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[EVENT-F1]Halloween Event '19 - 'Something Wicked This Way Comes'

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Awaking from your sleep you reach up and rub the dust away from your face as the morning sun comes to rise. You pull yourself away from your bed and make your way to the window. Drawing the curtains not as much light enters the room as you had anticipated. An overcast sky blocks the sun’s rays as you peer outside seeing a thin layer of autumn fog hang close to the ground. You stretch for a while and see it best to start your day.

Your day goes by uneventful, at least uneventful by Aincrad standards, but you notice something new by the job board.


Reads the top half of the flyer, depicting a large circus tent with curious images in silhouette dancing in twain in its background.


Looking over the sign you see dates of what you assume is the circuses running time, and a location. It not being too far from your position, you decide to check it out.

Making your way to the site of ‘Jacks Circus’ you find yourself nestled into a sea of people, a crowd that stretches on and on. Many town-folk are here, some friends you may recognize, and many upon many NPC’s have all come to marvel at this display.

“Step on up ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls!” A voice booms out over the crowd. Following the source, you see a man, dressed in festive attire standing on a podium. “I am Jack, the ringmaster of this fair circus! And for a limited time, a special offer for you!. For the measly sum of 500 Col, I can promise each and every customer the show of a lifetime!” The man hops down from his stand and disappears inside the tent. As many of the NPCs begin to walk away, unable to afford the ticket price you are left with a handful of people standing outside the large tent.


Pay 500 Col to Jack The Ringmaster to receive a ticket to the show! Feel free to Role-Play out sitting down inside the tent and watching others come inside. And feel free to mingle with one another outside the tent as well. After 48 hours(1:00 pm PDT, Friday) the show will begin, so make sure you have a seat!

Edited by Jack The Ringleader
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Awaking from your sleep you reach up and rub the dust away from your face as the morning sun comes to rise. You pull yourself away from your bed and make your way to the window. Drawing the curtains n

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Alec stood and watched as the non player characters started to wander away disappearing into the back drop and background. Once the crowd had thinned out considerably the large heavily muscled man stepped forward and with a quick downward swipe of his index finger the large man opened his inventory and removed 500 Col. With the money in hand Alec stepped forward as he closed his inventory and placed the coins into the sturdy wooden box before the entrance to the big top tent. Stepping through the opening Alec made his way inside and began to walk along the bleachers within the tent. Finding a spot roughly in the middle the large man sat down with an audible creak if the wooden bench below him as he gently eased his massive frame and sizable weight down onto the wooden bench leaning back with his legs outstretched and crossed at the ankles as he waited for the show to begin. The heavily muscled Tank had no idea what to expect here so he sat relaxed as he waited patiently to see where this led.

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Neo was but a shadow in the crowd. Even as it began to thin out at the mention of cost, she stayed as quiet as ever. There was an eerie charm to this place. She had a feeling there would be a little bit more then just entertainment. Well, to Shadows it would all be entertainment. Paying the 500 col to cover for her entrance, she quickly ducked inside. There was currently only one other person who was there with her, so she took the opportunity to scamper up into the rafters. She was making no attempts at hiding herself, but few people looked above them anyways. The crowds reactions would be just as much her entertainment as the circus itself would be. Shadow let out a wide grin, black parasol opened up behind her as a shield from the torchlight. This would hopefully be a show to die for.

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The Ultramarine Knight gave a small exhale as he awoke, giving a stretch to the entirety of his virtual body before his eyes opened, looking out at the dark desolate landscape of the thirteenth floor. He gave a small sigh before getting to his feet, a quick swipe on his menu robing his avatar in his casual combat attire. In this case he opted to go light for the start of the day, equipping the Grand Dragoon, the barebones set of heavy armor attaching over his attire before the Grand Gauntlets III covered his forearms.

