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Status Updates posted by Lycan

  1. TFW a mob spawns right in front of your face and you choke on the draw. #NoobLyfe

    1. Drake_McGricken


      Well, even though Drake read it so much, he still has the ability to #N00b1yf3

    2. Lycan


      Right?! The struggle is real!

    3. Drake_McGricken


      #Strgl #need a struggle on the rocks #eat a struggle sandwich

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  2. That feel when you discover someone's kink when you're trying to mind your own business.

    1. Mari


      you just jelly Mari got an Esther and you dont

    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ly I can make you a colar if you really wanna.

    3. Lycan


      Tch, I'm no domestic house pet. No collar on this boy. Not until he gets married at least.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  3. Total loss duel with an unarmed girl? Yeah, I'm a jerk.

    1. Lycan


      When you get drunk on chemicals, you do some effed up things. But it's too late now. Esther is in... better hands...

    2. Calrex
    3. Ashrah


      [censored] YEAH.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  4. Today has been a Monday for the record books. Heavy drinking to follow.

    1. Beatbox


      Oh lord it has begun.

    2. Domarus


      Heh heh.  Domarus built up an immunity to alcohol in the real world.  Let the drinking contest begin

    3. Lycan


      Well, I'ma drink heavily IRL and start up a pub OP tomorrow. Think of some dice mechanics for beer pong or flip cup or something.

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  5. I know I owe posts, but my personal frame of mind needs some work first. Hang in there. I haven't forgotten. 

    1. Calrex


      No worries dude, get IRL stuff sorted first! XD

    2. Baldur
    3. Itzal


      My life is the opposite of sorted.  I'm crazy so the world treats me as such XD

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  6. Hey guys. Did you know there was a Windows 95 beta of SAO? Here is rare footage of the original "Link Start!"



    1. Azide
    2. Erroneous


      @Lycanthat's moving awfully fast for Windows 95.

    3. Calrex


      It was like Donkey Kong, you needed an external extra processor to play

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  7. I return from Boston but have contracted the con plague. Lord have mercy on my soul.

    1. Takao


      the con plague claims another. rip. we'll remember you

    2. Baldur


      *Sets up CDC quarantine* 

    3. Lycan


      Funeral proceedings will take place April 1, 2016.

      R.I.P. Lycan 1987-2016


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  8. As of today, I have resigned from staff. Please direct your questions and concerns to your current PST and GM team. Thank you for letting me serve you and I appreciate my time on SAO.

    1. Life


      I guess after years of moderating on different sites you end up burning out. 

    2. Lycan


      I like progress, not politics. Sadly, I was experiencing more of the latter than the former. Life is more than capable now that he's back and hold more community respect. He should be able to take the reins from here.

    3. Baldur


      Thank you for your service man. I'm sorry it ended so frustratingly.

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  9. Re:Zero, you finally let Subaru be cool. It makes my brain tremble.

    1. Ashrah


      I'm so glad they decided to let him play the role that his ability ought to have given him to begin with.

      Though I'm also glad that they gave him a realistic depression and mania about the ability before that.

    2. Esther


      Things are going too well

      Suspiciously too well.


    3. Baldur
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  10. Please send formal complaints to a GM or PST with examples of the problem and rules broken via PM. Word of mouth via chat or friend of a friend is inadequate.

    1. Baldur


      Feed him to the sharks

    2. Lycan


      Dunno, if it's who I think it is, I'm Lycan him a lot.

      Dunno, if it's who I think it is, I'm Lycan him a lot.

    3. Hirru
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  11. Back from vacation. *Throws off Holiday Hat* 

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      *pops confetti... looks around*
      Get to work!... after cleaning all this



      wb. :D

    2. Calrex


      *hundred party horn salute*

    3. Lycan


      Hmm... this mess poses a problem. Great thing that confetti makes excellent tinder. *Lights match*

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  12. Anyone want to help an Alchemist be born? I have a PP-F1 open for my <<Earning a Living>>

    1. Beoreson
    2. Lycan


      Sounds good! I was thinking we could fight maybe a boar or wolf before getting to the eastern herb fields. There we can both do some searching for mats, and after one or two mats, we return to the NPC and close out the thread. Sound good?

