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Status Updates posted by Zero

  1. Behold mortals, I have temporarily returned! Emphasis on TEMPORARILY! Now to resume thinking of ways to make sure lives a living hel- I mean, increase the difficulty of future things to come... Yeah.... *slowly backs away into the shadows of Cardinal*

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    2. Kiru


      I'm pretty sure that the sky is purple but science proves otherwise..

    3. Zero



    4. Kiru


      I am C2, for I plot your death Lelouch. Now, die for humanity!

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  2. Man pumping out posts for my thread is such a drag, why did I have to choose quality posting for this one. =_="

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zero


      You need to pm an Admin to grant you access to it.

    3. Calrex
    4. Baldur


      It's for the wink wink nudge nudge stuff :P

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  3. Wow, 5 days flew by when I decided to get off the site to work on new mechanics for the fighting aspect as well as play Dragon Age Inquisition for inspiration. Just realized how much my facial hair has grown too. o_o Well anyway, I'll hopefully be getting these mechanics done with soon enough so I can get back on the site. Oh and guess who bough Kaneki Ken's Ghoul mask from Tokyo Ghoul, a set of 24 celestial keys from Fairy Tail and Kurapika's chain glove with the finger chains fr...

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    2. Lowenthal


      Ah, I started with DA 1, and as much as I liked being a mage in DA2(They had melee spells if things got close) it was lacking compared to the first one. I got a little bit into DA:I, but I'm like on my 20th version of my character.

    3. Kiru


      Omigosh Zero we're twins! I have a tg mask as well! (I use it for my cosplay)

    4. Azrael


      Correction, you don't have a full set of keys. I jacked your Gemini. You're welcome :P

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  4. Late Night Trivia with Zero:

    Who was the first ever Kirito-esque, or to most likely to follow a character desing like Kirito, player on SAO-RPG?

    Answer this and the character Zero will grant you a personal favor at some point in the possible near future.

    (There's like only a handful of people who can answer this one to be honest, I know that seems harsh but well there's a reason a Zero's Sadism card was made for Cards Against Humanity by SAO players. Ask some of ghe veterans to help you out, think people.)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zelrius
    3. Zero


      Gdi Zel, I should have known you'd guess on the first try xD Well the winner of this one is dear old Zel.

    4. Calrex


      I'm going to try Arekkusu Sepera. I remember when I first joined he had a whole ton of SPs and was one of the only solo players that was high level XD

      Oh lol oops. Nice job Zel!

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  5. *looks at site for 5 quiet minutes* ... God damn I need to kill someone here soon or Imma make an unkillable monster you'll all have to fight. So pray someone dies soon in a boss fight or something or that I kill someone, 'cause Zero-sama needs his fill of blood. Happy Valentine 's Day! xD

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    2. Hirru


      Looks like Mack is gonna get his wish and get to fight Sheeptar soon.

    3. Zero


      Oh my god Hirru, that was perfect. Make that one to two more thanks to Hirru.

    4. Hirru


      *Bows graciously*

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  6. Bleh, so bored. xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aikoh


      I see a suitable specimen above Zero's post there... 

    3. VolvoWing


      Says you. You look like a nice candidate as well.

    4. Aikoh


      Nope. Im the cookie maker, and Zero is my Onii-chan. XD

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  7. Raffle winner is up, don't worry though because we'll be happily handing out items like this in the future so if you weren't the winner this time around you might be next 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zelrius


      So can people like you exist, Though we don't like it. Same as Coincidences such as this. I personally do not care for this raffle, and am willing to give Zero the benefit of the doubt.

    3. Amira


      @Seul First off, im not salty. I'm perfectly fine with rping my character with the gender I originally chose. Secondly, there is no such thing as a coincidence. Nothing is chance. Even our own dice has a certain set of number and patterns. Just saying. Sure, it could have happened, but I don't think it actually did. Key word: think. I'm not accusing Maou, im just giving my opinion on this.