Glancing back briefly at the bed he gave a small smile before quietly exiting the Amethyst Boutique, making his way to the main settlement of the floor. As he passed a board his eyes locked onto what appeared to be a new event that had popped up on an upper floor, one that seemed to be interesting enough to grab his attention, "This might be worth checking out."

Time passed as he made his way to the entrance to the circus as he dropped the admittance fee into the box, putting his hands into his jacket pockets as he made his way inside, looking skyward before he entered coupled with a quick hand gesture. Roc descended from the sky like a bullet before breaking his descent in an instant, gently perching on Calrex's shoulder as the bluenette entered inside.

Within the tent itself there appeared to be only a couple of patrons so far, but rather than rush to get a good spot for viewing the upcoming performance he opted to stand to the side for now, finding a sturdy wall to lean against. "I can wait until more people arrive, I'm not exactly in a rush to grab the most optimal spot for seeing this."

He kept his equipment on his avatar, mainly out of caution then paranoia. He had participated in Halloween events in the past. In fact, he was very close to being eliminated in one, and he didn't want to take his chances with getting caught unprepared. While he wasn't clad in his raid armor, his attack was still at its best in his current form, and in the meantime he would be banking on Achilles to at least cushion a potential surprise attack.

"Wonder what's in store once enough people get here..."

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Pools of emerald green had set their glowering gaze upon the technicolour tent and theatrics that surrounded it. It was that time again, in the never-ending nightmare of Aincrad, for another on-the-nose festivity to celebrate another holiday. He didn't dally for long before a small sliver of his wallet found its way into a box amidst others of its kind, and he stepped into the tent with a small wingless dragon trotting in behind him on all fours. As players began to gather, he had no doubts that many were like-minded, knowing fully well what these events had in store for them, or at least enough of an idea that some would come clutching their teleport crystals.

Takao moved up the stands, making sure there were other players between him and where he assumed the real show would start, and leaned back. He kicked one foot up onto the seats ahead of him, occupied most of the space in his proximity, and kept his gaze between furrowed brows centered on the focal piece at the center of the tent. Watching and waiting.

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A Halloween event!

The starry-eyed player had locked onto the newest object of her curiosity. She didn't normally stop to check the bulletin boards in town - the requests taped onto them had nothing do with her - but today, there was a colorful flyer placed smack dab in the midst of the plainer request forms and wanted posters. It was just what she needed to add some life to her otherwise somewhat-boring day.

There wasn't much of note in the designated site other than the large striped tent in the middle. In front of it stood an unusual-looking NPC - dressed for the occasion, An guessed. Smiling like a little kid in a toy store, she shouldered past the players gathering in front of the man until she ended up somewhere in the front rows. 

A limited time, a special event. The silver-haired player was all prepared to follow the rest in until -- 

500 Col?!

That was a fourth of her starting value! Okay, it's been two-something years so that part did not matter now, but checking her amount, An found that she still didn't have the Col to spare for the entrance. 500... She watched the others pay the fee and enter the large tent. A few turned back and left but An paid them no heed. I don't even have enough for 500...

Her eyes sort of glazed over. 

Yeah, Harriette. That's what you get for slacking off on your stats. Now everyone's going to go in and have fun without you. You dumb-dumb lazybutt.

[ooc: Payment handled in a later post.]


20/20 HP | 2/2 EN | 5 DMG | 18 MIT | 3 LD


  • Rapier -- Rank 1


  • Dawn -- T1 Perfect Rapier -- [x3] Damage -- [reference] Marking the first steps of a young adventurer's new journey. A rapier that is rather plain in every aspect except for its elegant swept hilt made of brass.
  • Starter Light Armor -- T1 Rare Light Armor -- [x2] Mitigation -- A leather chest guard that offers minimal protection to the wearer.
  • Dice of Blessing -- T1 Perfect Trinket -- [x3] LD --  [reference] The modern adventurer's mark of providence or misfortune - depending on how much Lady Luck likes you. The trinket itself is an acrylic D20 painted brown with gold numbers and an attached chain that allows it to be clipped onto the user's clothing. When thrown, it often lands on '20'. 


