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Everything posted by Bahr

  1. Bahr


  2. Bahr


  3. THREAD COMPLETE Thread net gains: Bahr 3 SP 400 col Lessa 4 SP 400 col (Slimefarm used. Next available 1/15/20.)
  4. His arm slid around her instinctively as she pressed into him, hand hanging off of her hip as he allowed his head to come to a rest on hers. He would never get tired of that, the closeness. He pulled her into a soft squeeze, letting out a sigh now that their work was complete. Unlike most things in Aincrad, the tree was imperfect in a completely unique way. Their way. But now that it was done, it meant that it was time to say goodbye. Just a little longer. "Pretty sure there's still a couple of weeks until the big day, but this has already been the best Christmas in a really long tim
  5. "Is this what Christmas was like with your family?" "Ehhh, not exactly. They were never really the sort to decorate for the holidays," he answered as he stood patiently, serving as the rope light dispenser for their shared endeavor. "Our tree was always filled with knick knacks, though. Truly bizarre stuff. My mom had a thing for dinosaurs, so there's just a ton of translucent glass dinosaurs dangling throughout the tree. All sorts of colors, too. Red, purple, blue, orange. Like a rainbow of reptiles." It seemed that she'd finished assembling the lights, so Bahr stepped over to plug
  6. "There's no system to it," she replied as her thin fingers traced briefly along the small of his back. So casual, as though they'd been doing it for years. Bahr cherished the thought. "It's kind of like you said earlier. Every year it looks different, because we just decorate it however we feel," she mused as she picked through the box, eventually producing a glass orb that had something hidden inside. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a horse, ivory in coloration with verdant accents. "I had four of these made," she explained, "They're all white, but each has different colors f
  7. Another content sigh as she leaned in and her warmth returned. If not for the way the darkness of the night stained his eyes, he'd think there was none there at all. "Isn’t it funny how I went there looking for a ghost and found you instead." Bahr had come to realize and appreciate how Lessa's sudden intrusion into his darkness had left a mark on his life. A light that led him back. But he'd failed to consider the ways that he had changed her life. It was something he'd had at the forefront of his mind in the beginning. A drive to correct her depression and pull her out from the mud
  8. Name: Cuarzo Rosea Your Profession: Tailor Your Rank: 9 ID: 131853 Roll: CD11 | LD20 Item Type: Light armor Tier: 2 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: MIT | MIT | Recovery Description: A pale pink kimono with white and blue leather armor pads on her forearms, shoulders, and chest. glows a faint pink color and restores energy to the wearer on occasion . Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r9-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=590478
  9. Bahr eyeballed the newcomer as she perused his wares, whistling in a cringy manner before finally deciding that none of it suited her. Bahr sighed as she picked up the commission sheet, resigning himself to the reality that his general stock would never be enough for the travelers of Aincrad. She she submitted the request, Bahr gave it a quick look over before giving her a nod. "Hang tight. I'll have this done quickly." It took but a few minutes of his time, a couple materials, and a pull of a thread. As the pieces assembled into a single garment, it briefly flashed gold to signify a
  10. Bahr's eyes smiled with amusement as he watched her squirm uncomfortably in her seat. It seemed he wasn't the only one not used to getting compliments. But her smile couldn't lie. "Thanks. Really. I'm just not really used to all this. I'm not used to someone wanting to... kiss me." Now that was a surprise. Had she not practically a harem of her own? Bahr had simply assumed there were countless men with lust in their eyes coming after her. But when he really stopped to think about it, that had been such a silly train of thought. Not because because of her looks or personality, because
  11. Bahr couldn't hold back his chortle, half snorting as the sudden expulsion of air caught in his nose. He steadied himself with a deep breath, but a surge of laughter threatened to burst forth again. Somehow, he managed to hold it back. "Wow. You really have a way with words. First it was discussing bodily functions in reference to a mistletoe, now you're talking about a dirty slumber party. If nothing else, your range is astounding." There were hints of laughter in his tone, but he did his best to subdue them. "And you'd told me about your cooking, but I wasn't expecting that. Masterful w
  12. "Yeah, I loved him. Maybe I still do. I dunno." The words sank into him like a cinder block into a calm pond, disturbing the motionless sheet of the water's surface with a turbulent splash and sending ripples across the entire expanse. But just as the block would settle within the murky depths and the water would return to its stillness, so too would Bahr. In the end, it wasn't like the his situation was that much different. He knew it was unfair to feel this way, all things considered. So he allowed the hunk of concrete to remain undisturbed, buried underneath everything else. "This
  13. Bahr listened intently to Lessa's explanation, taking care to keep his expression as neutral as possible. He didn't want to give away how much it stung to hear her gushing about another man. But again, this was what she needed. And though it seemed to pain her just talking about it, Bahr could sense that there was something therapeutic happening here. He had wished countless times that he could divulge his experience about Zayne to someone who wouldn't immediately cast him as a ruthless murderer. So he gave her what he had wanted for years. A chance to vent, and articulate the thoughts and fee
  14. Name: Nightmare Bomber Your Profession: Tailor Your Rank: 9 ID: 131475 Roll: CD11 | LD10 Item Type: Light Armor Tier: 2 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: MIT | MIT | EVA Description: "Without contraries is no progression. Attraction and repulsion, reason and energy, love and hate, are necessary to human existence." Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r9-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=589999
  15. Hope. He'd forgotten the feel of it. Gentle and powerful wrapped up into a single neat package. A driving force for many. Bahr had foolishly believed that his motivation up until now had been hope. But now that he was actually feeling it, he knew that he had been woefully wrong. Hope that he would never have to see Lessa walk away. Hope that whatever this was could bloom into something even more beautiful. Even silly hopes, like they would meet at some point on the other side and start this wild ride all over again. But was that really so silly? Probably. This was all still in
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