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Nari-Lanreth [Nari]

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The Basics


The years have taken a toll on the once happy Nari, and as time passes it leaves its scars; some more visible than others. As the pathways of Aincrad become quieter with each passing day, Nari's once adamant desire to escape is slowly dwindling, as she realises the reality of her possible future... 

Username: Nari-Lanreth (Commonly Nari)
Real name: Nari Lauren McKellan
Age: 30 > 32(June 7, 1992)
Gender: Female
Height: 150cm (5ft)
Complexion: Pale
Defining Features: Freckles, six scars along left wrist (approximately 2-3 cm in width)
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Purple
Country of Origin: Canada
Profession: Performer / Forager







The Real World

Nari had grown up in a well-off family – not among the richest of her area, but well off enough that she was able to go through life without any worries. Her parents had always ensured that she would be provided with the immaterial things that she desired, that she was never without the basic needs, or the common desires of a young girl. The one thing that was not provided to her, was social connections. Her early years found her in private care that limited her away from others, something that her parents had felt would be necessary to ensure her development and growth into a capable academic. While she quickly learnt many individualistic skills - mastering reading at a young age, learning to engage with the fine arts, as well as numerous athletic and academic skills that her parents felt would be beneficial in later years, her connections with other children were limited to the few neighbourhood children, and the two others who attended the private care she received.

The impact of this would not be seen until later in her elementary days, where Nari found social connections tedious, troublesome and outright impossible. Generally cast aside as awkward or unacceptable to the general communities within her schools, she found herself spending time alone - either diving into books, or solo based sports. This drove her towards a minor collection of activities, which she found herself diving into in earnest in her high school years. Forefront among these were passions for music, Aikido and video games.

Although given an opportunity to pursue her interests the musical fields, Nari found herself falling out of love after an incident during a live concert, causing only more fear of the social interactions required in general life. With the decrease, leading to all out avoidance, of the one interest, she found her attention refocused towards Aikido and video games. Eventually leaving school behind, after completing two college diplomas in graphic design and business management, Nari found herself working for the Aikido academy that she had spent a large portion of her later years attending, having graduated to her first dan and receiving her hakama. Providing training to others in the academy, as well as helping to run the shop along the woman she had begun to know as a friend, and sempai, Nari found herself relatively content with her current position in life.

Outside of the academy, Nari found herself diving into video games with a passion - her online persona allowing her to become more socially engaged. Using the online community as a way to open and express herself, with the hopes of one day being able to carry that confident, alter ego back to the real world, Nari had found herself spending more and more time in the virtual world - leaving it only for the requirements of life itself. A few years after leaving college for the second time, Nari had found herself in a relationship with a girl she had met in her personal time. The connection near immediate, Nari and Evelyn had been forced into a decision after an encounter with Evelyn's family, and found themselves living together in Nari's apartment. Through acts of self-defence, Nari had subdued and overpowered the abusive father of Evelyn, wherein Nari had accidentally ruptured an internal organ - causing immense pain, and eventual death of the man. Although an investigation and further trial had found Nari innocent of any malicious or criminal acts, she had found herself broken from the event - fearing to go outside lest she cause further pain and suffering. Their relationship struggling from the after effects of the event, due in part from Nari's own mental breakdown as much as Evelyn's shock, the two had looked for any avenue to repair their connection and overcome what had occurred. It was during this time that Nari found herself drawn towards Sword Art Online, dragging Evelyn along with her.


The Beginning

Sword Art Online, was of course, a blessing and a curse for Nari. With some connections from her family’s friends, she was able to score herself the lucrative NerveGear, and a copy of the game itself. Without any hesitation, Nari dove into the virtual world with the excitement of a child. Almost instantly she fell in love with all of it – the game giving everything that she could ever have hoped for from virtual reality. 

Her first hours were of blissfully making as many acquaintances as she could, often times getting in the faces of far more reserved individuals without a realisation of the off-putting nature of her online persona. However, as the moment of truth fell upon those within the Town of Beginnings, Nari felt a sudden shift in her persona. The realisation that she was now stuck within a death game caused a rift in her mind, creating a time in the game itself where she found herself fighting to figure out who she was. For many months after the announcement, Nari found herself fighting alone, either unable to approach others, or driven away by a personality that attempted to overcompensate for her natural reservations towards people.

Although she had Evelyn to lean on, Nari found herself drawn further inwards - refusing to engage in activities that could lead either of them towards danger. It was during an encounter, pressed into the engagement by Evelyn and a few other members that the two had often engaged with, that Nari's worst fears had come true. Having locked up in fear while facing a minor boss on one of the lower floors, Nari had watched as Evelyn sacrificed herself to save Nari from harm, pushing the girl away from the attack and taking the entirety of it instead. As she had watched in horror from the ground, the other two members with her had been cut to pieces, leaving Nari alone to escape the catastrophe. Locking herself away, she had spent days cut off from the game, her mind and soul torn apart at loss and despair. When she finally emerged, she had made her way towards an edge on the Town of Beginnings, staring off into the void for a long time. It was the intervention of an unknown player that had saved her, whispering words that would eventually drag her back towards life itself. 

As time passed, and Nari found herself lagging behind others, forced to move through the game as either a solo player, or groups who would only tolerate her for the small period of time they were required to work together. It was working with one of these parties – a lone individual who showed her the blessings to be found in this world - that Nari found herself forced into choosing her path forward. Her path forward would be a hard one, but she knew that he was right – she, and she alone could find, and follow that path. The encounter reminded her not only of who she was, but who she wanted to be, and gave her the courage she needed in order to take those first steps.


The Transition

The meeting with the Gardener would not be the only transition point in Nari’s life within the game. She would go on to meet others whom she would find along her path, their very presence providing her with the support she needed to continue. Although some would drift away for a while – possibly to return at a later point, possibly to disappear entirely, each would have their own affect on her development, and eventual change.

