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Status Updates posted by Teayre

  1. ' I'm not Teayre but I can imagine she wouldn't take it as well as she should' Whelp a certain icy character summed up Teayre quite well i think. <3 Kiru

    1. Kiru


      Aww you read my rp? I was merely telling Calrex not to die..basically lol

    2. Calrex


      Lol, everyone seems to be telling me that :P

    3. Helios


      Calrex, don't die bro

  2. I should probably stop staying up for crazy hours so I can RP....

    1. Calrex
    2. The Black-White Human

      The Black-White Human

      I'm doing that right now as well xD

    3. Teayre


      Yeah... Thing is BWH I'm staying up till like 6/7 am and then boom I have work at 8 am and xD Curse timezones!

  3. What is it with people... I have a coffee table not a counter in ma shop QQ

    1. Calrex


      XD it transforms!

    2. Golden


      Oops sorry, I'll change that... XD

    3. Teayre


      Don't worry you're not the first one. There's a whole bit I did on the first post detailing my shop so it just a pet peeve when people don't read it <3

  4. Heya guys, over the next couple of weeks I've got a load of work and uni stuff to do so I'm probably going to be so inactive. If I'm in an RP with you please feel free to skip me etc @Zel I'll drop out of the tournie as well so someone can take my place.

    1. Kiru


      :') I'll miss you, sorry we didn't get to fight!

    2. Teayre


      Can always do it another time :)

    3. Calrex
  5. The Amethyst Boutique is taking orders again. Please pop your head into my shop (somewhere in the shop section or through a link in my journal) and place an order if you'd like Teayre to craft you something.

    1. Teayre
    2. Calrex
    3. Teayre


      Go reply to our Rps *points and cracks whip* xD I'm gonna go kill things on Skyrim as I'm up together with things atm.... See you all in a couple of hours <3

  6. @Lowenthal We really should do a lemon tea party.... What floor? 

    1. Lowenthal
    2. Teayre


      Cool, start the thread up and pm me it ^^ (or I can... if I actually sleep today/tonight/lastnight I don't even know what day it is atm QQ

    3. Lowenthal
  7. Do dungeon bosses have MIT in their base stats?

    1. Calrex


      From what Tristan told me before, no it isn't required.

    2. Teayre


      *cries tears of relief*

    3. Calrex


      Yeah, that'd be ridiculous XD

  8. Right.I'm back. Posts will happen within the next week. If I owe you a reply please pm me! (don't you bluddy dare Cal)

    1. Zelrius


      Don't tease us like that

    2. Oikawa
    3. Calrex


      *spams PMs and IMs* :P

  9. Hey people... I'M ALIVE! Just got back from a weekend of LARP so I'm sorting that stuff out and then will be RPing my hiney off to get stuff done. If I owe you a reply (especially people in my shop) I'll get it done tomorrow for now.... I've RP'd and driven a load so it's bed time! NN All!
    @Rain  @Calrex@Lowenthal @Kasier

    1. Calrex
    2. Kasier
    3. Rain


      kk... oooh I added one more thing to my order so I don't have to write another post xD

  10. @Xion Up fro a thread once boss fight is over?

    1. Xion


      Sure, sounds like a nice idea. Are we talking a quest, dungeon run etc or just a generic thread?

    2. Teayre


      Generic, and if we happen to end up in a dungeon we end up in a dungeon.

    3. Xion


      Sounds like a good idea, shoot me a PM when you want to start it up

  11. So... What have I missed?

    1. Ruby


      from the replies you have been getting. pretty much nothin'.

    2. Zandra


      Well, since when?


    3. Hirru


      Since we have found the boss room, but no one will give us the bloody info

  12. Open Party thread for anyone interested :3 


    1. Teayre


      This thread is inside Teayre's shop which is classed as a safezone and it's (hopefully) going to be purely RP based as I need to get back into the swing of things :3

    2. Macradon
    3. Teayre
  13. Sorry if I don't get replies out guys, I've got caught up in some real life stuff again. Sorry :'(

    1. Calrex


      Take as much time as you need. Hope it all gets sorted :)

    2. Ssendom


      Yeah, we are a patient bunch. Just give us a heads up and everyone would be gravy.

  14. I'm HALF ALIVE! (Seriously though I'm getting to bed now!) Assignment is done so hopefully I Can get back to tormenting... Uh I mean RPing with you guys <3

    1. Calrex


      Congrats! XD 

    2. Helios


      R.I.P Other half of Teayre.

  15. Goodnight peoples and Tristan, I'm sorry it won't work out between us. *Runs back to Calrex*

    1. Kalesh
    2. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney


      *scratches a roster off the harem*

  16. Nighty night guys, I'll catch all you lovely peoples tomorrow! Really sucks not being able to get stuck in D:

    1. Calrex


      Lol, have a good night! Catch you tomorrow!

    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Being from Europe myself I understand where you're going:D good night.

  17. Quick behave! Erro is on.

    1. Kalesh



      *turns up the record crystals to maximum volume and starts bouncing on my bed*

    2. Dracul


      ??? what's a river have to do with SAO?

  18. Woooo! I managed to RP with peoples today!

    1. Kotori


      The peeps will be replied to.

    2. Calrex
  19. I want proper pocky... I got some the other week but my nephew and niece flaming ate them all. Grrr!

    1. Calrex
    2. Teayre


      You don't leave packets of pocky out around a 12 and 10 year old....

  20. My brain hurts now.... Gotta think of a post...

    1. Azrael


      *rubs brain*

    2. Calrex


      ...How are you doing that without having to go through her sku...Oh Gross!

  21. sleep time fot me now guys *waves* i should be up before you all go to bed so i can harrass you some more with my britishness xD

    1. Azrael


      Good night Loli! Sweet dreams!

    2. Calrex
  22. I'll catch up to all the threads tomorrow guys, heading to sleep now. Oh Kiru in the OP Teayre asked Kiru a question if she'd be so kind as to answer it.

    1. Azrael


      Night Little Red!

  23. Sorry I've not been active lately I kinda burnt out after last weekend and have a lot of uni stuff to do as well. I should hopefully be picking it back up over the next week or so.

    1. Ahti


      Xp does that include crafting? Just kidding, not pressuring you, with this big bag of Col or anything~

    2. Teayre


      Gonna try to do my crafts but that depends on mats as well :3

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