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[F13-Appraiser] Freyd Edges [Open]

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"Oy!  Dingo!!!  Customers, ya lout!"  A harsh, throaty woman's voice with a thick scottish accent echoed from the back of Freyd Edges.  It was barely a shop, consisting of a series of tables, crates and barrels strung together with tarps and a few decorative awnings.  Everything was 'loosely' organized in piles of like items strewn all about the various, precariously overloaded surfaces.  Adding to all of this was the fact that the outdoor shop was located on the grounds of a ruined limestone monastery at the edge of Angel's Point.  The entire area was nearly permanently covered in soupy fog and endless zombie horde lurked just beyond the walls.

A scrawny, mousy-haired boy came out of a workshop behind the counters, looking like he'd just heard someone call him for supper.  His eagerness faded somewhat when the food failed to manifest.  He waved politely to Vie, wiping his hands as he began to process her request.  It was instantly obvious, by his green icon, that he too was a player.

"Here you go, miss."  He blushed deeply as he transferred her order.  "Please let us know if you need anything else."  The same roaring cacophony echoed once more from the rear of the shop.

"Ey!  Boy'o!  Quit flirtin' with da customers and get yer ass back to werk!"


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Having just returned from his trip killing anything he found in the twenty second's forest, the boy entered the shop and looked around to see two... creatures, ahead of him behind a counter. He'd learned his lesson to not judge whoever he saw as an NPC or player until they talked a bit first. He simply waved his hand with his frostscale pangolin on his shoulder, keeping a brow raised and asking away. "I've got a load of items I want identified. Where's the gloomy guy, Freyd?". His tone was somewhat wary, but still much more cheerful and filled with emotion than his usual. He opened up his inventory and quickly dumped a whole set of items to be identified, mostly consisting of weapons- all two handed swords, too. No wonder... "He owes me a free identification or somethin' like that."

Items to be ID'ed:

  • 20 T3 Perfect Weapons (ID: 168067a, 168067b, 168114, 168353b, 168398, 168400, 168442b, 168454b, 168454c, 168455a, 168455b, 168455c, 168480b, 168480c, 168495b, 168499b, 168510b, 168511b, 168511c, 168544)
  • 1 T2 Perfect Weapon (ID: 165311a)
  • 5 T3 Rare Weapon (ID: 168319b, 168399b, 168428b, 168440b, 168441b)

Col Total: 48,400 Col

Edited by ChaseR
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A short, broad-looking woman with tightly braided blonde hair glared at ChaseR with brilliant green eyes from the far side of the counter.  She wore a thick, brown leather apron over an undyed linen tunic and a long cloth skirt.  Her right eye twitched as ChaseR spoke.

"Free?  Freyd?  Wha' is he doin' now, that...," she muttered, suddenly breaking out into full blurt.  "DINGO! Tell Freyd t'stop givin' 'way everythi' fer free!!!"

A scrawny-looking boy with a thin, long neck poked his head up from behind several loosely piled mounds of assorted good.  "Aye, Quip.  Whatever ya say!"  He slunk back down, warily, clearly hopeful to avoid any further wrath.

The blue-haired boy suddenly found a thick stubby finger rammed a quarter inch from his face.  

"Yer' gettin' it at cost - NO LESS!"


A few hours later, the scrawny boy returned with two broken sword blades, handed them to ChaseR with a polite nod and transferred him back the balance of col.



Eval: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19579-freyds-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=623919

ChaseR Paid: 48,000 col. 

Net cost after junking: 20,740 col.

