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Everything posted by Zandra

  1. Zandra went back to the blazing typhoon. She had got another huge order from the berserker and he wanted it quickly. So she better increased her effectiveness with some new tools. She already had her supply bag that increased the quality. And her clothes that made her more experienced. And thanks to the mini glort toy she worked a little faster. With some high quality tools, it would hopefully get even better. Zandra walked up to the smithy."Hello there Mac. Im interested in getting something that I have wanted for a long time. Could you possibly made me some very high quality alchemical tools
  2. Today Zandra was at a very, very bad mood. She actually didnt wanted to craft today. But, if you are the number one alchemist off Aincrad, and there is a floor boss fight approaching, its your duty to supply the other players with potions and crystals. So she started to bring fort some berries. She placed them in her mortar and started to smash them. Thou she was to reckless and ruined them completly. She poured it into the garbage ban and tried again. This time it went better. Thou, it resulted in five juice. This didnt made her mood any better. She decided to at least do some damage potion.
  3. Zandra was walking towards the big green field that the notification pointed out. She let out a huge jawn since she had taken a nap when she got the message. She havent realy celebrated easter back in the real world, except eating a ton off eggs. When she arrived at the field she first scanned it. There seemed to be quite alot off players already here. Didnt took long until she spotted Jomei and walked up to him."Hey darling. Seemed you forgot the potions again. Since its only an event its not perfect ones." She handed over three potions and drank three identical to those. Consumed and gi
  4. So, another day, and time for crafting. Today she was gonna prepare for the boss fight. During the fight, they would be up against a huge spider and lot of small spider, or small compared to the boss. So she decided to start with a bunch of antidotes. She crushed a couple of griffon claws, had herd that if made together with aome hair from a lion, it would make an effect to resist some kind off status effects. Then, she also made three safeguards. So that you would be safe if the spider started with a powerful strike, like the eagle did on Zelrius.
  5. A notification to those who are buying stuffs in my shop. You need to tell what you want. You cant just say 'some potions and crystals(yes, someone requested that)' or 'a few health potions'. Im not a mind reader. If you want something, you need to tell me what.

    1. Macradon


      I need some vague potions or Crystals, not a lot, just some.

    2. Kranzer


      Whoops. That's my mistake. ^^ I thought there'd be a little interaction involved. I'll edit my post real quick.

    3. Kranzer


      And edited. I apologize for the vagueness of my post 

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  6. What kind do you guys and gals at SAO-rpg think I should take for armour. Heavy or light?

    1. Zandra


      So if I wear a good quality heavy armour and an enchanted light armour. I still get the bonuses for the heavy armour skill? 

    2. Zero


      Pretty much. Though you can wear both armor types and still get the heavy armor bonus.

    3. Zandra


      Now I wish I could go back to dagger-weapon skill :/

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  7. EVERYTHING in stock at Zandras pharmacy is free to EVERYONE. Maximum 5 items/day/person

  8. @Nikodemus_Blackwood He bowed and with a bye master alchemist he exited the shop."Bye bye mister." @orhalimi The male took the potion and then asked her why its free."Well. I dont have any use off them and no one is buying them. Then I can just give them away for free." She said and smiled at him. @Ariel - The Crowned Lion "Of course you can. I wont let anyone else die if I can prevent it with my potions." She said as an answer to her comment about counting on her."Sorry, dont have any off those." @Allania Yet another customer entered the shop. So this was th
  9. EVERYTHING in stock at Zandras pharmacy is now free EVERYONE.

    To give everyone a chance to get something from the offer, maximum 5 potions/crystals per person each day.

    Thou donations are welcome :)

    1. Cilla


      You are the bestest~

  10. Zandra wanted a new shield. The one she had was just tier one, time to step up. So she went to her personal favourite blacksmith, Macradon."Heya there Mac. Hope everything is going fine for you. Im here to place an order for a shield." She filled in an order and handed it over to her friend with a smile on her lips. Name: [Give the item a name]Your Profession: BlacksmithYour Rank: 8ID: [Leave blank]Roll: [Leave blank]Item Type: ShieldTier: 2Quality: PerfectEnhancements: Regen x1 Thorns x2Description: See pic below
  11. @Nikodemus_Blackwood "Hello there." Zandra said to the first customer that entered after she announced her sale."I guess your here for the sale. Here you have five tier one health potions." She said and gave him five bottles with red liquid inside. @orhalimi Then another customer entered the shop. A male that wanted a health potion as well."Here you are." Zandra said and gave him a potion looking like the previous ones."Its free." @Ariel - The Crowned Lion Zandra smiled at the lioness."Well, Im selling out my stock so having a sale is the best way. Btw, thanks for the
  12. Tier 1 items in Zandras Pharmacy is free for every player between lvl 1-24. Thou maximum 5/day/player

  13. Zandra pushed herself up from the armchair where she had been sitting, enjoying a cup of hot choclate infront of the fireplace. She walks up to Takao with a smile on her lips. Seemed she had yet another customer that wanted to take use of her huge sale.''So what can I help you with today?'' It seemed he wanted to stock up for the boss fight. But he also wanted her to be a supplier to the frontliners. He could pay in a bunch off materials. Zandra looked at him with a little sad face.''Actually, Im planing to move from here. Thats why Im having my sale. To empty my shelfs before the move.'' she
  14. HUGE ANNOUNCEMEMT! Big sale at Zandras Pharmacy. New price(any tier):
    Perfect=2 mats
    Rare=1 material
    Uncommon=2 items for 1 material
    Good=Free but needs description(25x t2 good potions wont do)

    Thou only in stock since everything shall out(no orders). Last as long as stock last.

