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Status Updates posted by Zero

  1. Hmmm... plots on what horrible things he should do Let's see....

    1. Calrex


      Please don't scare me in my new solo thread XD

    2. Seul


      Please just spare my nonexistent wife and kids... T-T

    3. Zero


      Opal will be a nice treat to devour once that image is done. XD

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  2. The raffle is now closed. Rolling will be posted shortly. Thank you for your participation and patience.

    1. Hakai


      You mean my prize. >_>

    2. Zero


      Results are in and are being posted in the event page

    3. Zandra


      What is this raffle thingie? Have missed it completly :/

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  3. Just finished reading a manga by the name of Yasashii Sekai No Tsukurikata and it made me want to say something inspiring so here I go.

    Let's venture forth into the unknown without hesitation, move ever forward and grasp that which lies ahead. Grasp the fruit of our efforts and sacrifices.

    Talk about corny, well it was a slice of life manga after all. Ignore this senpai as he is not right in his head at the moment it seems. *laughs*

    1. Takao


      I have a couple fruits you can grasp, if you're into that sort of thing I guess.

    2. Mari


      he's a ripe banana waiting to be moulded into the banana bread of success


    3. Sinful


      Can I be the lettuce in your salad?

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  4. *has been sensing a lot of tension brewing up here between to certain Alchemists* Not saying names, but it's pretty funny to watch. xD

    1. Sinful



      Was that a PUuuuuUUUUn?

    2. Amira


      No. I think it was a pun.

    3. Zandra


      I guess you mean Opal and Piers. Right? ;)

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  5. Happy Hallows Eve boys and girls of SAO, may all of you who celebrate this most wonderful of holidays be satisfied with the candy you bring in and the tricks you pull. Have a wonderful night little ones and be wary of what goes bumping in the night. -laughs manically- Note: I won't be out this night of Halloween sadly, so message me if you require anything and I'll try to assist you as best I can, and to those whom I owe a reply, I'll be taking care of that shortly.

    1. Zeke


      I won't be doing anything either, Happy Halloween as well.

    2. Yuji


      Happy Halloween to you both~

    3. Tyrius


      I walked around and got candy :) It tasted good.

  6. Writhing in pain and agony sucks, least I managed to get on the site finally. Now to see how else I can murde- I mean increase the difficulty for players, then I'm off to groaning in my bed...

    1. Oikawa


      Get well soon

    2. Calrex


      May you have a swift recovery

    3. Baldur


      Yea, rest and get well soon!

  7. *realzies Zero's Cross Syndrome form is actually kind of hot* Now, how to use this to my advantage... Hm....

    1. Zero
    2. Noctis


      Zero.. Zero.. Zero.. How long has it been since you've had your default? I remember asking myself when I would see your face claim.. I guess it finally came.

    3. Zero


      Well it's been a year and 3 months since I joined this site soooo that same amount of time.

  8. *goes shopping on Amazon* Hm what to buy... *after a few minutes he realizes he just purchased a retractable assault baton* ... What. Just. Happened...

    1. Kalesh


      You may have an alter ego that is preparing his first big heist. Best of luck with that!

    2. Hirru


      That moment when you realize that your subconscious is trying to tell you something, but you'd rather not. 

    3. Zero


      I think it's (alter ego) telling me that I should go ahead with my idea of forming a rebellion and overthrowing the establishment in my home island. XD

  9. They are finally finished, my children shall now rise. Here are my children, now to let them do their own bidding:




    *laughs manically*

    1. Unknown


      Been what, almost a year and a half since we were last let out? It'll be nice to be back out in the world, though it seems that in my absence cannibalistic pests have surfaced and began to feed on the innocent.

    2. Nero


      It's been far too long since i've had the pleasure of roaming this land. To my fortune however it seems that in the time I have been away an abundant amount of fair maidens have slowly appeared. I also look forward to enjoying the many different pleasures of Aincrad. Hopefully Uni won't kill everyone before I've had my fill.

