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  2. 买加拿大Queen's毕业,证#薇信751558146办理女王大学成绩,单,代办Queen's真实学历认/证、各大学保录取,驾照Queen's University 【实体公司】QQ/微信751558146办理毕业证,成绩单,教育部学历学位认证,使馆认证,归国人员证明,修改成绩单+信封申请学校,offer录取通知书,在读证明,普利茅斯大学学位证书,Plymouth毕业文凭。 ★★主营项目: ◆办理真实使馆公证(即留学回国人员证明,免费申请货后付款,不成功不收费!!!) ◆办理教育部国外学历学位认证。(网上可查、永久存档、快速稳妥,回国发展,考公务员,落户,进国企,外企,创业,无忧愁) ◆办理各国各大学文凭(世界名校一对一专业服务,可全程监控跟踪进度) ◆提供整套申请学校材料 ◆可以提供钢印、水印、烫金、激光防伪、凹凸版、最新版的普利茅斯大学毕业证、百分之百让您绝对满意、设计,印刷,DHL快递;毕业证、成绩单7个工作日,真实大使馆教育部认证2个月。 【真实可查】---【永久存档】---【安全可靠】---【值得信赖】 八年从业经验,专业指导,私人定制,倾心为您解决留学毕业回国各种疑难问题 <1>教育部学历学位认证服务: 做到真实永久存档,网上轻易可查,绝对对客户的资料进行
  3. 制作澳洲VU毕业/证,成绩单q薇751558146办理维多利亚大学成绩单,代办Victoria真实学历认/证、买澳洲高仿毕业,证、各大学保录取、在读证明Victoria University 【实体公司】QQ/微信751558146办理毕业证,成绩单,教育部学历学位认证,使馆认证,归国人员证明,修改成绩单+信封申请学校,offer录取通知书,在读证明,普利茅斯大学学位证书,Plymouth毕业文凭。 ★★主营项目: ◆办理真实使馆公证(即留学回国人员证明,免费申请货后付款,不成功不收费!!!) ◆办理教育部国外学历学位认证。(网上可查、永久存档、快速稳妥,回国发展,考公务员,落户,进国企,外企,创业,无忧愁) ◆办理各国各大学文凭(世界名校一对一专业服务,可全程监控跟踪进度) ◆提供整套申请学校材料 ◆可以提供钢印、水印、烫金、激光防伪、凹凸版、最新版的普利茅斯大学毕业证、百分之百让您绝对满意、设计,印刷,DHL快递;毕业证、成绩单7个工作日,真实大使馆教育部认证2个月。 【真实可查】---【永久存档】---【安全可靠】---【值得信赖】 八年从业经验,专业指导,私人定制,倾心为您解决留学毕业回国各种疑难问题 <1>教育部学历学位认证服务: 做到真实永久存档,网上轻易
  4. 买加拿大TRU毕业,证#薇信751558146办理汤姆逊河大学成绩,单,代办TRU真实学历认/证、各大学保录取,驾照Thompson Rivers University 【实体公司】QQ/微信751558146办理毕业证,成绩单,教育部学历学位认证,使馆认证,归国人员证明,修改成绩单+信封申请学校,offer录取通知书,在读证明,普利茅斯大学学位证书,Plymouth毕业文凭。 ★★主营项目: ◆办理真实使馆公证(即留学回国人员证明,免费申请货后付款,不成功不收费!!!) ◆办理教育部国外学历学位认证。(网上可查、永久存档、快速稳妥,回国发展,考公务员,落户,进国企,外企,创业,无忧愁) ◆办理各国各大学文凭(世界名校一对一专业服务,可全程监控跟踪进度) ◆提供整套申请学校材料 ◆可以提供钢印、水印、烫金、激光防伪、凹凸版、最新版的普利茅斯大学毕业证、百分之百让您绝对满意、设计,印刷,DHL快递;毕业证、成绩单7个工作日,真实大使馆教育部认证2个月。 【真实可查】---【永久存档】---【安全可靠】---【值得信赖】 八年从业经验,专业指导,私人定制,倾心为您解决留学毕业回国各种疑难问题 <1>教育部学历学位认证服务: 做到真实永久存档,网上轻易可查,绝对对客户的资料
  5. 制作澳洲UOW毕业/证,成绩单q薇751558146办理卧龙岗大学成绩单,代办UOW真实学历认/证、买澳洲高仿毕业,证、各大学保录取、在读证明University of Wollongong 【实体公司】QQ/微信751558146办理毕业证,成绩单,教育部学历学位认证,使馆认证,归国人员证明,修改成绩单+信封申请学校,offer录取通知书,在读证明,普利茅斯大学学位证书,Plymouth毕业文凭。 ★★主营项目: ◆办理真实使馆公证(即留学回国人员证明,免费申请货后付款,不成功不收费!!!) ◆办理教育部国外学历学位认证。(网上可查、永久存档、快速稳妥,回国发展,考公务员,落户,进国企,外企,创业,无忧愁) ◆办理各国各大学文凭(世界名校一对一专业服务,可全程监控跟踪进度) ◆提供整套申请学校材料 ◆可以提供钢印、水印、烫金、激光防伪、凹凸版、最新版的普利茅斯大学毕业证、百分之百让您绝对满意、设计,印刷,DHL快递;毕业证、成绩单7个工作日,真实大使馆教育部认证2个月。 【真实可查】---【永久存档】---【安全可靠】---【值得信赖】 八年从业经验,专业指导,私人定制,倾心为您解决留学毕业回国各种疑难问题 <1>教育部学历学位认证服务: 做到真实永久存档,网上轻易
