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Status Updates posted by Mack

  1. Alright, as promised, the two events are up.

    Shortly, the Staff will begin discussing PK Rules. I'm going through the discussion thread for that right now.

    Nothing personal, everyone, but if you have Staff needs please ask the PST's for the time being. I'm not trying to ignore anyone, but I have a great many Community things that I'm either running or working on.

    1. Kalesh


      Loophole question!

      The final part of the rules state that level 25+ players are required to only use rank 1 and 2 sword arts.

      I am level 24, does that mean I can use my grandmastered weapon's rank 5 stuff?

    2. Mack


      Yes, you're not Level 25+. However, the idea is for this to also still be fun for everyone... so if you'd wait until the second player rotation to do that I'd appreciate it, but I won't demand that you wait.

    3. Kalesh


      I getcha, I getcha. However I can only promise to try~!

      There are two schools of thought. 1. The reward is likely similar to Lyrica's, I don't need the killing blow reward as I will surpass its use very soon, after the thread in fact. 2. I don't know for a fact that will be the case, so can I risk passing up the chance of land a killing blow?

      Basically I'll flip a coin -if- I get the chance to kill the cow or not. If not then I'll let it slide on by!

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  2. Eleventy Million Posts Later... I finally find the exit to @Lowenthal's "Escape" Quest.

    1. Macradon


      I went through it like a breeze ... but that's maybe because I'm a Scout Fighter

    2. Mack


      Oh yes, I enjoyed it so much I lit the whole thing on fire on my way out the door.

    3. Zandra


      I still hvnt finished mine. I started about a week after he released it. Mbe at 10 posts or something like that

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  3. Well, just got 40 mats from Lawfer... thanks pal, back in business, crafting now.

  4. I have an idea for a bragging rights thread for Level 20+ characters. If you're interested, drop me a PM and we can start a discussion thread. Should be a lot of fun if there's enough interest.

    1. Clarence
    2. Zelrius


      I keed naturally. I would offer to join, But I rarely post. However, I will be keeping up just to see how it goes along.

    3. Mack


      Naturally, Zelrius, none of us could hope to even be worthy to hold so much as a candle to you in the snappy dressing department :)

      I also see you're very handy with a weapon. :)

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  5. Also, is anyone else having difficulty accessing their notifications on the board? Mine won't appear for anything, but everything else on the board is working fine for me.

    1. Takao


      Mine are fine, but a lot of other people are having the same problem. Seems like it might be Invision borking up.

    2. Kalesh


      Look down, like, three status posts :P

    3. Mack


      I would just like to take this moment to say...

      I blame Koumori. :)

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  6. Everyone that was in the COMBAT TUTORIAL THREAD where Mack and Xion dueled... thread's done, collect your rewards. :)

    1. Mack


      33 Col Azide... don't spend it all in one place.

    2. Kalesh


      Honorable mention to Takao for reminding me this existed.

    3. Xion


      I have lost faith in humanity...again...even though that was in the past

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  7. Sorry for the delays in posting in my shop. Poke me in the future if you've been waiting there for a long time.

    1. Hirru


      Mack, how many rares do you have stocked?  I may need a new sword until I can upgrade Patience and Time.

    2. Mack


      I need to check through everything and get back to you and, at the moment, I need to read my shop posts to see how many people are in line.

    3. Kalesh


      Well, if the line is long I can give you the scimitar as a down payment I suppose xD The katana and any other stuff coming once the order is ready! I really have no use for the scimitar, it's just wasting inventory space.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  8. Sorry for the delays in posting. Working on applying for a job in Zurich and it's a time consuming thing.

  9. Just spilled half a liter of soda all over me. Then I had to clean it up. Lesson learned: Don't try to do a fancy fountain pour into your mouth. It doesn't end well.

    1. Beoreson


      Yes, I learned that lesson a long time ago. Sorry I didn't warn you.

      *thousand mile stare*

    2. Mack


      At least it was a clear soda, since I'm at work and all. A cola would have been bad, as the uniform has a white shirt.

    3. Beoreson


      That would have been very bad, and lucky you didn't pick up a cola.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  10. Happy Birthday Erroneous... welcome to the wonderful world of the same age as me! :)

    1. Hirru


      Now here's the more serious question.. Is Erroneous the one saying "F**k you" or is he Sarge with his shotgun chasing the trolls away?

    2. Jevi
    3. Mack


      I'm going to go with... both.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  11. The great thing about being old enough to drink? Three beers north of 7% ABV, a boilermaker, and another beer after. Win.

    1. Mack


      Right? But not so much alcohol that I can't still type coherently, so win.

      Kids, the lesson is, know your limits... and always drink responsibly.

    2. Piera


      *Thumbs up* Piera approves of this message ;)  Have fun Mack.

    3. Carambit


      Beer is alright, I'm more of a scotch whiskey man, myself.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  12. Hilarious amounts of success on the Crafting Attempts today... the RNGods favor me.

    1. Kalesh


      And now you are a bit more prepared for when they fail you! Huzzah! Gonna harass the local tailors for a plushie soon? ;D

    2. Mack


      Mayhaps I will, mayhaps.

    3. Takao


      rngesus giveth and rngesus taketh away. enjoy it while you can, for the dice be a fickle mistress.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  13. Quick head's up:

    1. I'm out of town tomorrow night through at least Friday night. Family stuff linked back to the earlier family thing I mentioned. I'll post if I can. Otherwise, see you all on Saturday night.

