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Status Updates posted by Mack

  1. Posting blast #1 done, 7 posts. More coming.

  2. "Truly this Mack was a man among men." - Azide

    Yes, yes I am. :)

    1. Brice


      Geez Mack. I just told you not to let it go to your head. XD

    2. Tristan Delaney
    3. Lowenthal


      "Mack, King of Guildmasters!"
      I'm sorry,  but Zelrius and I would rather have a tall blonde with no eyebrows have mantle. Then a ginger. =P

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  3. Alright, I've got everything set up for the great posting blitz of tomorrow in every thread where I owe. I haven't forgotten, was just out of town dealing with a bit more of the fallout of liquidating Grandma's Estate.

    1. Opal


      Awesome, hope you got all that stuff settled there. 

  4. I'm also traveling this weekend and I have to get some work done by Sunday... work that's not optional. So, I will post when I can and, if I don't catch it Friday or Saturday, look for a major posting blitz on Sunday... by which I mean every thread where I owe.

    1. Piera


      Hope you manage to have a good weekend with work and travel. Save some energy for that posting blitz!

    2. Kalesh


      Enjoy :P If I'm lucky by the time you get back I'll have caught one fish!

      Gotta make the most of it when travelling xD

  5. Fresh Guacamole made... now, to work and post. Not necessarily in that order.

  6. Happy Birthday Vasth!


    1. Kalesh


      Saaaaaaadly it's something I fished up xP So you can use it for a +1 LD buff for an entire thread. Once. Fun fact, it stacks with food, which also stacks with items. For example, a +2 LD Accessory, +2 fish, +2 food can land you with +6 LD. So like. Dang. You could also add a performer song over that if you REALLY want.

      Feel free to add Lil' Lucky to your items, if you need the stats, it's in my evaluations :P I'll add the trade to my transactions in a bit.

    2. Opal


      -releases her grip on him- :D 

    3. Vasth


      Vasth gaps for breath.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  7. Everyone that was in this thread, it is concluded so add your Col and SP rewards, Takao run by Mack's shop to get your new sword.

  8. Is changing the appearances of avatars allowed? My first choice when I signed up was taken, but it doesn't look like that player is active anymore and so, I'm curious.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Beoreson


      I got a 23% ok my German final!

    3. Beoreson


      I should go to sleep. My English is not looking very good either.







    4. Mack


      Alright... I did it. Change made and now I can post things like this...


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  9. I present to you, the thought process of the mighty Cait Sith...

    And always remember, Mack desires exactly two rubs of his belly. Any more and he will bite the [censored] out of you, per protocol.

    1. Piera


      Pffff, oh god that would be a bit too appropriate. I actually think one of the Cait Sith did specialize in claw weapons! Shirosu?
      *waits for Mack to start posting before climbing on top of warm keyboard* x3

    2. Shirosu


      I totally did XD seeing as im a cat, may as well fight like one.

    3. Carambit


      My GOD I love Zefrank1's videos.

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  10. I'm sitting on 5 rare item crafts. If you want one I'll put them on sale for 400 col, each. I want col, not mats. Let me know.

    1. Azide


      If you've been sitting on them, I'm going to want a pretty decent discount.

    2. Mack


      400 col is a decent discount... most merchants (regardless of type) sell rares for 700-900 col.

      Also, I was only sitting on them to see if they might hatch into Perfects or twice as many Uncommons. So far, no success.

    3. Azide


      "Hmmm, if I purchase these from Mack, perhaps I can hatch them and sell them for a neat profit," thought Azide.

  11. Rolled up 4 Rare Items today. If you want one post here and we can discuss the cost. I'm willing to take col, mats, or barter (trade item for item of like quality).

  12. *pokes the 11th Floor Boss Raid planning thread with a sharp stick*

    1. Teayre


      Dare you to poke Mari with a sharp stick Mack...

    2. Mack


      *Goes hunting for Mari.*

    3. Beoreson


      *Back stabs Mack in a safe zone* "You are not going anywhere. I can't have my guild master go marching off to a death trap"

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  13. Going to make a good effort to try and Grandmaster my Axe before the boss raid. Getting close.

    1. Calrex


      To grandmaster my sword will require 27 SP...whelp I've got a while to go XD

    2. Zeke


      I chose curved-sword...

    3. Lowenthal


      And once again, Calrex goes into the wilderness to find that elusive beast only know to us as......Crafting Materials

  14. Xion better hope he paralocks me... or this is gonna be a real short fight... :)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Takao


      Isn't Xion technically closer to Mack's level?

    3. Hirru


      I can smell the scorched flesh now..

    4. Mack


      Yeah, Xion is actually closer to Mack's level than Mack is to Tristan's. Mack's at 17, 6 higher than Xion. Tristan's at 32, 15 higher than Mack.