  6. Last week
  7. Ah, so Ellyria was one of those people...wonderful, just wonderful... Koharu questioned Ellyria, and the situation that sparked the debate would be explained for all present to hear. So it was true, this was about Vigilon... Ellyria proceeded to claim that Vigilon shouldn't be dated at all and that all three in the opposing side of the debate were not healthy. Yona blinked, just what kind of condescending ass says stuff like that? Alanin took a deep breath. "…Are all of your claims, points and stances going to be aggressive ones?" He asked. Ellyria looked to Alan
  8. The serpent was slowly coming down as both Freyd and his familiar were making their way through its unnatural visage. Strike by strike, the bosses many limbs were cut off, but more come back more mangled and distorted. There would be no end to the torment, would there? The cursed serpent would fly out in a rage as each attack would miss its mark. There was no hitting the wild and sporadic movements of the whispering shade. Still, it seemed to be preoccupied by the two of them. Cursed as it was, there was not much it could do against sheer power. So, what was the big deal? They have
  9. # Ready for Approval
  10. N E R [ C H A R A C T E R P R O F I L E ] : USERNAME: NER NAME: RECORD DELETED AGE: 18 GENDER: Male HEIGHT: 162 cm (5'4") WEIGHT: 58 kg (128 lbs) ORIGIN: Somewhere in Japan [ A P P E A R A N C E ] : Despite being 18 years old, RECORD DELETED, known as NER in Sword Art Online, has a child-like appearance that belies his age. He has an ethereal look, with long, flowing blue hair that cascades down to his upper thighs. His hair is silky and glimmers slightly in the light, giving him an almost otherworldly presence. This striking bl
  11. "Don't expect me to go easy on you..."