    2. I have to get my sermon done for work on Sunday, a few of you know I work as a Minister. I tend to keep that quiet. No, I'm not here to shove it down your throat, one of the reasons why Mack doesn't have a stated religious preference. :) But, it does mean that I have to get the sermon I've not started on yet done. :)

    1. Piera


      I hope that you manage to enjoy your time with your family and that things go well.
      Also hope the muses inspire you for your sermon.

    2. Kalesh


      Seeya then, enjoy yourself if you can!

    3. Lindow


      Have a safe trip! Will be seeing you soon! 

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  14. Woo! Level 22 now.

    1. Kalesh


      Congrats on reaching level Ballerina!

      (Get it? Two-two?)










      (I'm not sorry.)

    2. Mack


      I'm a pretty princess.

    3. Koumori


      The post gap between level 16 and level 22 is truly staggering 

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  15. *pokes the 11th Floor Boss Raid planning thread with a sharp stick*

    1. Teayre


      Dare you to poke Mari with a sharp stick Mack...

    2. Mack


      *Goes hunting for Mari.*

    3. Beoreson


      *Back stabs Mack in a safe zone* "You are not going anywhere. I can't have my guild master go marching off to a death trap"

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  16. Also, I am willing to trade a Perfect Tier 2 weapon to any Tailor that can craft me a Perfect Tier 2 set of gauntlets with 3 ranks of Thorns.

    I'm returning to my original build of hit them as hard as possible and then make sure I get to hit them when they hit me too.

    1. Lowenthal


      So, I take this as you've returned then?

    2. Mack


      Affirmative, Lowe. I'm back, but don't expect me to be rockin' 15-20 active threads at a time like I was. :)

    3. Lowenthal


      Ha, of course not. It's nice to have you back.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  17. And, with the completion of the Blood in the Sand Quest... I have reached Level 30... finally.

    1. Mack


      Now, to track down the evil @Hakai and get a coveted Orange Crystal :)

    2. Kranzer



    3. Ethereal


      *applause* All hail the Strike Leader!

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  18. @Heathcliff I find it quite amusing that your banner image from the Anime has fairly reasonable stand-ins for both Opal and Mack in the form of Asuna and Godfree, respectively. The irony amuses me.

    1. Mack


      You can try. Let me know how that goes for you.

    2. Opal


      Does that mean I have to switch to a Rapier now? zp

    3. Mack
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  19. And, Level 40 here I am. Not an April Fool's Joke.

    1. Nikodemus_Blackwood
    2. Zandra


      Good work :)

    3. Oikawa


      Welcome to the 40 and Over Club! I just recently attained the the membership myself.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  20. Three new quests just now posted.

    1. Ratatosk


      Can we get a Lion King quest next and make Ariel the boss?

    2. Rain


      ^throwing a lion off a cliff should be one of the objectives. >:)

    3. Ratatosk


      Make sure to avoid being caught by Lion tamer Ariel, otherwise your body will be missing a lot of limbs.

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  21. Any Cooks, Alchemists, or Artisans looking to pick up some extra business?

    1. Grave


      If you have materials I could get back into business XD

    2. Rain


      If you have the mats, I can get cooking making more potions or crystals. :D I've been trying to hunt for more mats before saturday comes already...

    3. Zandra


      The number one Alchemist in Aincrad at your service :)

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  22. 18 Players to Post, 19 players to complete posts, and then we'll begin combat for the Monthly Boss.

    1. XWuZHeAR


      As the last player to post I think its my duty to something special but I haven't figured out what yet, however I can say it will be a surprise

    2. Mack


      Monthly Mini Boss. There are only 8 people in the Front Liner event.

    3. Baldur


      Great! Just in time for next month's to start! :P

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  23. Alright, I think my profile, journal, and all is back up to snuff. Need to come up with 3 SP between now and the end of the raid to be at T3 when that drops, unless that rule changed while I was gone. I'll read the guides when I have some free time tomorrow.


    1. Seul


      Just do one of the elf war quests

    2. Zandra


      As lumberjackes, we must help the elfs choping down ents. But I dont like elves so font wanna help thrm :/

    3. Baldur


      I'd be down for doing a thread or a quest with you Mack. I'm level 43ish now, so I'm not as far behind you as I used to be :) I appreciate you letting me catch up.

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  24. Rex Kwan Do is coming to SAO :)


    1. Beatbox


      i think i died inside.

    2. Damien


      I shall respect Rex
      I shall never misuse Rex Kwon Do
      I shall be a champion of freedom and justice

    3. Mack


      I just need the SP to master Martial Arts. I have the skill and never put any SP into it...

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  25. Is there a posting order for the Boss Fight Thread?

    I just crunched the numbers, and I can do something really amusing (and beneficial) if I go now.

    1. Mack


      Nevermind, I thought I had a 12x AOE... I only have a 9x AOE.

      I thought I could dash in and, on just a basic hit, wipe 4 of the knights. I was wrong.

    2. Zelrius


      Nine is fine. In fact, We were just talking about a new Start in Skype chat. Create a Group message with myself and Takao and I will go over my plan with you two.

    3. Mack


      I can't Skype at work :(

      Just let me know what I need to do and I'll get right on it.

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