    5. Show next comments  18 more
  15. What separates a Good Quality item from a Bad Quality item if each quality is only a vanity item?

    1. Azide


      In the SAO-RPG world, there really doesn't seem to be any real difference in terms of mechanics, although you could certainly RP that item as being of noticeably inferior quality.

    2. Hirru


      Cause the bad quality weapon isn't supposed to exist.  It should be destroyed on creation.  If you look at the loot guide, you'll see that any kind of drop will give you a Good item and above.  Makes a little more sense now, ay?

    3. Mack


      That makes sense, Hirru.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  16. Re-spec complete... I managed to keep all four ranks in 2 Handed Axe... while sacrificing athletics and heavy armor. I'm even more the glass cannon now.

    1. Mack


      Something might be workable, Hirru.

    2. Hirru


      Seeing that after my Heavy Armor mitigation is equipped, I will tank 5 damage then heal 6 hp afterwards from the enemy hitting me (If I roll a 6 or higher on CD).

      This is going to be a fun build.

    3. Opal


      I figured it was just a typo! :D Good luck with your builds! 

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  17. Alright, a head's up to everyone. I have to train someone new at work tonight, so no posting and what not tonight. At least not until I get home in about 9-10 hours. Sorry for those waiting.

  18. Also, a bit confused on how one levels up their Sword Arts? Do the high level characters just already have access to all the goodies?

    1. Calrex


      With the update comes increases in the skill prices, so likely not everyone will have Rank 5 on their abilities at the moment. Unless they specialized and had a lot of SP stocked up O_O

    2. Takao


      You don't level up the sword arts, you get all the sword arts that coincide with your skill rank. So if you have Rank 3 in One Handed Straight Swords, you get all the rank 3 and lower sword arts.

  19. An announcement explaining the system update and, particularly, the re-spec requirements and what that does to existing stats would be very much appreciated. Mostly, I'd like to know if I need to re-spec Mack or not in order to keep the Glass Cannon build and whatnot.

    1. Mack


      Yeah, Cal, that's how I read it too. I guess our quests are fine then.

    2. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      Yes they are fine. When im not busy ill be making a changelog of sorts for people to see

    3. Mack


      A changelog would be immensely helpful :)

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  20. Woo! Level 22 now.

    1. Kalesh


      Congrats on reaching level Ballerina!

      (Get it? Two-two?)










      (I'm not sorry.)

    2. Mack


      I'm a pretty princess.

    3. Koumori


      The post gap between level 16 and level 22 is truly staggering 

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  21. Is hypothermia a thing in SAO?

    1. Carambit


      I mean they did seem to emphasize the need for warm clothing in the cold environments, like when Kirito went with Liz that time. But I can't think of any actual effects it would have... Maybe a status effect? Similar to paralysis but with freezing?

    2. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      Unless stated you won't suffer negative effects. Stated would be cases like Cerberus where the heat can burn.

    3. Kalesh


      It should be noted that Lisbeth and Kirito did wear cloaks/jackets when going to see the dragon, so I suspect you would probably feel rather uncomfy at least :P

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  22. Mack is loading up on goodies to share with the Assault Team when we go tackle the boss. Cheers. :)

    1. Mack


      If I get everything I'm after... for the raid thread I'll have a Base Damage of 11, hit for 12 on a 9, and 13 on a 10... and on crits. I'll deal a hilarious -12 over two turns (-2 Bleed, -2 Burn, -2 Poison each for 2 turns).

      Tanks, eat your hearts out. Glass Cannon for the win. :)

  23. The crafting gods smile upon me today. 3 Perfect Items, 2 Rare Items, 1 Bad Item... total Job XP = 41.

    1. Mack


      Guildies get a discount still.

    2. Xion


      Ooh, how much exactly?

    3. Mack


      I don't really know, Mack kind of applies the discount on a case by case basis. Of course, if Xion were to admit IC that Mack was the better blacksmith... he'd probably give Xion the armor set for free :)

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  24. ceiling-cat2.jpg

    1. Piera


      The true inspiration behind the famous painting u.u

    2. Macradon


      I once did something like that with one of my friends


  25. Productive day... bought tickets for Rusalka and a movie event... and did all the brewing for a Russian Imperial Stout.

    1. Shirosu


      shoot! wish i could go to a live show of any kind, there's a neat one coming near me soon with a bunch of horses but not sure if i'm going yet 

    2. Mack


      A bunch of horses? Sounds like Dolly Parton's Dixie Stampede :)

    3. Koumori


      "There's a neat one coming with a bunch of horses"

      That statement isn't inherently bad, but I started thinking some funny things when I read that. I think I'm too tired. 

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