  • [x3] Starter Healing Potions -- Heals 50 HP


Rank 1

[x2] Rip Ravine (2 Energy) - Two quick slashes into a target


Edited by Andromeda
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"Come one come all.." Vandrin repeated as he read along a new poster on the message board that stuck out from the rest of the usual plain job requests. It seemed like there was some sort of social event going on today, a circus to be exact. Vandrin had never been the biggest fan of the circus, even though he had never been to one before in the real world. Clowns creeped him out though.. he knew that as much. Despite, maybe he would enjoy it, or at least make some new friends in the process. He may have had col, materials, and items to make his inventory look a bit fuller... yet his friends list was still empty and barren. 

Some of the players, after finishing reading over the flyer, made their decisions to leave it be, or check it out. The majority chose the latter, and Vandrin decided to blend into the groups and follow along so he would not have to find the location for himself. However, finding the location of Jack's Circus could not have been difficult at all. As he neared closer, the familiar sounds of the calliope filled the air, going up and down the scales in the typical circus suite. Just that song in itself was a bit unsettling to the man. 

Finally, Vandrin arrived at a long line that stretched to an opening in a large yellow, red, and white circus tent. Just off to the side, popped up -seemingly out of nowhere- dressed in a coat with long tails and a top hat. He introduced himself as Jack, the ringmaster, and welcomed everyone to his circus. Vandrin was a little taken aback by the price of entry.. but after checking through his inventory, he saw that he had enough to cover the entry fee. As he neared closer and closer, he saw a few discouraged players walking back the other way after realizing they did not have the price for entry, while others stepped off to the side as if waiting for another friend of theirs to come to their rescue. As Vandrin arrived at the front of the line, he was met with a simple message, rather than a ticket collector, requesting the payment of 500 col. Quickly tapping the button that agreed to the transaction to keep the line moving, Vandrin stepped inside the tent. 

The inside of the tent was a bit darker than outside, very little light pouring in through any openings in the top or front of the tent. A few lamp posts scattered the crowds, lighting up a bit of the seats in the audience to allow players to find an empty seat to sit. Vandrin took a quick look around for anyone he recognized, of course he didn't find anyone, he didn't know anyone here yet. With a small sigh, Vandrin found a group of empty seats and sat down, awaiting for other players to file in, and for this show to start. 

- 500 Col

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Mina hopped down from a nearby tree that she had perched on in order to watch the festive-looking ringleader announce that there was going to be a Halloween circus, which caught her interest. Events weren't very common, and when they did pop up, usually they had fantastic rewards up for grabs. Mina checked the entry price, which was only 500 col, which she quickly sent to the NPC guarding the entrance, and ducked inside of the tent once she was given her ticket for entry. She was wearing a festively-dyed cosmetic cloak over her usual attire, her usually pink hair now an inky black, and streaked with orange and purple. She looked around the area, hoping to see a few faces that she would recognize. She was familiar with Alec, who she gave a friendly wave to, and was startled when she saw a player with emerald green hair near the upper part of the stands. 'looks like a bunch of old faces are popping out of the woodwork, huh..?' she thought to herself, moving to go stand with Alec, the only player she actually knew here. there were two frontliner players that were present, the emerald-haired guy, and Calrex. She was mildly surprised that Hestia and Zandra had yet to show up, seeing as they were almost always there for events of any kind.

