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Status Updates posted by Jomei

  1. Need some new RPs going while waiting on replies, anyone interested?

    1. Jomei


      Mkay, any ideas of something to do if you can start it?

    2. Lessa


      If you're still looking, I'm interested!

    3. Jomei


      Im always looking for new Rps, so sure :D

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  2. I find this lack of activity disturbing.

    1. Zelrius
    2. Seraph


      We do have jobs. We have to make a living. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to be here.

    3. Jomei


      I know people have jobs.Trust me, I was working two jobs and balancing this site at the same time. Honestly, as Beatbox pointed out, I was just quoting Star Wars

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  3. kiruiloveyoupleasedonthateme

    1. Jomei


      Its not so much that it was a 10.. more as in.. thats the third paralyze in a row xD

    2. Hasai
    3. Kiru


      Fight me fair and square you potato. xD

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  4. Kinda want to post... but I'm also exhausted... So lets go with the second one xD

    1. Opal


      ^ What he said. No rest for the wicked. 

    2. Piera


      Rest so you can post more and better after you're rested! ;3

    3. Jomei


      Lowe.. Opal.. I don't even have threads with you to post in xD
      But Piera I just posted. 

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  5. I seem to be lacking some RPs. Anyone down for one? 

    Only catch, I'm not starting it :P

    1. Calrex


      GIMME! XD, I'll make it later. Shall we do another sparring match with Rock Paper Scissors?

    2. Jomei


      You know I'm down *replies to status after talking about it, making the thread, and replying* xD

    3. Helios
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  6. *sips drink*

    1. Beatbox
    2. Teion


      Who's this Jomei guy

    3. Zandra


      He is just one of those drunk dudes from ireland

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  7. I didn't realize that many people participated in the Spring Festival. *feels accomplished*

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Congrats in organizing such a nice event and thank you:D

    2. Jomei


      definitely be on the lookout for more! I'll take any suggestions you guys have!

    3. Kiru


      Jomei let's def plan events together

  8. As much as I don't want to pile on more threads... Who wants to help me with Butcher of The Sands? Maybe some newer faces to traveling with Jomei 

    1. Macradon


      Weeeeeell, I might not be a new person, but I'd like to join :3

    2. Zandra


      I could hel... newer faces? Nevermind :)

    3. Mack


      If you can't find a 4th, I'm in.

  9. Just to clear any confusion. The Valentine's Day Masquerade Ball Thread will be locking this Wednesday, February 28th. 
    Make sure to get your last posts in, and hope you all had a wonderful time!

    1. Pinball


      Aw man, and just as I was getting my party on 

    2. Vigilon


      I noticed that the thread's been locked...but what happened to the thread rewards?

    3. Jomei


      @Vigilon Waiting on a GM to post the thread rewards.


  10. I just got overly excited for killing a boar and getting 30 col...

    1. Calrex
    2. Lowenthal


      *tosses confetti on Jomei*


    3. Jomei



      I was wondering where that confetti went..

  11. 32 posts later and 5 dead boars... I got a nice jacket :D

  12. just went to type "SHUT UP" but wasnt paying attention and typed "DHUR" xD!!!

    1. Calrex
    2. Lowenthal


      Cal, you home? ^-^

    3. Calrex


      Yes I am. Just replied recently to the initiation thread

  13. Just became THAT teacher with Smash hooked up to the projector.

    1. Vaan-The Berserker
    2. Lowenthal


      Glad I'm not in tht class, cause then I'd 'School' you

    3. Vaan-The Berserker

      Vaan-The Berserker

      Oh yeah you're gonna school me? Um...... I got nothing.

  14. Could use some new faces to RP with, anyone down?

    1. Rusty


      Setting an op.. join if you want.

    2. Jomei


      Sweet I will

    3. Rusty
  15. You know you're a ginger when you get sunburn on only one arm from driving...

    1. Kiru


      omigosh I don't know why ths is so funny

    2. Calrex
    3. Jomei


      It gets funnier to me every time i look in the mirror xD

  16. I love the pouring rain when i don't have to be anywhere, helps get the creative juices flowing

    1. Calrex


      XD, your brain's like, "Whelp, got nothing better else to do."

    2. Jomei


      Basically xD

    3. Calrex


      Heh, I guess that's one way to get yourself going right?

  17. Got my brothers graduation today, so replies may be limited today. Ill probably be back later

    1. Calrex


      Congrats to your brother dude!

    2. Zelrius
    3. Helios


      Congrats to your brother! Have fun!

  18. Well Cal.. Looks like this op is just gonna be us xD

    1. Calrex


      XD At least for now

    2. Zelrius
    3. Jomei


      Why do I even look to see what you say on my status anymore Zel.. xD

  19. Decided to organize my current and completed role-plays and actually found out I'm supposed to be one level higher xD

    1. Takao


      just like finding a twenty in an old coat's pocket.

    2. Azide


      one time i found a coat pocket in an old twenty

    3. Jomei


      @Azide The best of surprises. Im sure that was a warm winter.


      *just realized you said pocket* Now you have something to hold the Twenty in

  20. *looks at all his caught up replies*
    *looks at time*
    ... Oh..
    Time to sit here until someone replies xD

    1. Coddexx


      You wanna do a thread together?


    2. Jomei


      @Coddexx Sure, I dont see why not haha. 

    3. Lessa


      I'll get our next thread up and moving!

  21. Ok guys, it has come to my attention that a lot of people are posting one liner "Will Edit Laters" in the boss thread. Now, I understand if you are rolling, and even if you are running a tad late and don't want to suffer the -10 dmg after 24 hours, only to edit the post shortly after. 

    We have too many posts in the boss thread that are said to be edited later and have multiple posts after them. Please, if you have a post that needs to be edited, please get to it today. 

    We are a RolePlaying community, so all posts that are IC need to be taken that way. This goes for everyone. 

    Thank you,


    1. Helios


      You tell 'em!

    2. Lycan


      Perhaps they avoid the damage only for 24 hours after a "Will Edit Later" post? IE, if it is due on 3/22 by noon, they can post a "will edit" which affords them until 3/23 by noon. If it is not edited by then, they take the damage on the next boss post? Seems fair.

    3. Takao


      kwality arpee

  22. Anyone care to take on Monkey King with me? I know I can take the fight on my own, but whats the fun in that. I don't mind helping a lower leveled player with it as well. 

    1. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      *Raises hand* If it's an NK thread I am all down

    2. Rain


      ^ *raises hand* I trust nee-san's hubandu

    3. Baldur


      Carry me, Senpai! :P

  23. Went to level up. Realized we changed the amount of health we have at each level. Dats a lot of HP  xD

    1. Hirru


      Yeah, it's quite a sum.

    2. Opal


      No more insta killing other players! woe is me. ;_; 

    3. Zandra
  24. *cracks knuckles* Alright, time for Jomei's game changer. *starts new SP*

    1. Beatbox


      Oh sheeeeeeee- its the man with the plan!

    2. Lessa


      Can't wait to read it!

    3. Baldur
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