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Status Updates posted by Teayre

  1. Anyone up for doing Case of Wurms with Teayre at all?

    1. Teayre


      Sounds cool, I'll get the first post up (Also throwing in searching for a dungeon on the 15th post)

    2. Teayre


      @Hirru my eyes are closing on me as I'm writing the first post so I'll get it up when I get up if that's alright?

    3. Hirru


      That's fine.  Hirru has Reveal as well.

      Again, I can wait.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
    1. Teayre


      For some reason I got kicked out of the other one, password is SAO

    2. Hirru


      I'm.. already in?

    3. Teayre


      GDI! Mine's not updating QQ

      Should be the second link though...

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  2. Eh Monkeys and Typewriters.

    1. Kalesh



      They might just give you one as his drop!

  3. Hello everyone!

    1. Hirru


      This is something to comeback to

    2. Teayre


      So uhhh..... A lot has changed... Where do I start xD

    3. Vigilon


      Maybe you could start in the 3.0 Conversion thread? Maybe the discord server? Idk, whichever one's more helpful should work.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  4. Hello Lovelies

    1. Calrex
    2. Spencer


      Not sure if you Remember me, but I was Clarence

    3. Teayre


      Yep I remember, Once I've got my head wrapped around any updates and my journal together (Damn you cal!) I'm going to post a thread for people if they're up for it :)


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  5. Hey all, could you pm me if I owe you a reply please? Thankies <3

  6. Hey people... I'M ALIVE! Just got back from a weekend of LARP so I'm sorting that stuff out and then will be RPing my hiney off to get stuff done. If I owe you a reply (especially people in my shop) I'll get it done tomorrow for now.... I've RP'd and driven a load so it's bed time! NN All!
    @Rain  @Calrex@Lowenthal @Kasier

    1. Calrex
    2. Kasier
    3. Rain


      kk... oooh I added one more thing to my order so I don't have to write another post xD

  7. Hi All, so after nearly two years on the site I'm going to be saying Ciao. Have way too much going on to have the time to RP. Have fun and cya.

    1. Calrex


      No rush Tea, take all the time you need! :D

    2. Lessa


      I'm glad you're considering staying around.

    3. Macradon


      All these SAO-RPG Vets, all saying their goodbye ... It's so sad to see it happen, but it was bound to happen at some point. We will miss you, and I will remember you as "That Girl that would've killed me if those Baboons hadn't saved me by chaining me to their pole"

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  8. I feel like I'm missing something....

    1. Hikoru


      *checks self* Nope, im not stabbed yet

    2. Kasier


      *Looks at thread* No posts from you yet. 

    3. Teayre
    4. Show next comments  18 more
  9. Last call for the boss fight! Join and sign up to a team ASAP I'll be placing my hand on the door and opening it soon!!!!

    1. Hirru


      Yet you don't speak to Hirru personally.

    2. Opal


      @Hirru, you are in the vicinity of where Opal was talking. She's like right in that little cluster of people. xp

    3. Hirru


      Hirru's was getting berated by everyone at the same time, but everything has been set in motion.

      Check my latest post for the current team composition, I'm sure that everyone will be happy with it.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  10. Quick no staff online, let's cause some mischief!

    1. Erroneous


      I want @Teayre under special surveillance from now on. "Special" surveillance.

    2. Teayre


      I'm insulted that I was already @Erroneous

    3. Zandra


      *Causing mischief*

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  11. Right to those I owe replies, I'm heading up north for a few days so won't be able to reply until I'm back. Take Care. @Oikawa Get the thing sorted and I'll get the meeting thread up. @Calrex give him our monies for the super awesome thing. :D :D :D

  12. Righteo, so I've got the boss information. I'm waiting for a few bits of IC stuff to happen then I'll get the meeting thread underway :)

    1. Baldur


      :O *hurries to wrap up threads*

    2. Kasier


      Please bring Kasier to the meeting for free SP Teayre-Senpai.

    3. Teayre


      The meeting is going to be an OP anyways :P

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  13. So a certain Lycan is ded. *adds another knock to Teayre's kill count*

    1. Lycan


      That's what happens when you roll a crit on Teayre I guess... :/

    2. Zandra


      @Calrex Hmm... maybe I have to pull back the on the house offer. Hmm...

    3. Calrex


      *still dying* XD

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  14. So. My next victim bites the dust.

    1. Calrex


      You causing trouble again Tea? *shakes head*

    2. Teayre


      When don't I cause trouble?

    3. Calrex


      Fair point XD

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  15. So... What have I missed?

    1. Ruby


      from the replies you have been getting. pretty much nothin'.

    2. Zandra


      Well, since when?


    3. Hirru


      Since we have found the boss room, but no one will give us the bloody info

  16. So.... Is there anyone who'd like to do an RP at all?

    1. ErinVyce


      *thinks that deserved a kinky*


    2. Mayuri


      Sorry Erin... I'm not that kind of girl XD

    3. ErinVyce


      Still holds. It is the innocent ones you must fear most!

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  17. Sorry people my muse is shot atm, I'll try and get as many replies done as possible :)

  18. Sorry to all the people I owe replies to, I was away for the weekend now back and getting on to the replies!

    1. Wolfie


      Take your time! The real world comes first!

  19. Sorry to all those that have been waiting on me for replies. I've had a busy week or two and I've been trying to get stuff sorted

    1. Calrex


      Understandable XD. No worries or rush! :)

    2. Emblem


      No problem Teayre we all got life to deal with

  20. Sorry to all those waiting on replies from me. I'm currently enjoying myself and getting to bed early on my birthday (Boooo!!!!) As have work tomorrow

  21. Ummm... My Journal has been archieved? Whaaaaat?

    1. Teayre
    2. Erroneous
    3. Teayre


      But I don't wanna be old! I wanna be young forever and ever and ever!

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