Change returned through Banker: 27,260 col

Item #1

Name: Fragmented Blade
Your Profession:  Merchant
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  169565, 169566, 169567
Roll Result: LD 11, 6*, 13 (Unique on 169566)
Item Type: Weapon (2HSS)
Tier: T3
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Bleed/Para, Bleed/Para, Holy/Fallen
Description: A blade with various broken bits and pieces.  It’s broken around barely less than half its length.  It is said that despite its jagged, broken form, it will sometimes exhibit exceptional power.  Usually when the wielder needs it the most.
Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/20081-spf22-searching-for-something/?do=findComment&comment=622783Item #2


Name: Sanguine Half-Sword
Your Profession:  Merchant
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  169574, 169575, 169576
Roll Result: LD 9, 13, 15* (Unique on 169576)
Item Type: Weapon (2HSS)
Tier: T3
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Bleed/Para, Bleed/Para, Vampiric (Off)/Envenom (Off)
Description: A half broken sword with rounded edges, that make its usefulness in combat questionable.  Blue bits of lightning appear around the blade every so often, giving off a menacing and corrupted aura.
Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/20081-spf22-searching-for-something/?do=findComment&comment=623062
Acquisition ID [168454b]



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All that they managed to get out of him was a groan and some annoyance. "... A-At cost means standard price..? Not even a discount for being friends huh? Cheapskates...". He picked up the two swords and stashed them away without paying much attention to their stats quite yet, coughing and taking out just a few more items for identification as he placed them on the counter, tapping his foot on the ground impatiently. "... Okay, then identify these two and we're even. Oh, and sell these. Chop chop.", he almost sneered at Quip, taking a few more trinkets and consumables out on another stack.



  • 2 T3 Rare Weapon (ID: 168514a, 168541a)
  • 20 Perfect T3 Armor (ID: 168067c, 168116a, 168116b, 168320c, 168320d, 168427c, 168427d, 168454a, 168457c, 168457d, 168480a, 1684899a, 168510a, 168511a, 168512a, 168523c, 168523d, 168527c, 168527d, 168544a)
  • 4 T3 Rare Armor (ID: 168065b, 168115, 168414, 168426)

Total Cost: 48,640 Col



To Sell:

  • 12 T3 Uncommon Consumable (ID: 168063, 168078, 168318, 168370, 168399a, 168415, 168428a, 168440a, 168441a, 168444, 168514b, 168541b)
  • 10 T3 Rare Trinkets (ID: 168064, 168077, 168080, 168308, 168413, 168417, 168429, 168477, 168478, 168524)
  • 4 T3 Rare Consumable (ID: 168065a, 168319a, 168496, 168497)
  • 5 T3 Perfect Trinket (ID: 168076, 168353a, 168371, 168442a, 168495a)
  • 19 T3 Perfect Consumables (ID: 168116c, 168116d, 168320a, 168320b, 168366, 168402, 168427a, 168427b, 168457a, 168457b, 168479, 168512b, 168512c, 168523a, 168523b, 168527a, 168527b, 168544b, 168544c)

Total Gain: 32,525 Col


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Quip glowered at ChaseR, her head barely visible from behind the mound of assorted items piled all over the heavily straining counter.

"Look here, Juv'nile Smurf!  I ain't yer buddy, and I ain't yer slave eith'r.  Freyd, Dingo 'nd I be spendin' our time 'ere fer ya, fer free!  Freyd even supplied da Craftin' Respites an' used up one o'them bloody event item for ya.  So stuff yer attitude, and if yer wantin' someone t'a call a cheapskate, I'll sell a frikkin mirror!"

Grabbing all of the items she could in her bear-paw like hands, Quip's bobbing braids were the only thing he could see beneath the mountain of unidentified items slowly moving its way towards the workshop at the back.


Freyd came out, about an hour later, with four pieces of armor in hand.

"Here you go, Chase."  He said, calmly.  "Do try to be a but nicer to the staff, would you?  They're here to help.  Looks like you got a few nice items this time around.  I don't mind helping you out, but if you actually keep bringing in this much volume, I'm actually going to have to start charging you something.  These evals take time, and my time is precious.  Plus, if you're bringing in these types of hauls, my guess is that you're not exactly hurting for cash."  Carefully placing the items on the counter, he thanked ChaseR for his business and wished him the best in his next set of grinds.


