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[OP-F29] Ope wide the gates! (Post Raid Thread)

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Things seemed to devolve into chaos in a blink of an eye.

The sounds of battle echoed through the town and when Katoka turned around Wulfrin had disappeared, odd tentacles slithering into the darkness were all that remained. Whipping her head around the samurai was now on her own, the hair on the back of her neck standing on end as wet slapping and gurgling noises filled her ears. "Wulfrin I swear to god you better be alright!"

Taking off in a sprint the blonde leapt onto a pile of rotten crates, springing off of them and grabbing the edge of a nearby roof. The wood that had served as her escape collapsed almost instantly, giving her a small sense of ease. At least whatever was chasing her couldn't jump up with her. "Unless it doesn't need the help to get this high." she shivered as she climbed onto the rooftop. From this vantage point she could see various points of interest, none of which looked appealing to her.

"Might as well make my way back to the gate at least, maybe we can all reconvene there." with that she leapt form one roof to another, making sure she didn't alert any enemies to her presence. "Man, Freyd should totally hire me for stealth stuff, I got this in the bag." her foot slipped ever so slightly knocking a shingle off of the roof and crashing down on a fish creatures head. "Ok. Maybe not quite yet."

After a few more leaps she found herself crashing through a ceiling and rolling out into the town square. With an almost elegant roll she managed to land back on her feet, and skid to a stop right next to Wulfrin.

"Long time no seee-aaAAAA! What the hell is that?!" she barely managed to finish as her eyes fell on the thing before them both.

Her battle instincts kicked in as she disappeared in a blur of motion, striking the multi-jointed thing with her blade and leaping back next to her companion.




Post Action: [x15] ST-I (12 EN +2 ST Shift) 14 - (Rested 2/2; Stamina) = 11 EN
Free Action: N/A

ID#: 240388 | BD: 5+5-2=8 HIT! | CD: 10 [ST-B Unlocked] | 23*15= 345 DMG vs Hokolesqua

Wulfrin | HP: 780/780 | EN: 112/112 | DMG: 21 | MIT:78 | ACC:7 | AA  | EVA:3 | PARA-IM | BH:23 | REC: 8 | FRB: 40 | FRZ: 64 | LD:4
Katoka | HP: 820/820 | EN: 105/116 (116-11) | DMG: 23 | MIT:78 | ACC:5 | EVA:1 | BH:45 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16

(0,1) Hokolesqua - The Beast 855/1200 HP | MIT: 0 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 0 | DMG: 200 | REND 28 (0/2) (1200-345)
Rending Strikes: Each successful hit inflicts Bleed 50 on the target. (Deals 50 unmitigated bleed damage each turn for 2 turns)
Reckless Attack: Hokolesqua Rolls BD Twice and use the higher value
Wide Swings: All attacks made by Hokolesqua are AoE
Colossal: Hokolesqua cannot be parried/countered



Edited by Katoka
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The sound of thunder would be more than enough, but the sounds of screaming more than added to the situation.  There was something wrong and it wasn't just the stupid amount of people that seemed to think that a warning from the front liners didn't mean anything.  No, there was more to it after Freyd and a few others had tried to keep a few players away from the area.  The thunder turned into crashing and quakes, and before Hirru could say anything.. *ping*



The hunter's eyes were going wide with the sudden realization, but the floor had more than taught them that nothing should be judged by the eye alone.  What were these results he was getting?  He had not had something like this happen since, he was first learning to use the search abilities.  Does that mean that these mobs have a higher sneak ability, or was there something about this floor that could hide them better than they could detect.  Damn.. that's cheating.

Running outside, the hunter surveyed the area.  Wulfrin and Kat were handing a huge lanky, beastial thing.  In another direction, it looked like Cro and Morningstar were taking care of the ugliest creature that he had ever seen.  It looked like the player, Arabelle, was soloing a large blob-like thing with.. were those mouths or eyes?  Baldur and Lessa seemed to be running in to give support.  Where was the songstress, Jomei, and Mina?