Realising that her place was defending those who could not defend themselves, Nari found herself suddenly fighting a different fight – not one where she desired to be the most loved, or even included, but instead that of one who puts everything and everyone else before herself – in some cases quite literally throwing herself into danger to allow others to escape unharmed.

The final push came when she met a younger girl who provided her advice that she would take to heart, remembering the words forever in her mind. Although she knew that her own feelings may never be mirrored, she kept that connection alive – knowing that it would be a strong drive towards her final goal; helping to clear Aincrad and free those whom had become trapped within this game.

The Hope

Provided with a clear path forward, as well as the promise of redemption and freedom, Nari had found herself engaging with the game on a stronger level. It was during this engagement that she had come across a number of players with whom she had made connections with. Although causing a rollercoaster of emotions, these connections would eventually lead towards a single purpose - the desire to escape the game, to do anything required to clear it. It was during one of these many encounters that her heart found itself torn again, conflicted with new emotions towards one she had recently met, and one she had lost not so long ago.

Promising to those she had made friends with that she would focus on clearing the game, Nari found herself once more returning to her stronger personality, slowly overcoming the shyness that had taken over from her real world self, and eventually moving her towards the Frontlines. With a recent intent to save those around her, and herself, Nari found herself fighting alongside new faces. Constantly searching for an end, one that would provide them all the escape back home that they so badly wanted. 







Honesty. For better or for worse, Nari believes that honesty in entirety is the only way to communicate. So much, that she is willing to cause a rift in her relationships with others by providing exactly what she’s thinking – holding back nothing when sharing her mind. While she is aware that many can be offended by this honesty, she feels that withholding anything is tantamount to lying, an act that she finds truly despicable even for the best of intentions. 

Loyalty. While she has always had a troubled past with creating and maintaining relationships, Nari believes that loyalty to those whom you partner is paramount. Going so far as to risk her own life for those few she would call companions, friends or anything beyond. Nari truly believes that a relationship is something far deeper than just kind words, believing that laying down one’s very life is not beyond the realm of possibility. 

Bravery. Although Nari shows hesitation when it comes to people, she refuses to cower behind others when facing down the dangers of life itself. Between rushing to the forefront of combat, or throwing herself in front of a strike meant for someone else, Nari holds herself to a high expectation for action. Afeared of nothing – beyond the requirement of socialisation – Nari lunges forward into fights across Aincrad with no withhold, often finding herself draw to the most dangerous parts of the field. 

Selfless. Nari holds little esteem for her own life in comparison to the others trapped within Sword Art Online with her. While she has no desire to die, she also knows that sometimes sacrifices are required for the greater good, and realised that her life may very well be a provision for others to escape back to the real world. Regardless of the reason, Nari holds to the value of giving all for the greater good – and in the case of Aincrad, that means being ready to give oneself in order to save others. 

Focused. Nari holds a focus on her goals, knowing what she wants, and doing whatever it takes to get there. Within Aincrad, this comes in the form of knowing that clearing the game is key to anything beyond – and as such has made her focus this. Determined to help with completing the game, Nari pushes her limits constantly, continuing to drive towards that one single goal – getting everyone out. 

Unquestioning Mindset. Nari spends little time re-thinking the actions she takes, focusing instead on the future, rather than the past. Acting without hesitation, she believes wholeheartedly that if you do something, there was a reason for it – whether good or bad, and that questioning that reason is pointless. Over time, she has realised that many others do not share this mindset, and has begun to understand that sometimes her companions require explanations as to why she did something, but never lets these questions deter her determination that she chose best in the instant. 

Unnatural Leadership. Although socially inept, Nari has always strived to hold a position of leadership, through the many other online games that she has played. Through these different games, she has gained a glimpse of what it means to lead, and finds herself constantly drawn to such a position – sometimes even successfully. She holds no doubt when offered the chance to lead, and will often times rise to the occasion – asked to or not. Regardless of the success, she strives to be a better leader, taking time to review her actions, and learn from mistakes previously made.



Social Ineptitude. Nari truly believes that she is a capable leader, regardless of her social flaws. Due to this belief, she often times attempts to step up as a leader, without realising the disagreement of those around her. With her inability to properly read and understand many social cues and less obvious behaviours, Nari often times missing the signs of those around her disliking her actions, or disagreeing with her own behaviours. Although never aggressive by nature, her determination to be beneficial can sometimes cause a divide in those she is attempting to work with, causing more problems than solutions. 

Independence. Directly tied to her social ineptitude is Nari’s overconfidence. Having been on her own for so long, Nari has never learnt to rely on others – and although she shows an unbreakable loyalty to those who show her kindness, she has never learnt to see the same loyalty in others. This has caused her to believe that being alone is the best way to keep oneself safe, even if it is detrimental to her own wellbeing. While she is quick to party with others, and provide support and encouragement to those wiling to accept it, Nari has a hard time accepting such behaviours from others – often searching for the lies or falsehood behind them, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy in many cases. 

Overconfidence. Having survived as long as she has – between a combination of skills, and general luck – Nari has become overconfident in her capabilities. Although aware that she is not invincible, she has no reluctance to charge into obviously dangerous situations, trusting in her ability to come through in the end. While not the greatest swordswoman alive (or in Sword Art Online), Nari believes she can handle herself in almost any situation that arises, even those that would cause pause for others. 

Determined to Lead. Nari holds to the ideology that her part in Sword Art Online is to help lead and guide other players to the conclusion of the game. Although her social skills are below par, she steps forward whenever given the chance, offering her experience and guidance to any who will take a moment to listen to her – or who don’t immediately override her. A veteran of many games, Nari holds to the ideology that she is a capable leader, and believes that one day she will find a group that takes note of her skills. 

