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Status Updates posted by Zandra

  1. Attention:

    Everyone that gonna participate in floor boss fight gets 100% discount  on potions/crystals they will use during the battle from Zandras alchemical lab. Unused can be bougth or turned back after the fight. Note, I maybe not gonna be able to complete it in time so maximum ammount is 3 potions/crystals/player.

    Best regards, Zandra

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Zandra


      Status started with announcing free potions/crystals for boss participants and now it have turned to an stat discussion :)

    3. Kalesh


      Sorry again xD But to be fair you do have potions that boost stats so it's important to know what we want ^^

    4. Zandra


      Well thats true :D

  2. Have listened to this song so many times the last days. Wonder why :)

    LiSA is realy awesome!


    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      hmmmm this song sounds familiar... where did I heard it before...

      OOOOO!!! here it was:




    3. Zandra


      @Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Have listened to that one as well many many times these last days :)

    4. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      then here's another one:D

      it can be applied in more scenarios, now that I think of it:O


  3. Cant decide, shall I go tank/support or dps?

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      Very true. There are plenty counters to parry such as:

      1. Not attacking. Eat some fruit or Meditate since that Parry effect only lasts for the enemy turn after yours and disappears after.

      2. If Riposte isn't active, Stun or Paralyse them. If they can't move, they can't parry. Use that opportunity to EC them to their death.

    3. Azide


      The stun/paralyze option seems the most viable, due to not attacking obviously being only a band-aid solution. If one activates Parry and the other player doesn't attack, does the Parry attempt then count as a failure and drain 2 energy?

    4. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      The 2 energy drain occurs if you miss when you activate your parry and thus have no riposte.

  4. Me and Rain plans on doing the new quest chain. And I wonder if there is anyone that wanna tag along? Maybe someone that would have a hard time to do it alone or someone that just want to spend some time  and het to know Rain and/or Zandra.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Macradon
    3. Rin
    4. Rain


      sorry. I'll write something soon. I've been just tired. I still crafted, but then again, i went back into making potions daily till I hit GM so yeah. I'll write something soon when i wake up. gnight!

  5. So, whit what anime shall I fill the empty space Akame ga kill left?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Kiru


      Google it then delete history. 

    3. Takao


      google it then send the link to your parents

    4. Kiru


      quality advice right there, don't forget grandma 

  6. Im jealous at those that can draw in photoshop. Im doin'g it with pen and paper, but never turns out even close to yours :( 

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Jomei


      Microsoft Paint all the way~

    3. Koumori


      Jomei knows where it's at. Everyone bow down

    4. Macradon


      Inb4 someone uses .cmd to draw pixelart

  7. Anyone here that is lvl 50+ except me, Opal, Oikawa, Ariel, Takao and Calrex?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Zandra


      Tjoho. En norrman och en dansk. Nu saknas bara en finsk och en islänning.

    3. Baldur


      Teayre might be level 50, or is right around there.

    4. Zandra


      That is one of the players I wasnt sure about. As you said. If she isnt 50+ she is nearly there :)

  8. Im going to do a dungeon on floor 19. Four spots(at the moment I write this) are open for anyone that wants to join in :)


    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Well I guess its too late to join. *got pinged*

    3. Zandra


      Do you want to join?

    4. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      nah, you guys already started and stuff


  9. What kind do you guys and gals at SAO-rpg think I should take for armour. Heavy or light?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Zandra


      So if I wear a good quality heavy armour and an enchanted light armour. I still get the bonuses for the heavy armour skill? 

    3. Zero


      Pretty much. Though you can wear both armor types and still get the heavy armor bonus.

    4. Zandra


      Now I wish I could go back to dagger-weapon skill :/

  10. A tip. If you want any potions, send me a PM now! Im at 20 perfects today and have 3 Crafters respite left :)

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Rain


      I don't see any reason for it to be not allowed. ._.

    3. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      What are we talking about here? snoops around

    4. Zandra


      Alchemical stuff. To advanced to understand for a simple tailor :p

  11. Zandra feeling kind today. Giving a 50% discount on all wares in her Pharmacy. Last until 24:00 GMT.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Shizuka


      Okay. I'll pay seven mats first to get what I can and then pay 2 mats later for the rest kk?

    3. Zandra


      Sorry, the offer have ended and its back to normal price.

    4. Shizuka


      Doesn't matter. I'll still pay.

  12. Fun day. First missing train that leaves at 16:00. Next train beeing delayed. At 17:30 they told there wont go any more trains today. Wait for a bus until ~18:10, sitting on bus and will do until ~19:30 Then wait for another train and Im gonna be at my final destination at 20:45 almost five hours :/

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Zandra



      Youre a lucky man then


      *lives in Sweden* Yeah, I know :)

    3. Macradon


      *Lives in Denmark* They exist here as well!

    4. Jomei
  13. So, who are you?

    Myself Im the best friend :)

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      "C'mon MC-kun let's ditch these losers and do for a bite... I know what I want" *grins suggestively*

    3. Mack
    4. Jomei


      Yandere... heh... 

