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Everything posted by Zandra

  1. Not long time after Zandra have announced her special offer, her favourite blacksmith entered the shop."Heya there Mac." Thou he didnt wasted any time for chit chat. And a few moments later she was 18 materials richer and 10 rare damage potions poorer. A few minutes later, another of her friends walked thru the door. This time it was Hirru. He didnt bougth quite as many as Mac, but still quite alot. He didnt wasted any time either and almost left before he came. Time to craft. Zandra took some powerful dragon blood and poured it into the pot, letting it boil up. Then she placed a cou
  2. Wanna try out ALO but thats gonna take time from SAO section. Hard decision :/

    1. Takneil


      As Lord of the Salamanders, if you choose to join our ranks. I Takneil, welcome you. :)

    2. Seul


      Idunno it's kind of a mess over there-

    3. Nixon


      I feel the same way

  3. Just read the news about @Ssendom and want to say Im gonna miss you mate. We didnt adventured that much but had quite alot of businesses together and Zandra likes you alot. I understand if you not gonna resurrect. But if you do, you get the free potions/crystal from me until my last day. Rip Ssendom.

    From Zandra

    So, if you leave this site, I wish you (the real human beeing behind the player) the best of luck. good bye and live your life to the best.

    From Kalle the swede

  4. Tripple-post ;)
    Maybe many off you have already seen this but this is what happened to me today:

    1. Macradon


      No, I read Manga


    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      pfffft please, I listen to manga.

    3. Comet
  5. I feel happy for my great crafting today, so I have an special offer. Every player can buy three uncommon for the price of one and/or two rares for the price of one, any tier thats in stock. Offer one each/customer. Last until out of stock.


    1. Zandra


      That went quick :)

    2. Macradon


      I mean, 10 potions for the price of 9 :^) Best deal ever!

    3. Zandra
    4. Show next comments  51 more
  6. OMG! 6 perfect crafts in one day 0.0

    1. Macradon
    2. Amira


      Did you make any perfect damage potions, or health crystals? *will buy them all*

    3. Zandra


      Sry, today I had decided before hand to stock up my personal boss fight inventory. 

      You can always place an order. I have same prices for in stock as for orders :)

  7. There have been some time since Zandra did doing her alchemical art, but she had to keep it up if she didnt wanted to lose her knowledge she had gained during her long days and nights. So she decided to build up a boss fight set off crystals and potions. She was an alchemist, and she wouldnt enter any more battle without fully buffed. She started with refilling her mass heal crystal stock. Before it would have been ten, but now its reduced five, so she only needed to make three to fill it up. And with that she succedded after pouring down a potion made off dragonblood and iron-oak leafs. She a
  8. ID: 40609 CD: 11 (10+1CD) Item: Celtic Ring Item Type: Lucky Charm Quality: Rare --> Perfect Enhancement: ACC +2 --> ACC +2 LD +1 Description: A silver ring with Celtic knotwork etched into it. Used essence of steel on Celtic Ring bought from Teyre.
  9. Do your familiar wanna meet other familiars and adventuring with them? My OP open for 24 hours, then its a PP and the familiars adventure start :)

    1. Takneil


      Can you PM me the detail on what would be happening? if it's a simple adventure? or if there would be some form of combat involved. I highly doubt that but I'd rather know before joining, but I rather enjoy this idea and will most likely join it if I have time :D

    2. Piera


      Daw, I can't join yet :<  still gotta finish my thread and get baby owl griffin approved...

    3. Ethereal


      This should be interesting :)

  10. Who is next in boss fight? @Zelrius or @Rohk

    1. Takao


      Rohk will be.

  11. Name: Mini Glort toy ID: 49614 Roll (LD): 20+2(item)+2(food)+1(spawning song)=25 Roll (CD): 10 Item Type: Toy Quality: Unique Enhancements: +1 Craft attempt per day Description: A loveable mini Glort toy to keep in your future house, guild hall or shop! [Mini Glort Toy] Grants 1 additional craft attempt per day. *Cannot be traded* Post: Time to get a home
  12. Does we gonna get our first skip in the boss battle? @Brax, your next.

    1. Brax


           You know you've got the worst luck when in your first ever boss battle, the guy targets you on about a 1% to 2% chance not once, but twice, for a capturing stun, not 4 turns before you get to make a move.


    2. Macradon


      RNGeesus is looking down upon you, little one.