Filterless. Due to her honesty, Nari often finds her tongue moving before her mind has caught up. Words slip her lips, bringing her thoughts to the ears of others – and without any sort of filter involved. Often times she has found herself causing conflict with others by speaking what she truly thinks about them, before realising that it may not necessarily be helping.

Bitterness. The years spent in Sword Art Online have not been kind to Nari, nor have they done anything to help her composure and behaviours. During her extended period of time within the world of Aincrad, the once happy and welcoming spirit has turned into a darker form of itself, a bitterness which has only grown with more and more loss. Although she can front her appearances for the sake of others - often appearing pleasant and warm on the exterior - Nari harbours a bitterness towards the world, towards everything occurring, and mostly towards herself. Although strong in resentment, this bitterness hasn't devolved her intentions of escaping, but rather warped and corrupted her reasoning for doing so. 





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12/215 Skill Points

Sword Arts
[x12] ST-I (12 10 EN) | A single-target sword art.
[x15] ST-II (15 13 EN) | A powerful single-target sword art. Only available for use when ST-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if ST-II had been used and had missed the previous turn.
[x20] ST-B (20 18 EN) | A devastating single-target sword art. Can only be used if the sword art used the previous turn is not ST-B and had rolled a natural CD9+. When performing an AoE attack, use only the first roll.
[x11] AOE-I (11 9 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once.
[x14] AOE-II (14 12 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE | A powerful sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. Only available for use when AOE-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if AOE-II had been used and had missed the previous turn.
[x16] TECH-A (16 14 EN) | STUN | A single-target sword art that stuns an enemy.
[x16] TECH-B (15 13 EN) | DELAY | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, applies [Delay] on the enemy. [Delay] is a status condition that reduces the enemy’s ACC by 1 for one turn.
[x16] TECH-C (15 13 EN) | COUNTER | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, places [Counter] around the player. [Counter] reduces the final damage taken by its user by 25% (rounded down) for one turn.
[x16] TECH-D (15 13 EN) | SHATTER | A single-target sword art that applies [Shatter] to an enemy for 3 turns. [Shatter] is a debuff that can stack up to a cap of 3. Each stack of [Shatter] removes -20 MIT from an enemy, down to 0, if it has MIT.
[x12] TECH-F (11 9 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE STUN | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. All struck targets are stunned for one turn.
[x16] TECH-G (15 13 EN) | BURN | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, applies [Burn] on the enemy. [Burn] is a DoT ailment that deals [14 * Player Tier] unmitigated Burn damage for 2 turns.

Utility Skills

Combat Skills
Battle Healing [Rank: 5. Active: Passive. Effect: While in combat, recover 1% per rank of your maximum HP (rounded down) at the beginning of your turn.]
Fighting Spirit [
Active: Passive. Effect: Attacking and using Howl or Focused Howl generates +1 additional Hate. (Ex. Generate 1/2/3 Hate on a Miss/Hit/Critical attack. Generate 5 Hate when using Focused Howl.)]
Howl [
Active: Post Action. Energy: 2 EN. Cooldown: 2 turns. Effect: Adds +2 Hate each against up to 4 targets.]
[Howl Add-on] Focused Howl [Active: Post Action. Energy: 4 EN. Cooldown: 4 turns. Effect: Adds +4 Hate against a single target.]

Weapon Skills
Polearm [Rank: 5. 
Active: Passive. Effect: +7 DMG]
[Rank 5 Weapon Addon] Stamina [
Active: Passive. Effect: Reduces EN of all attacks by 2.]
[Rank 5 Weapon Addon] Precision [
Active: Passive. Effect: Gain +1 ACC.]
[Rank 5 Weapon Addon] <<Weapon Type>> Focus [
Active: Passive. Effect: Decreases minor critical threshold by 1. Also reduces DoT thresholds by 1. Players cannot use Focus and Ferocity at the same time for the same Weapon Type.]
[Rank 5 Shift] TECH Specialist [
Active: Passive. Effect: For TECH Sword Arts, +4 to multipliers, +3 to EN cost. No other Shifts may be taken.]

Armour Skills
Heavy Armour [Rank: 5. Active: Passive. Effect: 35 MIT. Evasion is capped at 1 slot; -5 Stealth Rating.]
[Heavy Armour Mod] Impetus [Active: Passive. 
Effect: Gain +1 base Damage.]
[Heavy Armour Add-on] Iron Skin [Active: Passive. 
Effect: Gain +15 Mitigation and +15 x Tier HP.]

Active Extra Skills
Assault Mode [Active: Free Action. Energy: 5 EN. Cooldown: 4 Turns. Effect: As a free action, switch your accuracy and evasion values until the start of your next turn.]
Block [
Rank: 5. Active: Passive. Effect: Requires an equipped shield. User’s evasion cannot be greater than 0 (can still be negative). Grants additional mitigation: 25 MIT.]
[Rank 3 Block Mod] Shield Bash [Active: Post Action. Energy: 6 EN. Cooldown: 2 Turns. 
Effect: Make an attack with an equipped shield. On a hit, deals (Base * 10) damage, stuns the enemy for one turn, and applies status and thorns (and variants)  enhancements present on the shield. Note: When calculating Base Damage for Shield Bash, Weapon Skills do not apply.]
[Rank 5 Block Addon] Rampart [Active: Free Action. Energy: 10 EN. Cooldown: 5 Turns. 
Effect: Reduce final damage that would be dealt to you by 25% (rounded down). Effect lasts until the beginning of your next turn.]
Brawler [Active: Free Action. Energy: 5 EN. Cooldown: 5 Turns. Effect: Increase mitigation by 10*tier until the start of your next turn.]
Concentration [Active: Free Action. Cooldown: 5 turns. Effect: As a free action, gain Absolute Accuracy on your next attack. In the case Absolute Accuracy is already present, increase your Accuracy by 1 instead. Effect lasts until the start of next turn.]
Meditation [Active: Post Action. Cooldown: 3 turns. Effect: Recover an additional (4 * Tier) energy.]
Survival [Active: Passive. Effect: Increases Healing effects received from all sources by 10%. Grants immunity to all damage dealing environmental attacks/effects.]

