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Status Updates posted by Opal

  1. I will open myself up to a new RP thread if anyone is interested. However, I will be rather particular who I take up on this. But if interested, let me know via PM. Posting here is not necessary. 

    1. Calrex


      Why am I in the corner?! I'm freaking strapping a GoPro to both of you XD

      Why am I in the corner?! I'm freaking strapping a GoPro to both of you XD

    2. Esther


      A part of me wants to say yes, because I am interested in your RP style, another part of me is like "eh" since it looks as though our characters just wouldn't RP well together.

    3. Lycan


      I'm always down. My feminine counterpart as well.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  2. Woke up from nap, craving Sloppy Joe...ugh...late replies, working on Jedi. Beep. Boop. 

    1. Teselmar


      -prepares a caffeine IV-

    2. Opal


      Only if I didnt have such a low tolerance for that stuff. I gotta wake up naturally. OJ and a cigarette! 

    3. Teselmar


      They say a fresh apple can wake you up better than coffee. Not too sure about that myself, lol.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  3. The moment you are on youtube listening to In This Moment and forgetting you have an SP to complete...-_-;;

    1. Calrex


      Don't ever join the SAO main chat then. You won't get anything done :P

    2. Opal


      I have fallen victim to such things in the past and got little work done. I must be strong. Must be anti-social. Must be one with the loneliness...Must stop chatting to make replies. -_-;

    3. Calrex


      Chat chat chat chat chat chat XD. The path of the SP-heavy story is a lonely one :P

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  4. My next project: http://prntscr.com/9n0zor will take a few days to render out. 

    1. Teselmar


      Only if you want to. =)

    2. Opal


      Send me a PM with references to what you'd like. I'll try my best to assemble it as close as possible to your liking. 

    3. Grave


      Oh, my, that looks awesome... as much as I hate to pester, I'm still waiting on a shot at Grave ^^

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  5. I am letting Opal out of her cage, with the current ban on PKing and me being strictly a PKer who will kill NPCs, I wanna get some plot going for Laughing Coffin. So if anyone would be interested in taking a purely Plot story driven Thread with my Laughing Coffin, hit me up! I have tons of ideas for fun for everyone of any Level Group. :)

    1. Opal


      I actually passed on that idea to Lawfer last night @Xion If you wanna plan something with the KoTB and get a story with that going, it will be pretty awesome. 

    2. Zandra


      Im gonna hunt you down and...


      Ask if you want to hang out for a drink. Hot and wet have turned pretty old by now(my fault I know >.>)


    3. Kiru


      PM me if you're interested in having Kiru as a rival in the plot (but not killing her because yennow, no killing ;))

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  6. OOoh! I see how it is! Trying to out Solo Play me, huh? Trying to get the ol' one-two on me, Eh!?? WELL!  I CAN PLAY THAT GAME TOO!!!! >D Good luck with your SPs, buddy. :D 

    1. Opal


      That was the most...Epicest of Epicest of Memes...I applaud it. And thank you. :D 

    2. Teayre
    3. Calrex


      Hehe, you've got me there :P

      Hehe, you've got me there :P

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  7. Having way too much fun in Photoshop....-spoiler alert for new Opal-


    1. Macradon


      Ice Pick grip Katana is a thing?

    2. Jomei
    3. Azide


      do the flames come with the new outfit xD

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  8. 2/25 Done. Bring on that 3rd! 

    1. Opal


      No. 2/25 SPs for my personal story arc done. @_@

    2. Vasth


      O_O hmmmm which one can't find it

    3. Opal


      I pre write them offline. They have not been put up yet and probably won't be released until after the 20th. 

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  9. Opal

    Your PM box is full? Cant send you a message. ;_; 

    1. Piera


      Gah! I didn't even know, lemme see if I can fix that...

    2. Opal
    3. Piera


      My Skype is Piera_Jade if that helps, but I've cleared out a few messages so you should be good to PM now!  ^^

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  10. Will make note that Opal is not sending out PMs when I tag you in my final thread. Thats Opal just getting things off her chest and saying goodbye in a way she doesnt need to confront you. Sorry for the confusion. 

    1. Opal


      :D Lol. Yeah. I'll probably do some edits when I get around to it. 