As quickly as he could, he would paint his targets for support.  Freyd would be his obvious choice, but there had to be two more that he would have to choose.  Looking around, there would be options all around, but he only had a enough for two.  Unfortunately, they were not in a raid and the buffed party sizes were gone, unless someone wasted time to use a map to strengthen their patrol power.  A message would quickly fly to the three that he would choose.


@Freyd  @Morningstar @Crozeph

Party Invitation?

O / X

"Accept those now!  This buff is yours to use!"

He would call out.  As soon as those that heard it had done so, he would raise his shield on high.  An iridescent glow would envelop it before casting itself to the other three.

"Keep attacking your respective targets if you have them.  Keep them back!  Freyd!  Slap the scaly one that no-one's paying attention to at bay until we can get Baldur out there with you!  @Baldur if you can hear me!  Follow through with Freyd! @Lessa, if you and Baldur are already partied up, send an invite to Kat and Wulf!  Buff them just like I am!  We can not let these players die!  @Jomei@tricolor_mina!  We need your assistance!  Help Arabelle out!  Cro!  Star!  I'm heading over!


EN: ???
Recovery?: ???
System Action: Party Invite -> Freyd, Cro, Morningstar
Post Action: Press the Attack (-15 en) | +4 DMG to party

HirruHP: 980/980 | EN: 95/110 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 127 | BH: 49 | HLY BLS: 39 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36
Freyd | HP: 1300/1300 | EN: 162/162 | DMG: 21+4 | MIT:152 | ACC:4 | AA  | TAUNT | F-SPIRIT | EVA:2 | BH:72 | VAMP-D: 72 | VAMP-O: 143 | PARA-V | LD:5
MorningstarHP: 966/966 | EN: 100/120 | DMG: 27+4 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 5 | BH: 43 | LD: 6 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V
Crozeph | 800/800 | EN: 85/102 | DMG: 20+4 | MIT: 44 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 2 | FLN: 16 | PHASE


  • Shub-Niggurath - The Wanderer | HP: 878/1200 | DMG: 200 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -1 | THORNS: 75 | STUN | StunImmune: 0/3
    On successful attack: PHS: 50% | ENV-O: 50 / 4
    (Defenders - [1] Arabelle / Jomei?)
  • Hokolesqua - The Beast 1200/1200 HP | MIT: 0 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 0 | DMG: 200 | REND 28 (0/2)
    Rending Strikes: Each successful hit inflicts Bleed 50 on the target. (Deals 50 unmitigated bleed damage each turn for 2 turns) 
    Reckless Attack: Hokolesqua Rolls BD Twice and use the higher value
    Wide Swings: All attacks made by Hokolesqua are AoE
    Colossal: Hokolesqua cannot be parried/countered

    (Defenders - [1] Katoka / Wulfin) 
  • Kaajh'Kaalbh - Mother of Smiles | 688/1200 HP | 3 EVA | 3 ACC | 200 DMG | STUNNED
    Bleed and Burn Proof
    +10 LD for searching
    64 Freeze on hit (EVA set to -1, Paralyzed) - but without ice, just a creepy, unhinged, crazy smile and a moment of mental torment
    (Defenders - [2] Morningstar / Crozeph? / Hirru)

  • Y'ha-nthlei - Father of the Deep | 1200/1200 HP | No MIT | 2 EVA | 3 ACC | 200 DMG
    Immune to Freeze and Shatter Effects
    n hit decrease target EVA by 2 for 2 rounds
    50 Blight dmg / -20 Mit aura each turn
    (Defenders - [hopefully] Freyd / ??? [Baldur])


Edited by Hirru
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The explosion took Lessa right off her feet. She was entirely unprepared - they all were - and she'd have liked to say that she'd have kept her feet if she'd kept her guard up. But the truth was, the sheer force of the blast would have sent her sprawling no matter how she'd have braced herself. As she'd positioned herself between the wrecked building and the teleport gate, she immediately found herself adjacent to Ground Zero. What did that make her half of the square, littered with prone bodies and the shrieks of the panicked? Ground One? Ground Point-Five?