Inactive Extra Skills 
Frozen Hide [Active: Free Action. Energy: 5 EN. Cooldown: 4 Turns. Effect: As a free action, apply one slot of Frost Aura and one slot of Frost Thorns equal to your tier to yourself until the start of your next turn.]
Lady Luck [Active: Free Action. Energy: 5 EN. Cooldown: 5 Turns. Effect: Replace a single enhancement slot on your weapon with a random enhancement using the Appraiser’s Identification roll until the start of your next turn.]

Combat Mastery
Mitigation [Rank: 3. Active: Passive. Effect: Gain +6*tier Mitigation per rank. Ranks of this Skill obey Mitigation enhancement caps.]

Familiar Skills
Protector Familiar [Active: Free Action. Cooldown: 3 Posts; Effect: The next time you would take damage, your familiar rushes to your aid, reducing the final damage by 10%.]

Estate Buffs
Bedroom [-1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat.]
Living Room [Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.]
Storage Closet [+1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot]
Basement [Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll.]
Extended Workshop [+2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt & +1 crafting attempt per day.]
Greenhouse [+2 Gathering EXP per Attempt and additional +1 LD & CD to gathering attempts.]






Familiar Name: Mio

Familiar Description: Mid-sized kitsune, with nine tails. White in colour, with red markings that appear to be pattern-based.

Familiar Skill: Protector Familiar

Familiar Image


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Profession (Performer)

Profession (Forager)


[2594/2559 EXP] Rank 5 - La Quinta Orchestra: Able to craft Tier 5 equipment. 10 crafts per day. 

Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt.]
Apollo’s Metronome [Crafting Tool; +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]

 Rank 5
[1] = Critical Fail (Lose materials)
[2-3] = Salvage (Keep materials on LD 11+)
[4-6] = Uncommon item (1 slot)
[7-10] = Rare item (2 slots)
[11+] = Perfect item (3 slots)
[1-11] = No additional items.
[12-20] = Masterpiece crafted.

Critical Fail and Fail crafts: +1 +3 EXP
Salvage crafts, regardless of success:
+2 +4 EXP
Uncommon crafts:
+3 +5 EXP
Rare crafts:
+5 +7 EXP
Perfect crafts:
+8 +10 EXP



[∞/500+ EXP] Rank 5 - Grand Master Forager: Successfully forage for materials on a LD 11+. 

Foraging Buffs
Greenhouse [+2 Gathering EXP per Attempt and additional +1 LD & CD to gathering attempts.] 

 Rank 5
[1-4] = No additonal materials.
[5-6] = 1 additional material & 1,000col.
[7-9] = 2 additional materials & 2,500col.
[10+] = 3 additional materials & 3,000col.
Demonic Shard on a foraging roll of LD 17+ and CD 12

 Foraging attempts: +3 EXP
Successful forage: +5 EXP
Critical forage (additional materials/Demonic Shards): +8 EXP


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Equipped Armour & Weapons


Equipped Items
Póg Deiridh [One Handed Assault Spear | Tier 4] A metre and a half in length, the short spear contains a shaft of polished wood with a twisting combination of light and dark violet, with a single line of black separating the colours. The thin blade itself is coloured lavender, with a heart of royal purple. Attached at the connection between shaft and blade, are twisting tassels of violet and ice blue.
Enhancement: Accuracy [2 Slots] | Effect: Gain +(1 per slot) to the BD when attacking. Cannot be used to cause a critical hit.
Enhancement: Frostbite [2 Slots] | Effect: Natural critical attack rolls of 9-10 (1 slot) or natural successful attack rolls of 8-10 (2 slots) deal (10 * Tier) unmitigated Frost damage each enemy turn for 2 turns. In addition, anyone with Frostbite receives a -1 Accuracy debuff until the effect wears off.  Frostbite damage does not stack, but can be refreshed. The highest tier of Frost damage overrides lower tier versions; cannot be overridden by lower-tier versions. [Must hit to activate the status condition.]

Glacadh Morríghan [Heavy Armour | Tier 4] Designed as form fitting half-plate armour, this piece has an open chest area, designed to adjust based on the wearer. Small pauldrons protect the shoulders and neck, while light greaves cover the arms. Coloured in a shifting of soft violet and ice blue, the bottom left front of the torso contains a small curled fox.
Enhancement: Frost Aura [2 Slots] | Effect: Prevent (4 per slot * Tier) damage per slot from successful attacks against you. Successful non-critical attacks against you deal (2 per slot * Tier) unmitigated Frost damage to the attacking enemy.
Enhancement: Heavy Momentum [2 Slots] | After an unsuccessful attack, gain +(1 per slot * Tier) base damage until your next successful attack, at which point this bonus is removed. Another unsuccessful attack will reactivate this enhancement. Must be using the Heavy Armor Skill for this enhancement to take effect. [For Area of Effect attacks: This effect only activates if you miss all enemies targeted by the attack.]

Póg an Gheimhridh [Heater Shield | Tier 4A smaller heater shield, this piece contains the typical heater shape, with a bouche edge on the left hand upper corner, and a tear drop tail that curls towards the right on the bottom edge. Coloured a shifting soft violet and ice blue, a small white fox appears on the forefront, the ideas staring outwards and the mouth pulled back in a snarl.
Enhancement: Paralyse [1 Slot] | Effect: Natural critical attack rolls of 9-10 (1 slot) or natural successful attack rolls of 8-10 (2 slots) remove the enemy’s action on their next turn. Paralyzed opponents lose any evasion properties.
Enhancement: Taunt [1 Slot] | 
 Effect: +1 Hate generated from Howl, Focused Howl, and successful attacks.
Enhancement: Thorns [2 Slots] |  Effect: Successful non-critical attacks against you deal (9 per slot * Tier) unmitigated damage to the attacking enemy. Only activates on damage dealing, melee attacks.


