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Status Updates posted by Zandra

  1. For 2 days Im selling alchemy potions for 6, 8, 10 (uncommon, rare, perfect) mat each, +2 mat for crystals. Material can be any tier. Will be delivered in event thread. 

    1. Dazia


      Are those T1 packs listed in your shop still available? I can just post in the shop thread and pay, but I just need to know that what I'm intending to buy is actually there.

    2. Zandra


      They r not there finished. I hv to craft them

    3. Dazia


      not what I expected...well, time's running out for me to get raid supplies, so...there's now a 50% chance I'll sit this one out.

  2. Sorry to those I havent replied, now is the time for that :)

    1. Kalesh


      I caught a fishie!

    2. Zandra


      YAY! Maybe the wind have changed :)

  3. I apologize to everyone that Im in an RP with. This weekend Ive been working as a volounteer to sort things that will be sent to the refugees. Ive been to tired to post anything at all. I will try to catch up now.

    1. Lowenthal


      Take your time. It's better to post with a fresh mind and body, then forcing something out. We'd want you to be at your best. ^-^

    2. Macradon


      I too have been helping refugees and alike, so I think that's acceptable.

  4. Is anyone wanna do feeding the enemy with me?

    1. Kalesh


      I'd be willing to come. If you need a familiar call crystal or a +2 LD food item you can have mine. I'm conflicted on what I want for a familiar so I never actually used mine :P

    2. Zandra


      That would be awesome. Im gonna put it up right away :)

    1. Seul
    2. Mack


      Sorry, had a stretch of several days there where I couldn't log into the site at all.

      Working on catch-up now.

  5. If I have a +2 LD (cap) trinket and a treasure hunter familiar, do I get +3 LD?

    1. Ssendom


      Yes, Item cap is 3.


    2. Nemesis


      I have a +2Ld trinket in my shop if you need one. 

  6. If I already have a proffession and helps another player do earning on a living, do I get extra materials like Ive repeated it?

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      nope the player doing the quest gets them.

    2. Zandra


      Do I get half of the Col for page completed and/or Col earned in the thread, SP?

  7. Good night all, wont be posting anymore until the weekend. Happy RP:ing!! :)

    1. Oikawa


      Happy Birthday and Night!

    2. Calrex


      No worries have a good night! We'll see you when you get back!

  8. Morning all, time for school(RP) :)

  9. Time to leave, gnight folks :)

    1. Jomei


      But its only 2 in the afternoon xD Damn timezones. Niight

    2. Calrex
  10. Aquestion, maximum items(weaps, armor etc) is 3. How about potion, crystals and such things?

    1. Oikawa


      What Pro said!

  11. If I have two +1 damage potions and drnks both(in sperate posts of course) do I get +2 damage or is it the effect of the last one?

    1. Lowenthal


      No. Damage buff do not stack.

      However, if you drink a +1 dmg buff, then a +2 damage buff. The stronger buff takes effect, and does not stack.

    2. Takao


      If you're trying to stack the alchemist's buff with the alchemist's buff, then yes, the stronger of the two buffs will take effect. You can however stack the alchemist's damage buff with the fisherman or cook's damage buff, since they're the only two consumables that stack across professions.

  12. Anyone up for The traveler?

    1. Klick


      I would be happy to help you with it.

    2. Macradon


      If there's still room, I'm all up for it!

  13. So, if you doing a SP without dicerolls, would it be okay to write one post with 84 full lines? Just an idea.

    1. Zelrius


      I doubt it. Thought at the same time you could make the argument about the merging post thing. PM a GM about it


    2. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      Just split it up for each post.

  14. Just spent almost two hours in a store. Left because needed to get to the train. I could easily spend another hour there, since thete they sell: Manga, anime, fantasy, sci-fi, table top games, miniature war games(like warhammer), card games, role-play games and alot of other stuffs. A paradise for every Swedish geek :)

    1. Macradon


      I wish shops like that existed elsewhere in Denmark than just the capital ... 

    2. Zandra


      Well, this shop is in the capital. I think there is one in second and third largest cities as well, prob not as big since the one in Stockholm is the "mother-store" ;)

  15. What have I done to anger the dice gods? Four 4's and two 1's (+7&10) from daily craft :(

    1. Zelrius


      Ahem, *RNGezus. Only Pagans believe in Dice Gods.

    2. Kalesh


      You came within the general vicinity of a fisherman, you are forever cursed! D:

  16. If I wanna join floor boss fights, what must I do before the fight start? Except benchmark.

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      after the boss meeting ends there will be a sign-up thread for us to express our willingness to join the fight. Usually for players with guilds, the guild leader has to give the OK for its guildmembers to join in. Solo players are free to join as they please.

    2. Zandra
  17. Does damage mtigation from armour and potion/crystal stack? Like 9 from armour and 9 from potion/crystal?

    1. Azide


      Mitigation stacks, although you cannot stack multiple potions/crystals with the same effect on top of each other. I believe you're allowed to use one active effect per item of different professions- for example, a mitigation crystal (alchemy) + some sort of HP boosting food (cooking). 
      Don't quote me on the second though, because the old rules that clarified this seem to be missing, as they used to be listed under the old Professions guide (which has now been deleted).

    2. Takao


      Certain effects stack on each other, like the alchemist's damage enhancement and the cook's alcoholic enhancement.

  18. Does good quality weapons/armours count to any of the 3 or 5 items you can carry in battle?

    1. Amira


      Nope. You get 3 enhanced items equipped. Then you have 5 for potions/crystals/other enhanced equipment. Good aren't enhanced so your good to go.

    2. Zandra
  19. Anyone up for killing a stone with me(breaking the unbreakable)?

    1. Emerath


      Hey there Zandra. As an avid Martial Artist, Emerath would be more than happy to accompany you to help the quest go by faster. I don't believe I've had the pleasure of RPing with you anyway, so this could be a good introduction for our characters as well. :)

    2. Zandra


      Nice. Its up :)

  20. Anyone interested in doing essence of steel with me?

    1. Amira


      I'd be up for it. That's one I've never done before.

    2. Zandra


      Nice, would be good to have one more I think. Anyone?

  21. If a sword art have AOE and Stun, do I have to activate both or can I activate just one to lower energy cost?

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      can't lower the energy cost. Allsword arts are fixed.. you cant choose when to use AoE or Stun as you like. they both go with the fixed amount of energy. sowwy:D

    2. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      A sword art with AOE and stun first doubles in cost, then adds +3 (as other way would be ludicrous. Fixed and none can be dropped but hey ho stun multiple in one go.

  22. Oh my god, I just counted my material use in my shop, its up in 529 :/

  23. Just was thru that when you wrtie a long post and it disapear when reloading the page. Maybe you already know this. Probably it didnt works all the time but for me it came back to the reply window when I backed a page. Dont realy know the correct english words for this but I hope you get what I mean. Just wated to share it with you since Ive seen comments here and Ive myself been thru it before and thats not fun.

    1. Calrex


      Yeah, it works when you're making a new post. Unfortunately when you're editing a post (say after rolling), it doesn't auto save

    2. Zandra


      Okay. Thats good to hear too, then from now on gonna be more careful when it comes to replies :)

  24. Just want to say thanks to Manta and Zelrius. These boss-fights have got my alchemical businesses to increase. Some even buying in stock and/or Rares!

    1. Zelrius


      Wasn't the direct intention but regardless; No problem, Zandra

    2. Ethereal


      RIP all the other alchemists myself included xD

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