Despite years in Aincrad, her mind jumped to the most logical conclusion: a gas leak, a crashed semi, a terrorist attack. Only when she'd found her feet again, and shaken her head to chase the ringing from her ears, did she remember where she was. None of those explanations made any sense at all. So then why-?

"Move!" came a barked command from behind her. "What are you doing? We have to get out of here!"

"Ow! Watch it!"

"Don't push me!"

"You need to move!"

"I can't!"

Even as the woman turned to face the shouts, two other Players barreled into her from behind, nearly sending her toppling again. Annoyance burst across her face, but it was quickly replaced by realization. Then horror.

High-level threats closed in on all sides. There weren't enough capable Players to meet them. Nowhere to hide. No safe zones. Too many people. Far, far too many people.

With trembling hands, Lessa called up her HUD. She tore her teleportation crystals from her inventory, filling her arms before shoving them into bodies at random. "Take them!" she begged. "Take them and get out. Please, hurry!"

It was like bailing out a sinking ship with a teaspoon.

Hirru's voice lifted above the crashing thunder and the crashing bodies, tearing Lessa's gaze to his. "Right," she managed to answer, falling back on muscle memory to summon a party invite, fill it out, and shoot it to the appropriate Players.



Party Invitation?

O / X

"Get in the party," the Guardian cried, though she couldn't be sure anyone could hear her. "I'll buff you!"

Drawing her sword, she did so in a blast of brilliant blue light.


Post Action: Press the Attack > Baldur, Katoka, Wulfrin
Targeted Champion: Y'ha-nthlei - Father of the Deep

Wulfrin | HP: 780/780 | EN: 112/112 | DMG: 21 +4 | MIT:78 | ACC:7 | AA  | EVA:3 | PARA-IM | BH:23 | REC: 8 | FRB: 40 | FRZ: 64 | LD:4
Katoka | HP: 820/820 | EN: 105/116 (116-11) | DMG: 23 +4 | MIT:78 | ACC:5 | EVA:1 | BH:45 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16
Lessa | HP: 960/960 | EN: 128/128 | DMG: 13 | MIT:127 | THORNS:72 | BH:29 | HB: 38 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | HLY: 8
Baldur | 980/980 | EN: 132/132 | DMG: 23 +4 | MIT:78 | ACC:5 | AA | KEEN: 1 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:2 | BH:49 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BLI: 32/-20 | BRN: 56 | FRZ: 64 | LD:5

  • Shub-Niggurath - The Wanderer | HP: 878/1200 | DMG: 200 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -1 | THORNS: 75 | STUN | StunImmune: 0/3
    On successful attack: PHS: 50% | ENV-O: 50 / 4
    (Defenders - [2] Arabelle / Jomei (soonTM))
  • Hokolesqua - The Beast 1200/1200 HP | MIT: 0 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 0 | DMG: 200 | REND 28 (0/2)
    Rending Strikes: Each successful hit inflicts Bleed 50 on the target. (Deals 50 unmitigated bleed damage each turn for 2 turns) 
    Reckless Attack: Hokolesqua Rolls BD Twice and use the higher value
    Wide Swings: All attacks made by Hokolesqua are AoE
    Colossal: Hokolesqua cannot be parried/countered

    (Defenders - [2] Katoka / Wulfin) 
  • Kaajh'Kaalbh - Mother of Smiles | 688/1200 HP | 3 EVA | 3 ACC | 200 DMG | STUNNED
    Bleed and Burn Proof
    +10 LD for searching
    64 Freeze on hit (EVA set to -1, Paralyzed) - but without ice, just a creepy, unhinged, crazy smile and a moment of mental torment
    (Defenders - [2] Morningstar / Crozeph(/Hirru?))