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Roleplay Log
Solo Plays

Roleplay Log
Private Parties

Roleplay Log
Open Parties


The Mountain's Top |  <<Breaking the Unbreakable>> | Complete
The Hammer Time | <<Earning a Living: Blacksmith>> | Complete
Gathering, Gathering...Gathering? | <<Earning a Living: Forager>> | Complete
The Winter Fox | <<Feeding Your Enemy>> | Complete
The Winter Fox Assistant Smith | <<Training Your Friend>> | Complete
The Wasteland Secrets | <<Nature’s Treasures: Little Eden>> | Complete
A Passage of Darkness | <<Let There Be Light>> | Complete
The Battle of the Hammers | <<Challenge of Olympus: Blacksmith>> | Complete
A Return to Eden | <<Nature’s Treasures>> | Complete
Return of the Child | <<Captured>> | Complete
Flames Unkindled | <<Guardian of Fire>> | Complete
The Dragonling | <<DHA 1: Diary of The Dragon Huntsman>> | Complete
Surviving the Sands | <<The Traveler>> | Complete
Winter Wonderland | <<Nature's Treasure>> | Complete
The Colosseum | <<Butcher in the Sands>> | Complete
The Waterfall | <<Calming the Soul>> | Complete
The Hidden Flower | <<Challenge of Olympus: Forager>> | Complete
Finders, Keepers | <<Nature's Treasure>> | Complete
Of Cloaks and Shadows | <<The Gemini>> | Complete
Ophidiophobia | <<Case of Wurms>> | Complete
The Big Fish | <<The Third Lesson>> | Complete
The Sound of Confusion | <<Challenge of Olympus: Performer>> | Complete
A Rumour of Wonders | <<Arabian Nights: The First of Many>> | Complete

Amendum Returned | <<Bandit Camp>> | Complete
Restocking Supplies | <<Nature's Treasure>> | Complete
Heart Torn | <<Feeding Your Enemy>> | Complete
Hunting the Hellstorm | Complete
Hunting Drakelings | <<Trouble in the Mines>> | Complete
Stinger | Complete
Angel on High | Complete
Opportune Hearts | Complete

Iron Will | <<The Iron Guardian>> | Complete
Hauling Halibut | <<Just for the Halibut>> | Complete
The Hunt | <<Nature's Treasure>> | Complete



<<The First Few Lessons>> | Complete
Method to the Madness | Complete
The Quest of Bull Men | <<Search for the Hoya>> | Complete
Dinner in the Dark | Complete
Valentines Day Tournament - Round 1 | Complete
A Second Attempt | <<The Second Lesson>> | Complete
Nemo's Return | <<Nature's Treasures>> | Complete
When The Void Calls | <<Monkey King>> | Complete
Here Little Leo | <<Feeding Your Enemy>> | Complete
The Winters Call | <<Absolute Zero>> | Complete
Training Montage | <<Training Your Friend>> | Complete
A Return to Ronbaru | Complete
The Mean Kitty | <<Training Your Friend>> | Complete
An Guth a Scaoileadh | <<Earning a Living: Performer>> | Complete
Hounds Afire | <<Gatekeeper of Fire>> | Complete
Demons, Mountains, and Beauty | <<DHA 2: The Demon of the Mountains>> | Complete
A Winter's Breadth | <<Harbinger of the Night>> | Complete

The Undergarden | <<Nature's Treasure>> | Complete
Foreshadowing | <<The Night's Shadow>> | Complete
Alternative Methods Required | <<Scouting the Labyrinth>> | Complete

Whirlwind | <<DHA 3: Lost Blessings and Ancient Evils>> | Complete
Revenge | <<The Night's King>> | Complete
Ice Drakes | <<DHA 4: True Family>> | Complete
A Chance Encounter | Complete
Of Luck and Loss | <<The Swashbuckling Buccaneer>> | Complete
It Doesn't Sparkle... | <<Cull of the Dead>> | In Progress
Where's Oji? | Complete

Troll After Dark | Complete
Here, Kitty Kitty |<<Keep Calm and Ki'Raion>> | In Progress
Silent Pillars |<<The Hidden Village>> | Complete
Breaking Bark 2 | In Progress
Sprites and Bushes |<<Elvish Conflict>> | Complete
Nature's Secrets |<<Scents of the Wild: Keepers of Nature>> | Complete
The Four Coconuts |<<Cleansing the Corruption>> | In Progress
Peace and Psychology |<<Elvish Treaties>> | Complete
Facing Kumatetsu |<<Scents of the Wild: Ferocious Foe>> | In Progress
Skyport Rat Roundup |<<Bitter Winds: Trouble at the Skyport>> | Complete
Dead in the Sky |<<Bitter Winds: Mid Air Madness>> | In Progress




Roleplay Log
No Longer In Progress


A Meeting of Fates... | Incomplete - No longer in progress
The Bistro, The Garden, and Beyond | Incomplete - No longer in progress
Of Flames and Friendships | <<Gatekeeper of Fire>> | Incomplete - No longer in progress
From Fangs, to Flames | <<Cull of the Dead>> | Incomplete - No longer in progress
Jerry's First Quest | <<First Lessons>> | Incomplete - No longer in progress
A Whisper in the Night | Incomplete - No longer in progress
Beneath the Scales | <<Bloodstained Land>> | Incomplete - No longer in progress
Ghosts of Ming Garden | <<Rumour Thread>> | Incomplete - No longer in progress
Of Wilting Willows | <<Rumour>> | Incomplete - No longer in progress
relic. | <<Betrayal of the King>> | Incomplete - No longer in progress
Equinox an Earraigh | Incomplete - No longer in progress
Growth in the Garden | <<Nature's Treasure>> | Incomplete - No longer in progress - Closed
Stepping Out | <<Scouting the Labyrinth>> | Incomplete - No longer in progress

