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Status Updates posted by Mack

  1. Just a quick head's up for everyone, I'm on a temporary Staff Leave for the next two weeks. If you need staff stuff, please address it to one of the other GM/PST's.

  2. Just a quick head's up for folks... I am around. I got called in for special work tonight and I do about half the cooking for the Meal Ministry at Church on Friday's... so the day's been busy. But, I am paying attention to the Nerius fight and I will catch up on "Christmas... Year" and my other threads tomorrow.

    1. Alice


      Sounds good, thanks for the heads up. :)

    2. Anemone


      When you have more room on your plate, Mack. I would like to do an RP. :D 

  3. Keep your eyes peeled... Goodies on the Horizon...

    1. Macradon


      He left KoB :V


      The dom has arrived.jpg

    2. Mack


      Nah, he said in Mod Skype today that he's back... also how did you get Ssendom to come back and join KoB?

      If that image there is any indicator.

    3. Macradon


      It isn't, it's just the only one I could find with a fedora

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  4. May not post much today and tomorrow. I have to get work done before Sunday.

  5. Once again, just a quick note for those that will Scout the next floor. The Boss will operate, in terms of revealing information, just a little bit differently. PM me for details.

  6. Players, please stand by for an upcoming announcement in the next day (or so) concerning the Asterios fight SP Rewards and the (still on hold) Nerius fight (including sign-up changes special just for Nerius.

  7. Posts coming down the pike now. Let me know tomorrow if I miss something tonight. Going to try to get everyone I owe tonight.

    1. Ronin


      You ROCK Mack! Keep up the great work :)

  8. Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. Life's been a bit busy and the employer put RMM software on the computers to track us, so I can't get on at work any more. Trained a new guy the last few days and have come up with a system to get back to normal in the next day or so, although with less Discord.

    1. Macradon


      Aww, hope to see you soon and stay well!

    2. Baldur


      @Mack Can you get on discord on your phone? The app is pretty good

  9. So much 3.0 stuff to have to do to catch this character back up for approval...



    *butler claps*

    1. Hirru
    2. tricolor_mina


      The legend is back les fuckin gooo!!!!

    3. Oji


      I am not your butler smh

  10. So... apparently, I'm a GM now. Last one to find out :)

    1. Mack


      Heh, I've not been on Skype for a couple of days. I need to log in again.

    2. Shark


      well then that's your own fault xD

    3. Mack
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  11. Someone in the Lyrica thread pointed out to me that her HP needs to be recalibrated because @Allania's damage got missed in the last rotation. I am fixing Lyrica's stats now and the thread will re-open in (no more than) 30 minutes.

    1. Mack


      Alright, Lyrica's stats have been fixed and things are ready to rock again. The thread is unlocked once more, @Evander, you're up.

      @Xion, hope you ate your Wheaties. You wanted to Tank, you're going to get to tank.

    2. Amira


      Dont worry about it Xion. If you dont somehow die before Ebony's turn you'll get healed.

  12. Still in the Process of Moving. Will try to crank out posts.

  13. The Floor Description for the Eighteenth Floor has been posted... but the floor isn't QUITE open just yet.

    1. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      how about the hide gives a +18 mit bonus if used for crafting.

    2. Mack


      @XWuZHeAR, I don't know yet. It's still a very new floor but there is going to be content for it. I, and the rest of the staff, have been dealing with other site issues lately (notably PK) rather than creating new content but there will be content.

      @Takao your suggestion on Mats was one of two I advanced as well in the Staff area.

      @Nikodemus_Blackwood, I have some ideas for a Nimean Lion loot drop too :)

    3. Nikodemus_Blackwood
    4. Show next comments  21 more
  14. The Knights of the Blood Oath are recruiting openly. If you're interested in joining, please contact me via PM.

  15. The Mystery Box is open, chalk full of free gear for low-level players. Check out the thread in the Beginner Floor area.

    1. Shirien


      Ehhhh. In the spirit of giving (and because I have no customers to give me EXP anyways) I think I'll go ahead and give a free appraisal to the first three people to take from the box and then drop by my shop.