    4. Seul
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  8. Man being in my house alone at night is really unnerving... Can't even focus on my writing works...

    1. Takao


      try spending a night in a hospital where everybody else is 2 wings over.

    2. Zero


      Yeaaaaah, I may pay a visit to the voodoo shop nearby tomorrow and get some stuff to ward off malevolent entities. XD Halloween here is ridiculously quiet, more so than when it isn't Halloween, which makes it all the more unsettling so I'm in trouble tomorrow. XP

    3. Opal


      I one of those types of people that would love to be in one of those Paranormal Lock Downs! Bring on the scare! >D

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  9. This is the greatest status update. Because WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM!

    1. Calrex


      Dangit, I got lured here by the sounds of a Giga Drill spinning XD

    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      I AM BREAD! must get toast!!!!*clings to the walls while making its way towards the toaster*

    3. Kiru


      I post a dumb status update and this happens...*smh*

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  10. There, after a year of not having a face claim or actual image for Zero I finally uploaded one. Now to add it to his journal along with the form his Syndrome gives him.

    1. Azide


      omg you're neechan

    2. Zero


      Default avatar was kirito in the Alfheim arc so it wasn't really showing what Zero looked like xD

    3. Zero


      No to mention i also added what Zero looks like when he uses Cross Syndrome

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  11. Guess who just graduate? You're favorite insane GM that's who. Now to go eat, I'm starving after waiting so long for thw ceremony to end...

    1. Azrael


      Congrats my friend. You should be so super proud of yourself!

    2. Kiru


      Congratulations Zero!

    3. Lily Heartbreaker

      Lily Heartbreaker

      I graduate high school tonight

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  12. Qucik guys! Mages or Templars? Go!

    1. Lemon_Arsonist


      I'm asumming Dragon Age rules apply. So mages

      Not only are they cooler in every word. Sane Mages are way cooler then Sane Templars. A sane templar would punch a woman and kill you freely, while a sane mage would be like 'Hey bro, wats up?'

    2. Teayre


      Blood Mages always blood mages

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  13. *it's 3:25 in the morning and he has to take classes at 2:30 in the afternoon* ....why can't I sleep like a normal person... *goes try to knock himself out using the wall*

    1. Kiru


      I can't sleep very well either xD

    2. Teayre


      *bounces along in the club to the jazz music and clicking her fingers savily*

      *puts on smooth jazz voice*

      Sleep... Some people say it's easy to come by. Me? Well... I just sit at my computer. Just tap tapping away. After some time, I turn around in my chair to look out the window. My eyes blink as the first golden rays shimmer over the horizon. Had I really stayed up all night? It seems I had. Now for the cycle to continue. To never end, like the oceans on this planet. Vast and endless.


      I can't sleep well either <3 xD

    3. Zero


      That was beautiful Teayre xD

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  14. My god, I slept from 4 to 9 pm today once I got back from the university. I am not gonna get any rest any time soon. xD

    1. Zero


      Possibly Cal and I don't think we have any Opal, but thanks for the suggestion I'll be sure to remember that.

    2. Calrex


      I have never heard of that before Opal XD. In any case hope you at least are well-rested now Zero

    3. Opal


      It'll numb his eyelids and they'll stay closed. He can try all he wants but until the numbing wears off, he'll be pretty much have closed eyes...I dont think it'll be harmful to any extent. Unfortunately, if his brain is still tinkering away at thoughts, then it wont help much. He'll just have numb eyelids to deal with for a bit. xp

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  15. Players whom I know in some personal form pray Innever get a PC and buy Skyrim for it. If do you may find mods of NPCs that strangely resemble your characters and a part of their description being "Perfect for those who want someone torture at the end of the day". xD

    1. Kalesh


      So, excited for fallout 4 console modding?

      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    2. Zero


      You know it Kalesh, though I'm disappointed at the number of limitations imposed on console users. :l

    3. Kalesh


      Yeah, that is a pretty lame point. It would be nice if it could be streamlined to the point that people could port over PC mods but that's asking too much, I know...

