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Status Updates posted by Zandra

  1. Can I use a Sword art that wouldnt work in rp? Like''The whip is wrapped around the target’s neck, then swung to slam them into the ground twice. '' against a giant :/

    Im not gonna do it, just wondered if its allowed?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jomei


      I would personally say yes you can, but roleplaying that out would be difficult, and role playing is what the site is about. So from a 'game' sense, you probably could. But from a 'role playing sense' it wouldn't make sense. 

    3. Aikoh


      @Brax While what you say is true, it is still a game. To tell the truth, when you jump you push the earth down as well as pushing yourself up. However, that is in real life and the change is minuscule taking in the mass and size of the earth. The change is so tiny that it is imperceptible by the means we have now. I doubt that in a game it would be programmed like your saying as it would be such a minor thing.

      I agree with Jomei on this. It is in the attack description, but I believe that that is just there as a base. As long as you stick to the energy/damage rules I think that it would be fine if you tweaked it a bit to work with the situation.

    4. Grave


      Yeah, in the actual game, it would have tweaked Sword Skills to work with various types of monsters.

  2. HUGE ANNOUNCEMEMT! Big sale at Zandras Pharmacy. New price(any tier):
    Perfect=2 mats
    Rare=1 material
    Uncommon=2 items for 1 material
    Good=Free but needs description(25x t2 good potions wont do)

    Thou only in stock since everything shall out(no orders). Last as long as stock last.

    1. Mack


      I would like a few good quality potions, maybe five. I'll PM you the details.

      I would like a few good quality potions, maybe five. I'll PM you the details.

    2. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      Can I get 2 or 3 of any good quality health pots?

      Can I get 2 or 3 of any good quality health pots?

  3. May-17-2015 I completed the Earning a living quest and became an alchemist. Since then, Ive spent about 1,070 materials used and 112 days of crafting. 11 Crafters respite used, and now Im the first Grandmaster Alchemist on SAO-rpg. The very first player to reach Grandmaster in a proffession. Thanks to all that have bougth potions from me and made this possible. Special thank to the berserker, @Ssendom.

    /Zandra, the first Grandmaster Alchemist

    1. Rain


      Woooo! Guess I'll have to settle with the 2nd to ever GM xD

    2. Zandra


      I'll pay you back when my crafts get evaluated :)

  4. Ja må hon leva, ja må hon leva, ja må hon leva ut i hundrade år.
    Javisst ska hon leva, javisst ska hon leva, javisst ska hon leva ut i hundrade år.
    Ett fyrfaldigt leve för @Opal, hon leve, hurra. Hurra. Hurra! HURRAH!!!

    Happy birthday :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zandra


      Ive listened to the whole clip of that one :)

    3. Baldur


      I have no idea what they're saying but it's damn catchy :)

    4. Zandra
  5.  Are you still at the beach party?
    Why dont compete in the treasure hunt?
    Nice prices to the winner/winners :)


    1. Kalesh
    2. Rain


      Without bonuses right? O.o Imma write one later.

  6. <<The Traveler>> Anyone?

    1. Galilea


      Sure, if you'll have me.

    2. Mack


      I could be talked into that.

    3. Zandra



      I can add you too Mack

  7. @Jomei Happy birthday dear. You gonna get your special present tonight in our beachhouse ;)


    Congratulations! Hope you gonna get an awesome birthday! :D

  8. @Seul

    If its certain Im not gonna be able to complete a beginner ruin(GGO), is there anyway I can escape or surrender?

    1. Seul


      There is one way out...






    2. Zandra



      *prepares to respawn for a second time*

    3. Shirien


      There is always the easy way out.




      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    1. Seul
    2. Mack


      Sorry, had a stretch of several days there where I couldn't log into the site at all.

      Working on catch-up now.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Hirru


      Welp... post after myself or Zandra, if you want.  I have all the hate, anyway.

