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Status Updates posted by Ebony

  1. Also, proof that Teayre's character is insane:  "We don't need the weak"

    *targets the player that did the most damage to the boss*

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Shirien


      Not sure they do, I mean, there isn't a lot of arguing room with the statement "You are NOTE SAFE" and "other players may attack you if they so wish". Kinda seems like it's pretty spelled out.

    3. Takneil



    4. Takao


      Where's it say they need an in character reason? The only thing I can find is that there needs to be clear indication of harmful intent in open threads, but this wasn't an open thread.

  2. I'd just like to announce that although the majority of my characters have been killed, I wont be leaving the site. However, I think their is definitely an issue that needs to be adressed, something that was at the forefront of discussion back when Dom and Zelrius died. People who have been members of the site and have been working on their characters for years can lose it all because someone wants to have an IC freak out.

    1. Rain


      I really think they should allow that thing that people were talking about before. If someone's IC dies they can make a new character but they start at a higher level. Not exactly at level 1. I mean for me.. I've been here or more than a month now, but I've only gotten to 11.

    2. Shirien


      Sounds like a pretty legit idea at this point.


      Joking aside I'd be more up for an SP reset just so I don't have to someday fall on my dagger because I put points in the wrong skill or something silly.

  3. Another group of wolves... Maybe we will get 2 rotations out of this.

    1. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      Yes. I think we may. 

    2. Lyrica the Werewolf

      Lyrica the Werewolf

      Two? More like three, but maybe not three full. :)

  4. Yay for new quests! ^~^

    Thanks to everyone who contributed to them and helped create them. Extra SP is always appreciated.

  5. I'm going to need a blacksmith to make me some tier 1 armor with full mitigation, and a silver dagger with full damage.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ebony


      Yes please. Ill give you 5,000 Col if you can make me a tier 2 Regen armor as well, also perfect. 

      I dont need the dagger or the regen armor badly, the important one is the Mitigation armor

    3. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      I can def. put some some of my rolls towards it. It may take me a day or two in order to roll 3 perfects, but I will def. get them done.


      Simply just fill out this order form for the items you want and PM it to me:

      Name: (Give it a title)

      Profession: Blacksmith

      Rank: 5

      ID# leave blank

      CD: Leave blank

      Quality: Perfect

      Tier: 1 or 2

      Item Type: 

      Enhancements: (3/3) 

      Description: (Describe what you want. Give it some fluff/lore.)


    4. Mack


      PM me full details of what you need. I'll see what I can do Ebony.

  6. Anyone need a healer for anything?

    1. Hydra


      I was considering the essence of steel with some higher level players

    2. Ebony


      I'd be up for that.

    3. Hydra


      Nice, will set one up now. Allania should be tagging along so hopefully we will manage with the damage

  7. Vote here on what you'd like regarding a respec system.


  8. I'm just curious about what others think of the sword arts system, in relation to my own thoughts.

    I just feel like many of the weapon options are dumbed down versions of other weapons. Take the Rapier and Dagger for example. Just looking at the rapier, its larger, with better range, and due to it's size it should have more power behind it than a tiny dagger.

    Lets ignore that last point though, as this is a videogame and it might not work exactly the same as they do in real life. Dagger gets a 4x4, or the equivalent of a 16x1, whereas Rapier gets a 13x1. What's the difference? Not much really. Rapier just gets a few rank 2 stuns and the possibility of getting a 5x1 AOE if you invest 13 points into Martial arts. However, dagger gets a 6x1 stun move with martial arts. So, like I said, incredibly similar. Still, dagger ends up on top somehow with a 4x4. (Or 4 stabs/slices that hit with 4 times the normal force). It just doesnt make sense to me.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Seul


      If there is a major change people should be allowed to a one time chance to change weapons if they want to- :I

    3. Ebony


      Thats usually how it works.

    4. Seul


      Oh, alright.

      But while we're complaining about things, where are the throwing picks?!

  9. I havent been feeling up to posting lately. Sorry to everyone im in a thread with.

    1. Seul



      There's only a few more hours before I am crowned Spriggan King!

    2. Ebony


      Im going to keep trekking through and posting. But im not finding it fun any longer. Hopefully it's just the whole 'people get more bored in winter cause of less sunlight' thing.

  10. Anyone up for a thread? :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Takneil


      anywhere with the first 10 floors XP


    3. Ebony


      Can you please make it? I'll be stuck in class for three more hours.

    4. Takneil


      I don't mind ^-^

      right now I'm working on another post so it'll be around 10 min, I'll PM you the link once it's up.

