. In there, you roleplay out you buying the item. For example, I bought this:
      Name: A280 Assault Rifle (You can choose the gun to use either Live Ammo or Optical)
      Type: Medium Range Burst (theres a couple types of guns, single fire, burst fire, etc. Each have range. You pick one                                              of each)
      Damage 8 ((in the type of gun you choose, it says "you have x amount of points to pool into damage. ignore the                          fancy wordplay, that just means you have x damage))
      Magazine size: 40 ((For this you need to roll the CD. I rolled an 8, and for the type of weapon I chose, i multiply it by 5))
      Description: You know what to do here. 

      You simply follow the template for each weapon and fill it out accordingly. Once you have what you want, post it in your purchases thread, where Seul will check and approve it. 

      As for the distances, each person in the fight starts at 3 and -3 (one at each.) before they can attack the other one, they must be in their range. So for example, for medium range, someone needs to be 3 spaces from me. So if I am at -3, they must be at 0, -1,-2.or -3 so I could attack. Each turn, if you or the other enemy (mob or player) choose to do so, they may move forward (or backward) one space. 

      Fight Starts, I am at -3 and you are at 3. We both move forward one space, so now 2 and --2. (you are 4 spaces away for I cannot attack.) Next turn, I stay in place and you more forward one space, so now 2 and -1. You are now within my range, so I can roll my BD and attack. The ranges change per weapon type, (long range, short range, melee) 

    2. Lycan


      The damage though. As worded, you take the damage and divide by 10 to show the strength needed to wield it. For burst weapons, a lower number is offset by the ability to fire multiple rounds. For the single fire, the strength modifier is sill /10. So couldn't I buy a 10 AR and outclass a 10 Revolver?

      Or is that offset by the ARs having a higher BD roll to hit? Like for single fire, the BD is 6. For burst, BD is 7. And for sniper, BD is 8? Bolt action requires a post to re-chamber but increases BD accuracy to BD 7 to offset?


    3. Jomei


      Let me double check the damage thing with Seul, I might have gotten the idea wrong but understand it now. I just want to make sure I'm right first.

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  23. Oh, hey guys.

    1. Kiru



    2. Baldur
    3. Jomei


      I.. Guess I was missed hehe

      *ruba back of head*

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  24. tumblr_o8e6cajWST1r94yi6o4_1280.gif

    1. Calrex


      Jomei, I swear if you're playing Overwatch on PS4 and haven't friended me... :P

    2. Jomei
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