  14. Is it just me or have the SAO activity gone down a bit?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Helios


      I think it's because I don't have hands to type with

    3. Zandra


      Oh right, since Im out in 'learning at work' until christmas Im not gets any homework or test to study for, and Im not gets any extra money for working so no need to work over-time. It have made me foegot that stuff.

      Then I wish all of you that study for tests the best of luck :)

    4. Bell


      yeah its exam week for lot of people

  15. What kind of potions/crystals is needed?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Teayre


      Don't worry about over health stuff, I'm doing that through my projects :3

    3. Ssendom


      I still require my t3 Damage potion/crystal, but only when you have time to craft it.

    4. Zandra


      I have all my potions/crystals documented in excel. I Think I have your t3 as well as 4 mass hp recovery. Will take a closer look when I gets home :)

  16. If you got a unique skill that you can choose anything you want, what would that be?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Apex


      I'd love a timed skill that coated my armor in a very corrosive acid that degrades the durability of the enemy's weapon/s as they attack you. 

    3. Azide


      infinite muse

    4. Calrex


      ^sorry that unique skill is already claimed XD

  17. HUGE ANNONUCEMENT! When we have enough active level 25+ players that havent done <<War of the ancient>> quest, but want to do it, if they pass by Zandras Pharmacy they get one free +6 damage potion and a mitigation potion depending on their armours mitigation. If anyone play tank, he/she have higher piority to mitigation potions and full damage dealers to damage potions. If I have also safeguards will be available at 50% discount. Hope this gonna motivate you to work hard so we can advance to next floor. Remember you have to be active(at least check the thread once a day) to get this offer. But first, enough players at 25 that want to sign up for the event.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Zandra
    3. Hirru


      23 SP to go...

    4. Zandra


      It would be pretty 'easy' to act as a tank in this quest. Just get the howl skill and then a perfect t2 heavy armour with full mitigation and perfect mitigation t2 potion. Then you gonna have 108 damage mit. They gonna deal 1 damage/hit and need to roll 18 9-10 to reduce your mitigation to be more vulnerable. Then have a few healing crystals and your fine :)

  18. We need more girls at the beach party. Atm its me and like five guys :)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Rain


      @Kalesh I tried making a gender swap potion before, but it got denied. :s

    3. Zandra


      Your much welcome. Thou you can leave the bikini at home if you want(not like it would make amy big difference anyway) ;)

    4. Calrex


      Dangit @Takao you beat me to the punch! XD

  19. Waiting for us to unlock floor 21 so the uniques becomes available so I can get Berserker and be the Berserk Healer.

    A long wait :(

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Zandra


      But you know what, I was just kidding. I do know what ALO and SAO stands for.

      I was so good at hiding it right. You believed I didnt knew right? ;)

    3. Calrex


      :D Suuuuuuuure

    4. Zandra
  20. Months ago, we was three dedicated healers on the frontlines that all worked to GM first aid and get field medic mod. After awhile, Shizuka left the site and are no longer active. Some time later, In previous floor boss fight, Ebony died from the attack of a crimsonhaired girl. Now Im alone on the frontlines. So I wonder, is there anyone else that is working on the first aid skill?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Kasier


      Oh oh. We should call it Rite Aid.

    3. Rain


      you guys don't have candy and snack and drinks and is open 24/7 :v



    4. Zandra


      We should call it Holy blessing of the godly nurses.

      @Rain Im open 24/7 but no one come visit me anyway. :( and I have lots and lots of drinks.

  21. What lvl are you?

    Post here, in the thread or PM me and I will update your position.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Grave


      28... I got left in the dust when I disappeared v-v

    3. Baldur


      47 but basically 48

    4. Macradon
  22. Did the hunger game in my class fb-group. I didnt do to bad(Im Kalle):


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mack


      I'd like to think I perished running out there to try and find Mac so I could punch him in the face one last time... :)

    3. Macradon


      Or ... we strangle each other and both dies.

    4. Hirru


      At least, 18 didn't die on the first day.

  23. Today is a good day. Enjoyed doing homework, want to do more :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Vasth


      If it's something u enjoy them I suppose it's fine

    3. Zandra


      How to explain in english hmm... Choosing air devices for a building. But they cant be louder the 30dB, and as almost always, take the cheepest alternative. There is tons of different devices to choose from :)

    4. Mythic


      Alright, that does sound pretty awesome. 

  24. Is there any group that I can join for the new quest, War of the Ancient?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Zandra


      Nvm. The group I asked but didnt got into have changed members and now gave me a free spot. Sorry guys :/

    3. Macradon
    4. Ebony


      Have fun. Without us.

  25. Just got an idea. What if all "frontliners" choose a low level and help him/her to be able to complete war of the Ancient with the other 'low-leveled'?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Calrex


      If there's any players that can do more damage than the souls mit definitely should get on it. I think once tristan's team finishes their thread theres still one more set of 8 to go.

    3. Ssendom


      We do need 1 last party. And I can't amend the rules.


    4. Hirru


      I would if I had a hearty team to do so.

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