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Status Updates posted by Alex

  1. So how long is a page???

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Alex
    3. Carambit


      You're welcome, although I didn't help in the slightest, but instead offered confusion. :P

    4. Alex


      It is okay, you tried to help!!!!  ^-^

  2. Yo Someone give my friend here a few tips and someone to roleplay with XD. 

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Alex



    3. Mack


      If he fights all of us then he'll actually be more D'Artagnan... that silly Musketeer only had THREE duels scheduled back to back to back. Amateur.

      Also, I bet Mari would fight him.

    4. Alex



  3. Hmmm....

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Alex


      Okay! See yah Zeke!

    3. Rain


      Cal's still around. Manta and Ebony are dead - PKed - but he's still around on other alts.

    4. Alex


      Yah... Thanks Rain.

  4. I may be joining again! (As a new and final character) Can anyone give me a rundown of anything that has changed recently(last 6 months) Plz and thanks? Or maybe just link me? Much appreciated.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Beoreson


      *Fades Away* *AWOL intensifies*

    3. Alex
    4. Rain


      Dead people everyone. Some miraculously revived. Zandra became the 1st to hit Grandmaster on any profession. Moar dead people. There's Monthly bosses - for newbies. Bi annual bosses for the big kids. Staff coming and going. there's gonna be an update on the combat system... hopefully soon. More unique skills will be available when what's her face shows up since people dieded or lost them. I think that's about it.

  5. ello, Mates! Glad to be here! Now have to decide on my profile pic.... Anyone want to RP once I get my journal done?(Probably 2 days to complete but)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Starrine


      I'd love to RP with you sometime! uvu HMU when your journal's approved! <3

    3. Thorrissia


      Poor Takao! I would rp with you, you are amazing. Golden I would never rp with you, u suck -_- but not really because you don't and we literally spam the forum boards together :p


      Yeah Alex, I'd be up for it. Thorrissia is ready to roll. 

    4. Alex


      I will roleplay with all of you in single threads I guess. But I still have five more days of vacation so....... I'll try to be on but cant gurantee anything


  6. Varsity Girls: 1st. Varsity Guys: 1st. I got fourth for our team and 16th overall(Top 15 meddled). I'm happy, to say the least. 

  7. Maybe I do not want to be an alchemist... But then what do I want to be????

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Alex


      Pretty much. And I don't exactly want to be a merchant, so it's either artisan, tailor, or alchemist....

    3. Piera


      There's too many alchemists xD  there's four in the Velvet Room alone. And two that aren't. All are pretty active.

    4. Alex


      I'm a gonna be a tailor 

  8. Anyone live and Kansas and wish to play Magic? Lol so bored.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Hirru


      Forget the constabulary! Perform how you will!

    3. Zeke


      You're right! No on will care in one-hundred years! I'm gonna go get my vaporizer!

    4. Alex


      IDK what your talking about but my Deathbringer Regent with the Sunforger artifact and rage of purphoros ehchanctment will slay you all!

      I rlly want a planeswalker....I've bought so many cards but gotten 0 mythic rares.....

  9. Man o man, wish I already had my tailor shop. Now I need to go find some NPC shop in an RP to buy dress clothes from. How much would those cost??/ (Since there good generic items, and are just for RP fluffies.)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      Who was this someone you asked?

    3. Alex


      I don't remember exactly but that was what I was told to do.

    4. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      Well your character as it stands in current rules has to buy them from a tailor or merchant, who both can craft/sell good tier equipment. So unless you can show that exact proof from a staff member, I can't take your word.

  10. YYYYEEEESSS  I am now on varsity. Through deadly fast running and fishing/reeling my opponents, I am on varsity(You have to be top seven on your team to be on varsity here). Afterwards, I had a mini allergic reaction but I'm fine now.... . Just my stomach hurts after that Wend'y bacon cheeseburger.....XD Anyways, I got 5th on our team, ( There are 13 of us guys) ad 21/41 overall. If I worked on my final sprint a bit more I could have caught those two people who passed me right before the end..... I was dead the whole way. 21:29 was my time. Is that a good time? Honestly, I do not know.  :)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Alex


      No Zeke I had the bacon cheeseburger after I ran. Like three hours after. and it hurt my stomach. Anything I drank or ate hurt my stomach yesterday XD

    3. Zeke


      I would run like you if I was getting accepted into Cheeseburger University. XP

    4. Alex


      No the cheeseburger was after I ran Jeez Zeke XD

      Like three hours after.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Beoreson


      Don't worry, I can't get the skill if I kill him.

    3. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      Berserker and Battojutsu are two handed.

    4. Mack


      Thanks for the info. Tristan.

  12. Skype group link plz, I'm on a chromebook and need the link

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Macradon


      But what if skyp was not kill?

      {Insert X-Files theme and illuminati}

    3. Alex


      the web app does not have group chat :(

    4. Macradon


      Normal skype should be up and running fine now

  13. So sorry for my inactivity. Today was my first day of high school, I had Cross Country Practice, and have been working on my C++. So sorry all!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Vasth



      I am in year 12..... your young...enjoy it while you can

    3. Alex


      Lol it's not fun whenever you walk around everyone goes FRESHIE!