  • Y'ha-nthlei - Father of the Deep | 1200/1200 HP | No MIT | 2 EVA | 3 ACC | 200 DMG
    Immune to Freeze and Shatter Effects
    n hit decrease target EVA by 2 for 2 rounds
    50 Blight dmg / -20 Mit aura each turn
    (Defenders - [2-ish] Lessa / ??? [Baldur])


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"You mind if I see that?" The Shambler, as the text above their now depleted health bar once read, had been taken out with ease. Left behind were a couple of items, weapons mostly, but one in particular caught his attention. Usually, weapons that took on the look of something other than a sword - a broom or frying pan, for example - were crafted by players, for players. This cork screw was the first instance he had seen where it was in a fallen monster's pockets. Though it would need to see an appraiser to reveal any hidden talents or traits, he wondered if it had any other significance. Some sort of clue to figuring out this new floor and its story waiting to be told. Inspecting the wooden handle with a turn of his fingers, he discovered the phrase “If lost, return me to H.P’s Pub..” subtext, “Bring the corkscrew with you :) “ He chuckled to himself, looking like he just read the punchline to a bad joke on the other end of a popsicle stick. “I think I saw a bar with that name back in the town.. Maybe its important or something? Or else just some subtle story telling.” he would toss the item back to Ara.


Ẉ̷͖͙̻͋̊̌̊̐̏̕e̵̡̡̨̛̟̫̲̜͖̖̲̙̺͖̩͔̯̣̎̋̏̃̓͝ĺ̵̻̼͉̯̱͇͔͓̙̞̲͉̼̳̟̭͓̗̠̪̏̿̓͒͌̈́̃̆̔̐͘͘͜͠͝͠c̷̲̀̀o̵̧̯̞̮̖̮̤̳̜̐̾̃͊͐́̌̅́̎̌͗͐̈́̿̀͠ͅm̵̜̹̥̟̳̬̟̔̾͛̀ể̵̛̳͖̖̭͓̰̭̭͇̟̠̜̳͎̅̋͆̍̒̆̒̈́͂̏͗̄̓̓͝͝ͅ ̸̫̜̐̇̍͌̍͗̾̊̓̾t̸̡̡̻̺̣̞̬̤̱͚͓̜͓̞̼̜̭̗̗͇̔̾͌̆͋ͅő̶̱͕͕̰̹̹̖̟̺̟̩̠̣̻̍̅̓̋̎͑͜͝ ̸͙̆́͂̍̐̂̽̉̀̇̀̽̕m̷̢̟͈̤̫̑͑̑͋̾͊̃̿͛͂̈̽̋̉̀͜y̷͚͍̬͆̃̅͊̿̿̓̕ ̴̘͆̕h̸̛̰͓̞̻̦͖̽͛͋͐̋̒̈͆̃̂̓͒̅̿̀͛͛̎͠͝o̷̡̡̨̳̲̩͎̯̟̹̙̯͎͕͍̳̦̼̮̓͠m̶̘̟̹̺̫̹̌̀e̷̡̨͔̙̲̻͙̖̬̠͙͕̜̦͓̻̤͋́̏


 A voice right beside him.. Behind him? Its source seemed so definite, but as the ginger drew his blade and scanned his immediate surroundings.. Nothing. Even Ara was suddenly gone, had she slunk back to the square faster than he had realized? Fearful screams and the booming voice of his comrades shot out from the town proper. Jomei did not even take a moment to consider what could be going on before he sprinted towards the ruined town. 

The settlement was a scene of disarray and chaos, the soggy ground still trembling from the explosive, meteor-like attack. What the hell had they gotten themselves into? How did they expect to press on, let alone survive, on a floor that would not provide them a moment of respite. Relying on a still standing chimney of a decrepit home as a vantage point, Jomei was able to get a feel on the situation. A mass of players, fellow frontliners spread out within, scrambled to escape the imposing danger. Monsters flooded the streets, chasing down anyone they could get their tentacles on. Some tried to fight, most tried to run, probably a smarter option. The ginger gnawed at his lower lip, unsure what to do. 

