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  2. Rank 5 Appraiser (Base: BD 10, CD 8+ for unique, 10 identifications per day) +1 to CD from Hermes’ Scale +2 EXP: Hard Working (also +1 IDs per day) +2 EXP: Lucrative (Firm Anima) (also +2 IDs per day) +1 EXP: Custom Ambition Tool (bought from own shop 2020-07-16) Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=680531 ...and loot from assorted threads. Identifications: 26x T4 Perfect Items (@3040 col) = 79,040 col +390,000 col for re-rolls. (26 * 15,000 for 4 rerolls apiece) Total Cost: 469,090 col
  3. And so, right before them, the facade began to crack. Little by little: Freyd, Takeshi, Montjoy, the indecipherable amalgamation of everything that was the person she'd loved, was on the crux of an internal metamorphosis. The marks of dueling dialogues were plainly written in his features. Regret, concern, worry, fear, sadness, dismay, longing, hope. Freyd's form seemed to ebb and flow between reservation and relief as the admission of fears long sense held were systematically purged from his heart. With each successive explanation, Elora felt as though an ornate tapestry was being completely
  4. Ellyria continued to press her view and poke at the opposition. They may be on the opposing side, but they were not enemies. Krysta failed to understand why she did not take that into consideration. With Ellyria's third verbal stab, Khavius intervened, telling her to stop doing so blatantly. Ellyria seemed reluctant, but why? Krysta watched as the players had their back-and-forths. Ellyria continued to push her views, but it seemed as though she was trying not to deliver another verbal attack, as she was warned not to. Yona would demand to know what
  5. Unbelievable how this masked player would turn out to be the biggest ass in the room. All she's ever done in this debate is take up the aggressive stance. Each point made is a deliberate attack or proclamation of personal belief. Ugh, she needed to get a grip. The moment Ellyria made a direct verbal attack on Shulko in response to his comment, Yona would react with words. "Whoa there, that’s a excessively aggressive and assumptive stance you’ve got right now! Tone it down!" She called out. Koharu pointed out that Ellyria's jab was uncalled for, which was an understatement. Koh
  6. The tension in the debate was starting to get out of hand. Koharu questioned if Krysta and Ellyria were suggesting that Polygamy was inherently toxic. "Er, I would not necessarily say tha-" Ellyria answered the question, and Krysta was uncertain why this player even showed up to the debate in the first place. The aggressive stance she was taking, it was uncalled for, and it was a bit much, to boot. "Alanin, should we do something about our unexpected 'ally'?" Krysta whispered, wondering if he shared the concern. Alanin looked to Ellyria, then to Khavius, who was now keeping a close
  7. Yona wasn't liking this. Not at all. The opposing side had practically returned to the beginning of the discussion as Krysta repeated her opening, and Ellyria took to the aggressive method pretty quickly. Shulko made points to diffuse the situation and weaken Ellyria's attempt. He, of course, made some excellent points with particular lines. "Clearly you won’t find a guy or girl walking around with 69,420 lovers." Yona smirked and nodded her head. "Nice." Ellyria would continue the aggression, and Krysta would comment on the issues that existed on both sides
  8. Alanin shook his head. "No no, she does have a point. Plenty who make fiction make from more than what’s simply drawn by one’s fantasies, some inspiration comes from history or one’s real life experiences. So as satirical and exaggerated as it may seem, there is some relevance here." He pointed out. Krysta nodded her head. While these takes on the subject that Ellyria had were rather horrendous, there were some potential facts that could be gleaned from them by applying common sense and a level head. "I have already mentioned that Polygamy isn’t love, but lust. Even if love appears to be the
  9. A masked woman called out, which at this point meant that she wanted in on the conversation. Oddly enough, Yona didn't like the look on her face...it was way too aggressive. Khavius looked to the player, then looked to the actively debating players. Perhaps letting it be a three on three would be a better option than two on three. "I'll allow it." He stated. Krysta seemed to recognize this player, addressing her as Ellyria. Despite Krysta's confusion, the player took her side of the debate. She then proceeded to prepare a nine-part opening statement, a claim followe
  10. Krysta looked Yona in the eye, wondering... "What is she playing at...?" Her thoughts aside, she needed to get back on track and onto the discussion. "I still fail to see how polygamy can be healthy, but I shall humor you for the sake of our discussion." She stated. Khavius nodded, the players seemed to have the conversation flowing smoothly right now...and he could only hope it does not collapse. Koharu would get this part of the debate rolling. "As I mentioned earlier, polygamy might work if everyone involved was willing to get along and play their parts fairly and equally. The loved and the
  11. Shulko asked The two players on the opposition a question, and their answers would be pointed out to contradict their stance on the assumption that heaven was real. Yona couldn't keep herself from laughing when she saw those priceless looks on their faces. "Damn, he’s got you both. Should heaven and hell exist, you would be committing Polygamy in Heaven if you and both the people you married were all going there." She remarked. Well, there was nothing left on that little point, so onto the next branch of the topic, right? "Seeing that little detail noted, let’s get back to the present, “mortal
  12. Yona chose to disruptively insert herself into the discussion, but the moderator, Khavius, despite appearing to be disgruntled, allowed Yona's entry, and gave her a chance to speak. She made a point of the cluster of grapes example, claiming that it was impossible for a bunch of grapes to be equivalent to one instance of family due to the limits of one mother's potential. Well, if Yona believed that she could simply jump into a discussion like this, she must be ready to have her stance challenged. "Objection!" "There was a couple who had about nineteen
  13. Krysta needed to experience growing pains, Others who may be listening needed to know that not every free aspect of life was "evil", and now Koharu and Shulko were cornered. Yona took a deep breath. It was time to act. "Hold it!" Yona leaped from her seating, and onto the proper position of a stand beside the one Shulko and Koharu were in. "Weren’t expecting me to show up, were you? Well too bad, I’m here." She remarked. Khavius took a deep breath. "Always wanting to add on, always wanting to make sure the side they support wins...this happens every time..." He
