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Status Updates posted by Mari

  1. I'm a nice person, honest! My character is just a mean ol' butthead, fufufu

    1. Zeke
    2. orhalimi


      I though its a game with a ball

    3. Zeke


      It might be, but not the kind I'm talking about.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  2. I've been coughing so bad the past 24 hours Lessa got us all sick :P

    1. Lessa


      It's all the hugs I give out.

    2. Mari


      Lessa Hugs > being sick

    3. Kiru


      Same here. Meh. XD

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  3. if a GM could help elaborate how to Level up the Performer skill that'd be great, I am getting some mixed response and It confuses the lil Mari!

    1. Kazuya


      I've been wondering the same thing.

    2. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      Read the Performer guide, which is for every perfect roll you increase up to 7 and at 7 you rank up. HOWEVER Performer is being changed soon, so how levelling functions may alter in the close future.

  4. IF Alkor dies in the boss fight what the heck is going to happen to poor Mari's mind

    1. Mari


      Yeh cause she is totally going to just magically go with someone else

    2. Kosan


      Yup , totally.

      Hope she won't break AGAIN... Not like she got well..

    3. Mari



      and she probably will have another mental breakdown

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  5. If anyone sees Daeron tell him the Mari is sad that no RPing happened today! WHAT IS THIS! omorrow is my last day off before work for 4 days

    1. Calrex


      Uh...you don't wanna be on that list XD

    2. Rusty


      Depends on the list though..

    3. Kiru


      Yes yes he needs to post.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  6. in 24-48 hours I am starting the boss raid thread. You all better be prepared

  7. in a craaapload of pain today hooly dooly

    1. Quick Silver

      Quick Silver

      Well thats what happens when you go and hammer yourself. Have a Bloody Mari, that may help.

    2. Mari


      ACtually; I don't have a hangover; because I drink a lot of water between drinks - It's to do with my Uterus.

  8. IN immense pain BUT have another photoshoot planned for my modelling yay! Let's hope I manage to sell more prints

    1. Xanatos


      Woot! Hooray for silver linings!

    2. Mari


      horay for photoshoots

  9. in so much pain ugh being female ughhhh also gonna be slow on the RPs today, also I need to figure out wtf to do with Mari. haha

    1. Noctis
    2. Kosan


      Hope You will fell better about being a female !

    3. Kiru


      It's not ABOUT being female..:<

  10. In the worst mood; RPing will be on hold for now

    1. Sir Alonne

      Sir Alonne

      Oh dear... hope you feel better soon.

    2. Kosan


      Hope you will be better Mari ... Don't force yourself with other things you can't right now

  11. Interesting new potion in Mari's store! More Healing items for those participating in the boss battle too, yeeh

  12. Internet is back on but it is now sleep time. I am proud of how my guild page looks; ya'll should check it out even if you aren't members. yeee

  13. It really hurts me when people take personal stabs at my integrity as a person; and my position as a staff member; assuming I am incompetent or cannot handle something simply because you do not agree with a decision made by me; then getting upset even though I am doing my best to find a reasonable solution for all parties. It kinda hurts; and I know that probably makes said person happy to hear that; so congratulations I guess. I am sadly disappointed.

    1. Azide


      In any sort of community where a fewer amount of members are to represent a greater amount of others, it's never possible to fully satisfy everyone involved. Sometimes you just have to make compromises and stand by your decisions.

  14. It'd be real nice if my net stayed connected for more than 5 minutes

    1. XWuZHeAR
    2. Hikoru


      *cowers in fear* Im sorry..... *backs away and cries in fear*

    3. Mari


      ahaha its not bad thunder it was just super super loud

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  15. It's a race, its a race!

    1. Ssendom


      It's a damn gud race!

  16. It's nice to be able to slwoly RP Mari opening up to people again and not being such a hard a-buhead

  17. It's Official, Mari - first to find the boss for Floor 12!

    1. Mari
    2. Kiru


      Deng it, I was just about to start scouting for once...merp Congrats!~

    3. Rebekah


      I guess everyone will be trying to beat a certain pink player next time.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  18. its 3am will reply to things in morning. Night all

  19. Journal 70% prettified; I am gonna start up voting journals I like :P Alchemist store 80% prettified

  20. just got home from second bday party times! Now to rest then reply to EVERYTHING tomorrow <3 love you all my pretties

    1. Life


      You sure sound like you had a blast xD

    2. Kosan


      She have been to 2 parties , so probably :)

    3. Baldur


      Our lord and savior has returned! *bows thankfully*

  21. Just cause one person doesn't like a fictional character no reason to quit the site ne Lancer?

    1. Mari


      I'm going to take this to PM with Lancer. It is never my intention to upset or hurt anyone

    2. Alyss


      More people like Alyss's Sweets then her :P

    3. Show next comments  18 more
  22. Just finished 10 hour day, need sleep then other 10 hour day then finally a break

    1. Mari


      Sorry I cannot take care of anything till then

    2. Azrael


      Oh my gosh! Hang in there!

    3. Klick


      MARI... your alive...


  23. Just finished another photoshoot, now to slowly fix things. Many things.. Fixable things. Things that need fixing, fixing to be applied to the things that are to be fixed

    1. Lowenthal


      -prepares anesthesia and scalpel- Prepare for Dr. L. Arsonist.

    2. Teayre


      Mari, can you fix Zero's sadism please... He's been pretending to be our god since you left. I want the real merciless god back.

    3. Ssendom


      Mari, we have some *wink* Business to finish. :P

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  24. Just got home from a very long day out, may not be able to reply to everything tonight

    1. Tyger


      *snugs* Just get some sleep!

  25. Just got back from a concert; will ook at all GM related issues tomorrow thank you for understanding love you all

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