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Status Updates posted by Mack

  1. Posting blast #1 done, 7 posts. More coming.

  2. Productive day... bought tickets for Rusalka and a movie event... and did all the brewing for a Russian Imperial Stout.

    1. Shirosu


      shoot! wish i could go to a live show of any kind, there's a neat one coming near me soon with a bunch of horses but not sure if i'm going yet 

    2. Mack


      A bunch of horses? Sounds like Dolly Parton's Dixie Stampede :)

    3. Koumori


      "There's a neat one coming with a bunch of horses"

      That statement isn't inherently bad, but I started thinking some funny things when I read that. I think I'm too tired. 

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  3. Quick head's up:

    1. I'm out of town tomorrow night through at least Friday night. Family stuff linked back to the earlier family thing I mentioned. I'll post if I can. Otherwise, see you all on Saturday night.

    2. I have to get my sermon done for work on Sunday, a few of you know I work as a Minister. I tend to keep that quiet. No, I'm not here to shove it down your throat, one of the reasons why Mack doesn't have a stated religious preference. :) But, it does mean that I have to get the sermon I've not started on yet done. :)

    1. Piera


      I hope that you manage to enjoy your time with your family and that things go well.
      Also hope the muses inspire you for your sermon.

    2. Kalesh


      Seeya then, enjoy yourself if you can!

    3. Lindow


      Have a safe trip! Will be seeing you soon! 

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  4. Re-spec complete... I managed to keep all four ranks in 2 Handed Axe... while sacrificing athletics and heavy armor. I'm even more the glass cannon now.

    1. Mack


      Something might be workable, Hirru.

    2. Hirru


      Seeing that after my Heavy Armor mitigation is equipped, I will tank 5 damage then heal 6 hp afterwards from the enemy hitting me (If I roll a 6 or higher on CD).

      This is going to be a fun build.

    3. Opal


      I figured it was just a typo! :D Good luck with your builds! 

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  5. Rolled up 4 Rare Items today. If you want one post here and we can discuss the cost. I'm willing to take col, mats, or barter (trade item for item of like quality).

  6. Sorry for the delays in posting in my shop. Poke me in the future if you've been waiting there for a long time.

    1. Hirru


      Mack, how many rares do you have stocked?  I may need a new sword until I can upgrade Patience and Time.

    2. Mack


      I need to check through everything and get back to you and, at the moment, I need to read my shop posts to see how many people are in line.

    3. Kalesh


      Well, if the line is long I can give you the scimitar as a down payment I suppose xD The katana and any other stuff coming once the order is ready! I really have no use for the scimitar, it's just wasting inventory space.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  7. Sorry for the delays in posting. Working on applying for a job in Zurich and it's a time consuming thing.

  8. Takao, you would get a 12 on your CD roll right after I rolled my last CD for the day... :)

    1. Hirru


      Dice Roller is like Cardinal.

      When you try to do something, it figures out that you want to do one thing, and changes itself to make the opposite possible.  It will then make that its sole mission before someone else comes in and rolls which will reset it for that one post.


    2. Takao


      And I used that roll to kill a boar with 5 hp. The world can be such a cruel place.

    3. Mack


      I especially enjoyed the irony of rolling a CD of 1 right before you got that twelve. On the plus side, of my three CD rolls for the day, one of them at least was a Natural 12... now, to get Guillotine approved by the mods/admins.

  9. The crafting gods smile upon me today. 3 Perfect Items, 2 Rare Items, 1 Bad Item... total Job XP = 41.

    1. Mack


      Guildies get a discount still.

    2. Xion


      Ooh, how much exactly?

    3. Mack


      I don't really know, Mack kind of applies the discount on a case by case basis. Of course, if Xion were to admit IC that Mack was the better blacksmith... he'd probably give Xion the armor set for free :)

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  10. The great thing about being old enough to drink? Three beers north of 7% ABV, a boilermaker, and another beer after. Win.

    1. Mack


      Right? But not so much alcohol that I can't still type coherently, so win.

      Kids, the lesson is, know your limits... and always drink responsibly.

    2. Piera


      *Thumbs up* Piera approves of this message ;)  Have fun Mack.

    3. Carambit


      Beer is alright, I'm more of a scotch whiskey man, myself.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  11. Was out of town the past two days. Back now. Will have posts in threads tomorrow, beginning with Beoreson's "Feeding the Enemy" thread. Next weekend will also be out of town, recent death in the family... stuff needs doing.

    1. Beoreson


      Sorry to hear about you're loss. Even if you are fine.

    2. Carambit


      Seriously sorry for your loss man :/

      Regardless, welcome back, and I hope things improve swiftly for you and your folks.