    1. Mack


      I would like a few good quality potions, maybe five. I'll PM you the details.

      I would like a few good quality potions, maybe five. I'll PM you the details.

    2. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      Can I get 2 or 3 of any good quality health pots?

      Can I get 2 or 3 of any good quality health pots?

  15. A smile appeared on Zandras face when she saw the blonde lion enter her shop. When she mentioned the hot cocoa, Zandra quickly poured up a cup and handed it over to her. Then she commented that she had come quite a way compared to back then when she only had a little cart and a plain text saying Zandra's lab.''Yeah, i have improved skills and tools quite alot since then.'' she said and took a look around the shop.''So what can I help you with today Ariel?'' The blonde handed over three items that she wanted to buy. A crystal and two potions. After a few quick calculations Zandra answered.''Tha
  16. HUGE ANNOUNCEMEMT! Big sale at Zandras Pharmacy. New price(any tier):
    Perfect=2 mats
    Rare=1 material
    Uncommon=2 items for 1 material
    Good=Free but needs description(25x t2 good potions wont do)

    Thou only in stock since everything shall out(no orders). Last as long as stock last.

    1. Takao
    2. Ratatosk


      Gangster about to rob your place ^^^

      Gangster about to rob your place ^^^

  17. Is there any manga-artist here that are willing to make a profile-pic for me? Of course I'll pay for it.

    1. Zandra


      <--- 0.0 Jealous on your skills.

      That looks awesome. Would be honoured to have one of your arts as profile pice.

    2. Lycan


      Sweet, send me some details or reference pics as a PM and I'll try to get to something after the convention. I don't charge for my work, but tips after completion are welcome should you decide.

    3. Zandra


      Time for bed but on it 2morrow :)

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  18. Zandra greets Ssendom when he enters the shop."Heya. Im not gonna craft anything for a couple of days. But I do have some potions. Just a sec." And a few moments later placed two potion on the bench between them. As well as one off the materials he had given him."May I ask what this farming stratefy is like?" -Damage mit(t2) potion x2 +3 materials
  19. 3 more hours and Rohk gonna be skipped and take 20 dmg ;)

  20. Zandra hears the door open and close. When she looks up at the newly arrived customer she sees a familiar face. Well, they had only met once before and back then they just sat and talked. He asked if she rembered him and she answered with a quick nod after which he let her know which potions he wanted. After another nod and a few seconds later the requested potions stood infront of them and Zandra thanked for the Col she had got in payment. It was quite a large order, but every coin helps for her goal to get the house.''Here you go, hope they gonna come to use.'' she says with a warm smile.
  21. Did the hunger game in my class fb-group. I didnt do to bad(Im Kalle):


    1. Mack


      I'd like to think I perished running out there to try and find Mac so I could punch him in the face one last time... :)

    2. Macradon


      Or ... we strangle each other and both dies.

    3. Hirru


      At least, 18 didn't die on the first day.

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  22. Editing... ID: 51680 CD: 10+1=11 Perfect item -1 material +9 EXP ID: 51681 CD: 4+1=5 Good item -1 material +3 EXP ID: 51682 CD: 6+1=7 Uncommon item -1 material +4 EXP ID: 51683 CD: 3+1=4 Good item -1 material +3 EXP ID: 51684 CD: 3+1=4 Good item -1 material +3 EXP ID: 51685 CD: 11+1=12 Perfect item -1 material +9 EXP ID: 51686 CD: 5+1=6 Good item -1 material +3 EXP ID: 51687 CD: 12 Perfect item -1 material +9 EXP ID: 51688 CD: 2+1=3 Good item -1 material +3 EXP ID: 51689 CD: 1 Critical fail -1 material +2 EXP ID: 51690 CD: 8+1=9 Rare item -1 material +6 EXP Total:
  23. Seemed there was no one that wanted to join wail of the banshee with me. Time to solo it then :/

    Unless someone didnt saw the previous status update and wants to join?


    1. Zandra


      Then just jump in :)

    2. Jomei


      Lemme just get to one thing first then I'll post. 

    3. Zandra


      Im not gonna be able to post very much, working on some blue-prints for the final exam at the same time :)

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  24. Rolling.... ID: 51457 CD: 4+1=5 Good item -1 material +3 EXP ID: 51458 CD: 9+1=10 Rare item -1 material +6 EXP ID: 51459 CD: 3+1=4 Good item -1 material +3 EXP ID: 51460 CD: 5+1=6 Good item -1 material +3 EXP ID: 51461 CD: 10+1=11 Perfect item -1 material +9 EXP ID: 51462 CD: 4+1=5 Good item -1 material +3 EXP ID: 51463 CD: 5+1=6 Good item -1 material +3 EXP ID: 51464 CD: 11+1=12 Perfect item -1 material +9 EXP ID: 51465 CD: 11+1=12 Perfect item -1 material +9 EXP ID: 51466 CD: 12 Perfect item -1 material +9 EXP ID: 51467 CD: 6+1=7 Uncommon item -1 material +4 EXP
  25. Is there anyone that wanna do Wail of the banshee with me?

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