“Oi, what’re you doing?” Jomei shouted down at a group of three who stumbled through the wreckage in his direction, “You should be trying to warp out, not explore!” 

“We were trying to get back, but were cut off by a group of monsters!” A girl in the party shouted up, catching her breath every few words. “Our friend bought us time to run, but we couldn’t make it back!”

“You’ve gotta help us save him!”
“Save him? He’s a goner, we need to save ourselves”
The group argued amongst themselves for just a brief moment before Jomei intervened. 

Hopping from the chimney, he landed just beside the other players. “Follow me, I’ll get you back to the square.” he began to move, not wasting any time. “And which way is your friend? We’re not leaving anyone behind.” 


A quick detour, and the group found the lone fighter giving their all to fight against the creatures that outnumbered him. A shattered blade later, and all hope seemed lost.. Until Jomei stepped in. The nightmarish monsters were deadly, but easy enough for someone of his level to clear out easily. “Come on, on your feet soldier.” Jomei would help the player to his feet after a near death experience. Hacking and slashing his way through the streets, Jomei cleared a path for the inexperienced players. Originally planning to lead them directly to the teleport gate, a monstrosity, unlike the rest, caught his attention. Its form loomed over the street, slowly emerging from the fog. And there was Arabelle, facing the thing on her own. This is why she ended up getting herself hurt last time.. 

“You lot go, it’ll be safe from here. There are others in the square that will make sure you get through. Go!” he shouted after them, making sure they didn’t stall behind. Once sure, Jomei rushed to Ara’s aid.

“You know, you really shouldn’t run off from your tank.” Jomei joked as he stepped up beside her, “Especially since we don’t have any support with us this time.” Flaring his blade, Jomei would rush forth at the strange, flying nightmare. Kicking off of an adjacent wall to give himself some extra air, Jomei drove his rapier down into its chitinous armor.


-> ID240428| BD 5(+3)(-1)(-1) 6 | Hit
Tech-C | 16x21(+3) = 384(-50) = 334

(1) Arabelle | HP: 605/680 | EN: 75/106 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 1 | FLN: 8 (6-8) | BLI: 32 (9-10); -20 MIT / 2 | BLD: 48 (9-10) | RSK: 8 | BH: 34 | VD: 10% | HB: 27 | LD: 5 | [RSK]

(3) Jomei | HP: 960/960 | EN: 122/134 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 44 | ACC:3 | TAUNT | F-SPIRIT | EVA:4 | BH:53 | HB: 42 | VAMP-D: 106 | BLI: 32/-20  | LD:1  | Clean (1/2) | COUNTER 25%

Shub-Niggurath - The Wanderer | HP: 544/1200 | DMG: 200 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -1 | THORNS: 75 | STUN | StunImmune: 0/3


On successful attack: PHS: 50% | ENV-O: 50 / 4

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Taint from his last encounter with the darkened crystal still stained his essence, like that damnably indelible spot from a certain Scottish play, and oft fortuning the same sort of doom.  He'd learned to use it to great effect, but contact with Shadow's Malevolent blight through Orgoth's veins had forged an umbral tether that resonated to his core.  Staring into the empty black orbs of the amber stranger's mask, Freyd saw only the familiar reflected in their voids. A garbled welcome sent hairs on the back of his neck to pinpricks sharp enough to stab with.

That voice... like the screeching hollows from the hollow's maw...

Chilling spines paled in pallor compared to the absolute dread washing through the Whisper's soul at the plethora of possible meanings; none of them containing even the slightest trace of good.  Fierce red eyes matched to offset his blue as the stranger's hand came down and building exploded behind him.

His cowl... it looks...

Shrapnel tore across the square, stinging and shredding digital flesh as players screamed in their horrific dawning of dark awareness.  This place was wrong.  So wrong, and in so many ways.

"Back to the portal!"  Barking commands bade them withdraw, giving meaning and direction to those whose addled senses were stripped bare of their own capacity for thought.  "Warn everyone you meet to steer clear of this floor.  It isn't safe!"