    3. Beoreson


      Yeah, sounds great.

  13. One 40 post solo down for the count. Next please! #ClarexJr

    1. Calrex


      Dagnabit man it's Calrex! XD

      Also oh good freaking lord, you narrowly survived an early quest. You are the second coming of me -_-U

    2. Macradon


      Pfff. I made 3-4 Solo thread with 20 posts each in a week or so <,<

      Also has a 40 posts thread

      I also had a 64 post solo thread


    3. Teayre


      @Zelrius What was that SP you did again? Something like 10 pages in the end wasn't it?

  14. As a public reminder, shops are considered a non-combat zone. They are treated like safe-zones. PKing cannot happen unless (for some reason) a total loss duel has been accepted.

    1. Lee


      Why though? 
      I mean, I understand in a small sense but shouldn't that kinda be the opposite purpose of having shops in actual safe areas and those that aren't? 
      I figured that was the risk that the player was taking putting their shop outside of a safe zone.

    2. Lycan


      Considering the recent rise in PKing and the manner in which Zelrius and Ssendom were killed, players with shops should not be put as risk since it is assumed they are always present in said shops. Shops are also threads that are never closed or awarded col and SP. They are an independent mechanic from normal RP in the floors and as such, do not permit open combat within them. Since it is also assumed that shop owners have crafting equips on at the time they are present in the shops, they are unarmed and unprotected. While it logically is possible, it doesn't have an enforceable mechanic at this time that is both fair to PKers and Non-PKers.

    3. Baldur


      Yea, mechanically on SAO-RPG, shops and the RP of buying an item, is the extent. You're not even supposed to have extended RPs in shop threads. Though i suppose if you created a thread on the relevant floor forum and set it in a shop, then yes, you could have a PvP fight there. But that forum itself is not for extended RP

  15. Ladies and Gents... He's back.

    1. Ratatosk


      I aint Lycan this one bit

      Welcome back guild leader, glad to see you again.

    2. Baldur


      Shady's back?

    3. Ashrah



  16. I killed a rock, y'all. Did it in 8 blows. One step closer to the front lines.

  17. Spending account? GImme the Col, baybee.

    1. Zulas


      Do you know how is it going to be used? Or if it can be used yet? Just wondering because a currency system like that would be sweet!

    2. Lycan


      No news yet. Let you know when I know.

    3. Zulas


      Ok, thanks! Looking forward to it :)

  18. Trying not to be a sarcastic potato, but sometimes I can't help but facepalm at people. Do they think before they speak?

    1. Baldur


      Sounds like a case of sour cream

    2. Teayre


      *resists joke about Americans* ^^

    3. Calrex


      Oh trust me, we're well aware of those Tea :P

  19. I've hung up that GM mantle yet again for lack of contribution. Here's to hoping the new team keeps up the momentum.

    1. Calrex


      Stop getting good at Overwatch! XD

    2. Lycan


      Naw, I'm focusing on work and my spare time has been going into admin duties elsewhere. I just couldn't get my head wrapped around the work staff was doing on 3.0. You guys got it though. Should be amazing when it goes live.

    3. Calrex


      Hopefully I'll be done with coding bootcamp and ready to rock by then XD

  20. I iz proud of my impromtu quest generating skillz. Interesting plot 4 the winz.

    1. Baldur
    2. orhalimi


      It was nice. Though I hoped to me more cool things then you are all locked in the room for future plots(go to the cave and give a birth to a guild xD), but it is cool to see someone who give main roles to the players in his story!


  21. My brain trembles.

    1. Rain
    2. Esther



  22. Trying to catch up on writing. What a horrid week.

  23. I've missed a lot, but tough times seem to be dwindling. Let's see if I can remember how to do the things.

    1. Teayre


      If you don't change the things so they do what you want them to!

    2. Baldur
  24. We on floor 74 yet?

    1. Macradon
    2. Calrex


      I believe you mean my level, and you're short by 5 XD

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