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Status Updates posted by Celesmeh

  1. Guys if i havent replied to an RP with you, please let me know.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sousuke


      same haha sorry bout it being so sure im not sure what to write haha

    3. Mari


      Mari again (I actually just replied so this is sort of irrelevant heheheh)

    4. Celesmeh


      i'll get you my sweet! Bwahahahahhahaha i replied too

  2. Guuuuuh im sick tonight ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Celesmeh


      WHAAAAT lessa?!!? What did you dooooooooo lessaaaa

    3. Rin Tachibana

      Rin Tachibana

      Get better soon ^.^

    4. Asphalt


      have a speedy recovery.

  3. w00t getting a familiarrrrrr

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Celesmeh


      thanks :3

      Im glad to be back

    3. Rebekah


      I should be getting one shortly as well.

      Good luck with your rolls though.

    4. Calrex
  4. Alright, i have a job, i'm cleaning my kitchen, everything is good

    1. Zahra
    2. Guest


      yay ... i want a job


    3. claim


      so where is this food that you will be cooking lol

  5. What do people think of  the new mods system? 

    1. Macradon


      It's fine I guess. Some more skill slots!

    2. Lessa


      They work to remove some of the skills that newcomers really depended on. Athletics, for example, was a relatively inexpensive way for lower level players to start building up. I look forward to seeing what staff has planned to help lower and middle level players.

    3. Hirru


      Too soon to say.  For now, I'd say that it's a good thing.  Though most lower level players will be losing out in certain life saving skills, making more players join forces to solve simple quests and material hunting.  Especially now with the expansion into sub-dungeons.  I can see Dungeon Parties and Dungeon Hunters becoming more common.  The chance to get more SP for a normal thread is very enticing, to say the least.  Of course, discretion is key, as defeating the boss is a requirement for all dungeon rewards.

      High risk; High gain!


  6. I'm back from vacation my darlings!!! 

    1. Calrex


      Welcome back!

    2. Zelrius


      Welcome back Cele :D

    3. Grave


      Welcome back! Even though I don't know you but I wanna show the love!

  7. i'm aprroving items and tonight ill do my best to reply to everyone's posts! sorry the holidays are crazy!!

    1. Rolland


      Me, our topic needs finishing.

    2. Celesmeh


      I know dude, i'm sorry, i get it, you gave me a second chance to rp with your alt, and ive been slow to reply

  8. alright guys im back, im gonna reply to ALL OF THE THINGS IVE NOT REPLIED TO, be patient, but also post here with a link if im missing you

    1. Oikawa


      You just wrecked that last head, jeez louise

    2. Celesmeh
  9. Sleeeepy

    1. Moartea


      You can't sleep yet we still have a topic up, and ur turn.

  10. can i de done now? please?

    1. Enjuru


      After you lock my thing...

  11. Korrasami is love, korrasami is life.

    1. Rebekah


      OMG, you watched it too :D

  12. For those of you missing me, death in the family and new job happen at once, and all of a sudden sorry

    1. Asura


      Im sorry fr your loss. And congrats on your new job.

  13. Someone reply i think im bored... 


    1. Seul


      But nobody came...

  14. Its christmas and celes is off with the family, forgive my popping in and out, everything will be back to normal on the second!

    1. Zelrius


      Come back soon, we miss our Cele!

  15. In on vacation for thanksgiving, I'll be slow to reply, sorry guys

  16. Out for dinner with the in laws tonight

  17. HDD failed gotta get it fixed, i'll be out today

  18. Guys christmas is happening sorry if my replies are slowww

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