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Status Updates posted by Oikawa

  1. sleep beckons.Goals: 1.Complete crafting post tomorrow. 2, Reply to whatever else afterwards. 3. Go play basketball. 4. Sleep

    1. Locke


      Sleep is love.

    2. Calrex


      Sleep is life...

      Get some good rest and a good game dude!

    3. Crozeph


      let's play bball!!!

  2. Slow Day... except for Cal

    1. Calrex


      Hehe thanks? XD

  3. So another player told me I'm only allowed to have 3 items equipped at 1 time. Where in the rules does it state that? The only thing I see is that you're only allowed to carry 6 non-vanity items by default and you can't wear 2 different types of armor. Help?

    1. Oikawa


      Sorry for being a hardass guys/gals. Forgive me. Please.

    2. Baldur


      haha, hey, at least the next player won't be confused.

      Also, if you do need to rework something, I'm sure the mods would be lenient, or else my shop sells vouchers which can "re-enchant" items.

    3. Oikawa


      I'll be by for "re-enchanting vouchers" haha

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  4. So anyone into vampires and/or greek mythology? Because I have a sick idea for a 12 rp long adventure involving the sorts...

  5. So did defeating floor bosses not become a thing of significance till floor 7?

    1. ___


      In a time long, long ago... The forums were not what they came to be.

      I'm assuming it's similar to my old site. Sometimes, things get lost to time, especially with site migrations and overhauls.

    2. Oikawa


      ahhh i see. i wanted to read the other floor fights aswell, but i guess ill have to settle for 7-9

  6. So I doubt anyone keeps up with my threads, but I think I've invoked quite the plot twist for myself. Fear does terrible things to your mental state. The result is bad business for the one that induces it.

    1. Oikawa


      In other words, my character got pushed to his breaking point, I think. This is just the a preview.

    2. Kiru
    3. Oikawa


      Yeah things just took a hard left and i think that makes me borderline bipolar?

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  7. So I have 17 mats... guess I should craft again...

    1. XWuZHeAR


      Not cool Oikawa were equals he can PM me if he actually wish it as a serious thing... My antics are for the public.

    2. Oikawa


      Ahh my apologies wasnt meaning offense but it seemed you too didn't get along so I excluded you :P My bad mate! PM X as well then as he stated his antics are for the public

    3. Baldur


      You can always sell those Mats Oikawa! :P

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  8. So I may be inactive this weekend. (Going out of town) Will be back monday and i probbably wont post tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvience ya'll. Working Mon-Fri is weird for since usually i have one weekday off leaving me quite tired. Especially today.

    1. Calrex


      Have fun! XD

    2. Daeron


      Coffee my friend.

  9. So I reread the crafting guide. In my current equipment, i have two armors that give me +2 Damage mitigation, that being said the guide said the caps on enhancements are character wide and only the first +2 on anything comes into effect. So does that mean instead of 4 damage mitigation I can only have 3 tops (since damage mit caps at 3) or can I have the full 4?

    1. Lessa


      Nope, the cap is across your entire gear. Which means that you can only have the 3.

    2. Oikawa


      alright thank you!

  10. So it's official I'm going to have to start having people pay half for their commission upfront. To many orders where I create the item and it just sits in my shop to be collected . Players ask for something then don't log on for like ever....

    1. Azide


      At least you've gotten orders, Oikawa! I've only ever gotten one! Oh wait, my store's never been open. *Flees*

    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      neah I'm good. just want to complain now that i responded to almost all RPs you should check the hunting in the upper floor and get the #80 post and have Baldur finish with the end post..

    3. Oikawa


      where's tyger been? i believe she should post ...

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  11. So many peeps online. I love it

  12. So question. Do we wait for Sir Five to reply to our initial questions? Or what? Sorry noob question. I know, but I've never done a GM ran quest before....

  13. So this Heathcliff guy is level 100 but has 31 posts... i smell Kayaba hack

    1. Shark


      Maybe you should investigate this more.

    2. Oikawa


      maybe so.. and @azide so did i

    3. RyujinSeaLord


      maybe ILL do the investigating #fantasyworldbatman

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  14. So trip got cancelled therefore I'm back!

    1. Rusty


      Welcome back...........................are you leaving yet?

    2. Oikawa


      thanks Cal. My exact feelings rn Kiru. And Rusty that's...actually just like your character haha!

    3. Rusty


      Hehe.. Yep.

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  15. Soooo is ALO obsolete orrr? It doesnt seem to have any active posts for the last month now...

    1. Atma


      Ok, so right now people are focused on SAO because it is the precursor of ALO. Or at least that's how I see it.

    2. Oikawa


      Makes enough sense... was just curious. I applied for ggo to. I suppose ill wait till i get quite a bit through SAO before i start on that character.

    3. Kiru


      Most people want to complete their SAO account travels before ALO. What happens if your character dies in SAO? How would you have an ALO when your dead?

  16. Sorry for the lack of responses folks. College stuff is a pain and deadlines need to be met. I will be posting tonight around 6:30 pm cst and I'll be on all weekend! Until later my friends. Work calls....

    1. Calrex


      Good luck sir!

    2. Kosan


      Hello my Oikawa.

  17. Sorry Jomei.. #5PostMatch

    1. Jomei


      Thats ok. figured as much.#2nd5PostMatchInARow

    2. Oikawa


      Oh dang really?

    3. Jomei


      Yeah.. fight with Rebekah pretty much went EXACTLY as this one did

  18. Spent the last two hours converting all my valid shop items to the new format and fixing the layout. i don't even feel like crafting XD

  19. Still looking for more peeps to join me for the Valentine's Boss Event. So far it's Haine and I! Also feel free to look at my new topic in suggestions. Curious of what people think about it.

  20. Supervisor hours are gonna kill me. Ill try to stay active during my usual hours but i may be slower to reply until i can get a routine going. night guys

    1. Rolland


      You can do iiitttt!

    2. Calrex


      No worries dude. Congrats again on the promotion!

    3. Baldur


      RL sucks like that, but perfectly understood. Just keep us updated when you can!

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  21. Thanks Celesmeh and also I have 2 More Crafts needing to be evaluated! Thanks in advance to our awesome GM's

    1. Oikawa


      The GM's are the G.O.A.T

  22. The amount of Col I have is a palindrome. Almost at 40K, I really do wonder how much houses will be...

  23. the dice roller is jank. I roll two near identical rolls. 2 CD rolls of 1 yet mari can roll 2 CD's of 12... This perma roller is gonna be the death of me. and my sales I can't even craft a perfect weapon...

    1. Mari


      except they probably werent for CD and for LD :P Sooo yeh ahahaha Its always a 12 when ya aren't rolling for crafts

    2. Baldur


      Or Battle-Healing :P

  24. The fight against The Gleam Eyes will always be my favorite.

    1. Teayre


      gleams is my fav

    2. Greg Baxen

      Greg Baxen

      Gleam Eyes is awesome because...


    3. Calrex


      When will we ever see The Eclipse be used? TT_TT

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  25. The month of May will bring about many changes for this blonde. I hope the RP scene picks back up.

    1. Teayre


      It isn't in SAO however in Alfheim xD

    2. Zeri


      Yay Oikawa is back. Now all we need is Azide and the family is complete

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