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Well, it had happened again. The depression hit her lick a ton.. maybe two tons, or bricks and it left her just wanting to be alone. After going through that hell with the Holy Dragon Alliance, getting stuck in some mansion where she was haunted by her past, and how insignificant she was to her friends still scarred her. Her brunette hair sprawled out over the pillow as she laid in her sorry excuse for a bedroom shoved into the corner of her forgery. It was always warm in her shop, though she preferred it that way. However, this one particular day, it finally got to her. She tossed and turned in her bed before finally sitting up. "F***!" she yelled "I'm sick of this s***!" She knew the only person that could pull her out of her depression was her, and letting her mind marinate in the negative atmosphere that filled the forgery was only going to make it worse. Fixing her dark hair up into a ponytail, with two tufts of hair framing her face, she equipped some clothes that could pass her for a decent human being. She needed to get off of the Fifth floor, the heat of the desert only agitated her more. She figured where else to go than the Town of Beginnings, usually there was something going on there that she could use to take her mind off of things.

As her body materialized onto the First Floor, she could see herds of players and NPCs alike moving in scattered groups through the square and towards the other side of town. Jevi was right to assume there was an event going on, per usual, but it must have been something big to attract this many people to it. Rather than scouring the message boards to find out what it was, Jevi, instead, decided to just follow along and see where everyone was going. Eventually, the crowds came to a halt in front of a large, vibrant colored tent. In front, a man in similarly dressed garb addressed the crowd, and welcomed them to his circus. Jack? Jevi thought to herself, Wasn't that the name of the guy who ran last year's Halloween event? If that were the case, maybe something spooky and exciting could get her blood pumping enough to cheer the hell up. 

Dropping 500 col to get into the show, Jevi moved through the parted canvas curtains that served as a doorway and towards the main event, or at least where the main event would be held. Yellow eyes scanned the slowly growing crowd for any familiar faces. The woman sucked her teeth when she saw absolutely no one she recognized. "Damn.. Already paid, guess I might as well get comfortable." 

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Waking up from his slumber, Macradon was awoken by … the usual. Nothing special had happened the last few days. He beat a God in a crafting match, he planned his wedding with his fiancé, he designed some armor for himself. Pretty much nothing was happening for him right now. Stretching his body, Macradon prepared himself for the day, brushing his teeth, wearing his clothes, walking his mythological dog, cleaning up in his shop, and kept on with his daily routine. When he went grocery shopping he saw the poster for some kind of circus “What is this, some kind of bad real life interpretation of IT 7, the se-se-se-se-se-sequel to that horrible re-execution of what people thought of a classic from back in the years?” he thought for himself and noted down what information he could gather. When the time came to find the area, he walked towards where the circus acts would be and spotted the crowd “That’s probably it.” he thought and walked towards the crowd, listening to what was going on. “500 Col, not bad, it’s like pocket money you find on the ground by accident, so this is like something worthless I just find on the ground by accident, huh.” he mumbled and walked towards the tent to pay the fee “This better be as advertised or I riot.” he said as he approached.

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Zandra yawns as she sits up in her doublebed, her left side still empty. She lets out a sad sigh as she rose and went to the window where she leaned on the window ledge in silence. Her long black hair falling down her shoulders in a dark mess. She is watching the thin layer of fog on the ground. In the sky Zita, the kings eagle, was circling high above. A faint smile on Zandras lips as she turned around and went for the bathroom. She entered the shower and turned on the hot water. The wet water soaked her hair and rolled down her pale skin. "What to do today?" she said to herself. She actually had no idea what to spend the day on. She leaned to the wall and glided down to sitting position as she thougth. "I could just stay here all day. This is pretty comfortable."
A minute went pass, an hour, two hours...
The woman let out a sigh. "No, this wont do." she pushed herself up, turned off the water and leaved the bathroom. She equipped her normal clothing with a few swipes as she leaves the house. "Zita! Time to make this day a little bit less uneventful." she said with a pretty bored voice. The eagle landed on her shoulder. When they got to the settlement there was a poster with some kind of circus event. Zandra shrugged"why not?"
The berserk healer arrived and walked up to the entrance. She saw a few familiar faces. "not only me that is bored I guess." the entrance fee was five hundred col. She raised an eyebrow. "This must be wrong. Isnt it a zero to few?" she said to the guard. It wasnt. "Well, it cant be worse then doing nothing I guess." she said to her kingseagle as she shrugged and entered.