    3. Lowenthal


      Good to know you buys are back. Things have gotten pretty boring.

  10. Need an Artisan with fair prices? Drop by Lacenlot's Antediluvian Antiques. Her prices are cheap and her quality is guaranteed, so if you need an Artisan she's your woman.

    1. Lycan


      I second this advertisement!

    2. Shizuka


      Wow, exclusive sponsorship? I want one!

    3. Baldur


      He's alive!!! Alive!!!


  11. *stretches and lays down* Time to watch the bloodbath. *puts the Flowey Song on loop and happily waits*

    1. Ratatosk


      Should've never chose genocide...

    2. Zero


      *chuckles* Haven't played the game at all, I just enjoy that song. xD

    3. Macradon
  12. *sighs and falls on the ground* I hate doing numbers for site stuff, bloody content'll be the death of me... *kicks floor 10's boss out the door and sits back down to work* Alright, better get to work.... *groans*

    1. Kiru


      *Pat pat* There there Zero.

    2. Baldur


      =/ Sorry! I find numbers fun (never thought I'd hear myself say that) But I absolutely hated them in school, so I feel ya.

  13. My babies are all grown up. I'm so proud of them. *cries happily*

    1. Calrex


      Uh...what ones we talking about here? XD

    2. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      Unique skills probably as they are his love child.

  14. And I'm stuck as freaking Rudolph, great.



    1. Takneil



    2. Zero


      Omg Taki, thank you xD

  15. *stops doing GM work for a bit to deal with University...comes back to a sudden flood of lolis* W-wait, when did so many of them appear? *tries to cope with this...can't*

    1. Aikoh


      I made Aikoh, and they all started appearing... >_>

      It isnt the Santa hat plague anymore, it's the Loli plague.

  16. Alright boys and girls, lads and lassies, señores and señoritas, I'm getting on for most of the day so I'll doing some work given to me by Sir Shark. Anyone needs me send me a PM and I'll get to you as soon as I can.

  17. What a drag, no clue what to do with this pile of guns, ammo, gear and mutants... I'll come up with something eventually I guess.

  18. Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle which fits them all. -Edmund Burke

  19. To all GGO players, changes have been made to the rules. Please review them and make sure you and your fellow players follow them. http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/2760-gun-gale-online-rules/

  20. Latest update on GM Zero the Unpredictable God Complexed Sociopath. Zero has been seen slowly progressing back to rping on the site, oh my! Also it seems he's been locked up in his lab trying to create and accustom a certain set of skills to the latest system updates, for those of you who know what this means. Good for you. More to come on GM Zero in the future so stay tuned true belie- Wait that's not right, oh right! Stay tuned lads and lass' of Aincrad.

  21. This is to a certain individual out there, you know who you are and why I'm putting this up: Stars are only visible in darkness Fear is ever-changing and evolving And I have been poisoned inside But I, I feel so alive~ Nobody can save me now The king is crowned It's do or die Nobody can save me now The only sound Is the battle cry Is the battle cry Is the battle cry Nobody can save me now It's do or die...~

  22. Update on your favorite god complexed GM, sadly no new developments in the Moderation aspect. However, Zero finally managed to get out another post for his wacko Zero thread~ Too bad it was only talking this time, oh well the next post will have more stabbing for sure. *cracks fingers* Let's do this.

  23. Ah, new Accelerator image for my profile and my journal. New genderbend form for Cross Syndrom and a sweet new background for my profile. Top that with my new killer signature courtesy of Calres, my reclaiming of my Darkness Blade Unique Skill and my, hopefully, soon reclaiming of Twinfire Blade. Man is it good to be bad.

  24. #WishIHadTheSantaHatPlagueAndNotThisHorrorOn



  25. I am happy to announce that a raffle will be occurring next week for a special item. The raffle info is in the event calendar for everyone to see, so go over there and check it out. You have until the 11th of this month to sign up!

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