Burbbling moans and puffing popples of sickly, secreting suction cups filled the forever night's sky of fishy foes and their monstrous, tentacle fiend-friends sprung up all around them - some more vigorously and eager than they should.  Tumbling over each other in their foul-spawned haste, they made straight for the most innocent and unprepared first.  Chaos.  Pure, and unrefined, spilled across the square as players scrambled in mass panic.  

Katoka sailed in from the rooftops, while Wulfrin sprung into action at her side.  Other frontliners girded themselves and regrouped after finding other abominations in the abandoned town, all pressing them back towards the centre.  Spinning his head back to their informal nemesis, Freyd saw only vestiges of its cowl fade from view to reveal Acanthus wandering in the wrong direction, too late to call out a warning.  There simply wasn't time, and little purpose if madness had already claimed her, and absolutely no way to reach. 

Steel slid against scabbard, its pommel striking hard to accept the Jade Hunter's party invitation.  At least he'd kept his wits or they would all be done for! Eyes fading to black on black, Freyd studied the scene from innumerable angles at once, seeing as shadows saw, through all their ineffable absences.  It was jarring with so many moving bodies and shifting sources of light, but the gist was clear: they were surrounded, with enemies advancing hungrily.  Four were notable and easily distinguished from the others, scattered to the cardinal points - surely without coincidence.  Hirru's words were wise, but he'd have to disregard them for a moment, discarding his companion's well-intentioned boon.  Crozeph and Morningstar might make better use.  

"I'll get to Scaly in a second.  Gotta keep the horde off these noobs, or this only gets worse."

Seizing on the pinprick essence still scalding the back of his own black cowl, Freyd called upon darkness' gift once more, hopefully to good enough effect.  Blade held high, lightning crackled at the temptation of his improvised banner, he called to unseen kin and claimed temporary umbral control.  

Every figure's shadow slowed and halted, as if drawn to the blade's inaudible and irresistible song.  One by one, they answered with resounding keening hunger, like a hundred banshee's wails, as every one became a portal to the void.  Miasma cleared as each vacuum feasted on pervasive, fish-born stench and fog.  The shadows moved at his direction, steering the horde through its variously haggard champions towards the Vice-Commander's tentative checkpoint and battle hut.  All to converge on where he stood.

"Come get me, you stinky pile of pustule-filled Play-dough set rejects!!!" 

Freyd's roar echoed through every one of his improvised shadow legion's maws, if only for an instant before the power slipped.  A desperate gambit made to drive the enemy away from the fleeing flock of tourists and assorted other dum-dums, hoping he could somehow taunt and feint his way to saving their unfortunate lives.

This had better fucking work...


Post Action: Howl (+4 hate vs all four champions, 2 EN, CD 0/2) 

Freyd | HP: 1300/1300 | EN: 160/162 (162-2) | DMG: 24 | MIT:197 | ACC: 8 (incl. AA)  | TAUNT | F-SPIRIT | EVA:4 | DOTE: 1/1 | BH:72 | VAMP-D: 72 | VAMP-O: 143 | PARA-V | LD:5

(Hate: Kaajh'Kaalh, Mother of Smiles: 4; Shub-Niggurath - The Wanderer: 4; Hokolesqua - The Beast: 4; Y'ha'nthlei - Father of the Deep: 4)

Note: Just apply Freyd to fill a slot in any given group that needs it, if that better suits your needs and intentions.

Edited by Freyd
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"Good thing I managed to lure that skinny psycho to where the players are"

That was a lie, Crozeph was chased by the Mother of Smiles and he was running for his life. While Crozeph may have figured something out by taking the maddening hex out of his inventory, it wasn't enough for him to fully neutralize the Mother of Smiles. The floor definitely gave the monsters an advantage while the players get nothing, except the ones that needed to escape.