Eval results here: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19579-freyds-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=624108

Col transferred

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"Quip!  I have to go to some kind of party tonight."  Freyd sat in his own shop, surrounded by unidentified consumables, wondering what he was going to do.

"Ya really don' have a clue, do yeh?"  Came the call from the far side of the shop.  "Go to Quaestor's Quisine and get suthin' nice to brin' witya!"

He debated her suggestion internally, but hadn't even been given any details.  'Bring a box if you like candy', Night's message had said.  What the heck was that supposed to mean?  He thought it best to be prudent and come prepare for action.  What else could it possibly mean?


Freyd buys 20x Rations +2 at base cost (20 x 900 = 18,000 col) - sent to Banker

Vanity Tag: @NIGHT

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It was about high time the woman gave her comrade's shop a perusal. A small building located behind a monastery was a peaceful place to set up shop. Greenery surrounded her and the weather was just about tranquil. It was a far cry from the gloominess that was his home. She would not step foot there without someone else to protect her from the undead. Rotting, skeletal foes were not her strong suit. Her agenda wandered to her next battle. A dungeon had opened up, the talk of every town now. If she were to venture there, she would have to come prepared. That meant expanding her inventory, crunching for a moment to gain a bit of SP. Raidou would rally together their group anytime now.

The bluenette stepped into the shop and perused the wares. So many knick knacks were tempting her, but she had her sights set on what she came to buy. Hopefully it would be found here. She wandered about the back until she found a backpack sitting on the shelf. Dimensional, as it read, it would serve to expand her battle ready aid. She picked it off the shelf, along with the crystal next to it and laid it down on the counter. "Good afternoon! Tell Freyd he has a lovely shop. This'll be all." She shot the woman by the counter a soft smile. Her aura was a tad bit intimidating. She had that sort of... intense, bushy eyebrow thing going on.



Dimensional Backpack – (@ 5,500 col)
 Item Type: Unique Item
Effect: Adds +1 to Battle Ready inventory. This item does not take up a Battle Ready inventory slot. A player may only have one Dimensional Backpack at any time.


Teleportation Crystal – (@ 880 col)
Item Type: Crystal
Effect: Use a post action to activate a teleport crystal. Teleports the player to the town or designated teleportation area they specify.


Edited by Haine
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"Ooooh!  You must be Haine!  You're ev'ry bit as lovely as Freyd said ye was, lasse.  Come, now.  Let's take good care of ya."  Quip was a matronly woman, squat but stout, with careworn green eyes and thick, coarse blonde hair bound in a series of tight and intricate braids that dangled over her shoulders.  She could have been a barmaid, barkeep and a bouncer all at once and would fit the stereotype for each.  

"'Ere ya go," she said, patting Haine's carefully wrapped purchases.  "An I've thrown in a bit extra to make sure ye stay safe, aye lass? No cost."  She winked kindly at the bluenette.  The head of a scrawny, mousy-haired boy with matching eyes popped up at the last words.  

"Are you sure that..."

"DINGO!"  She bellowed, threateningly, making both Haine and the boy jump at the sudden change of temperament.

"It's alright, lass.  You take da with ye, 'kay?" Quip said, then turned to glare at her younger brother.


In addition to items purchased above, Haine receives:

3x Field Rations +2 (+120 HP) (link to this post, bought by Freyd: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-merchant-freyd-edges-safe-zone/?do=findComment&comment=623998]

Jackpot Pretzel Consumable (Snack) Loot Die 3
A gigantic super-salty pretzel.  Guaranteed a win if you can finish the whole thing.

Red Velvet Meringue Consumable (Snack) Evasion 2
A super-rich, chocolatey treat that spreads warmth and comfort within anyone who eats it, taking them to their emotional happy place and rendering them untouchable to lesser slights.