      That's one appraisal per person, regardless of how many items are taken.

  16. The new monthly Boss NPC assistant, starting in July, will be considerably more hearty than Stentorius was.

    1. Mack


      Perhaps an item needs to be created or something. I'll work on something.

    2. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      Essentially, if we wanna take this from a no magic\cannon stand point, then potions should be allowed. 2 times to my knowlege potions were used by one person on another, or attempted to be used in the case of the Kobold boss scene. So, cannon wise it fits. But again, it would be too spammable. A healer could just run around and break potions on people every turn.


      I agree with Mack, something needs to be adjusted or an item needs to be made.

    3. Baldur


      Being used on every turn isn't exactly spamable. Especially since You might get 2 too 3 turns in a boss fight ( likely the only place it'll ever get used). You also shouldn't need a skill to use a potion or a Crystal. I guess You could use it to improve the effect of a potion or a Crystal, but that could quickly become over powered. Really though, it should be a one and done skill, and not a ranked one. Maybe it take a heal item and turns it into a hot. Or maybe with first aid yoi can treat a heal item of any quality as perfect tier. Maybe it could let you remove a status effect. Who knows

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  17. Thinking about making another Alt. *nod nod*

    1. Yua
    2. Yua


      Avilon should group with you. *nods*

    3. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      "Opening up recruitment, loosely, for a guild called "The Inquisition". "

      careful there Mack, we already had a guild named 'The Crimson Inquisition'.... they didn't end that well.

      They were around the time Azure was starting to get big.

      but most don't know about them so a little refresh/repeat would be cool.

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  18. Those still taking part in the Boss Raid... if you need a Teleport Crystal then please speak up. I have 4 spares to give away.

    1. Baldur


      They can also be bought en masse from my store. It's NPC stock, so you can buy at the listed price without having to wait for a response from me. I have unlimited, muahaha

    2. Mack


      Yes, but the one's I'm giving away are FREE! :)

    3. Baldur


      Yea, but you only have 4 of them. I would give out more for free, but I can't afford that XD being a merchant is a poor mans business, especially when you won't sell health potions at a profit in case someone dies for your bottom line.

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  19. Three new quests just now posted.

    1. Ratatosk


      Can we get a Lion King quest next and make Ariel the boss?

    2. Rain


      ^throwing a lion off a cliff should be one of the objectives. >:)

    3. Ratatosk


      Make sure to avoid being caught by Lion tamer Ariel, otherwise your body will be missing a lot of limbs.

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  20. Wanna see something funny? Look at my stats for the Boss Fight.

    1. Rain


      :v I'm pretty sure you can stack alchemy stuff with cooking stuff. I've seen everyone do it and not a single person has batted an eye about it until now.

      Also could we let alchemists, cooks, and the other crafters that make consumables, make double the amount of stuff they make? I honestly feel like we, the consumable crafters, use up the most mats more than anyone. Or if anything double the mats required for the non-consumbale crafters. :v

      Oh wait... just read it. now... SEE!!! ALCHEMISTS AND COOKS CAN STACK. ._.

      but sadly only one for buff. :s

    2. Seul


      I thought that was only alcohol and dmg pots that stacked because of the -3 eva debuff-

    3. Takao


      Also, Mack, side note in the boss battle. Takao hasn't given anybody the amulets yet.

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  21. Well, picked up the SAO Progressive 001 today from Barnes & Noble... I figured as a Mod I should do a bit more than just being familiar with the Anime and SAO-Abridged.

    1. Baldur


      004 is out on barnes and noble. I bought it last week? week before?

    2. Mack


      Yup, I only got 001 to see if I was going to like them or not. Once I finish 001 I'm going to go and pick up 002-004.

    3. Baldur


      004 was my favorite, I really can't wait for 5.

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  22. Who do I owe IC posts to? Post thread links in this status update so I can find everything, please?

  23. Who wants to tackle the Dragon Hunter Anthology?

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Mack


      Yeah, still open.

    3. Magda


      I'll work on a post now then. Thank you.

    4. Mack


      No sweat. There is no upward limit to the party size for it.

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