It didn't take long for Morningstar to regroup with him, he was glad the player was safe after he was tossed like a Magikarp. He went past Morningstar and turned around "why are we trying to help them escape?" he asked. Crozeph didn't know things were "that" dire. The Mother of Smiles was frozen or rather slowed down by Morningstar's attack. It looked like a <<Frostbite>> effect and Crozeph didn't waste a chance.

he tossed the maddening hex up and hit it with his katana. The material didn't shatter which gave him a little sigh of relief but it did hit the face of the monstrous woman. He shifted his body and anticipated where the maddening hex would go after it bounced off where the nose was supposed to be. he jumped and strike the material yet again and followed it with a slash. 

"That's Racquetball for you."


ID: 240441 | BD: 3 +  | CD: 11 Success [ST-B] ready
Crozeph dealt 264 damage to Mother of Smiles
-12 EN, +4 EN

Morningstar | HP: 966/966 | EN: 100/100 | DMG: 27 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 5 | BH: 43 | LD: 6 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V

Crozeph | HP: 840/840 | EN: 94/102 | DMG: 22 | MIT:44 | ACC:4 | AA | PHASE | EVA:2 | PARA-IM | BH:46 | REC: 1 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | LD:1

Kaajh'Kaalbh - Mother of Smiles | 424/1200 HP | 3 EVA | 3 ACC | 200 DMG | STUNNED


Edited by Crozeph
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Floor Eleven was a nice floor, in comparison to the others at least. A nice beachfront, decent city, and generally few NPC's that would randomly bump into him. Peaceful, was a word that came into mind. He put on his usual gear, his katana attached to the obi around his waist. "Pennyworth," He said calling out to his digital butler. "I'm heading out into town I'll be home later." He said. Stepping out into the bright sun he felt the warmth against his skin as he raised a hand to shield his eyes from the rays. The sea air tickled his nose as he made his way down the path. His trail led him into the main square, and past that would be the shopping district where his plan was to go today. He needed to pick up a few materials for cooking, as he had severely let himself fall behind. If he was planning on following cooking, and even maybe picking up a secondary profession, he needed to get into gear.

At the main plaza is where things took a different turn. There was never a shortage of people in the square both players and NPC's alike, but this time the mood felt different. There was a growing crowd, and there seemed to be panic amongst them. Ryo got closer to the group as to over hear them. They were short of breath, speaking in between gasps and spoke in a panic. "Monsters! Huge, front liners, told us to run!" One said, doubled over clutching his knees. "The floor has no safe zone! Not even when you teleport in!" Ryo thought for a moment, before stepping up as asking. "This is the newest floor, right? There still people there?" The one that was doubled over nodded. "Yeah, tons. They were tossing out teleport crystals and the gate was jammed with too many people. I got lucky." Ryo took the information and stared at the portal.

His hand touched the handle of his katana. The front liners were there, attempting to save people from some sort of monster in an area that had no safe zone. People were still trapped on that floor, and there was bound to be some confusion amongst the panic. Would the front liners need him? They were giving out teleport crystals, and no one had died in a raid in a long time. Surely they didn't need his help. His hand gripped the katana harder, causing it to shift in it's place. He thought back to his time fighting himself under the effects of the waterfall. It wasn't that the front line didn't need him, it was that he didn't feel like he was ready for the front line.

To hell with his personal feelings, and to hell with his self doubt. The front line be damned to for all he cared. All he knew was that people were in trouble and they needed help. And help was exactly what he'd do. Ryo stepped into the teleportation circle. "Yo man, what are you doing?" One of the survivors chimed in before Ryo could say anything. Ryo ignored the concern, and teleported to floor 29.


Instantly he could feel pressure all around him as he was pushed and shoved from here and there. After a few moments of trying to force his small frame away from an elbow, a gap of air appeared to allow him to breathe as a player presumably teleported away. His senses were overwhelmed from panicked shouts and desperate pleas of trying to teleport away. "Get. Out. Of. The. Way." Ryo said, mainly to himself as he force himself deeper into the crowd. Fortunately it wasn't the largest crowd and he was quickly able to fine the other side and free himself from the mass.