  14. Krysta's free hand clenched at her stand. "Oh...I have words." Now Koharu was looking worried. "This is going to end well, right...?" Krysta stood up straight. She had every intention to set the record straight. "From what I know, there are some Bibles out there with study notes by a theologian named John MacArthur. What he noted on Gideon was that he had fallen severely into the sin of polygamy, that although it was tolerated back in that time, it was an iniquity that was against God’s given blueprint for marriage, which was the phrase 'two become one'. Two become
  15. Khavius had his palm to his forehead and his face down on his stand. "At this rate, Taft should be paying me to put up with this shit..." He grumbled. Not that they'd pay him enough if they did. It started going downhill in terms of seriousness when Shulko came in yelling "Objection!" like it was an Objection.lol video on Youtube... But even when the topics were serious, the air certainly wasn't, not that the tension and heat of the debate changed, only a few additional words thrown around...maybe it was serious after all, it was just that the thrown words began throwing him off...after all, t
  16. Koharu seemed to be in thought. Khavius looked at the situation. "Tell us, any of you, is there anything else relevant to this topic that you're willing to cover?" He asked the four players. Koharu smiled, nodded, then looked to Krysta. "Krysta...you said you live by virtue, right? And the fact that you seem to have a certain belief… Maybe it’s time to pull out some…particular examples." She considered. Krysta was uncertain of what kind of examples she was talking about, and she was getting concerned that she might not want to know. Shulko looked to Koharu with a smirk. "You going where I thin
  17. ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ Slender fingers wove themselves between his, providing an anchor he desperately needed and had previously been lacking. So many times, he had tried to get this out and couldn’t. He’d once offered to be her anchor, yet here she was being his, and he loved her dearly for it. It also made the revelations that much harder, panicked warnings of betrayal stabbing furiously at his heart, never to let that thing be given voice. "You're hurting... you're hurting bad, and you can barely comprehend it.. can you?" No response could do justice to such a question. Looking upon Vio
  18. Anakin groans * * * Miles traveled (2/5) Sandstorm affect: ID: | CD:
  19. The day was likely to be a long one. His companions seemed to be having a bit of trouble finding their required materials. In their defense though it was likely the location itself being picked clean. Typically Wulfrin only brough maybe one or two players at a time, as players willing to risk their safety net within the Town of Beginnings or the other safe zones of Aincrad were few and far between. That meant there was a larger amount of foot traffic collecting up everything the system could produce faster than it was able to conjure the items into the world. In short the area was being picked
  20. "Sadly no," Wulfrin sighed not even having noticed the other player approaching. Finally he turned to where the voice had originated from. "I take it you're here for the same reason I am, overheard some rumor and are here to follow up? Seems we're both having bit of low luck going for us. Might be best we team up, we could likely cover more ground and our quest logs will also update at the same time." As it turns out though, their luck might be turning around. A burly 6 foot 2 human, a stark contrast from the non-human races that populated the town. Hailed the duo and was asking about the
  21. Krysta asked if Alanin's claims of Shulko having body pillows were true, and if he actually had five waifus. Shulko would give an honest answer, revealing that he had a whole list of waifus and a small collection of body pillows. "Damn," Yona thought aloud. "This guy's got some serious courage..." She began to wonder if Shulko's taste in waifus was based. The guy gave a multitude of vibes, so it was difficult to tell what the answer would likely be. Krysta remarked that this sounded promiscuous, but fiction was fiction, it wouldn't be relevant in real life, it just tells how many fictional gir
  22. Krysta had a question to ask, and with the diffusion of Alanin's poking and jabbing dealt with, she would look to Shulko. "Shulko, is any of this true? Do you actually have five...erm, 'waifus"?" She asked awkwardly. Shulko placed one hand on his side, and the other would scratch his head. "I’ve uh, got a bit of a list, actually…and maybe a small collection of body pillows." He admitted. Krysta blinked. It was more than she expected, and she was hoping the answer to the question was false. "With all due respect, Shulko, that sounds rather...promiscuous..." Krysta remarked.
  23. Things were getting heated in the wrong way again. Shulko would continue the conversation, but Alanin decided to strike the wrong nerve with his counterpoint. Shulko's response caught Khavius's attention, in what probably wasn't a good way, judging by the man's expression. When Alanin spoke again, both Krysta and Koharu did what they could to try and diffuse the situation. Khavius kept his eyes on Alanin for the time being, watching to see what he would do next, what he would say next. While the others were doing their best to moderate themselves and each other, it wasn't necessary, for that w
  24. Earlier
  25. Shulko would proceed to put the conversation back on track, before the topic of pettiness could derail it. "We've all got desires pal, and we gotta grow to accept realities, that much is true. But a guy can dream, and it doesn’t hurt him to go for it, assuming no one else gets hurt in the process. What does he have to lose?" He asked. Alanin pulled himself back up, ready to answer. "Himself, of course. He’ll go through his life seeking his dream, even if it kills him. He might think he isn’t being hurt, but his tendencies are likely to be self-destructive at that p
  26. Yona waved and winked when Krysta made eye contact with her. She didn't care that she'd drawn the attention of others as well, she was just having a good time watching this go down. Khavius would ask the debating players to continue, and the redheaded newcomer would speak. He claimed that those who seek polygamy and polyamory are under delusions of their own making. Yona already disagreed. Shulko made a remark that jabbed at the player for his personal experience, which was actually true, as he turned out to be Alanin, the Knight rejected by a princess. Now it all made sense. No wonder Krysta
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