    3. Kalesh


      No worries, take all the time you think you need. Welcome back, though!

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  12. Well, just got 40 mats from Lawfer... thanks pal, back in business, crafting now.

  13. What are all of the EXACT rules of the combat tournament?

    If this is an 80 HP thing, rather than a half HP thing then that's fine. But then I should have the chance to change my opening attack to a 12x attack that hits for 92 and accomplishes the same stated goal of ending the fight with a single blow. If I'm not supposed to use the BD roll from the same roll as I took my LD from and if I'm not supposed to attack in the opening post because I won the LD roll then that should be made clear.

    I don't mind losing, if indeed I do, but I and the other players that are new since the summer tournament deserve to have all the rules of the tournament made clear.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Mack


      You already won one bet, Piera. Even if you did hedge by betting on both Lowenthal and me...

    3. Hirru


      @Azide, it's very easy when i can REGENERATE!!


      Also changing some things a bit.

    4. Mack
    5. Show next comments  15 more
  14. What separates a Good Quality item from a Bad Quality item if each quality is only a vanity item?

    1. Azide


      In the SAO-RPG world, there really doesn't seem to be any real difference in terms of mechanics, although you could certainly RP that item as being of noticeably inferior quality.

    2. Hirru


      Cause the bad quality weapon isn't supposed to exist.  It should be destroyed on creation.  If you look at the loot guide, you'll see that any kind of drop will give you a Good item and above.  Makes a little more sense now, ay?

    3. Mack


      That makes sense, Hirru.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  15. Who wants crafting tools to increase their CD rolls and XP from crafts... let me know, now that I've made the good stuff for me... I shall make it for others as well. However, tools will NOT be given away for free. :)

    1. Mack


      Sounds like a plan to me Blue.

    2. Blue


      Who makes thread?

    3. Mack


      Just put something up in the shop thread... and I'll submit the item for approval when I get a minute.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  16. Who wants to fight Sheeptar? I will create a special story for fighting Sheeptar. Must. Fight. Sheeptar. You'll only get the general thread rewards. But, you'll also get to fight Sheeptar.

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Zero


      You're all going to die horrible, horrible deaths....


    3. Teayre


      For that one person to stand against the brunt of stupidity.

    4. Mack


      I fear no Sheeptar...

    5. Show next comments  15 more
  17. Who's got two thumbs and two tickets to Don Giovanni next month? This guy.

    1. Takao


      fingers crossed that they don't screw up the deadpool movie.

    2. Koumori


      Don't say that! If Deadpool isn't perfect I'll spiral into a deep and dark depression :(

      They just can't mess that up!

    3. Beoreson


      Takao go and, punch wooden doors now!

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  18. Woo! Level 22 now.

    1. Kalesh


      Congrats on reaching level Ballerina!

      (Get it? Two-two?)










      (I'm not sorry.)

    2. Mack


      I'm a pretty princess.

    3. Koumori


      The post gap between level 16 and level 22 is truly staggering 

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  19. Xion better hope he paralocks me... or this is gonna be a real short fight... :)

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Takao


      Isn't Xion technically closer to Mack's level?

    3. Hirru


      I can smell the scorched flesh now..

    4. Mack


      Yeah, Xion is actually closer to Mack's level than Mack is to Tristan's. Mack's at 17, 6 higher than Xion. Tristan's at 32, 15 higher than Mack.

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  20. @Shizua and @Shield your items in the Christmas Thread are pending approval.

    1. Shield


      Danke, sir. :)

    2. Shizua


      Cherry Blossom best weapon.

  21. @Ignavus_veneficus, @Jazz, and @Necryptonix your requests in the Christmas Thread are pending approval, the Dice God's smiled upon me today.

  22. Everyone in the Asterios Fight, please check the most recent Asterios post for an IMPORTANT OOC. Everyone Level 40+ that is NOT currently involved in the Fight, also check that post OOC and decide over the next 3 Days if you wish to be a "Reinforcement".

  23. 18 Players to Post, 19 players to complete posts, and then we'll begin combat for the Monthly Boss.

    1. XWuZHeAR


      As the last player to post I think its my duty to something special but I haven't figured out what yet, however I can say it will be a surprise

    2. Mack


      Monthly Mini Boss. There are only 8 people in the Front Liner event.

    3. Baldur


      Great! Just in time for next month's to start! :P

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  24. A WILD @Kiru appears! Go @Calrex, I CHOOSE YOU!

    1. Mack



      The Caldra Tank brings all the Pew-Pew to the yard, and they're like 'more pew-pew than yours'...

    2. Morgenstern


      Morgenstern uses Aerial Ace!

    3. Mack


      Sweet! 2 on 1 attack! Take that @Kiru! :)

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