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Seasons came and went. It was now mid-autumn. Leaves fell from trees and they shoveled it into piles. The smell of pumpkin spice became a constant fixture in her cafe. 

Nothing much had changed. 

Mishiro carefully perused the contents of the trade window in front of her. On her other hand was a copy of the order form, serving as the point of comparison. Only a few seconds ticked by when she took her eyes off the menu and gave her customer a small nod. 


The system transferred over the crafts and payment to the respective players with a pleasant chime. Mishiro reviewed the details of her transaction and dismissed her windows with a flick of an armored hand. 

She didn't stay behind to make small talk. 

Her wandering wasn't so aimless this time. Lately, there had been talk about a circus. The usual kind with all its oddities and theatrics, she guessed, and such a thing would not have been important news of any kind in any other situation - unless it was a famous performing group involved. However, they weren't in any ordinary situation and she suspected many players hadn't seen a circus since the game began. There were only so much fun activities one could do in their free time until they eventually grew tired of it.

A circus was deviant enough from the usual to at least generate some excitement.

And it looked just as she expected. Though from the decorations and the general mood surrounding it, the event seemed part of the Halloween festivities. Worthiest of note was the large tent in the middle, which players and NPCs alike flocked towards. The main attraction. 

Mishiro situated herself away from the crowd.

A man stepped up onto an elevated platform and introduced himself as the ringleader. Many were fixated on his words. This was all new to them, after all. What could they expect from a (game-run?) circus attraction? 

But all she could focus on was the indicator atop his head.


The man disappeared back into the tent.

Her form briefly shimmered. She concealed the distinctive black irons of her armor pieces and gauntlets under her large coat. The crowd in front of her shifted. Many turned and left, discouraged by the entrance fee. Some eagerly fell in line and paid for it. But amidst the shifting sea of players was a girl with silvery hair and red eyes, standing completely still.

She had a look of dismay about her, and following her gaze, Mishiro noticed that she was watching the players entering the tent.

She drew closer as soon as there were fewer players in the immediate area. "Do you have enough for the entrance fee?" Mishiro tilted her head and met the girl's (presumably) confused stare with her usual disconcerting lack of emotion. At the girl's response, she quicky checked her inventory to confirm. "I have enough to spare for another. Just pay me back when you have the Col."

Mishiro stepped forward and paid for two tickets. She handed one to the silver-haired girl and entered the tent without looking back.

Unfamiliar faces. Minimal lighting. Just as expected.

She carefully moved down the rows and chose a seat near the middle.


- 1,000 Col sent. Covered for both Mishiro and @Andromeda

LEVEL 9 - 19 SP
180/180 HP | 18/18 EN | 1 DMG | 27 MIT | 2 Bleed | 3 Keen


  • [T1 - Rare] The Widower (2H Battle Axe): A black battle axe with a reddish gleam. The handle has a red webbing on it and the pommel is shaped like a spider. The blade releases a red smoke. -- Enhancements: [x2] Bleed
  • [T1 - Perfect] Tenebris Nix (Heavy Armor Set): [Image] Interlocking black iron plates held together with cloth and mesh, and combat boots of the same color and material. The main armor piece covers the user's torso and is especially cold to the touch. Reduces the damage taken by the user. -- Enhancements: [x3] MIT
  • [T1 - Perfect] Elven Eye (Jewel): A bright blue crystal in the shape of an oval with a small black stone in the middle, making it look like an eye of a person. -- Enhancements: [x3] Keen


  • [x2] Teleport Crystal
  • [x3] [T1] Starter Healing Potions -- Heals 50 HP
  • [x1] [T1 - Demonic] Eggnog: A hearty drink that warms even the coldest soul, and seems to give a blanket of warmth to those who drink it. -- Enhancements: [x1(3)] Safeguard, [x1] MIT
  • [x2] [T1 - Demonic] Christmas Cookies: A big plate of homemade cookies, shaped like Christmas trees and snowmen. When a person eats them, they feel the true spirit of Christmas and feel a little luckier in their travels. -- Enhancements: [x3] Prosperity, [x1] MIT