  12. Earlier
  13. Slipping back through the window of her room, she plopped herself down on the bed and summoned her inventory with a flick of her pointer finger. The painting of the bakery materialized into the space just before her, hanging suspended in the air for a moment before grasping it with each hand. She admired her work once more with a soft smile on her face before resting it on the bed beside her. With an energetic vault off of the bed, her feet hit the ground once more. Interlocked fingers stretched high over her head and slowly fell back to her sides. Adelyte stalled in her room for a bit, hoping
  14. Peeking past the canvas set up before her, she looked at her subject from the small balcony provided with the premium corner room of the inn. The humble shop, nestled between two other buildings an extra story taller, a store front as welcoming as the delicious scents that waft out the open windows. One of her favorite spots to frequent, Maison du Pain, a French bakery with the best pastries she had ever tasted. Pursing her lips with a hum, she looked back and forth between the painted canvas and the bakery. Feeling satisfied with her work, a smile would stretch across her lips. With a few fin
  15. ♦Lv1 Adelyte The first floor and the Town of Beginnings had such hidden beauty, both within the city's walls and without. It didn't receive enough credit within conversations about the other floors. Adelyte's biased opinion, of course, since she had not ventured any further than this first settlement. She told herself she would move to the next floor once she had seen all there was there was to be seen, but the reality was that she was scared. Still at first level, no combat experience, a friends' list about as empty as her inventory. There were so many qu
  16. "Fantastic!" Wulfrin clapped his hands. "Find the cave, find the kid piece of cake!" Wulfrin took the lead out of Urbus and back into the mountains. It hadn't been long, only a couple hours, since he and Ciela had left the mountains. At least they didn't have to climb anything, at least that was the hope. Hearing that they were going into a dark cave Wulfrin double checked that his Night Vision mod was active from his Searching skill. He knew it would be as he had no other skill to use in its place, but it never hurt to double check. The trio was wandering through the mountains for a whil
  17. Evals: Fusion #1 (Cost 1 gleaming scale) Fusion #2 (Cost 1 gleaming scale) Upgrade: Cost 1 demonic shard Fusion #3: Cost 1 demonic shard, 1 gleaming scale Total Cost: 3 gleaming scale, 2 demonic shard
  18. Rank 5 Appraiser (Base: BD 10, CD 8+ for unique, 10 identifications per day) +1 to CD from Hermes’ Scale +2 EXP: Hard Working (also +1 IDs per day) +2 EXP: Lucrative (Firm Anima) (also +2 IDs per day) +1 EXP: Custom Ambition Tool (bought from own shop 2020-07-16) Identifications: 2x T4 Perfect Items (@3040 col) = 6,080 col Total Cost: 6,080 col Net Cost to Banker: 6,080 col Items #1 - #2
  19. Distilling into Mystic Essences: 223303, 223381 Evals: Fusion #1 (cost: 1 gleaming scale): Fusion #2 (cost: 1 gleaming scale): Upgrade to Demonic (Cost: 1 Demonic Shard): Fusion #3 (Cost 1 demonic shard, 1 gleaming scale): Total Cost: 3 gleaming scales, 2 demonic shards
  20. Ambling casually through the gargantuan halls, he'd slowly been regaining subtle stepping lost to the vagaries of system and popular need. What was a loud Whisper, he would ask, though the question was known to be loaded; apples versus orangutans, etc. Truth was ever more complex than it was credited. Perhaps time could actually fix such things? He should have asked Bob when he'd had the chance, not that he was especially chatty for a 'Forgotten Time King.' Was he forgotten by time, or had he simply lost track of it? Who knew? Bob definitely wouldn't say. What a jerk. "Uh... let's
  21. It wasn't to long before the three of them started to gather information about the mother's missing child. the only thing is what was the environment like where her daughter and her friend was playing in. With that Etherial starts to and the simple question. At the surprise the fact that the friend told Koko's mother where was more brave than just telling a lie. "The two of them were playing near a cave and chased inside by the beast." The mother then sounded more scared knowing the fact that you can't see anything inside a cave without some type of light source. "Thanks for the
  22. The towering undead boss stepped forward, blade held high and ready to press its advantage only to feel a hand wrap around it forearm. From the shadows of its own cloak, black on black turned solid and wrenched, locking the mob's joint and forcing it open. Echoes rattled loudly off the stark stone walls as the giant knight's greatsword clanged loudly to the ground. Joint locks were ever so affective against those mostly made of bone. The king's cloak snapped crisply, the flew upward to wrap itself around its wearer's crown to deny him his senses. The Whisper below, in the newly-formed
  23. Wulfrin was faring the best out of the lower leveled players tackling a boss far above their pay grade. That was to be expected though, he had been doing everything he could to up his damage numbers. Every combat encounter was another chance to improve his combat capabilities. With each level he saw his numbers climb and climb, now it seemed the only thing that was truly limiting his out put was gear and levels, both of which would solve themselves eventually. Those problems were also a large majority of why he even came out here. As Bob began to wind up for another attack, Wulfrin found
  24. Ciela smiled at Etherial, "Teamwork does make the dreamwork, although we are in a relationship so the charisma does come quite naturally in that regard." She then smiled at Wulfrin. A woman approached the trio panicking. She was scrambling and trying to find her child. Wulfrin attempted to calm Choshi but to no avail. Ciela knew when it comes to a woman worrying for her child, it's very hard to calm them down. Wulfrin was attempting to keep her talking to maybe attempt to call her down, where she then admitted through tears, "Her friend came back to me just this moment a-and said that th
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