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A set of firm knocks resounded on the shop's misshapen wooden door, growing fainter as Elora lost interest in propriety and proceeded to open it without receiving a welcome or the invitation to enter. She waited for it to finish squealing at its hinges before announcing herself, "Hey guys, anyone here? I need to buy some stuff" She figured Freyd's minions, henchmen, interns, friends -- whoever they were -- were probably lounging up in their loft. "Oh yeah, and a friend of mine is coming over too. Have you guys met Katoka yet?", she called up into the shack's drafty rafters before rubbing her cold nose and stuffing her hands back into her pockets. Elora wasn't all that optimistic that they would see Freyd today. He was a busy man nowadays, what with all of his leaderly responsibilities. Still, she couldn't help but feel that he would be proud to see her and Katoka in this moment, preparing to enter their first dungeon together. Oh well, at least that means he won't be obligated to threat us to dinner if it goes well, she chuckled to herself. Elora looked over her shoulder and back toward the entrance to anticipate the arrival of her friend.  I probably should have waited at the gate to walk with her here. 


Vanity Tag: @Katoka


Elora Purchases the Following Items:

Single Tent – (@ 440 col) Item Type: Consumable Effect: One player uses a post action to use the tent. Grants -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat. Effect lasts for one thread.

Water Canister – (@ 440 col) Item Type: Consumable [3 Charges] Effect: Grants +(5 *Tier) health regeneration while out of combat. Effect lasts for one thread. Item is destroyed once all charges have been used.

x5 Teleportation Crystal – (@ 880 col) 
Item Type: Crystal
Effect: Use a post action to activate a teleport crystal. Teleports the player to the town or designated teleportation area they specify.


Total Owed: 5,280 Col

Edited by Elora
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Bursting through the door like an out of control child, Katoka shoulder checked the wooden door before it completely closed behind Elora, "I'M HERE!" she yelled, out of breath. "Sorry -- I got -- Caught up -- at home."

She huffed and puffed catching her breath, it was hard to believe that despite being in a virtual world, she had to worry about ta thing like stamina. "There must be a hidden stat somewhere that I don't know about yet."

"Alright, I think I'm good now." she said after a few moments, "Let's buy these goods so we can make our senpai proud. Also it can't hurt to snoop around and see if we can get some infor to tease him about while we're here." she grinned and approached the counter.


Katoka Purchases the Following Items:

Water Canister – (@ 440 col) Item Type: Consumable [3 Charges] Effect: Grants +(5 *Tier) health regeneration while out of combat. Effect lasts for one thread. Item is destroyed once all charges have been used.

x5 Teleportation Crystal – (@ 880 col) 
Item Type: Crystal
Effect: Use a post action to activate a teleport crystal. Teleports the player to the town or designated teleportation area they specify.


Total Owed: 4,840 Col


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It had been a minute since she had seen Freyd. Last time they talked, she was being something of a dick to him to be honest. The grudge that she had with that field boss ran deep, and thankfully, she had gotten over it. She would never be able to look at a snake again without shuddering though.

Walking into Freyd's shop, she wanted to keep everything as brief as possible. The need for crafting was more important now than ever with the floor boss looming it's metaphorical shadow over their heads. Walking up to the counter of the store, Yuki gives Freyd a smile. "Heya Freyd, I'm in need of materials and I'm a little too lazy to go grinding mobs for them today. Can you get me some please?" She asked, setting the order amount on his counter. Her handwriting was actually beautiful too.



30T1 Mats = 9,750
50T2 Mats = 32,500

32,500 + 9,750 = 42,250


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The figure behind the counter had his back to Yuki as she spoke, but jumped and turned as if startled by the unexpected visitor.  It wasn't Freyd, but an equally lanky, mousy haired boy with the same lanky build.  He looked younger and his hair less disheveled.  He also had brown leggings and wore a tanned leather apron like many shopkeepers she'd previously encountered.  

