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Status Updates posted by Jomei

  1. This isn't looking too good...

    1. Jomei


      *shrug* at least it was after my fight

    2. Calrex
    3. Jomei


      I think the dice gods are angry at me for living and are now trying to kill me in the real world xD

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  2. Tis' a slow day.

  3. Ugh.. Really should have tried to sleep when i first said last night. Working early is a paiiiin. Luckily I have my laptop, so ill be here all day.

  4. Waiting for my quest to close so I can start my musical life.

  5. Waiting for replys!

  6. Was gonna do it solo.. but whats the fun with that. Anyone want to do Let There Be Light? 

    1. silvermistshadow


      Which is why if he does go up to higher floors at this point, it'll be as team mascot- other people fight, he looks cute.

    2. Opal


      ^That was my job for awhile. Boobs and eye candy. 

    3. XWuZHeAR


      Hahahaha so whose doing what RP wise? Let's go ahead and get this started

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  7. Well Cal.. Looks like this op is just gonna be us xD

    1. Calrex


      XD At least for now

    2. Zelrius
    3. Jomei


      Why do I even look to see what you say on my status anymore Zel.. xD

  8. Wish I could be out trooping for a Force Friday event.. sigh.

  9. Woo! just beat up a big rock :D

    1. Skylar


      That works just as well.

    2. Jomei


      lol! I only took 1 damage, and i said that if i rolled a 1, something wouldve happened where i hurt myself. So when i rolled a 1, i broke my knee xD

    3. Skylar


      That is kind of heavy. :D

      So I guess you are a fencing martial artist then.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  10. Woo! Still have interwebs. Looks like you guys are gonna be stuck with me xD

    1. Calrex


      Good lord why?! XD just joking nice dude!

    2. Jomei
    3. Calrex


      *pats on back*

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  11. Worked sucked. Not a happy camper.

    1. Jomei


      Mkay. Let me see if i can get through a couple of replies, then maybe ill come up with something. any preferences for floor? or combat/ social?

      And I agree.. Kiru <3

    2. Calrex


      ^ Kiru you are awesome as usual XD

    3. Kiru


      Yey, blink 182 is always appropriate

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  12. Wow.. i should be asleep.. but am I? Nope xD

    1. Helios


      Go to sleep bro. It's past your bed time!

    2. Jomei


      Shhh yeah I know xD

      Last week of work... having to get up at 5:30 (its 1:30 now)

  13. You know you're a ginger when you get sunburn on only one arm from driving...

    1. Kiru


      omigosh I don't know why ths is so funny

    2. Calrex
    3. Jomei


      It gets funnier to me every time i look in the mirror xD

  14. *applauds for Seul and others* Okay.. I am HIGHLY enjoying GGO right now. 

    1. Jomei


      The way market works is a combination of shops and evaluations in one thread. Under the AmmuNation thread, you make a thread called, "Lye's Purchases" for example. In there, you roleplay out you buying the item. For example, I bought this:
      Name: A280 Assault Rifle (You can choose the gun to use either Live Ammo or Optical)
      Type: Medium Range Burst (theres a couple types of guns, single fire, burst fire, etc. Each have range. You pick one                                              of each)
      Damage 8 ((in the type of gun you choose, it says "you have x amount of points to pool into damage. ignore the                          fancy wordplay, that just means you have x damage))
      Magazine size: 40 ((For this you need to roll the CD. I rolled an 8, and for the type of weapon I chose, i multiply it by 5))
      Description: You know what to do here. 

      You simply follow the template for each weapon and fill it out accordingly. Once you have what you want, post it in your purchases thread, where Seul will check and approve it. 

      As for the distances, each person in the fight starts at 3 and -3 (one at each.) before they can attack the other one, they must be in their range. So for example, for medium range, someone needs to be 3 spaces from me. So if I am at -3, they must be at 0, -1,-2.or -3 so I could attack. Each turn, if you or the other enemy (mob or player) choose to do so, they may move forward (or backward) one space. 

      Fight Starts, I am at -3 and you are at 3. We both move forward one space, so now 2 and --2. (you are 4 spaces away for I cannot attack.) Next turn, I stay in place and you more forward one space, so now 2 and -1. You are now within my range, so I can roll my BD and attack. The ranges change per weapon type, (long range, short range, melee) 

    2. Lycan


      The damage though. As worded, you take the damage and divide by 10 to show the strength needed to wield it. For burst weapons, a lower number is offset by the ability to fire multiple rounds. For the single fire, the strength modifier is sill /10. So couldn't I buy a 10 AR and outclass a 10 Revolver?

      Or is that offset by the ARs having a higher BD roll to hit? Like for single fire, the BD is 6. For burst, BD is 7. And for sniper, BD is 8? Bolt action requires a post to re-chamber but increases BD accuracy to BD 7 to offset?


    3. Jomei


      Let me double check the damage thing with Seul, I might have gotten the idea wrong but understand it now. I just want to make sure I'm right first.

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  15. *cracks knuckles* Alright, time for Jomei's game changer. *starts new SP*

    1. Beatbox


      Oh sheeeeeeee- its the man with the plan!

    2. Lessa


      Can't wait to read it!

    3. Baldur
  16. *Screeches here as well*
    Why is it when I have the muse to write, all of my threads are quiet...
    Anyone looking for an RP partner? 

    1. Ruby


      its because we play the endless cycle of muse hot potato those who hold it have muse, then once its tossed. All muse is gone.

    2. Baldur


      That's how I get sucked into SP threads

    3. Macradon


      Good thing my muse has been roosting while I had no interwebs. I wanna thread.

  17. *sips drink*

    1. Beatbox
    2. Teion


      Who's this Jomei guy

    3. Zandra


      He is just one of those drunk dudes from ireland

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  18. *throws OP at any new friends that are interested*

    1. Grave


      *cough cough*


    2. Dazia


      *Slowly emerges from the shadows to join in*

      I'm interested.

    3. Zandra


      Guess I hv to break this stream of interests.

      *not interested*


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  19. tumblr_o8e6cajWST1r94yi6o4_1280.gif

    1. Calrex


      Jomei, I swear if you're playing Overwatch on PS4 and haven't friended me... :P

    2. Jomei
    3. Show next comments  15 more
  20. Holy Dragon Alliance is looking for new potential members to assist in the defense of Aincrad's people! 
    If you are interested in joining, send me a PM and we can set up a  recruiting thread!

  21. And here comes the lack of muse..

  22. Any kind alchemists on that can make me a Tier 2 Dmg potion pretty please? 

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      depends on how much are you willing to pay for it.

    2. Jomei


      How much would one charge for such an item? Eithet mats or col

  23. Anyone care to take on Monkey King with me? I know I can take the fight on my own, but whats the fun in that. I don't mind helping a lower leveled player with it as well. 

    1. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      *Raises hand* If it's an NK thread I am all down

    2. Rain


      ^ *raises hand* I trust nee-san's hubandu

    3. Baldur


      Carry me, Senpai! :P

  24. Aside from stepping down as PST, I will also be retiring Jomei from the front lines. I considered killing him off, but decided against it in case I feel like coming back strong. Of course, I will finish up any role plays I am in before going on this 'hiatus.' And I will still checkup on the site and on Skype when I can.

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