    2. Baldur
    3. Hikoru


      *follows thread and watches with popcorn* This should be good ^-^

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  11. Opal

    Well hey there Mr.Mod...Gratz. :D

    1. Piera


      *pops streamers and blows kazoo* You earned it fwend~ ;3
      You'll make a great PST member!

    2. Jomei
    3. Mack



  12. Can <<Riposte>> be stacked with a non stunning Sword Art? Or does <<Riposte>> only do base damage and can not be stacked with Sword Arts? 

    1. Kalesh


      Strictly speaking riposte does zero damage. It just triggers if you 'hit' and does not trigger if you 'miss'. You are basically using parry as your sword art.

      Plus you need to actually be attacked. If a player goes 'nah' and meditates or drinks a potion, then the riposte goes away unless you use parry again.

    2. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      Riposte also shares the same cooldown as a stunning sword art.

    3. Opal


      Ahh, alright. Thank you both. :) 

  13. Pictures of Opal will be in my About Me section of my profile. Time from time I will post spoiler images of my upcoming arcs just to show you the physical transformation of Master Myoga's Apprentice. :D 

    1. Koumori


      What kinda physical changes are we talking *yet again, sly grin*

    2. Opal


      Just minor things. Like the clothes she is required to wear during training, scenes where she is honing her patience and such. They are merely spoiler images to show what sort of life she is living in while she is on her hiatus. Hopefully I can get a pic of Master Myoga in a few days. Still getting the required files, I have never made 'old' old people before. XP

    3. Koumori


      (Haha it sounded like a joke but it was a legit question so thanks for the legit answer)

      That's pretty interesting. This whole solo self finding story line is cool. Lots of dedication there, I know I'd get bored not being able to RP with others. Plus the whole 3D model thing is pretty different

  14. Thanksgiving was epic, we got like 5 inches of rain in Bowie over the course of the last few days. Chased some chickens, played with the dogs, and now I come back to the site and I am seeing some stuff...Maybe it's time for Opal to go to sleep. 

    1. Coddexx


      Sounds like a great thanksgiving I'm glad you had a good time. It's fine if you don't want to and go to sleep instead but would you like to start a quest together

    2. Opal


      I'm not starting anymore threads right now with Opal. I'm gonna finish up her work and then put her to sleep until she is needed again. Sorry buddy. 

    3. Coddexx


      I'ts all good I didn't know that's what you had in mind. I was glad I could do a quest with her before she went up on the shelf. Thanks

  15. Opal


    1. Xion


      -glares- I see you there...


    2. Opal


      I'm keeping all my eyes open on you. 

    3. Xion


      Oh really? What would the second in command of KOB want with an out-of-touch tank? 

  16. My body is back from vacation. hurrah. My mind is still there though. haha. 

    1. Opal


      If I am missing any replies for someone, let me know. :) 

    2. Cygnus


      Welcome back! I'll be getting to our thread soon.

    3. Nova
  17. You should clean your inbox. I wanted to send you a message. ;_;

  18. If I am forgetting to post anywhere, please let me know! I didn't realize how many threads I was apart of. -panic mode- 

    1. Hirru


      Well, if you want to post in the funeral thread so Hirru can chronologically go on his man-hunt which would lead to the encounter with Lowe.. that would be great..

    2. Opal


      You got it! 

  19. Working on art last night, sorry for no replies. I will have those after work tonight! :D 

    1. Jomei


      Better be sorry.. >3>

      How dare you do cool and actually productive things.

    2. Calrex


      I wanna see! XD

  20. WAKE UP SAO-RPG!! ^_^!! ALO RP? PM me! 

    1. Hirru


      I JUST WOKE UP!!

    2. Calrex


      Dangit I was having a good nights sleep! XD

  21. Its going to be a ToR kinda night. :D

    1. Lowenthal
    2. Opal


      Dont get over excited. I'm ending it on my next post. 

    1. Macradon
    2. Baldur


      RIP. Baldur will go pour some Sake on the monument of life for her. Maybe that's how I'll start my new thread

  22. *Stalks you and makes eerie ghost noises*

    1. Calrex
    2. Baldur


      :O I had just gone to see when you were last online, too <_<

  23. Dinner time! Back to Action in 1 hour. :D 

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