"Oh!  Uh... hi.  F...Freyd's out at the moment, but I'm sure we can scrounge up what you need."  He turned an awkward shade of pink as he took her order, admiring the quality of the writing.  Blinking several times, a faint degree of recognition dawned on his youthful face.  "Wait... are you... Yuki, the Pink Paladin?!"  Not even waiting for her confirmation, he gushed and confirmed it for himself.  Dashing to the back of the shop, he returned a few moments later with what seemed like some sort of scrap book.  He flipped it open like some sort of overcaffeinated fan boy and thrust a pen into Yuki's face.  "I'm a HUGE fan!"  Spinning the book around, Yuki saw a small 2" x  3" print of herself in full tanking gear.  The page had several other similar images of other recognizable tanks, but was otherwise completely devoid of signatures.


@Zajcica - Thank you for your business

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Taken aback by the shopkeep's reaction to her, Yuki blushed slightly. Did that many people really know about her? She didn't feel like she should be famous for anything, nor did she know that was even going to happen. Looking at the book with her picture in it, she couldn't help but wonder when this picture was taken or who even took it. Not to mention why they had it in the first place. Is that what being an idol feels like? Not really her cup of tea. Nevertheless, she would sign 'Zajcica' in English cursive on the paper.

"Uh, there you go." She stood awkwardly. "I don't mean to press the matter to the side, but I really need those materials."

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A single step on this rickety wood flooring would be enough to send a shiver down his spine, mimicking the wail of a banshee for this entire place looks as if it hadn't been maintained in over a century, but the mood is lifted when he spots Zajcica and a shopkeeper going back and forth. It brings a smile to his face, and still, he remains on the outskirts of their conversation. His eyes gloss over these display glasses unless finally settling upon a vial, labelled 'Immolation Potion.'

"I'm goin' to need one of these," he says, and points a finger to it.


Immolation Potion – (@ 350 col)
Item Type: Potion
Effect: When used, successful non-critical attacks against you deal 10 unmitigated damage to the attacking enemy. Effect lasts for one thread.

Col Sent!


Edited by Enryu
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Haine was back again. Those potions in stock, whatever they were made of, proved handy multiple times in quests with comrades. Immolation, was it called? Haine would buy out whatever they had in stock. She padded up the steps to the shop, sliding through the door. She closed it shut behind her, padding up to the shelves near the back. This shop had been a frequent destination as of late, her go-to for a merchant. She scanned for bottles of viscous, fiery red liquid. Surely enough, a full stock rested neatly on the shelf. She snagged two off the shelf, along with a ration and moved to the counter. "I'm back! Can't get enough of you guys," she jested with a slight chuckle. "Runnin' with the newcomers today, so I'm here for these." She set them down on the counter.


Immolation Potion x2 – (@ 700 col)
Item Type: Potion
Effect: When used, successful non-critical attacks against you deal 10 unmitigated damage to the attacking enemy. Effect lasts for one thread.


Field Rations x1 – (@ 350 col)
Item Type: Snacks
Effect: Grants +30 to max HP. Cannot be used in combat. Effect lasts for one thread. A player cannot benefit from more than one Field Rations at a time.


Edited by Haine
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  • 2 weeks later...

Scouring through his collection of assorted goods, Freyd had amassed a suitable number of materials to fulfill his promise: 100 materials to new guild members working to get their professions going.  Quip and Dingo were agog at the casual display of generosity from someone who seemed to hoard everything.  Freyd considered it to be an investment in a future ally.  Firm Anima's strength was key to future plans.  It was both necessary, and akin to doing a good thing.  'Whatever it took to rationalize it,' he supposed.  It was part of his duty to help develop the guild, and he didn't mean to fail at such things.

Freyd buys 100x T1 materials for 30,000 col and sends them to @Valentine



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  • 2 weeks later...

The last stop on Bahr's list was an assortment of tables on the outskirts of Angel's Point on the thirteenth floor. The sort of place that Bahr would usually overlook, he was drawn to it purely because of its name. 'Freyd Edges.' Now, if there was one thing Bahr could appreciate, it was a good pun worked into a shop name. Classic.

