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Status Updates posted by Jomei

  1. Back from my trip and ready for new threads! Who wants one?

    1. Ryo


      *casually raises hand*

    2. Calrex


      *quickly raises hand*

  2. Congratulations to the raid team for clearing the 22nd Floor. Floor 23 is now unlocked! Which of course, means the release of three new quests. 

    1. Calrex


      How one feels after clearing a floor boss:

    2. Baldur
  3. Group 2, you are up to bat in the boss fight! Lets try and get this fight taken care of before Christmas XD

  4. I seem to be lacking some RPs. Anyone down for one? 

    Only catch, I'm not starting it :P

    1. Calrex


      GIMME! XD, I'll make it later. Shall we do another sparring match with Rock Paper Scissors?

    2. Jomei


      You know I'm down *replies to status after talking about it, making the thread, and replying* xD

    3. Helios
    4. Show next comments  18 more
  5. I will get back to posting today.. Just.. later. Muse slowly coming back.

  6. I'm sorry for my absence. Been super busy and not in the right state of mind because of my terrible job. With the end of the school year, I hope to make a gradual return soon. I just hope I don't lose all of my want to rp here in the meantime. 

    If I owe you any replies ( @Hunie ) I will most likely try to get to them (it) tonight. 

    1. Mack


      It's all good, Jomei. Take your time man.

  7. If anyone needs any quests done or just want to set up a thread, send me a PM. I'll be having a lot more free time for now, so I'll be able to get a bit or RPs in.

    1. Calrex


      *points to all the quests* Get to it boy! XD

    2. Hirru


      *points to all of Calrex's quests* Get to it boy!

  8. Jomei's back. Aaaaand he's in a prison cell. 

    1. Jomei


      @Zandra is going to have a but more to react to than just that lol :P

    2. Zandra


      oh, looking forward to it :)

    3. Baldur


      So glad to see you return my friend!

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  9. Just a quick statement about RGQs: 

    Where it may not have been detailed in the rules, let it be known that if you are over leveled, you cannot help someone of a lower level complete their RGQ and just not accept the rewards. Any questions, feel free to PM staff.

    Jomei, PST

    1. Zandra


      What about a lower leveled helping an over lvled? ;p

    2. Macradon


      Zandra, that just sounds like bottlenecking :P

  10. Just to clear any confusion. The Valentine's Day Masquerade Ball Thread will be locking this Wednesday, February 28th. 
    Make sure to get your last posts in, and hope you all had a wonderful time!

    1. Pinball


      Aw man, and just as I was getting my party on 

    2. Vigilon


      I noticed that the thread's been locked...but what happened to the thread rewards?

    3. Jomei


      @Vigilon Waiting on a GM to post the thread rewards.


  11. Looking to tackle Falling of Tagas and Lich's Calling. So I'll need a team for each. Anyone interested? I'd prefer to have at least 2 other people for each (If not the same for both)

    1. Grave


      Well... Targas has that nasty phase AOE, and I do NOT want to get hit by that >3> As long as I don't get hit by that, I'd bring my tank build in.

      As for Lich, if we get another tank on board, I'll go with my A/E build... if not, the tank build will be whipped out.

    2. Baldur


      I still need both of those quests, but I'm 3 SP shy of 25 *shakes fist*

    3. Lawfer


      i know this is late... but im in, I have FA, so we can do either fully corrupt or go the healing route, Let me know what you want.... 

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  12. Morning guys. Sorry I've been gone for so long. I'm hoping to come back from my hiatus and join back up with you guys. 

    1. Hikoru


      *appears behind Kalesh and shushes, stabbing Dagger into neck* No talking, only sleep...

    2. Baldur


      *leaves some honey mead at the door of the shaking house and sneaks away*

    3. Calrex


      What the heck are you guys... MY GOD MY EYES! *runs away*

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  13. Note to self: Limiting myself to one "return" thread was a bad idea. xD

    1. Zandra
    2. Calrex


      *makes note for Jomei* Next time, make twenty return threads XD

  14. Of course I missed the boss fight with my busy schedule.. *sigh* 

    Guess I'll have to think of a reason why Jomei became such a coward -_-

    1. Baldur


      I heard Jomei's tears can res dead players.

      To bad Jomei never cries.

    2. Opal


      The Oppai scared him away. 

    3. Macradon
    4. Show next comments  18 more
  15. Of course my last status didn't work lol.

    Not quite dead yet. 

    1. Grave


      Zandra's not ha-ppyyyy~ *gets teh popcorn*

    2. Calrex


      Grave, that's not right... *grabs furikake for popcorn* XD

      Welcome back Jomei!

    3. Atzo


      Welcome back Jomei, I wish you the best on your endeavors 

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  16. Oh hey guys

    1. Baldur


      *throws an ultra-ball at the rate Jomei sighting*

    2. Paglikha
    3. Zandra


      @Jomei, well, I left you for about the same amount of time. So I guess we are even?

      Thou that was before we got together ;)

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  17. Oh, hey guys.

    1. Kiru



    2. Baldur
    3. Jomei


      I.. Guess I was missed hehe

      *ruba back of head*

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  18. Opening up Bardic Inspiration again. If you're looking for an extra plus when finding a familiar, want an HP recovery song, or just want me to pick out the background music for your next event, come take a look! 

  19. Sorry for that short break, getting used to a new job. Gonna get to all the replies now. 

    1. Oikawa


      Missed my other Rapier buddy!

  20. Went to level up. Realized we changed the amount of health we have at each level. Dats a lot of HP  xD

    1. Hirru


      Yeah, it's quite a sum.

    2. Opal


      No more insta killing other players! woe is me. ;_; 

    3. Zandra
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