Of Nine Hells... | <<Cull of the Dead>> | Incomplete - No longer in progress

Cast the fear aside, onwards! <<The First Few Lessons>> /!\|2 years ago|/!\ | <<The First Few Lessons>> | Incomplete - No longer in progress
Supplies | <<Nature's Treasure>> | Incomplete - No longer in progress
Another Beginning | <<The First Few Lessons>> | Incomplete - No longer in progress

Snowball Fight | Incomplete - No longer in progress
Twas the Night Before Christmas-Eve | Incomplete - No longer in progress - Closed




Friend's List


Player Name: NIGHT (Oíche)

Connection: The First Lessons; Mistakes Once Made.

Status: Alive, whereabouts known.

Player Name: Astreya

Connection: The View; A Purpose of Defence.

Status: Unknown.


Player Name: Jomei

Connection: The dance; Swirling beauty, graceful endings, a story untold. 

Status: Alive, whereabouts known.


Player Name: Onóra

Connection: Sands of Time; The Connection, Lost within the Flow.

Status: Alive, whereabouts known.

Player Name: Baldur

Connection: Bokken; Broken promises, the offer of redemption.

Status: Unknown.


Player Name: Oji

Connection: Wisdoms of the Past; A story of redemption.

Status: Alive, whereabouts known.


Player Name: Koga

Connection: The First Lessons; Protect That Which Others May Harm.

Status: Unknown.

Player Name: Xena

Connection: A Minotaur's Domain; Timid, Yet Feisty.

Status: Alive, whereabouts known.


Player Name: Bismuth

Connection: The First Lessons; Enjoy The Freedom.

Status: Unknown.


Player Name: Hirru

Connection: Breaking Bark; The Protective Knight.

Status: Alive, whereabouts known.

Player Name: 



Player Name: 



Player Name: 



Player Name: 



Player Name: 



Player Name: 



Player Name: 



Player Name: 





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Onora | Appearance

Onóra (3).png

Often donned in light cloth based armour, or a emerald green shirt and brown shorts, covered by a tan coloured cloak. A simplistic straight bladed rapier at her hip, and a smile on her face, emerald eyes watch the world with a sense of humour behind them.




Username: Onora
Real name: Rei Ikamori
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Height: 167cm (5.4ft)
Complexion: Lightly Tanned
Eye Colour: Emerald
Hair Colour: Golden Blonde
Country of Origin: Ireland




Born to a common family in Ireland, Rei spent much of her time playing games as a child - enjoying the freedom from the real world that they brought. When the chance to dive into virtual reality arrived, Rei jumped at it - using it as both an escape, as well as an exercise regime. Although timid at first, Rei has learnt to handle herself in game - reaching higher floors than many other less capable players. She has no goals to join the frontliners, instead spending time creating tailored goods for those who are willing to visit her small shop.




Name: Tori
Description: A small, red coloured ferret barely longer than her forearm, this friend of Onora is often found riding the blonde's shoulder.

HD wallpaper: forest, look, art, fur, animal, ferret | Wallpaper Flare
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Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 61 | HP [960/960] | EN [108/108] | ACC [4] | DMG [9] | MIT [179] | F.AURA [16 DMG] B.Healing [+52] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG | -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG]
Tier 4 | Tier 10 [Laurel Wreath]


  • Póg Deiridh
    [One-Handed Assault Spear | Tier 4]
    Enhancement: Frostbite [2 Slots]
    Enhancement: Accuracy [2 Slots] 
  • Glacadh Morríghan 
    [H. Armour | Tier 4]
    Enhancement: Frost Aura [2 Slots]
    Enhancement: Heavy Momentum [1 Slot]
  • Póg an Gheimhridh
    [Heater Shield | Tier 4]

    Enhancement: Paralyse [1 Slot]
    Enhancement: Taunt [1 Slot]
    Enhancement: Thorns [2 Slots]


Battle-Ready Inventory

  • Dimensional Backpack (+1 Battle-Ready Inventory)
  • Teleport Crystal {3}
  • Starter Healing Potions {4} | Heals 50 HP
  • Siúil a Rún {5} | Tier 3 | Support Song | HP Recovery III
  • Sí do Mhaimeo Í {2} | Tier 4 | Support Song | Monsters’ Fortune I [Instant]
  • Níl Sé'n Lá {1} | Tier 4 | Support Song | Monsters’ Favor III
  • Immolation Potions {10} | Tier 4  | [40 DMG]



Utility Skills

Combat Skills
Battle Healing [Rank: 5. Active: Passive. Effect: While in combat, recover 1% per rank of your maximum HP (rounded down) at the beginning of your turn.]
Fighting Spirit [
Active: Passive. Effect: Attacking and using Howl or Focused Howl generates +1 additional Hate. (Ex. Generate 1/2/3 Hate on a Miss/Hit/Critical attack. Generate 5 Hate when using Focused Howl.)]
Howl [
Active: Post Action. Energy: 2 EN. Cooldown: 2 turns. Effect: Adds +2 Hate each against up to 4 targets.]
[Howl Add-on] Focused Howl [Active: Post Action. Energy: 4 EN. Cooldown: 4 turns. Effect: Adds +4 Hate against a single target.]