      Either way, with being able to create bases and stuff, I have no doubt that a fully-functional monster and torture tool dungeon is very much possible. New Vegas had crucifixion, maybe we'll be able to tie people up similarly in 4!

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  16. Some trivia for the players:

    What was the name of the NPC that rivaled NPC Vile?

    And what was the first event executed by SAO-RPG?

    1. Kiru




    2. Zero



    3. Kiru



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  17. Hell, can't sleep at all. Might as well do some stuff ahead of time like before. Really should get some sleep medication before this bad habit develops into a case of insomnia. *sighs and goes crawl over to his workshop* If anyone needs me for something that needs immediate attention, PM me here (or on Skype) and I'll try to get to you, though I may not respond immediately.

    1. Zero


      Thanks both of ya, and Unique's are the least of my worries atm to be honest. Though they don't help either.

    2. Opal


      Yeah, the Uniques arent important right now. All those Skills Arts that were given out and such...that'll tide us over for a good while. :D We always appreciate the little gifts we get. Rest easy. :) 

    3. Teayre


      *sings a song for you*

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  18. Okay time to start working on site stuff... Ordered a pizza, got my PS3 set up and the tablet at hand. Time to get to work, as soon as the pizza arrives which should be in the next 30 minutes or so... Damn...

    1. Zero


      Agreed Cal and sorry to hear that X XD

    2. Zero


      Finally the pizza's here, I'm hungry like hell. xD

    3. Calrex


      Destroy it Zero! XD

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  19. Soooo, Zero basically destroyed Azazel in smooth talking and has her in the palm of his hand. I think Zero's found his lovely lass. xD

    1. Zero


      Dude this the first time they've met and he smooth talked her so much it's not even funny xD

    2. XWuZHeAR


      Ohhh man when I first read it I thought you said ass instead of lass

    3. Azrael


      You're such a turd, X. Seriously XD LOL

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  20. Why do I feel like being evil all of the sudden... Guess I'll see what I can come up with to entertain myself.

    1. Zero


      Yeah. A lot actually, but I just satisfied somewhat with my announcement in the Announcement section. -grins-

    2. Tyrius


      Yup, you seem good to go there.

    3. Zero


      Yeah, hopefully people will sign up. Luckily almost everyone will be on even ground more or less due to most not having much aside from their weapon and a few mags.

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  21. Uniques have been pushed one week away, check the calendar to see, and you can thank a group of players for the possible spike in difficulty in the boss fight. Everyone get ready for the possibility of bodies piling up soon. Let all of you burn in the flames of my rage.

    1. Azrael


      AND YOU'RE WELCOME! That was totally me.

    2. Ssendom
    3. Calrex


      Aw man not again! XD

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  22. So GM Zero here just realized he made something too evil to present so he shall be locked in his lab trying to make something less horrifying. Next update on Zero's misuse of his powers and allowing his tainted thoughts to pour out soon to come so stay tune!

    1. Zelrius


      Psh, No one on the Sight is nearly as cool as Lelouch

    2. Zero
    3. Aeternum


      I agree with Zelrius.

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  23. Update on GM Zero's misuse of his powers. Recently he had to be told to lower the monstrosity of a creature he had created by fellow GM Mari, fearing his abomination would cause chaos and death to many poor players. Another misuse was his change to the inner workings of rumors which was quickly changed to something else due to it being too much to carry out. Next update on Zero's insane antics soon to come so stay tuned SAO RPG players!

    1. Calrex
    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      GM Zero's updates are scary!

    3. Baldur


      I don't want my friends to die, but the bosses shouldn't be made easier to ensure success either :(

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  24. Tristan, Azazel, Kiru, you better not lose guys. My money's riding on you three, so go get 'em. XD

    1. Jomei
    2. Crozeph


      Azazel's got it...believe it

    3. Kiru


      Don't count on me too much.

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