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"I don't think they've ever done a circus before," Telrenya commented as she made strides beside her partner through the Town of Beginnings. "Do you think they just have a ton of random events made up, and it picks one to start running around the holidays?" She chuckled lightly. The tent was visible in the distance with other players and NPCs on either side of them shuffling along in the same direction to investigate the commotion.

When they reached their destination, Telrenya gave pause. She hesitated as she stared back at the grinning man dressed in yellows, oranges, and blacks that was ushering people forward and eagerly accepting col from those who wandered into the large circus tent. "He looks... Kinda shady." She whispered, gently squeezing onto the hand she held when Jack's bright eyes fell onto them. Her lips pursed to one side when the NPC held out his hand, pulling his fingers forward in a 'give me' motion to accept their col. She exchanged a glance with Jomei, then slipped a hand into her pocket to pass over the entrance fee.

-500 col


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Minako stretched her arms above her head as she sat up in bed her lips smacking as she finished a loud yawn. Swinging her legs out of the bed, she was woken up completely by the cold floorboards of the inn she was staying at. She peered outside her window, not caring if the people below on the streets could see her in her jammies. But as she peered out she noticed the slight fog that hugged the ground, she looked over and saw a large tent in the distance. Her menu couldn't react fast enough for her as she changed into her normal school uniform and rushed downstairs.

Sprinting to the fairgrounds Minako took her sweet time looking at all of the decorations, barely able to keep her excitement in check. "Awww, it's all just so spooky. I love this time of the year!" She said giving a small twirl. She spotted what seemed to be a fairly large line, and stepped into it. Ahead of a few people she noticed Jevi, but before Minako could say anything her friend disappeared into the tent. Pouting she waited in line. Arriving at the front of the line, she quickly paid the 500 Col not batting an eye at the price.

Making her way inside she was amazed at just how big the tent was. Her eyes sparkling with delight she quickly found her friend and slid next to her on the seat. "Hey there friend-o!" Minako said happily. "You think they have popcorn in this place, or you think we should've smuggled some snacks in here?" Minako took a quick peek around the stands. "Speaking of snacks, look at the cutie over there." She said, motioning over to a man who was awfully tall. "His shoulder's look so wide." She said, almost sighing. "What I wouldn't give to be swept away in those arms like a princess." She said, crossing her arms around her chest and giving herself a little hug.

"But what about you Jevi-sensei?" Minako asked, letting the moniker slip for the first time. "You been up to anything much?" Minako asked, not wanting to hog the entire conversation. "I went to a mansion the other day. They let me pick materials in their garden." Minako said, her short legs swinging off of the bench.


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The change in seasons was apparent on the first floor. As Jomei, with Telrenya by his side on a very much needed date night, stepped into the town square in the Town of Beginnings, the air was a bit cooler due to the sun's usual light and heat being blocked by the low hanging clouds that created an eerie fog throughout the city. The man wore his usual long, green coat, minus the metal plates that he usual wore during battle to protect himself, leaving him with a black turtleneck and brown slacks. "No, I don't recall Aincrad ever having any sort of circus.." Jomei replied to Telrenya. He turned to her with a smile, "Maybe, though it makes you think. If we really get stuck in here for that long, will some of the events start repeating themselves?" the man said with a chuckle.

Before the tent came into view, Jomei's ears perked up at the echoed music, just sounding over the chatter of the various crowds around them. The usual song that accompanied circuses could be heard, though Jomei picked up that it sounded a bit.. off. That song was always eerie, played with an instrument that consisted of pipes blowing out gasses to make different pitched notes. However, every few notes was out of tune, and the tempo itself was a bit slower. It reminded Jomei from a scene in an old horror movie he had seen as a kid in the real world. It was enough to send a small chill down his spine. 