Weapon Skills
Polearm [Rank: 5. 
Active: Passive. Effect: +7 DMG]
[Rank 5 Weapon Addon] Stamina [
Active: Passive. Effect: Reduces EN of all attacks by 2.]
[Rank 5 Weapon Addon] Precision [
Active: Passive. Effect: Gain +1 ACC.]
[Rank 5 Weapon Addon] <<Weapon Type>> Focus [
Active: Passive. Effect: Decreases minor critical threshold by 1. Also reduces DoT thresholds by 1. Players cannot use Focus and Ferocity at the same time for the same Weapon Type.]
[Rank 5 Shift] TECH Specialist [
Active: Passive. Effect: For TECH Sword Arts, +4 to multipliers, +3 to EN cost. No other Shifts may be taken.]

Armour Skills
Heavy Armour [Rank: 5. Active: Passive. Effect: 35 MIT. Evasion is capped at 1 slot; -5 Stealth Rating.]
[Heavy Armour Mod] Impetus [Active: Passive. 
Effect: Gain +1 base Damage.]
[Heavy Armour Add-on] Iron Skin [Active: Passive. 
Effect: Gain +15 Mitigation and +15 x Tier HP.]

Active Extra Skills
Assault Mode [Active: Free Action. Energy: 5 EN. Cooldown: 4 Turns. Effect: As a free action, switch your accuracy and evasion values until the start of your next turn.]
Block [
Rank: 5. Active: Passive. Effect: Requires an equipped shield. User’s evasion cannot be greater than 0 (can still be negative). Grants additional mitigation: 25 MIT.]
[Rank 3 Block Mod] Shield Bash [Active: Post Action. Energy: 6 EN. Cooldown: 2 Turns. 
Effect: Make an attack with an equipped shield. On a hit, deals (Base * 10) damage, stuns the enemy for one turn, and applies status and thorns (and variants)  enhancements present on the shield. Note: When calculating Base Damage for Shield Bash, Weapon Skills do not apply.]
[Rank 5 Block Addon] Rampart [Active: Free Action. Energy: 10 EN. Cooldown: 5 Turns. 
Effect: Reduce final damage that would be dealt to you by 25% (rounded down). Effect lasts until the beginning of your next turn.]
Brawler [Active: Free Action. Energy: 5 EN. Cooldown: 5 Turns. Effect: Increase mitigation by 10*tier until the start of your next turn.]
Concentration [Active: Free Action. Cooldown: 5 turns. Effect: As a free action, gain Absolute Accuracy on your next attack. In the case Absolute Accuracy is already present, increase your Accuracy by 1 instead. Effect lasts until the start of next turn.]
Meditation [Active: Post Action. Cooldown: 3 turns. Effect: Recover an additional (4 * Tier) energy.]
Survival [Active: Passive. Effect: Increases Healing effects received from all sources by 10%. Grants immunity to all damage dealing environmental attacks/effects.]

Inactive Extra Skills 
Frozen Hide [Active: Free Action. Energy: 5 EN. Cooldown: 4 Turns. Effect: As a free action, apply one slot of Frost Aura and one slot of Frost Thorns equal to your tier to yourself until the start of your next turn.]
Lady Luck [Active: Free Action. Energy: 5 EN. Cooldown: 5 Turns. Effect: Replace a single enhancement slot on your weapon with a random enhancement using the Appraiser’s Identification roll until the start of your next turn.]

Combat Mastery
Mitigation [Rank: 3. Active: Passive. Effect: Gain +6*tier Mitigation per rank. Ranks of this Skill obey Mitigation enhancement caps.]

Familiar Skills
Protector Familiar [Active: Free Action. Cooldown: 3 Posts; Effect: The next time you would take damage, your familiar rushes to your aid, reducing the final damage by 10%.]


Sword Arts


[x12] ST-I (12 10 EN) | A single-target sword art.
[x15] ST-II (15 13 EN) | A powerful single-target sword art. Only available for use when ST-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if ST-II had been used and had missed the previous turn.
[x20] ST-B (20 18 EN) | A devastating single-target sword art. Can only be used if the sword art used the previous turn is not ST-B and had rolled a natural CD9+. When performing an AoE attack, use only the first roll.
[x11] AOE-I (11 9 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once.
[x14] AOE-II (14 12 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE | A powerful sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. Only available for use when AOE-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if AOE-II had been used and had missed the previous turn.
[x16] TECH-A (16 14 EN) | STUN | A single-target sword art that stuns an enemy.
[x16] TECH-B (15 13 EN) | DELAY | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, applies [Delay] on the enemy. [Delay] is a status condition that reduces the enemy’s ACC by 1 for one turn.
[x16] TECH-C (15 13 EN) | COUNTER | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, places [Counter] around the player. [Counter] reduces the final damage taken by its user by 25% (rounded down) for one turn.
[x16] TECH-D (15 13 EN) | SHATTER | A single-target sword art that applies [Shatter] to an enemy for 3 turns. [Shatter] is a debuff that can stack up to a cap of 3. Each stack of [Shatter] removes -20 MIT from an enemy, down to 0, if it has MIT.
[x12] TECH-F (11 9 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE STUN | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. All struck targets are stunned for one turn.
[x16] TECH-G (15 13 EN) | BURN | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, applies [Burn] on the enemy. [Burn] is a DoT ailment that deals [14 * Player Tier] unmitigated Burn damage for 2 turns.


Estate Buffs


Bedroom [-1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat.]
Living Room [Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.]
Storage Closet [+1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot]
Basement [Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll.]
Extended Workshop [+2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt & +1 crafting attempt per day.]
Greenhouse [+2 Gathering EXP per Attempt and additional +1 LD & CD to gathering attempts.]