As he sauntered into the small makeshift market, Bahr placed a bundle of no fewer than nineteen swords on one of the tables, before turning his attention to one of the attendants. "I know what you're thinking. 'Wow. That's quite a bit. What a douchebag.' But hear me out..." His menu was summoned with a swipe and a jingle of chimes, open only for a matter of seconds before being dismissed. A potion populated in one of Bahr's hands, and a slip of paper in the other. "I brought help."

x8 T3 Rares.
x11 T3 Perfects.
36872 col sent to Freyd.

(1) Crafter's Respite and (1) Milky Way Rail Blueprint given to Freyd for the purposes of this transaction.
Milky Way Rail Blueprint provides +1 CD while identifying.


ID: 176045B
Tier: 3
Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
Quality: Rare

ID: 176076B
Tier: 3
Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
Quality: Rare

ID: 176078B
Tier: 3
Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
Quality: Rare

ID: 176393A
Tier: 3
Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
Quality: Rare

ID: 176439A
Tier: 3
Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
Quality: Rare

ID: 176532B
Tier: 3
Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
Quality: Rare

ID: 176569A
Tier: 3
Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
Quality: Rare

ID: 176572A
Tier: 3
Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
Quality: Rare

ID: 176552
Tier: 3
Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
Quality: Perfect

ID: 176582B
Tier: 3
Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
Quality: Perfect

ID: 176582C
Tier: 3
Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
Quality: Perfect

ID: 176583B
Tier: 3
Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
Quality: Perfect

ID: 176644
Tier: 3
Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
Quality: Perfect

ID: 176661A
Tier: 3
Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
Quality: Perfect

ID: 176661B
Tier: 3
Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
Quality: Perfect

ID: 176661C
Tier: 3
Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
Quality: Perfect

ID: 176671A
Tier: 3
Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
Quality: Perfect

ID: 176671B
Tier: 3
Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
Quality: Perfect

ID: 176671C
Tier: 3
Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
Quality: Perfect


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A squat, matronly-looking young woman with tightly-braided coarse blonde hair snagged the assorted items in her beefy arms, her stern, bright green eyes looking @Bahr over as she did so.  Her usually bark-laden interactions were subdued by the fact that he had thoughtfully produced the additional items necessary to improve the efficiency of their efforts.  

"Aye!  Good lad!  Ye'd be amazed by how many jus' expec' da we'd be de ones t'a source da' stuff."  The sheer size of the pile of blades in her hands muffled a thick Scottish accent as she bobbed her way towards the rear of the shop.


Quip returned a short while later with three ornate blades and a receipt for funds transfered.

"Ere ya go, luv.  Come back again, won'tcha?"  Flashing him a quick wink, she turned back to her work as if he'd never even been there.


Identification results:


Junk refund provided back to Bahr: 17,550 col.


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  • 3 weeks later...

It felt good to fulfill a promise and help out members of the guild at the same time.  A few of the newer arrivals had finally finished their professional training and were starting on their crafting careers and development.  The original idea had been to provide a bit of incentive, especially for those who hated or were poorly suited to the grind of farming materials or hunting down mobs.  The latter was practically cathartic for him, but it felt good to share the wealth.  Growing the guild's resources was also eminently practical.  Having assembled the necessary goods, he triggered the requisite transfers, a small smile curling the edges of the lips as he did so.

Freyd buys 100x T1 materials for 30,000 col and sends them to @Aquan

Freyd buys 100x T1 materials for 30,000 col and sends them to @Katoka

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One more stop to fulfill her means, until these orders were complete she'd have to be...patient. The thought sickened her stomach being linked and waiting on these other damned fools to get their respective shits together. At least she had most of it, and perhaps she could do some of this crap in the meantime. Wandering into what looked like someone's earnest attempts at a polished turd, holed up in some rundown church. "Well someone thinks highly of themselves. Wonder if dudes got a God complex?"

A ragged-looking woman with an accent so thick you can barely make out the gist of what she's saying. "Yeah about that, No. I'll take these, from someone I can understand." taking the entirety of the glares that Quip was firing through her back.

Spyglass [x1] : 880 Col
Immolation (T1/Unique) [x3] : 350*3= 1050 Col
Total: 1930 Col

Edited by Celeste
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