    4. Paglikha


      Look, just don't be annoying by that I mean don't go running around the school and just act normal. Talk with your friends and such. Also, I'm sure you're good at plenty other things as well! 

  14. Okay think I like the new system. I will try to get back onto the site as soon as I can.... Still am very busy, have a very important cross country meet tomorrow, and trying to adjust to the new system.... But if you have time, please check out my sig!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Alex


      Okay thanks bro!!!!

      Oh, PS Azide, I remember you. I've had a lot of accounts on the site. Anyways it's been a long time welcome Back!

    3. Azide


      No problem, and good luck! One of the biggest advantages of these programs is that you're able to use layers- which you can basically think of as having a bunch of transparent sheets stacked up on top of each other. You can draw on each piece, and when you view them from the top they look like one drawing- but you're able to adjust, tweak, remove or add each sheet without effecting the others.

    4. Alex


      *Really wishes there was a like button right now...* Thanks Bro! *Smiles friendily*

  15. If were just attacking normally with one hit does that use energy?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Feitya


      However, this is actually super punishing to level 1 players with their virtually empty energy pool. If they miss once at level 1, they are punished for it by not being able to take any action due to going to -1 energy and being forced to wait a turn to do any attacks. and at level one, missing your turn is extremely deadly. While many people level without combat early on, this system is unintentionally harsh to level 1 players that want to fight things.


      A hot fix for this would be ruling that you can't go below zero energy, but it's not specified ether way at the moment so using simple math makes it negative energy. Which is a fine system for higher levels, punishing them for attempting big hits and failing with a temporary 'Fatigued' state of being in negative energy, but at level 1 fatigued means death and there is no way to avoid it.

    3. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      No, they would be perpetually at 0 Energy after an attack. See it like so:

      • First post start at 1 energy, use attack and go to 0 by end.
      • Next turn heal 1 energy and have 1 to spend, attack, then have 0 at end.

      Energy can't go into - numbers from miss, though I'll make that clear in guide. 

    4. Alex


      Thank you Tristan. I was confused about that.

  16. @Zelrius you going to  the national leadership coference or whatever it is for FBLA?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zelrius
    3. Alex


      Ooooh! Competitors! What are you using for graphics, if you don't mind sharing? XD 

      And I am sick of this error on my Java. I'm learning Java, finding it may be a good language ofr the application.


    4. Mack


      I never did FBLA in college, but I did do the PBL competition one year, finished second in the nation in the Sales Proposal and Impromptu speaking events... of course, given that I was on the nationally recognized debate team the sponsoring professor said she would have been mad if they'd paid for their "ringer" to go to Atlanta and then had him finish outside the Top 5. :)

  17.  I like your cover photo Zel. it's really cool. May I ask how you made it?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Alex


      Hey umm, just a question, how difficult was it for you to do this?

    3. Zelrius


      Very much so. Which is why I dislike the flame color being messed up, Too much effort to let go of.

    4. Alex


      Yah...... (Man I was hoping there was some easy way you did this so I could do it too XD)

  18. What the heck? I went into my room and my laptops missing. My stepdad said he took it due to my attitude, when I wasn't even talking to him at all today. Odd?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Alex


      No he's my step dad. He hates me. More like I always want to talk to him. 

    3. Zeke


      What a little biscuit. :/

    4. Alex


      :( And I just got grounded from my phone so.... :(

  19. Going home from vaca tomorrow.... First day of high school is in a week and two days. Excited but nervous. Any tips? :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Alex


      Chill thread.

    3. Takao


      cool beans, i'll get it goin ASAP

    4. Alex


      Okay. I gotta hit the hay soon though. 

  20. Second Place as a team out of nine at our Cross Country meet today! Got 22nd out of 64. Out of the seven for our team, I was #4

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Alex


       XD If you tried really hard you could. It's all in the head.

    3. XWuZHeAR


      hell no im gonna die

    4. Alex


      It's all mental. "You can't win unless you fight. If you don't fight, you will lose." Eren Jaegar, Attack on Titan.

  21. Remember when everyone was like, #cheriforGM2016???

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Alex


      Oh that's what it was XD what happened to that/????

    3. Kiru


      #KiruForSiteOverlord2k15 ;}

    4. Alex
  22. How do you get to the Perma Roller? Thanks for the help! (40% remaining)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Koumori


      Did thank you I've been looking for that! Now I can use my phone to do rolls!

    3. Alex
    4. Hirru


      You are quite welcome.

  23. I am going through rough times... Please do not expect me to reply within the next few days.

  24. I was grounded from my phone because the noodles I was supposed to cook weren't completely cooked when they got home. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alex


      school's chromebook. Can't take that away, HAHAHAHAHA!

    3. Zeke


      lmao Good, you don't deserve to be grounded for that.

    4. Alex
  25. Being grounded from your phone for a month and your computer CHARGER for who knows how long is not ideal. I have 56% battery. Let's see how long I can make it last.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alex


      Yah Exactly. The problem is the charger on my laptop is like one of a kind. Theres not many like it. The charger was like built only for this laptop so...

    3. Vasth


      I know the feel man,as u slow watch it drop lower and lower.....................and lower

    4. Alex
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