Finally, Jomei's eyes fell on the ringleader of this whole shindig, an NPC named Jack. Jomei leaned in towards Telrenya, "They may change up the event every year, but you'd think they'd at least change the NPC's name." he said as a joke, hoping to make her feel a bit more comfortable with the creepy, clown-like man staring at all of the players as they entered. As Jomei and Telrenya neared the front of the line, they were requested to pay the admission price of 500 col to enter. It was one of the first times he needed to pay a price to enter an event, but given the spoils from the last boss raid, he had a bit of extra money to spare. Placing the required fee in Jack's hand, Jomei walked with Telrenya into the tent to find a seat.

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Ryo awoke on the eleventh floor, as he normally did. He had slept in, and Teion had already left to start her day. Stepping downstairs, Pennyworth scolded him. "As much as I don't trust her, she at least wakes up on time. Unlike you, young master." Ryo rubbed the back of his head in slight embarrassment. "Look, I'm a young adult. I should be getting all the sleep I can get." Pennyworth nodded. "Yes. If you did anything with your day maybe." He said, before handing Ryo a flyer for a Halloween event. Ryo looked the flyer over. "Looks like fun. You saying I should go?" Pennyworth began to dust off a bit of the house. "If it means getting you out of the house, then yes. But Master Ryo a word of warning. These events can get a bit, violent at times." Ryo laughed and shrugged his shoulders. "Last year's event went over well enough. how bad can a circus be? I get jumped by a bunch of pumpkins." Ryo said jokingly as he stepped outside.

Making his way to where the event was advertised he messaged Teion, asking if she was going to make an appearance at the event and that he was on his way to it. He also let her know that he would be there if she needed him for anything. Stepping up to the large tent he saw a few faces he could remember. There was Jevi glad to see her out an about again after the mansion. Jomei and Tel were also present, and Ryo recognized Calrex from the Frontline newsletter. Not a huge crowd like he had anticipated from an event on such a holiday. Least not like last year's. Perhaps there was something different about this year? none the less, he paid his fee and took a seat.

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I grin as the spirit of the season is in full swing of things with the idea of halloween just being around the corner i can really only guess what this year could even bring for either fun or chaos for this special holiday. 'Last year was a party that almost ended sour. Hopefully Aincrad doesn't continue with that guy or...' My thoughts get interrupted with the sound of someone announcing some kind of..something? Making my way closer to get a better look at what is even occurring as i then pause when i hear the name of what is going on as i just sigh softly and nods my head. Well then..seems like i'll attend just to make sure if this turns into a boss fight that nothing bad happens. I say softly to myself as the NPC that almost attacked a player comes to mind. That NPC named Jack, and if this is the same jack i would rather be around to make sure that if it attacks somebody i can do something unlike what woulda most likely happened if i stayed around last time.

As i walk closer to the NPC i hand him the entrance fee of 500 col and then just prepare for the show that was said to be that of a lifetime as i can only just think of the worst way to interpret that as the last show thus being the greatest. When making my way into the tent alongside my familiar i find a seat mainly off to myself from being unable to find something or somebody i even know from what i can see. Everything just looking like a sea of colors for the most part. Thus i just sit and hope that if somebody sees me they either join me or i them since sitting by oneself like this just sounds like a bad time being by yourself. 'Seriously it's like highschool sitting in a assembly. being by oneself no matter how good the show is just boring in the end.' I then pause as i remember one last detail about last year's event. i wonder if i'll get another holy weapon. I say to myself out loud.

