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Status Updates posted by Mari

    1. orhalimi


      I saw that, It seems really cool (the other 2 option is Vatican or army guilds).

      But I'm stile not sure where I want to join (plus I don't know you yet ^^) so I didn't add myself

    2. Mari


      That's ok, if you wish we can RP together sometime. I think itd be nice to actually have a guild but in the end its entirely up to you

    3. Life


      Name sounds lik suicide silence xD

  1. pain meds making mari dizzy mari sleep

  2. people involved in the RP's I am in, please respond.

  3. People should join my guild ; just saying.../shameless plug

  4. People sometimes forget the Mari has work and social obligations too, so The Mari apologizes if she cannot get to your thing right away ;)

    1. Crozeph


      Nopeland!!! beautiful country though

    2. Azide


      So how often do you get attacked by giant spiders?

    3. Asen


      well I mean I have been waiting for our thread for days now but okay ^^ also that explains a lot of things as I used to rp with people that's in Australia. Not sure if they are still though

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  5. People. Just, ugh.

    1. Draterion


      Make an RP in the Fan Roleplay section

    2. Mari


      Draterion, last I checked you had a hissy fit and said you didn't want to RP with Mari because 'she was too hard to RP with'

    3. Mari


      I guess hissy fit is the wrong wording, you just really didn't like RPing with her though

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  6. Photoshoot done! will post a small picture to the pictures of you thread

  7. please remember to send your quests to a PST or GM for valuation so they can lock and approve your quests.

    1. Lucifer


      I apologize. Is that number the amount of extra mats I get?

    2. Mari
    3. Lucifer


      Fantastic. I hadn't the slightest clue. Thank you. Thank you very much. (Like a little more than a dozen thanks.)

  8. post counts have been fixed and resyched, many people will have a drop in levels, but only RP section posts count toward your level folks! :D

    1. Jomei


      *checks level* Still 12 cool :D

  9. Posts in OOC and support are counting toward posting counts right now, this is being looked into - soon we will have that fixed and post counts resynched to reflect proper posts. Please be patient with this, such things generally happen with software updates.

    1. Ahti


      I'm probably about to go back 2 levels; but it' for the best.

    2. Kiru


      Hope it gets fixed Mari~

  10. probably wont be replying to things tonight sorry gaiz

  11. Raaaaaa

    1. Rusty


      Yep. She said it. Also it would be hard to clean bloodstains off the rugs.

    2. Zero


      Ha that's not a problem for Zero since his shop is... THE WHOLE OF AINCRAD! So it's been bloodied by everyone already xD

    3. Mari


      bleep bloop

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  12. Really bad news today >.< may be haphazard

  13. Remember to wait on a GMs official rule on things such as the floor 10 mob dice; mobs on floor 10 are not affected by the dice, as it is their natural environment ;) all your roles are, al of them - BD, CD, LD ..all YOUR dice, not the mobs ;) yup yup

    1. Oikawa


      Thanks for the clarification

    2. Asen


      ooo... does that include other NPC characters as well?

  14. Replied to all my quest threads, NOW onto the non quest threads, woo

  15. Replied to all my RPs and fnished up 2 today yet I want to do more, WHAT is wrong with me, Mari finish waht you got *nod nod*

  16. RP reply time! Asen you'lll be first :D

    1. Mari


      Whoaaa cant we all just eat cake

    2. Mari


      no seriously someone bring me cake

    3. Asen


      *gives Mari a cake* or you can ask Alyss for one :3

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  17. Rping at work in break room on phone, holla!

    1. Sousuke


      I do that too haha

    2. claim


      that is how its done lol

  18. Rping Skills rusty....so rusty.....

    1. Rusty


      At your service...

    2. Hyun


      I giggled

  19. Sha la la la la la don't be shy c'mon and kiss de gurl (whoah woh!)

  20. Should I take the Valentine quest alone? Hmmm....

    1. Oikawa
    2. Fallen


      *Points to himself*

    3. Mari


      She would probably take it alone rather than with you Fallen XD I reckon I am just going to solo it

      shouldn't be too hard.

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  21. Should probably get some RPing done.

  22. Sick and home from work :(

    1. Mari


      don't have Tylenol here in Australia :P Its panadol and hot lemon tea also primrose oil for me

    2. Asura


      Well whatever you got hope it helps.

    3. Kosan


      Hope you will get better soon .

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  23. Sick in bed today

    1. Azrael


      I'm sorry Mari, Get better soon! *makes you matzo ball soup*

    2. Calrex


      Hope you feel better!

    3. Hikoru


      *pats back* hope you get better!

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