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Posts posted by Ratatosk

  1. Ratatosk couldn't help but throw up. "God damnit, everywhere I go I see some stupid ass ****** emo teenagers! Wish I could blast them to kingdom come but I ain't that violent. Whatever, I don't need to listen anyways." Agitated, he pulled out his sword and picked an apple from a nearby tree, using his sword to cut the apple into tiny slices shaped like deers. The apple slices were placed on a tiny plate under his arms, he didn't want people, especially the girls, to see him cut apples into cute little animal shapes. Just the thought of it made him blush, "C-Crap!" Ratatosk spotted a small group of players in the distance, they'd soon become a mob and overwhelm him.

    OOC: The word "Gorgeous" is a trigger word for me.

  2. Profile
    Username: Ratatosk
    Real name: Yuma Arminstead
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5'5

    About: History/personality (Written in 1st person)

    I was born out of wedlock to a family in poverty, what else do you expect in Tokyo? My mom is French and my dad is Japanese, however I kept my mom's last name because my dad's brought "Dishonor" to the family and blah blah blah. Go to school, go home, do homework, take a dump. That was my life for the first twelve years, then it all changed once I met this one guy. He offered me money in exchange for bodygurading, it was easy until the polic got involved, that's when I started running and never looked back. Never got caught, that's what I'm grateful for. Even though I got off scot free, life still wasn't the same, it was my same old boring cycle every single day, and there were no more "chances" like that. I soon learned what the hell a NerveGear was and got all hyped up over it, spending all the cash I earned from bodyguarding for the game and headgear. "Link start!" Those were my last words in the real world, ****! Even though I'm trapped in a virtual world, I feel more alive than I ever did in the real world. It's like my safe house, except I'm stuck in it, ****.

    Virtues (Written in 1st person):

    Tough: I'm tougher than nails, you can't get a more mentally ready person than me. When it comes to animals and cancer patients though... Nevermind that, I was born out of wedlock without a mother to care for me, my dad's a workaholic so he doesn't give a damn. I've went through all that but you don't see me crying do you?

    Knife Savvy: I can handle a knife perfectly any day, throw me a butterfly knife and I might just chop your fingers off if you ask me to do the chaplin trick. Those sharp things are for practical use only, not cool tricks and what not. They're also used for uh... Cutting apples into small animal shapes like deers, bunnies, dogs, cats, you name it and I can cut it. But don't ask me to make something stupid like a chibi version of your ugly face or a big-

    Trilingual: Does this pretty face look like it can only speak English? No! (You ******* idiot! How many times do I have to yell in your god damn face!) I speak French, Japanese, and English. Now before you go off running around and cursing at me in any of those languages, just know that I speak them, and I will kick your sorry little ass!

    Flaws (Written in 1st person):

    Tsundere: Being a male tsundere isn't easy, first of all you've got to deal with a ton of white knights (Yes I'm talking to you asshole!) calling you a ****head, and another bunch of girls calling you mean. Blah blah blah blah, all I hear is whining and complaining. Nobody really tries to get to know me better, they all just think I'm a bully. Except for that one time I went to a hospital and cut out bunny shaped apple slices for a child cancer patient, uh... Yeah, forget I ever said that.

    Anger Issues: Even though I have a soft side, I still am an asshole. Now, you're probably asking me this question right now, "Why do you sound angry while describing yourself?" Cause I just am got it? I'm not going to tell you this twice so listen up. I get very angry at the slightest of things, if you showed me something stupid I'd punch you for it. And, if you steal my special apple slices for-, I mean if you steal my money I'll beat you up!

    Emotionally Awkward: If it wasn't for your god damn journal system I wouldn't be putting this on here... So maybe I'm a bit awkward epressing my feelngs and mayabe I can't talk to girls very well either... You know what, how about we just forget about this right here and never speak of this ever again.

    Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)


    »Light Armor:  Novice


    Weapon skills:
    »One Handed Straight Sword: Grandmaster


    Disguise: (Extra Skill)

    No Ranks

    Activated free - 12 post cooldown

    Effect: Gain +1 to the BD result for a single combat action vs another player. Your opponent suffers -1 to their next BD roll vs you. Can be used on any type of enemy.

    Quest: <The Gemini>


    Martial Arts: (Extra Skill): R0

    5 Ranks


    The effectiveness with which a player can use unarmed combat. Unlocked after completion of the quest

    Quest: <Breaking the Unbreakable.>


    Name: Hungering Darkness
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: 2x Mitigation, 1x Evasion
    Description: Refer to my profile picture.

    Name: Devil's Passage

    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements:  1x Evasion, 2x Accuracy

    Description: When worn, it will make the user's eyes a shade of bright green or bright red depending on their mood. If the wearer desires to kill, their eyes will turn red and they will be enraged. When they want to protect, their eyes will turn green and make them semi submissive and shy.

    Name: Shattered Niflheim
    Item Type: One Handed Straight Sword
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: 3x Damage
    Description: http://imgur.com/cEnarfz 
    The blade of the sword would be 2/3 shorter than the picture, and it would also look rusty.

    Battle Ready Inventory:

    +2 T1 Grade-B Health
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement:  Instantly heals you for 20 HP.
    Description: A vial or red liquid.
    Quantity: 2

     +1 Guardian's Tonic[Safeguard Potion] 
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: The next successful hit to your player will do no damage.
    Description: Vial of white liquid with a sweet scent. Meant to be drunk.
    Quantity: 1


    Storage Inventory:

    Name: Charm of the Emerald Grass

    Item Type: Lucky Charm

    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: Loot Dice + 2 LD (2 Slots)

    Description: A green necklace that looks as though it has been woven from multiple blades of grass. It shines slightly giving it a shimmering touch. At night the grass turns to a luminescent blue color. 


    Name: Devil's Eye

    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: Accuracy (2 slots)

    Description: A set of contact lenses designed for a player who left a note. Whilst not of perfect quality the contact lenses will glow red whenever the user is angry


    Name: Bor's Might
    Quality: Rare
    Tier: 1
    Item Type: One Hand Straight Sword - Ratatosk
    Enhancements: +1 DMG, +1 ACC (2 Slots)
    Description: A brutal looking steel straight sword, it's simple and inelegant but it will get the job done.


    Name: Imprisoned Darkness
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: 2x Mitigation, 1x Evasion
    Refer to my profile picture.


    Name: Anneal Blade
    Item Type: One Handed Straight Sword
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: 3x Damage
    Description: Looks just like the one given in the quest, except its damage is much superior. Looks like the creator of the sword wanted to make it appear as if the wielder is still a newbie in battle.


    Hoya of Minos

    Light Tunic

    Materials (49)

    Col (8747)

    Bread (10)

    Water (15)


    Arc 1: The Beginning


    » [Open] [F1-OP] Aincrad? [+57 Col, +1 SP]

    » [Private] [F1-PP] Gathering Materials (Kranzer) [+200 Col, +1 SP, +4 Mats]

    » [Private] [PP-F4] Snow Fall <<Avalanche>> (Takao) [+6000 Col, +4 SP, +16 Mats]

    » [Private] [F1-PP] Like Yesterday (Kranzer) [+1 SP, +3 Mats, +200 Col]

    » [Open] [OP-F3] Time to start fresh [+1 SP, +60 Col]

    » [Solo]  [F1-SP] Going Solo [+1 SP, +400 Col]

    » [Solo] [F1-SP] Going Not So Solo (Going Solo Pt.2) [+1 SP, +400 Col]

    » [Open] [OP-F1] Amnesia [Complete] [+1 SP, +57 Col]

    » [Private] [PP-F1] Gaining Strength (Haruko, Ratatosk  [+1 SP]

    » [Solo] [F1-SP] Ravenous (Going Solo Pt.3) [+1 SP, +400 Col]

    » [Solo] [F1-SP] Devour [+1 SP, +400 Col, +4 Mats]