Finally free, he was able to take stock of the situation. Four indescribable beings of what he could also assume was hate and flesh, and a few people he recognized standing against them. There was going to be no directing the crowd, that would eventually sort itself out. Ryo's hand shook as it gripped his katana blade, there was no turning back now. He took in a deep breath the salty air tickling his nostrils as the heavy air pressed around him like an approaching storm. His hair whipped against the wind as his loose clothes moved in the same way.

Of the four creatures that were encroaching, Ryo could see one making a break for it. "Oh no you don't!" Ryo said closing the distance. He drew his blade and in a single motion deflected a blow that was about to slam onto another player. The deflection didn't seem to do any damage to Ryo at least not yet, but it took a lot of effort to not double over from the weight of the attack. It was quite possibly the strongest thing he had ever tried to fight. "Stay behind me, I'll keep you safe!" Ryo shouted at the passerby. As they ran off Ryo adjusted his stance. "Alright, ugly. Let's see what you're made of." Ryo said to himself as he prepared to attack. Without wasting movement or time Ryo dashed in with speed even he didn't know he possessed. The being raised an arm and several beings suddenly emerged from the sea. Ryo spun deflecting one off of his body as he cut it down. Good, the minions were like paper. His katana hummed and sang as it cut down another two that leapt at him. The being raised another hand, unknowing what it could do or what it was going to do Ryo acted fast and quickly cut into it. As his blade sank into the creature causing it to flinch, and Ryo could suddenly see his breath. "Sh-shit! C-c-cold!" He said, before breaking off from it to gain distance. He inspected his blade, where it had met with the frog creature was encrusted in ice, his arm and body was covered in a lighter frost. Was he in too deep? He took a glance behind him and saw the crowd of people. They were counting on someone, on him to save them. He didn't need to live, he just needed to stall. "Whatever!" Ryo shouted, shaking his sleeve and knocking the frost off. "Cold never bothered me anyway."

---------- Battle Stats ---------

ID: 240444 | BD: 9 [crit!] | MD: 9 |
- ST-1 used!
-- Base Damage 21 + Minor Crit 1 = 22
-- 22 * 12 = 264 Damage!
-- Energy Used: 12 - [Katana] Stamina 2 = 10 EN used

<<Y'ha-nthlei - Father of the Deep>> 936/1200 HP | No MIT | 2 EVA | 3 ACC | 200 DMG
[2] Ryo | +2 Hate via Crit 
[x] ???
[x] ???
[x] ???



Ryo | HP: 680/680 | EN: 90/100 | DMG: 21 | MIT:75 | ACC:3 | BH:22 | REC: 3 | LD:2 



Ryo | HP: 680/680 | EN: 100/100 | DMG: 21 | MIT:75 | ACC:3 | BH:22 | REC: 3 | LD:2 




»Gin Kin (+9 DMG)
»Fierce Deities Coat (+36 MIT, +3EN Recovery)

»Accuracy Charm (+3 Accuracy)

battle-ready inventory


»Katana R5 (+7 DMG)
»Heavy Armor R5 (+40 MIT, -5 Stealth)
»Battle Healing R3 (18 healing per turn)
»Searching R2 (+2 LD, +2 Stealth Detection)

extra skills

»Survival (Healing effects 10% more, immune to environmental effects)
»Leadership R1 (Grants access to Leadership Arts, takes 2 Extra Slots)
»Leadership R1


»[Katana] Focus (Minor Crit on BD 8, reduce DoT threshold by 1)
»[Katana] Stamina (-2 EN)
»[Heavy Armor] Iron Skin (+15 MIT, +45 HP)


»Impetus (+1 DMG)
»Emergency Recovery (Heal 62 when brought below 156 | Once per thread | 10EN)
»Night Vision (No penalties from low light/darkness)


» Dining Room: "Tasty" - Turn 2 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed. Lesser Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.
» Basic Kitchen: "Filling" - Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps.(Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.)
» Living Room: "Relaxed" - Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.

Edited by Ryo
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