    3. Hirru
    4. Hirru


      Might as well just throw down the rest by ourselves.  I haven't heard from Seul in a while!

  9. To easier visualise the height difference between you and your rp-buddys characters height :)


    1. Takao


      This is actually pretty dope, tho.

  10. 3 more hours and Rohk gonna be skipped and take 20 dmg ;)

  11. 3 perfect crafts first day of tier 2 crafting. Starts good :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Macradon


      I got 3 Good, 1 Fail, 1 Uncommon xD


    3. Zandra


      3 perfect, 4 good, 1 uncommon and 1 rare.

      Zandra does not love her proffession nono ;)

    4. Macradon
  12. A question, why is a 'light novel' called a 'light novel'? Instead of just 'novel'?

    1. Hirru


      Because Japan.

      I looked up the meaning myself, and the term was popularized for these little novels that sparked most of our current anime and manga, in Japan.

  13. After a good nights rest and a hard days work Im feeling better and are ready to rp. Well, if anyone else want?

  14. Again Zandra opens up a both at floor one with free potions for everyone!


    1. Emblem


      snap free potions! 

  15. Anise feels generous and offers ten more appraisal tries for free :)

    1. Anise


      Confirmation from the black markets owner

      Also again donations always welcome :)

    2. Coddexx


      Can you appraise good items?

    3. Anise


      Yes but not perfect. I can appraise Weapons, armours and shields.

  16. Anise gives away three appraisals at the Black Market (Totally, not each)

    1. Anise


      Confirming this. Appraisal tries is free but donations are very much appreciated :)

    2. Macradon


      Has my item been done yet? :v

    3. Helios


      Oooh, sounds sick.

  17. Announcement:

    I wont bring any potions/crystals for sale (as dmg and mitigation potions) to the up comming boss fight. If yoou want any from Zandra you have to visit her store. I will do all crafting rolls each day until the boss fight starts as long as I have materials.

    Best regards, most experienced alchemist in Aincrad.

    1. Beatbox


      I ain't buyin' at those prices.

    2. Zandra


      Same prices as other alchemists

      the mat price

  18. Announcement. The best alchemist in SAO-rpg is having a 50% discount on ALL potions and crystal. Both in stock and orders. Visit Exellance Elexirium if you want to invest your mats or col in some tasty drinks or shining crystals.

    Exellance Elexirium

  19. Anyone here thats playing Guild Wars 2?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Helios


      @Vayrin Oh, awesome. I think I'll start playing it soon then, after exams probably.

    3. Vayrin


      Yeah, I only got to lvl 15 though before my computer crapped out. Still really fun though, even though I didn't get very far. Best part abut the game, you only need to spend real cash to get expansions, that's it. You can buy anything else with in game money.

    4. Zandra


      At thr moment, my economy dont allow me to buy the expansion. Bougth the original game with a threedays headstart. Something I'll never regret. Thou the most awesome part, is that its an awesome game :)

  20. Anyone interested in doing essence of steel with me?

    1. Amira


      I'd be up for it. That's one I've never done before.

    2. Zandra


      Nice, would be good to have one more I think. Anyone?

  21. Anyone or anyones interested in doing one of the following quest with me:

    The traveler

    Lord of the sea

    Butcher of the sand

    On the two last maybe its best to someone high-level

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Calrex


      Any and or all XD. I can help you with all three if need be.

    3. Zandra


      Okay, then the hardest things comes, which one to start with :/

    4. Macradon


      *Looks defeated*

  22. Anyone up for killing a stone with me(breaking the unbreakable)?

    1. Emerath


      Hey there Zandra. As an avid Martial Artist, Emerath would be more than happy to accompany you to help the quest go by faster. I don't believe I've had the pleasure of RPing with you anyway, so this could be a good introduction for our characters as well. :)

    2. Zandra


      Nice. Its up :)

  23. Anyone up for The traveler?

    1. Klick


      I would be happy to help you with it.

    2. Macradon


      If there's still room, I'm all up for it!

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