    » [Private] [PP-F1] My name is Bender, insert clever title. <<Earning a Living>> [Ratatosk] [+2 SP, +200 Col]

    » [Solo] [F1-SP] Hunger (Devour Pt.2) [+1 SP, +400 Col]

    » [Private] [F2-PP] Revolution <<Long Live The Queen>> (Kranzer) (Seul) [+4 SP, +133 Col]

    » [Open] [OP-F1] Training Oneself [+1 SP, +40 Col]

    » [Solo] [F1-SP] Mind and Body [+1 SP, +400 Col]

    » [Solo] [F1-SP] Mind and Soul (Mind and Body Pt.2) [+1 SP, +400 Col]

    Arc 2: Ventus


    » [Solo] [F1-SP] Ventus [+1 SP, +400 Col]

    » [Solo]  [F1-SP] Rising Sun [+1 SP, +400 Col]

    » [Solo]  [F1-SP] Anti-Environmentalist <<Secret Medicine of The Forest>> [+1 SP, +615 Col, +4 Mats]

    » [Solo]  [F3-SP] Kick Dark Elves out of Skyrim <<Worn Out Welcome>> (Complete) [+2 SP, +400 Col, +1 Material]

    » [Solo] [F6-SP] Samurai <<The Gemini>> [+4 SP, +400 Col]

    » [Private] [F1-PP] Silly Boy (Ratatosk) [+1 SP, +200 Col]

    » [Private] [PP-F4]Hot Springs Party - (KoB & Guests) [+1 SP]

    » [Solo] [F3-SP] Mat Hunting <<Search for The Hoya>> [+3 SP, +400 Col, +18 Mats]

    » [Private]  [OP-F1]A Late Christmas - CLOSED, No New Entrants [+1 SP]

    » [Open] [OP-F1] The Wedding of Jambi & Ronin <<Saying Vows>> (All Welcome!) [+2 SP]

    » [Solo] [SP-F2] A Test of Sword <<Let There Be Light>> [+2 SP, +1225 Col, +14 Mats]

    » [Private] [F1-PP] A New Start <<Earning a Living>> (Asteria) [+1 SP]

    » [Open]  [OP-F1] The After Party! [+1 SP]

    » [Solo]  [F1-SP] Living In A Dream [+1 SP, +400 Col, +4 Mats]

    » [Solo]  [F1-SP] Back on Track [+1 SP, +400 Col]

    » [Private]  [F2-PP] Training The Body <<Breaking The Unbreakable>> (Takao) [+5 SP, +15 Mats]

    Arc 3: Two Become One


    » [Private]  F1-PP] Tidal Wave (Asteria) [+1 SP]

    » [Solo]   [F1-SP] River - Grandmaster Thread (Tidal Wave Pt.2) [+1 SP, +400 Col, +1 Grandmaster]

    » [Solo]  [F5-SP] Deserted [Completed] <<The Traveler>>  [+2 SP, +400 Col, +Survival Skill]

    » [Open] (Event)] EVENT-F1] Slaying Lyrica the Werewolf Baroness [+5 SP, +570 Col, +25 Mats]

    » [Open]  [PP - F11] Sixteenth Floor Raid Meeting [+1 SP, +40 Col]

    Arc 4: Reunited

    Col Logs (Not Chronological)

    Mat Logs (Not Chronological)

    Relationships (optional)










    Nikodemus_Blackwood (Niko)



    Story Thus Far (optional) (Written in 1st Person):

    Damn, this game has gotten weirder and weirder ever since the day I started. There was this accessory I equipped, and then I developed another personality, and he says he's me. What a phony, the real me isn't wimpy, the real me is not a coward! [censored] asshole, that's what he is. But back to the point, I've gotten a lot stronger now, and I have quite a few bones to pick with some people. You might see me in the streets sleeping, or in the fields of the first floors fighting monsters, and maybe even bosses. If you're lucky, you can catch a glimpse of me right behind you, but that's only if I'm trying to kill you.

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