  13. Zandra walked into the crowned lions tailoring shop. She havent been here in a long time. If she didnt remembered wrong she had only bougt, no traded, her supply bag."Heya Ariel. How your doing?" She said cheerfully with a smile on her lips."I wonder how that komino I sent the PM to you about is going?" She swiped a few times in the air."Here is the payment." She said and sent a pair of materials to her blonde friend. The spring festival was gonna be held today and she wanted to wear fitting clothes so she wouldnt embarrase herself. -2 materials
  14. Do I have to make a thread 20-21 posts or can I make it shorter? Of course losing the rewards thou.

    1. Takao


      20 posts are required for the col/SP rewards. You can close a thread before that yeah, but you'll lose out on the rewards.

  15. @Oikawa If you give me a few min I can throw together a crystal for you." Zandra said to Oikawa before quickly doing her daily crafting. From the potion in her pot she powered up a crystal and also got three good potions. She took the crystal and walked over to Oikaws."Here is your crystal." She said with a friendly voice. @MacradonSure, a safeguard too. Here ya go." She said and recieved the need materials with a smile on her lips. @Mack "Thank you." She said to the large man and accepted the transaction. ID: 49397 CD: 2+1=3 Good ID: 49398 CD: 3+1=4 Good ID: 49
  16. Boooooooorrrrreeeeedddd..... -.-

    1. Hirru


      Stop being bored and be


    2. Zandra


      No longer bored

  17. @Baldur Zandra saw a new customer enter her shop. When they started advancing on floor bosses faster her businesses has increased. When he had placed his order Zandra let out a deep sigh."Sorry, its not you but there is so many players that dosent read any information.":She pointed at the list where everything she had in stock was."If you look here, you can see big letters one list for potions and one for crystals. Are there any safeguards in the crystal section? And if you look at the prices, why do you want mitigation to be a crystal when potion is she cheaper? Which quality and how many hea
  18. Just want to say thanks to Manta and Zelrius. These boss-fights have got my alchemical businesses to increase. Some even buying in stock and/or Rares!

    1. Zelrius


      Wasn't the direct intention but regardless; No problem, Zandra

    2. Ethereal


      RIP all the other alchemists myself included xD

  19. Zandra once again sat in her armchair and rested when the door opened and closed. In just a few days next boss fight would be fought, so it was just a matter of time until someone would drop by for a potion or crystal. A smile appeared on her lips when she saw it was Macradon. She pushed herself up and walked over to him. Seemed he wanted a damage potion."Sure, no problemo. I'll be back in an hour. Youre welcome to drink some hot choclate and relax infront if the fireplace. Herself she went back to start working on the order. -45 minutes later- "There, its finished Mac." Zandra said
  20. Zandra was ready to make another day of crafting. She felt good today, like she was gonna accompkish a great goal today. She started her crafting by eating some snacks. Then she boiled up the water and placed three crystals on the bench. The she repeated the procedure she did yesterday. It was a great success today as well. When she did some counting, she realised that Ssendoms order was finally complete. She opened up her screen and with a few swipes she had sent a mail to the berserker, letting him know that his last damage crystal was completed. +1 CD food consumed ID: 49155 CD: 9
  21. So Erroneus is the creator of this site right? Does he/she pays each month to keep this site up and running?

    1. Shark


      Yes, he is the creator. Depending on the plan he has (monthly, yearly, etc...), he pays for the domain name (sao-rpg.com) and the hosting fee (to keep it on the internet and accessible to all of us)

  22. Irritated from yesterdays total fail made Zandra be determined to make the best out of her materials today, that was something that was certain. So, like so many times before, she startedwith boiling up some water. Today she was gonna try something new. To make a potion and then pour the potion onto crystals. Thou she didnt wanted to risk to much incase it would fail, so she decided four would be enough. In the pot, after the water had started to boil, she first poured down some dragon-blood that she had came over for a pretty low price. She let it boil for half an hour before she added some p
  23. Zandra sat in her armchair enjoying a cup of hot choclate. Thats when she herd the door open and the berserker came. She quickly walked up to him."Hi." He was here to pick up a part of his order. She blushed of embarrasment since she remembered she havent worked for days, maybe even. That because material stock was empty. But a few days ago she got half her order. Now she got enough for another crafting day from Ssendom." I'll be right on it. PM'ing you when its done." Before the door had closed completly, she was at her workbench and prepared her tools. She was eager to start brewing again. S
  24. Our dog should be a writer. Realy interesting story and unexpected, quick turns in the timeline ;)

    ¨´ååååååhggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg-_________ v

    1. Macradon


      Ååååååååååååh no!

  25. <<The Traveler>> Anyone?

    1. Galilea


      Sure, if you'll have me.

    2. Mack


      I could be talked into that.

    3. Zandra



      I can add you too Mack

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