  11. #SprigganMasterRace

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ebony


      I dont know of any active Imps. There are 4 active Cait Sith and 2 active Spriggans. 1 Active Sylph, 1 active Undine, and 1 active leprechaun (Soon to be two)

      ^Just as far as I know. No clue about Salamander. 

    3. Seul


      There's also a severe lack of gnomes and pooka. But yeah, Spriggans rule-

    4. Koumori


      Did somebody say Spriggans? 

  12. Anyone want to do a thread with Snow(My familiar) and I?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ebony


      Nope, no preference.

    3. Seul


      Floor 13 it is. xD I'll post the link here when it's ready.

    4. Seul
  13. Anyone have mats I can steal? XD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Takneil


      alright, I'll go mat gathering for you. I'll have your mats by the end of today at latest. ^-^

    3. Ebony


      Thank you so much. :D

    4. Takneil
  14. #SantaClothesRebellion

    1. Hikoru


      That picture though O_o


    2. Amira


      Well, the Santa hat has been replaced by reindeer antlers... Maybe I should have written #ReindeerAntlerRebellion instead. :P

  15. Parents: 'Go enjoy nature.'

    Me: *grabs laptop and sits on the porch*

    1. Zelrius



    2. ErinVyce
  16. That moment when your so tired and your looking through threads. Then you click on one because it sounds interesting and then realize you were the one who wrote it...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sinnon


      Your only 10?

      ooooh lol my bad i misread that xD

    3. Ebony


      Haha. Wow, that would be a twist. Im sure no one would be too surprised though if I was, both in real life in here. I am well known IRL for my immaturity. 

    4. Sinnon
  17. Anyone up for a thread? Im up for anything.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ebony


      *starts running*

    3. Zelrius
    4. Toothpick


      I would call you "Kekrius", but I feel like somebody has already given you that title :y 

      God save your soul Ebony. 

  18. The Black Rose, fulfilling orders five minutes after there placed since November twenty-third. XD Order now!

    (Five minute crafting not guaranteed. Symptoms may include death, diarrhea, migraines and other minor symptoms) 

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Hikoru


      *shrugs* sure, why not? You start it this time

    3. Ebony
    4. Teayre


      You could never play dirty with me cause it'll always be too clean.

  19. Looking to start a thread or two. :D

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Hikoru


      I'll get it! Don't you guys worry about it!

    3. Hikoru
    4. Zandra


      A small note on 13. If you have +4 LD or higher its worth it. +4 LD: Floor 13=5x2=10 other floors 5+4=9.

      On my way to reply.

  20. Tier 4 Healing! Only fifteen more SP to grandmaster! I don't know why I'm getting so excited. That's a long way away.

    1. Zelrius


      If you need quests done to push you that little bit, Just message

    2. Ebony


      We're already doing Guardian of Fire. :P

  21. Looking to do a thread with someone. I only need 1 more skill point to upgrade my healing. :D I can play support for quest bosses if anyone needs it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ebony


      Actually, as it happens, I havent done Secret Medicine of the Forest. That was on another account.

    3. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      We can do that then lol

    4. Ebony


      I'll go take the quest and start the thread if that's all right with you.

  22. That moment when you get these rolls but it doesnt really even matter in your thread:

     ID# 38783 results:

     Battle: 10

     Craft: 12

     Loot: 20

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Greg Baxen

      Greg Baxen

      17. I was very disappointed.

    3. Ebony


      I only did 5 damage. When I could have been doing an AOE attack and be getting a bunch of mats...

    4. Ace9


      Yah. Wish I would've been lv.3 for a bit, I could've mass murdered tons of boars for mats. Now I can't. :(

  23. If you attack someone with 4 evasion, and you have paralyze (the 8-10 one) even if you dont hit them do they still get paralyzed? Because it says on a natural roll of 8-10.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ebony


      I was asking because the shield im waiting on has some paralyze on it. :D Thank you again.

      (Let me know if you need any other artisan crafts btw ;)  )

    3. Jomei


      I'll keep that in mind, despite having my full on equipment already. xD

    4. Ebony


      Trust me, I know how helpful it can be to have some extra equipment for different situations. For example, mat/col hunting, a loot die enhancement, or a col multiplier one can allow you to get a ton more loot. Or maybe your fighting that boss with all the evasion and you need some accuracy. Or an overhealth. :D Sometimes your current equipment doesnt have the enhancements you need, and buying a ton of vouchers just costs too much.

      Your argument has been made invalid. ;)

  24. Anyone up for doing Guardian of Fire with me?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Ace9


      I was gonna post to, just not fight, but okay... I was gonna post cheering you two on.......

    3. Zelrius


      That's even worse. 

    4. Ace9


      Okay..... Sorry... XD

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