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Players continued to file in through the single entrance to the tent, filling up the seats that surrounded the ring in the center rather quickly. Still a few faces that she did not recognize, until the seat next to her was, quite quickly, taken. The energy and excitement from the individual next to her seemed to radiate, as if it could have given off a glow. Raising her eyes to look, she saw it was @Minako. Jevi's hooded gaze and sour expression lightened at the sight of her friend, "Minako, hey" she greeted with a small smile, "I'd say I didn't expect to see you here.. but this actually seems more like your scene than mine." she ended with a small chuckle. Jevi nodded her head, agreeing to Minako's initial statement, "Yeah. It's alright. Never really had too much Halloween fun before. Last year I tried.. but I went a bit out of my comfort zone."  She wrapped her arms about her slightly showing midriff and leaned forward, remembering her scantly clad Halloween costume she wore last year to make Ruby happy. 

"You know.. snacks would have been a great idea." Jevi said, adjusting back into a comfortable sitting position before looking around to see if there was any NPCs selling something to munch on. Minako, on the other hand, was looking at something else that she could sink her teeth into, rather, someone. Minako took interest in a male player sitting alone a bit away from where they were. Larger frame, shorter hair, hell.. Minako wasn't wrong, he was a bit attractive. Jevi looked to Minako as she continued to ogle at the man, "Well why don't you go talk to him? He's sitting by himself." 

"Hm? Oh I really haven't been up to much.." Jevi said, "You know.. just here and there... been in my shop.. a lot... not really.. crafting..  She spoke, trailing off towards the end of her sentence as to not lead on to Minako that she's been doing jackshit aside from waste away in her shop being depressed. 

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A cool puff of air would brush past Ryo's ear, the culprit immediately stifling a laugh at his reaction as she straightened up behind him. Teion stood at the row of seats directly behind him, covering her mouth as she grinned. "Gotcha."

Her long purple hair was tied up in a simple ponytail with a silver spider accessory clipped into place, its long silver legs stretching out over the edge of her bangs and the locks covering her temple. She was dressed casually, the hints of orange in her attire contrasting with the deep violet shade of her hair and lending nicely to the spirit of the season. Climbing over the row of seats that stood between them, she took a seat beside Ryo and leaned back, crossing her legs and pulling up her menus. "Did Pennyworth show you that flyer?" She assumed, making a selection and waiting for a bag of mixed snacks to materialize in her free hand. She pulled the package open and popped a tiny pretzel into her mouth and then tilted it towards Ryo as a peace offering.

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Minako thought for a second, a finger pressing against her bottom lip. "But what to use as a pick-up line?" She pondered. "First impressions are key. And I would be going in blind. What if he's the typical meathead who just keep commenting stuff about boobs when I'm just trying to unbox my latest Persona figurine." Minako said, speaking from a bit too much experience. She let out a sigh. "Men are so impossible to talk to."

Minako looked over at her friend. "Just hiding away in your shop?" Minako asked, almost in disbelief. But she knew what was going on, well she had a good idea about what was going on. "look, Jevi-sensei. If you need to talk about things I'm free. Most of the time at least. I'm always looking to hang out with friends." Suddenly an idea hit. "Hey! I know! What if we hit up a party after the event and eat all sorts of sweets, and drink all sorts of stuff? We can even make you a not so slutty costume!" She leaned in and whispered loudly. "I already have a costume made for such an occasion." She said, moving back to her seat. She stared at the empty circus center, the fresh dirt unmoving, fresh, and free of prints of any kind. "And I kind of know what you're going through. And you helped me, so I wanna help you. But, only if you want me to." She said, not looking at Jevi. "While you think about it. I'mma go get a snack. Be right back." Minako said, hopping up from her seat and making her way past a few members of the crowd and promptly planting herself next to the man she had oogled earlier.

She cleared her throat as she nervously began to speak. "Hey, are you candy corn?" She asked the man next to her. "Because those are my favorite Halloween treat." She said, unable to make the sexy face she wanted to make, and instead opted for embarrassed goober. She started to chuckle nervously, waiting to see if her icebreaker had any effect.

@Jevi @Vandrin

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