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Everything posted by Arabelle

  1. These… looked remarkably like the [Crafter’s Respite]s her favorite merchant had gifted to her. She gently swirled the liquid – or lack of – around the bottom of the vial and the small circle of contained air shifted to and fro within. It was the first proper look she had of the peculiar craft after days of hastily drinking it down before her focus could stray from the song at her fingertips, and she was a little mesmerized. “I’ll take all of these.” Turning her gaze away from the shelf that held all the crafts, Arabelle offered the alchemist a small smile. “…if you don’t mind. They
  2. “Really,” Arabelle said, gathering up the Dragon’s Breath potions her favorite merchant had just slid across the counter. For free. “Are you sure you don’t want to keep them around in case someone comes in with a hundred unidentifieds? That someone might be me, you know.” Two soft taps on crystal surfaces, and she had each [Crafter’s Respite] registered into her inventory. She tucked her hands behind her back and tilted her head, a teasing smile gracing her lips. “I jest. Thank you for these, An. I have a purchase I want to make.” She handed over a request slip for an ambition tool.
  3. Hardly a day had passed since the deal they made when Arabelle stepped into The Black Odyssey once again. She greeted the merchant and her two helpers and set down three small sacks of coins on the counter. Fixed to a twine tied around the neck of one was a slip containing a written request for fifty T1 materials. "Nothing special this time," the small purple-haired girl explained. "A customer came in with an order and I can't really be bothered to spend an entire day out in the fields." Playing with a lock of purple hair, she politely denied any offer to sit down and moved to stand in a
  4. Arabelle arrived at NIGHT's shop wearing the impression of a girl who'd simply stopped by on a morning stroll. "Good morning." A polite inclination of her head accompanied her greeting. Twiddling a small order slip covered in scribbles and concept sketches made by another hand behind her back, she found herself drawn to the crafts ordered on lines of wooden shelves before she could even reach the counter. Pretty... If only she had a better eye for these vanities. Checking one's attributes, the small purple-haired girl was delighted to find that it had exactly what she needed.
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