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Section dedicated for collecting Player feedback.

Entries in this blog

PT Event Feedback

Heyo everyone. Seeing as the playtest event is over, it's time to gather feedback. As you can see above, there's a poll on whichever system you prefer and would like to say. Please note that whichever system is decided to be overall the more desired of the two will stick around, in place of the other. That means if the playtest is found to be better overall, we'll be intergrating it into the site officially. We want to hear your opinions on the event, the combat and any crtisisms/improvements yo


ChaseR in Logistical Feedback

Staff Rewards

The topic of providing staff mechanical rewards (of any kind) for their efforts has generally been a taboo topic because of multiple reasons including skepticism from dubious intentions and a longstanding belief that staff work should be enough of a reward on its own.  However, a larger goal of staff and its individuals for the past couple of years has been to re-establish trust in staff in hopes of fostering a healthier environment. We’d like to bring it the topic to the table once more and cle

Updated 3.0 Info-dump and the Home Stretch

As many of you may know, the meme of a 3.0 release has existed since the first iteration of the patch was delayed. This eventually became a tradition within our community, especially as its contents were sealed away from the community the entire time. That was changed a while back, as this newest iteration of staff released an information dump regarding 3.0 and the mechanics that had been kept from the community. I'm glad to say that the unrefined work that you saw in the previous info-dump has



Custom Skills and Sword Arts in 3.0

Custom Skills and Sword Arts in 3.0 Hello there, fellow vestigial remnants of our casually decaying reality.  There are some big changes coming in 3.0 when it comes to your Skills and how you can sort them. There will no longer be Skill slots, meaning you can collect as many standard Skills as you want. We will, however, be implementing a cap on Extra Skills, as well as reclassifying certain Skills into the Extra Skills category. As the system is set up currently, it's all too common t



Rewarding Staff Members

Hello SAO-RPGians! We recently had a discussion in the staff chat, and thought it would be appropriate to bring it to the community. The conversation ran along the lines of how much work goes into the events that take place around site. Keeping track of everyone's stats, keeping the events in context and engaging, and making sure that things stay on a reasonable timetable can really take a lot out of a person. Because of this, the idea was brought forth that perhaps it would be appropriate



3.0 and all its information!

Check out the latest information for 3.0!!! Give us your feedback! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TjXmiFEH8mBiL3fM5ygjmogs4Eq8oKCp-v9rmXf8Fm8/edit?usp=sharing Note from the team: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-qQUKNBp-mHhKeb6gl2kQbcL5QcBnSQmiw39_FL72tw/edit?usp=sharing



Sword art Poll and Debate

Hello members of the SAO RPG forums! Welcome to a debate topic that the system's dev team put together (along with a few others) to get you guy's opinion! This topic involves the weapons system! The main star of this particular debate topic are sword art cooldowns! essentially, there's a bit of a dilemma that we're currently having in regards to that, which is the type of cooldowns we're going to have for sword arts, and whether or not they should change from sword art to sword art. We also plan



Special Items

Hey all, The staff team is currently trying to track down and catalogue special items that have enhacements or abilities outside of what's listed in the current Enhancement List. If you have any item that possesses anything not listed or defined in the guides, please contact @Neopolitan with the details of what it is, what it does, and if possible, where it was obtained. We appreciate your help with this!



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