Anime Storage Room Background


Equipment (Stored) 


Blade of the Sands [T2 | One-Handed Straight Sword | DMG II | Keen I]
Tealeaf Whip [T1 Whip | DMG I]

Solitude's Sorrow [Scythe | Tier 4 Enhancement: Accuracy II | Enhancement: Bleed I]
Reaper's Charge [Scythe | Tier 4 | Accuracy III | Static I]
Siondhe [War Scythe | Tier 4 | Freeze II | Envenom I]

Armour of the Sands [Light Armour | Tier 2 | Mitigation II]
Reaper's Defence [Light Armour | Tier 4 | Evasion II | Light Momentum]
Reaper's Aegis [
Light Armour | Tier 4 | Evasion II | Mitigation II]

Twin-Fox Bracelet [Trinket | Tier 4 | Recovery II | Evasion I]
Arrowhead Brooch | Tier 1 Trinket | Accuracy III
Music Box | Tier 1 Trinket | LD III
Ormi's Blessing | Silver Ring [Trinket] | Increases EVA by +2 for one post. Can be equipped outside 3 slot limit. Has a 5 post cooldown. Stacks with other EVA. Has 3 charges. Does not stack with other blessings. Not Transferrable.
Angler Scales | T3 Trinket: +1 LD, +2 Prosperity



Alchemic Consumables
Super-Duper Anti Snake Sauce (Salve) | Tier 1 | Antidote 2
Uncommon Health Potions {5} | Tier 1 | Heals 5% of Maximum HP
Uncommon Overhealth Potion {1} | Tier 1 | Adds 5% of Maximum HP to users Maximum HP for a thread
Rare Health Potions {1} | Tier 1 | Heals 10% of Maximum HP
Fruit Infused Tea {3} | Tier 3 | Potion | HP Recovery III
Axintori Alcemitanti {7} | Tier 4 | Potion | Overhealth III
Percephonius Pyratius {1} | Tier 4 | Potion | Damage III
Divinity's Protection {1} | Tier 3 | Potion | Overhealth III
Cold Brew Coffee {3} | Tier 1 | Potion | HP Recovery III

Cook Consumables
Caribou Stew {1} | Tier 4 | Meal | Protein II
Big Bertha Braciole | Unique Consumable (Meal) | A fishy entree that restores +2 additional EN each turn in combat for one thread.
Boar Jerky | T1 Consumable (Meal) | MIT I
Ketchup Chips {1} | Tier 4 | Snacks| Probiotics III
Poutine {3} | Tier 4 | Meal | Overhealth I
Popcorn {10} | Tier 4 | Snack | Vitality II
Bingsu {8} | Tier 4 | Dessert | Mitigation III

Performer Consumables
Eleanór a Rún {1} | Tier 1 | Support Song | HP Recovery I
Fill-iù Oro Hù Ò {1} | Tier 1 | Support Song | HP Recovery II
Clann Ulaidh {1} | Tier 2 | Debuff Song | Lullaby I
Clann Ulaidh {1} | Tier 2 | Debuff Song | Lullaby I [Instant]
Cànan nan Gàidheal {6} | Tier 2 | Debuff Song | Incarceration
Bothan Àirigh Am Bràigh Raithneach {1} | Tier 2 | Support Song | HP Recovery I
Siúil a Rún {3} | Tier 2 | Support Song | HP Recovery I
Siúil a Rún {3} | Tier 2 | Support Song | HP Recovery II
Siúil a Rún {4} | Tier 2 | Support Song | HP Recovery III
Cànan nan Gàidheal {1} | Tier 3 | Debuff Song | Lullaby I
Cànan nan Gàidheal {1} | Tier 3 | Debuff Song | Lullaby I [Instant]
Clann Ulaidh {1} | Tier 3 | Debuff Song | Lullaby I [Instant]
Clann Ulaidh {1} | Tier 3 | Debuff Song | Lullaby II
Clann Ulaidh {1} | Tier 3 | Debuff Song | Lullaby II [Instant]
Siúil a Rún {2} | Tier 3 | Support Song | HP Recovery I
Siúil a Rún {1} | Tier 3 | Support Song | HP Recovery I [Mass]
Siúil a Rún {2} | Tier 3 | Support Song | HP Recovery III
Siúil a Rún {1} | Tier 3 | Support Song | HP Recovery III [Mass]
Eleanór a Rún {3} | Tier 4 | Support Song | HP Recovery III [Mass]
Eleanór a Rún {2} | Tier 4 | Support Song | HP Recovery I [Mass]
Eleanór a Rún {1} | Tier 4 | Support Song | HP Recovery III
Eleanór a Rún {3} | Tier 4 | Support Song | HP Recovery II
Eleanór a Rún {1} | Tier 4 | Support Song | HP Recovery I
Sí do Mhaimeo Í {2} | Tier 4 | Support Song | Monsters’ Fortune I

Miscellaneous Consumables
Blank Dungeon Map {4} | Tier 4
Random Dungeon Map {1} | ID219906
Spyglass {2} | Use to reduce the number of posts required to search for a dungeon, familiar or field bosses by 5 posts. Effect lasts for one thread.
Golden Key {9} | A single-use item that grants an LD bonus when opening a Treasure Chest. Grants +2 LD bonus.
Hellstorm {1} | T2 Unique Consumable | Apply 20*Player's Tier DMG to every attack (as Phase damage) for a single thread.
Elven Armor Salve | T1 Unique Consumable [Re-usable] | Once applied to the user’s armor, all attacks they perform will generate +1 hate. Does not stack with Fighting Spirit. [Misses generate 1 hate, hits 2 hate, and crits 3 hate.]
Crystal of Support | Unique Consumable [3/3 charges] | A mass healing crystal that heals the user and each party member for (50 * Target's Tier) HP. Requires a Post Action to use.

Immolation Potions {8} | Tier 4 | When used, successful non-critical attacks against you deal (10 * Tier) unmitigated damage to the attacking enemy. Must be of the appropriate tier to use. Effect lasts for one thread.
Elven Fire | Consumable [3/3 charges] | Applies a T1 Burn Effect to a weapon for a single thread. This item has 3 charges and is destroyed on the third use. 


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